The Religious Education Congress is sponsored by 
The Los Angeles Catholic Archdiocese 
Office of Religious Education

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Comments for Congress 2004

Share your experiences or ask questions about the Religious Education Congress. We'd like to know what you think. Your comments and our replies will be posted for others to share.

Name: J. Cruz
Date: April 15, 2004

Would you consider burning the Congress talks onto CDs? People could place their order and have all the talks they want on one or two CDs. If the turnaround time would be comparable, it seems that you'd save a lot of money on tapes. The quality would also be better.


This is actually not a new issue. We have considered audio CDs for the past two years. However, the demand is not there ... yet. Apparently, the average Congress attendee, for now, prefers a cassette tape over a CD.

Name: Jenn Kelly
Date: March 27, 2004

Will Matt Maher be at Youth Day next year?


We have not made plans at this point, but we will consider having him return. We should have decisions made by mid-May.

Thank you,
Mike Norman, Youth Day Coordinator

Name: maria
Date: March 22, 2004

Dr. Wayne W. Dyer, affectionately called the "father of motivation" by his fans, is someone you might want to look into as having for a speaker ( Dr. Dyer is one of the most widely known and respected people in the field of self-empowerment.

Name: Ron Erin
Date: March 19, 2004

Is there any way to get Jeannie Cotter to do a workshop next year? She use to do workshops several years back and I was always inspired by her talent, intelligence, honesty, and spiritually. Though it was nice to see her as a vendor @ Mythic Rain, I miss the 'journey' of her workshops. Any chance? Cordially, Ron Erin

Name: Diane
Date: March 14, 2004

Except for one year when I was undergoing cancer treatment, I have been attending Congress for 37 years. I'm always impressed by the depth and breadth of the speakers, and one of the highlights of my days there is watching friendships renewed and made.

My concern deals with the exhibitor screening process. The exhibit hall is WAY too small for the number of booths and people shopping between sessions and at lunch. I understand why most of the exhibitors are there . . . music, books, liturgical goods. But I went off the deep end when I saw the booths selling rocks from the Holy Land! It seems that the exhibit hall is being turned into the Saturday morning swap meet at the drive-in. I wonder how many other people think that we can dispense with "dolls of the saints" and "stones from the Dead Sea." Please re-focus and rethink some of the exhibits, please.

P.S. Just checked on a reservation for Congress 2005. The Hilton Anaheim is booked solid already!

Name: Katie Singleton
Date: March 14, 2004

I was just wondering if Matt Maher will be performing at Youth Day 2005. He is such an inspiration to so many at my youth ministry including me. He brings something so special to Youth Day, it would be really great if he played next year.


It is nice to hear how much you and others enjoyed him. We have not made plans at this point, but we will consider having him return. We should have decisions made by mid-May.

Thank you,
Mike Norman, Youth Day Coordinator

Name: Joe Ferrall
Date: March 10, 2004

The workshops, liturgies, gatherings, etc. were all excellent. However, I have to point out something that was said in Workshop 5-16: Ritual Use of Spirituals & Gospel Music by Tom Kendzia and ValLimar Jansen. In general, it was a lively and informative workshop. However, one statement made by Tom Kendzia should be corrected. He noted that he was "going to shake some Catholic cages" and then proceeded to say that "the music is the liturgy." This is obviously way off and could seriously have misguided some folks by such an outrageous remark. ValLimar Jansen was very inspiring and was able to engage the audience in singing gospel and spiritual music. She and her husband Frank are gifts to us...and so is Tom, assuming he doesn't mean what he said, or what I thought I heard him say!


Dear Joe Ferrall,

I completely understand your concern about Tom Kendzia's comment. I hope that I am accurate when I interpret his comment to mean that our Liturgy has enjoyed a symbiotic relationship with music that stretches back into antiquity. Music and Liturgy are inextricably linked. I can agree with that.

As you probably know, there are parts of our Roman Catholic Liturgy that are not permitted to be spoken, and are omitted if not sung. Perhaps Tom was referring to the role that music plays within our liturgical worship. I can only repeat what I believe. Traditionally, there is a very strong symbiotic relationship between our beautiful Roman Catholic Liturgy and beautiful music. Beautiful, sacred music is a complement to Liturgy or brings "holy punctuation" to our Liturgy. However, Music is not the Liturgy.

