Name: Cyrus
May 30, 2010

I love Congress 2010!!! The Liturgies were Incredible...(I'm just a kid so I cant go to the real Congress). I hope the theme song is good like 2010's theme song!!!!! My mom told me if I get A's I can go to the Opening Rite. I'm gonna make plans and all that...THANK YOU FOR HAVING CONGRESS. YOU GUYS INSPIRED ME TO BE A CATECHIST (since I go to mass like 3 times to sing in Choir and be an Altar Server)...I've been watching the Congress vids so much I know everything about Congress....See you IN 2011!!!!

Name: Glenda O'Grady
Date: April 13, 2010

I took the online survey a couple days after our LA Congress. Everyone did a Superb job and the one thing I did comment that needed addressing is: God deserves more space in Sacred Space, in the adoration / quiet room. My suggestion was to take the 3 rooms and give 2 rooms to God and one small room for art and the Labyrinth. We have thousands of square feet devoted to our LA Congress and God got squished into too small a space. When I went up to this room each day... people were packed inside the room and almost out the door. The other two rooms had few people compared to God's room. We were sitting on the floor and I am sure some people just walked away. Thank you for listening to my comments.

Name: Bruce Baumann
Date: March 26, 2010

This was my first time presenting at Congress. Overall, the experience was great. Everything was very well organized, the hotel accommodations were good, the volunteer teams in charge of each workshop were superb, etc. I really cannot think of anything that would need improvement.

I am a very detailed person and usually analyze and evaluate events with an eye towards improvement. However, I can honestly say that I did not see or experience anything that could be improved upon (from a participant or speaker perspective). You and your staff are to be commended for such an incredible (had to get the theme in there somehow) job! You are the reason that Congress is top notch year after year.

Name: Terry Dicks
Date: March 27, 2010

This was my LAST CONGRESS after coming for 14 years.... I am so uncomfortable with the air conditioning and have decided it is no longer worth it to freeze while trying to pay attention to the speaker.

Name: Herminia Scalise
Date: March 20, 2010

Just returned to look at this site and for the first time clicked on "Statistics". This is delightful information that the great majority of our states are represented at Congress. I think all but four states. I also enjoyed knowing for the first time the number of foreign delegates to our convention from the Islands, Mexico, and Europe if not more. I would like to suggest that the previous years statistics (minimally states represented and foreign delegates) be included in the program book. I think it really speaks for the popularity of the Congress, and I for one enjoy this type of information. I had no idea of so many foreign delegates.

Name: Sister Norine Nichols, osf
Date: March 15, 2010

My prayers with all good wishes for the Congress! Everyone who plans and works for the event does such a great job. I was fond of everything when I had the opportunity to attend. The whole program is a splendid example of how people can work together to produce such a grand affair! Blessings with peace and all good to all.

Name: Michelle
Date: March 8, 2010

I sent in my registration months ago and have not yet received my tickets. What do we do if we do not receive them in time for Congress?


If you don't receive Congress tickets before you leave for the weekend, you can check in at the Will Call window at the Registration area to see if they were returned to us for some reason. Will Call at Congress is available Thursday evening, March 18, from 6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m., and on each of the days of Congress beginning at 8 a.m.

Name: Michele
Date: March 2, 2010

Thank you for keeping me in your email list, even though I have never shown up, despite having attended Franciscan university in '03 and receiving low grades in Relig. Ed./Catechetics which would seem to indicate that I need more catechesis. I am not attending because I don't drive anymore, am financially broke, and don't know who to attend with? maybe.

The workshop subjects seem fascinating. Everything to be discussed has to do with catechesis, at least it should be, because it's important for a Teacher of God to use the voice of the Church through its teachings, which have the Catechism as a reliable manual. Anyhow, going down the list of topics (, I picked out the Catechesis topics (which I need to study more, obviously!) and looking up keywords in the online Catechism search, I'd like to contribute some key quotes. I hope that these might inspire your Congress.

"Abundant Parish Life: The Value of Belonging"
2179: "A parish is a definite community of the Christian faithful established on a stable basis within a particular church; the pastoral care of the parish is entrusted to a pastor as its own shepherd under the authority of the diocesan bishop." It is the place where all the faithful can be gathered together for the Sunday celebration of the Eucharist. The parish initiates the Christian people into the ordinary expression of the liturgical life: it gathers them together in this celebration; it teaches Christ's saving doctrine; it practices the charity of the Lord in good works and brotherly love
2182: Participation in the communal celebration of the Sunday Eucharist is a testimony of *belonging* and of being faithful to Christ and to his Church.
1309: Preparation for Confirmation should aim at leading the Christian toward a more intimate union with Christ and a more lively familiarity with the Holy Spirit - his actions, his gifts, and his biddings - in order to be more capable of assuming the apostolic responsibilities of Christian life. To this end catechesis for Confirmation should strive to awaken a sense of *belonging* to the Church of Jesus Christ, the universal Church as well as the parish community. The latter bears special responsibility for the preparation of confirmands.
899: The initiative of lay Christians is necessary especially when the matter involves discovering or inventing the means for permeating social, political, and economic realities with the demands of Christian doctrine and life. This initiative is a normal element of the life of the Church:

Lay believers are in the front line of Church life; for them the Church is the animating principle of human society. Therefore, they in particular ought to have an ever-clearer consciousness not only of *belonging* to the Church, but of being the Church, that is to say, the community of the faithful on earth under the leadership of the Pope, the common Head, and of the bishops in communion with him. They are the Church.

"Passing the Baton: Intergenerational Evangelization and Catechesis"
2033: The Magisterium of the Pastors of the Church in moral matters is ordinarily exercised in catechesis and preaching, with the help of the works of theologians and spiritual authors. Thus from *generation to generation*, under the aegis and vigilance of the pastors, the "deposit" of Christian moral teaching has been handed on, a deposit composed of a characteristic body of rules, commandments, and virtues proceeding from faith in Christ and animated by charity. Alongside the Creed and the Our Father, the basis for this catechesis has traditionally been the Decalogue which sets out the principles of moral life valid for all men
78: This living transmission, accomplished in the Holy Spirit, is called Tradition, since it is distinct from Sacred Scripture, though closely connected to it. Through Tradition, "the Church, in her doctrine, life and worship, perpetuates and transmits to every *generation* all that she herself is, all that she believes." "The sayings of the holy Fathers are a witness to the life-giving presence of this Tradition, showing how its riches are poured out in the practice and life of the Church, in her belief and her prayer."

"Catechesis: Revealing the Mystery of Abundance"
On the day of Pentecost when the seven weeks of Easter had come to an end, Christ's Passover is fulfilled in the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, manifested, given, and communicated as a divine person: of his fullness, Christ, the