May the peace of Christ be with you always. Your Sister-in-Christ, and fellow servant,
ValLimar Jansen

Name: Maria
Date: March 10, 2004

I need to find out who the priest that I had reconciliation with during the Saturday session was? Any ideas how I might be able to find out?


Fr. David Loftus is Consultant for Adult Religious Education and Congress Coordinator of the priests for Sacramental Reconciliation. He may be able to steer you in the direction of who was hearing Confessions on Saturday. His email address is

Also, if you are aware that your pastor and/or associate will be attending Congress please consider inviting them to participate in helping to offer the celebration of Sacramental Reconciliation. In gratitude for their priestly role we offer a 50% discount on their Congress registration. You may contact Fr. David about this as well.

Name: cm needham
Date: March 08, 2004

You need to notify the hotels so we can get our reservations and group rate for 2005. Thanks, this year's was terrific.


We won't have hotel contracts for a few months yet. Keep checking our home page ( for updated hotel information.

Name: Robert Shaw
Date: March 07, 2004

This was to be our first Congress attended; however, we were excluded because you did not follow through with ticket distribution. You processed our credit card for the fee's on January 17th and then failed to send out the workshop tickets as promised. Not good! We were patient as asked and then at the last minute tried again to reach your office and found the phone line disconnected! What gives?


Tickets were mailed out until February 10, 2004. A number of tickets were returned and all tickets not mailed were available at the Will Call area of Registration at Congress. As for a contacting us by telephone; we pack up and move to Anaheim on the Tuesday before Congress. You can contact Jan Pedroza by email or phone 213-637-7348 to find out what happened with your tickets.

Name: Sue Hawkes
Date: March 06, 2004

As usual Congress was fantastic! I have a few questions though: The first has to do with Youth Day. Why are their sessions not taped as those on the weekend? My son, who is a high school freshman was unable to attend this year. My daughter told me what great speakers Youth Day had and wished her brother could have heard them. Would it be possible to tape next years sessions, so those who couldn't attend and for those who did attend buy them to listen and share with others? 

My other question also deals with our young people. Could there be a special price for our youth who are between the ages of 15/16 and 18 who attend the three day weekend Congress with their parents? These are the future Religious Education Teachers. My daughter (16) aides and will be teaching a Sunday School class next year and would have like to have attended a few classes (one or two) with me and was refused entrance. As I didn't want her waiting outside my session alone, I was unable to attend that session. I even offered to wait to see if there was room after the session started but was rudely turned away. I just think we should offer some type of student standby passes (small fee) for those who attend with their parents not just shut them out. Outside of that one session, I thought all sessions were fantastic this year! I want to send my deepest appreciation to all who work so hard all year to put this together. I hope and pray that I can one day I can come and help you all. Have to get teenagers out of house first!! Thank you again.


Unfortunately, it has never been financially advantageous for us to tape Youth Day talks.  I do not believe we will ever tape them because there are not enough people that would buy tapes.  Sorry.

Mike Norman, Youth Day Coordinator

Name: Hendrik Mills
Date: March 05, 2004

The pictures of your liturgy, for this about-to-convert-to-Catholicism Protestant, give a good reason to search out a traditional, Latin Mass group and avoid the Novus Ordo altogether. Why did it take Mel Gibson, a Latin Mass traditionalist, to make "The Passion of the Christ"? Why did no Novus Ordo Catholic make it? Could it be that you are destroying the faith of millions? Get back to Saint Pius V's truly reverent Mass! A smaller but devout Church, centered on Christ our Lord, is better than a big tent full of heretics and unrepentant sinners.

Name: Salvador Rodriguez
Date: March 04, 2004

I ordered some tapes and I want to know how much longer it will be before I receive them?


Convention Seminar Cassettes records the sessions for Congress. They state that their normal delivery time is four to six weeks. If you have a specific question, you can contact them at

Name: patrick
Date: March 04, 2004

I think Congress was rubbish. The dress was immodest and the priest frivolous... just pathetic. Fr. Tony talked a lot of nonsense... just watered down. This has been my tipping point, I have been in spiritual anguish over the church and hope to find some real goodness and love. Now I am going to take the plunge -- I am going to become a Tridentine Latin mass Catholic.

Name: Anna Marie
Date: February 29, 2004

What a lovely occasion to be had by all! I was very impressed by the young people who danced at the Hawaiian Liturgy, especially at the Offertory when we had the dancing and the dressing of the Altar. How come no pictures of the Dressing of the Altar? I loved how it was a place to be relaxed and how Fr. George was able to teach me many things about Liturgy in a different perspective. Also, morning praise was a wonderful event. The sound wasn't all that good, but it worked out in the end. The presider led us well in worship, but her arm movement on when to stand and when to sit was a little too much for me.

Also, for EMs [extraordinary ministers of the Eucharist] who sign up for one Liturgy, should be able to sign up for that one Liturgy. I was asked to "step down" form my service when I found out that others who were serving at all Arena liturgies had seniority. If you are serving on the Arena floor, I believe that there should be 3 Ministers of the Cup. At the Hawaiian Liturgy, only 1 cup was behind the Altar Table, right in front of the stairs itself. There was about 15 more people, plus myself, who didn't get to receive the Precious Blood. Many other distribution stations had 2 and I saw one that had 3 cups. I was surprised how at the back of the Altar itself, had only 2 ministers, 1 bread and 1 cup.

Overall, I was pleased at how Congress went this year and how powerful song and dance can be in liturgy.

Name: Pat Travis, Omaha, NE
Date: February 28, 2004

As a first time participant I as amazed and awed! Thank you for the hours of work your staff did to make my experience a life changing event. I look forward to coming next year and hope to bring the whole religion faculty as well as some students. Is it possible to have some sessions on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday which would be marked as appropriate for senior high students? Since our students will need to stay the full weekend with us, we will be directing them to workshops throughout the weekend. Thanks so much for such a wonderful experience and for gathering such an amazing group of speakers! I am already using information gained!

Name: Karen Souza
Date: February 28, 2004

Our group had a great time. And some of the classes were much better than advertised!!! Big suggestion: We have some members with walking issues. Would it be possible to state right in the first catalog when a class will be off site. The Marriott is just manageable, but the further ones are too far to walk. It would be nice to know then you just wouldn't take the class. Thanks!


Actually, rooms are assigned after we receive 5,000 registrations. That will provide up with a projection of workshop attendance. From that, we assign rooms that will accommodate such an attendance.

Name: Mary Lou Vanderlip
Date: February 26, 2004

It was unfortunate that so many people had to be turned away from the Contemplative Liturgy on Saturday evening. It was even more disturbing to learn that there was an empty room available that would have held twice the number of people. Perhaps the quieter liturgies could have equal access to larger room spaces next year. Thank you.

Name: Char Atencio
Date: February 26, 2004

I had to leave on Saturday, and I am curious as to whether there was a surprise speaker and who it was. Also, if there was one when did they speak. This was my first RECongress and I do plan on attending again and bring others with me. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to learn from the masters.

Name: Christina Garcia
Date: February 25, 2004

Congress workshops are always an inspiration. I am an educator who always receives motivation from them. I would like to know what steps to take to become a presenter myself for the 2005 Congress.

Name: Vince Lieggi
Date: February 25, 2004

This was the third Congress for me and my wife and was as in the past an extremely uplifting and enjoyable experience. This year (2004) we had a few disappointments. The Black Culture Mass was not as great as it had been in the Past with Msgr. J-Glenn Murray and though good did not meet the inspirational level as the past two years. On the other hand the Jazz liturgy on Friday was tremendous and we were almost disappointed that it lasted only two and a half hours - Fr. Tony Ricard was great.

We find that the hardest part is when we need to select the workshops that we will attend. Most sessions have hard choices between the excellent presenters listed. However, we would like to suggest that overall the number of various workshops be reduced and the most popular presenters be scheduled more -- maybe even four times, even if it is the same topic -- so that more of us can hear those excellent speakers.

Sr. Helen Prejean, Fr. Tony Ricard, Bill Huebsch, Fr. Mullen, Dr. Smith-Christopher and Sr. Nancy Sylvester were a few of the excellent speakers we would like to be able to more easily schedule for the weekend but most times they are scheduled at the same time so hard choices have to be made. We do buy the tapes but would rather see them in person.

Overall though it was again a wonderful experience and one my wife and I will remember for a long time. Thank you for all the work that you do and we both are looking forward to next year.

Name: Brandon
Date: February 25, 2004

I've been coming to Congress since I was in fifth grade, I'm 24 now and it just gets better and better. I hope next year you are able to get Fr. Tony Ricard for more workshops than this year and maybe get Matt Maher to do the music for the young adult mass. I have a question, as well: Did the special guest come and I missed them? Who was it?

Date: February 25, 2004

I hope next year that you will put Sr. Anne Smollin on Saturday instead of Sunday.

Name: Glenn Meyer
Date: February 25, 2004

Another excellent weekend. Educational and inspirational. In the future better accommodations for handicap -- in the arena and the individual sessions and Masses -- whether in a wheelchair or walking with a cane. Better signage would also help. Having said that, my wife and I look forward to the next one. Keep up the good work on providing excellent speakers/presenters.

Name: Josephine Mislang
Date: February 24, 2004

Dear Youth Congress Personnel,

Just returned from our first trip of Youth Day 2004 and what an exciting time we all had! Thank you for all your hard work and efforts. We're already planning our trip for next year!

Would you happen to have the dates for next year's Youth Day? We'd like to stay at Hilton Anaheim, but need to know the dates first. Also, they ran out of t-shirts. Hopefully we can preorder them on line for next year's convention. Some of the kids were disappointed.

Until then, hope to hear from you soon. Thank you once again. Next year I plan to stay the entire weekend too!


Next years dates are scheduled for:
February 17, 2005 (Youth Day)
February 18, 19 & 20, 2005

Name: Lynette Castiglione
Date: February 24, 2004

I am from San Francisco and have attended Congress for several years now and love everything, the workshops, the liturgies. However, I have a few complaints and questions that I really think the Congress should consider now. This year the sound was awful in the Arena and in the workshops. This is not fair to the speakers or your audience. You have fixed it most years in the past but this year it was bad. I also think that when you put the youth mass in the Marriott you should put it in a room where everyone can see and hear it. I also think that the jam concert in the Marriott should not be right next door to the dance where you can't possibly have good sound. You really should plan this better. The sound has got to be good in order for everything to work and have every good performer and speaker be heard. It is the key to making this successful and you need to work on this part of Congress.

Also you need more structure guidelines at Communion if you are upstairs; you really don't know where to go especially if you are new have a person announce that the eucharistic ministers will be in the corridor or have an usher at each section guiding people. It was a big traffic jam to get communion, I know these are criticisms but it is because I love congress so much that it should shine all the way. I brought three new people and they all said they will be back next year and maybe even more new people from my parish.

My final questions are these: Will you ever consider not having every event at the same time and spreading the concerts and liturgies out more? And will you ever consider changing the date of Congress? I really like the best my first year when it was in April. Finally, it was fantastic as ever; just some stuff to consider.

Name: Lynnell Prediger
Date: February 24, 2004

I attended Congress this year for the first time. I had heard many wonderful things about it and thought, "Probably too good to be true..." I was, happily, mistaken! You are to be congratulated for a fantastic event - so well organized and put together, such high quality speakers, and amazing liturgies! Blessings on

Name: Martha Capetillo
Date: February 23, 2004
Just attended this year's congress this weekend.  Really terrific, I can't wait for 2005.  Attending this event really energizes me.  Congress should be held every six months instead of once a year.
My only suggestion is to allow the exhibitors to remain open later.  There is not enough time to view the exhibits or make any purchases between workshops.  And one hour after the last workshop or after mass is not enough time.  If exhibits were to open after hours, I'm sure people would stay and shop.
Looking forward to next year.  Great job!

Name: KarryAnn Luttge
Date: February 23, 2004
What a great Congress.  I always look forward the last day when I am going home.  I am already looking forward to next year.  I wish I could keep the feeling I have when I am at congress all year long.  It is hard.  I would  like to help out with congress next year if possible. 
Thanks to all

Name: Maryann Bartell
Date: February 23, 2004
I attended the Religious Education Congress for the first time this past weekend and was astounded (and periodically overwhelmed) at the number of participants.  There were times when there was complete gridlock in the hallways and escalators as people attempted to move from one workshop to another, and waits of 10 minutes or more were common at the women's restrooms.  (It will be awhile before I will voluntarily stand in line again -- for anything.)  When I arrived home at night (I live close enough to commute) I was exhausted by having had too many people, too close, for too long during the day. 
I am delighted that there are so many who want to expand their knowledge and experience of Catholicism, but I really didn't expect to encounter such vast numbers.  My mother (who did not attend) was at Mass on Sunday at a local parish and the priest announced that there were 73,000 at the Congress. Even though it sometimes FELT like that many, the number he mentioned seems very high. The program stated that there were approximately 36,000 at the Congress and Youth Day combined in 2003, and fewer than 22,000 at the Congress alone. Were there really that many more this year?  If not, how many actually attended? 
I was, by the way, extremely pleased with my workshops.  The speakers were wonderful and the Masses at 5:30 on Friday and Saturday were beautiful and spiritual.  After the opening ceremonies, however, I did not venture into the arena again.  I was too intimidated by the crowd that I experienced there on Friday morning.  Overall, I am very happy that I attended this Congress.  The only thing that might keep me away in the future would be the sheer volume of attendees.


You can find the latest Congress 2004 statistics at


Name: Carrie-Lou Gray
Date: February 23, 2004

I attended Congress 2004. just as I have nearly every year since 1970. A strange thing happened to me this year. I filled out my registration form as soon as I got it in November, with my new address on it. However, when it was processed and my tickets were mailed out, they were sent to my old address. How did this happen?


Our Registration Guidebooks are mailed to those who attended Congress the prior year. There are a number of people who move during the year, so before we mail the Guidebook, we run the attendance list through an address forwarding program. However, this doesn't automatically update the address in our database until the Registration Card is mailed back. In your case, we must have missed the fact that your address changed.

Name: Wendy Grasso
Date: February 23, 2004

I think it would be great to have an online evaluation form. Also, it would also be nice to have a few blank pages in both the Registration book & the Program Guidebook


It's been suggested and is a great idea. We'll look into having one for next year. As for the blank pages, we do provide them when if works for the page count; we'll consider it as a "feature" of the Program Book.

Name: Sia Mu
Date: February 23, 2004

I attended the congress this past weekend and was not able to turn in my evaluation. Is there a possibility of having on-line evaluation? If not where can I send my evaluation?


If you didn't get a chance to fill out your evaluation, you may mail it in to: Congress Office, 3424 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90010. An online evaluation is a great idea, maybe we'll have that for next year.

Name: Donna J. Hoey
Date: February 09, 2004

How do we speak to someone about a problem with the Youth Day tickets received. The typist combined 2 names leaving us 1 short. One name being the chaperone. So all of her class has the wrong name for the chaperone.


Donna, we can correct any errors where people have been missed off your registration form. We do not correct misspellings or changes of name (you would have to use the tickets as assigned). For registration problems, you can contact Jan Pedroza at 213-637-7348 or email with the full information.

Name: Ron Marcoux
Date: February 08, 2004

Question: I will be at the Congress as an exhibitor, but we will probably be overstaffed. Is there any possibility that a couple of us could attend some of the sessions that are not full?

Name: Sharon Johnson
Date: February 08, 2004

I was registered as part of a group and did not choose my classes myself. May I change some of the classes I am registered for online by Feb. 10, or do I have to wait to exchange those class tickets at Congress?


We will no longer be mailing out tickets after February 9th (by the time you would have mailed back tickets). You have two options:

Name: Sister Mary Brennan
Date: February 07, 2004

I tried to complete online registration but the form would not let me type in the total amount--$60 so program kept sending me back to put in that number but it did not accept the number.


To update the "Total Amount" on the online Congress registration form. You need to select one of the check boxes above it. For example, the box -- "No Contribution" to the Endowment Fun -- will fill in a total.

Name: Samantha
Date: February 03, 2004

Looking below I think that adding Diana Macalintal would be a great idea. Can't wait for Congress...

Name: Leung
Date: January 30, 2004

I'm from San Francisco, and I registered for Congress about a month ago, through the Archdiocese of San Francisco. When should I receive the confirmation mail from the Congress? Thanks.


If you registered online -- and if you provide your email address -- you would receive an email confirmation once for your credit card charge and again when your registration is processed. If you mailed in your registration, your only confirmation will be your tickets mailed to you. Tickets started being mailed this year about  January 19 -- and are mailed in order of registration number.

Name: Shaun
Date: January 23, 2004

I'm from Singapore, and will be catching a plane to LA on February 15th. What should I do if my tickets don't arrive in Singapore before my flight date? Can I present my workshop confirmation form for verification?


Tickets are being mailed out (in order of registration number). We are evaluating foreign addresses. If we feel it won't arrive it in time for travel, we hold them for pickup at the Will Call next to Registration Booth at Congress. And, of course, you may always present your workshop confirmation form as proof. (Only the forms with a printed V number are considered "official" proof.)

Name: RJ
Date: January 20, 2004

I think that for Congress 2005, we should include another presenter/speaker. I have been touched numerous times by internationally known liturgist, music director, initiation director, liturgical journal author, author, campus minister and San Jose diocesan leader of Liturgy, Diana Macalintal Kaulback. I have faith that she can bring a lot to RECongress and its participants. I can back her up by saying that she knows her stuff and is willing to go all the way in bringing Liturgy and music to life!

Name: Ron Erin
Date: January 16, 2004

When should we expect to receive our registration tickets?


Tickets have already begun being mailed -- beginning  January 21, 2004. They are being mailed out in the order of registration number (i.e., it may be a week before registration #10,000 is mailed.

Name: Michelle Desmond
Date: January 12, 2004

I was registering for Congress 2004 online and then as I was picking workshops my computer goofed and now I can't sign up for any workshops and I'm being sent tickets for random workshops! HELP!!!!


You can check our Online Help Page for what to do in various situations for online registrations. Also, contact with your registration questions. (General questions about Congress should be emailed to

You can make changes if you act right away. (You can contact and they'll help you resubmit your workshop sessions.) However, in your particular case, your submission has already been processed. Here are the choices you have at this point:

  1. You may use the tickets you receive (since there were no workshop selections made you will receive Arena tickets -- which are the most popular session for each period); or
  2. You may exchange your tickets (after Friday noon) at the Ticket Exchange Booth; or
  3. Just use the ticket you were assigned for the workshop you would like to attend -- if there is available seating.


Date: January 11, 2004

Are the exhibits open on Youth Day? We will be coming early this year and would like to be able to talk with company reps on that day should it be possible.


The Exhibit Booths in Hall A are only put together after Youth Day on Thursday. They work late into the night for the public opening of Hall A on Friday at 8 a.m. You may find our online Exhibitors Listing useful (we also have a listing of Exhibitors by Categories). You might contact them ahead of time.

Name: Sylvia McGrath
Date: December 11, 2003

Sister Joyce Rupp is my favorite spiritual writer and I am thrilled that she is to be a part of this year's Congress. Can you tell me when she will be presenting? Thank you.


Joyce Rupp will offer two workshops this year. The first workshop will be on Friday -- Session 2-23: "Teachings from My Spiritual Mentors" at 1-3:30 p.m. -- and her second will be on Saturday -- Session 6-20: "Putting Purpose and Passion into Ministry" at 3-4:30 p.m.

Name: Sister Ruth Marie
Date: November 15, 2003

I would like to know if you have Registration for one day only. If you do I would also like to know what is the cost of one-day registration? Thank You.


Congress does not have a one-day rate. The $50 price is good for the entire weekend -- including all entertainment.. It really is a bargain. For most conferences, that would be the one-day rate!

Name: Mary Rita McBroom
Date: November 05, 2003

I am very impressed with Fr. Richard Rohr. I listen to his tapes and I would like to attend his session on the Trinity.


Fr. Rohr's workshop -- 3-19: "What Difference Does Trinity Make?" -- is a Period 3 session, held Friday, Feb 20 at 3:00 p.m. It will be taped and available for sale both at Congress and afterward through the Tape Order page.

Name: James
Date: September 29, 2003

I know there are cassette recordings of the presenters. I was wondering if the presentations/speakers could be video taped? I work at a Catholic high school and I think it would be useful if I could show the students some presentations from youth day, since most do not go.

Name: Noehmi
Date: September 23, 2003

Can you please liven up the event for young adults in the 20-35 age can get boring. I love being Catholic but I don't like all the boring music. Let's pretend to be Baptist sometimes and feel God within our rejoicing, this is another way to worship together. I'm sure Christian artists would love to come...Chris Rice, FFH, Jaci Velasquez, Steven Curtis Chapman, Mercy Me, Winans, Say La, Take 6....any of those are great and easy to relate to.

Name: Jim and Elaine Vela
Date: September 15, 2003

Where is Bobby Fisher? He is a wonderful uplifting part of Congress and has many terrific workshops. We missed him last year, too. Please bring him back.

Name: Lynette Castiglione
Date: September 13, 2003

I love Congress. Every year it gets better, especially musically. However, I feel that there are some changes that need to be made, to make it even better now. Three years ago I made a comment about the sound and the next year you fixed it. Now I wish I got this request in earlier, but hopefully for Congress 2005 it will be considered. Now here is my suggestion: Even out the times of the events and don't have them all at the same time. It makes it difficult to go to everything. And bring back Grayson Warren Brown!
Sincerely, Lynette


Hi Lynette,

Your suggestion to bring back Grayson Warren Brown is a great one.  We will put his name on our invitation list for 2005.  I am not sure I understand what you mean by “even out the scheduling for Congress events.”  Could you please elaborate further on this suggestion.

Mary Lou McGee, Congress Coordinator

Name: Fr. David Kraeger, T.O.R.
Date: September 12, 2003

I attended Congress about 8 years ago and enjoyed it very much. I do order tapes from Congress to listen to in my car. From my experience when I attended, I found some of the workshops excellent, but there were others that offered me nothing new or that I could have given myself! Do you have some means to indicate the level of the various workshops, for beginners, or for those who already are knowledgeable in a topic? Thanks.


Thank you so much for participating at the Religious Education Congress and for your astute question. At the present time, we do not identify workshops for beginners or those who are further along in their understanding of a particular topic.  Doing something like this in the future is certainly deserves consideration.  

Mary Lou McGee, Congress Coordinator

Name: Juan Carlos
Date: September 11, 2003

Hi, I'm an art teacher in St. John of God School in Norwalk, CA. I teach students life drawing and history of art. I was wondering if there is any art scholarship or bond that is available for students (grade 5-8), or maybe an art contest.

I would like to give a child or two an award of this type by the end of the year to motivate them to continue in the arts. You would be amazed at the pieces they turn in. Can you help? Do you know of any web sites, events and/or means of acquiring this?

- Juan Carlos Garcia, Art Teacher


Juan, sounds like a GREAT idea! Good luck.

You can reaching the Department of  Catholic Schools at (213) 637-7300. There are staff assigned to specific schools; you can ask for your regional supervisor for elementary schools. ... or maybe a website search -- try Google and type in something like:  "art scholarships for grades 5-8"

These might have information or connections - try contacting:
Cal Arts; National Endowment for the Arts; Los Angeles County Museum of Art; MOCA - Museum of Contemporary Art

Or these local organizations also might have information, contact:
Los Angeles Times (events); Los Angeles Unified School District; California Arts Council; Norton Simon; Huntington Library; Gene Autry Museum

Name: Ben
Date: March 2003

Los Angeles Religious Education Congress
From February 28 to March 2, I attended the Los Angeles Religious Education Congress. Through the 8 classes provided in those three days, I hope to be a better Sunday school teacher at our humble little Holy Family Church in San Diego. At Congress, we attended many services, sang many songs, listened to many stories and saw many pictures of people helping each other. This gallery [I have made] contains a few pictures of the three days we were there...

Los Angeles Religious Education Congress Photo Gallery by Ben

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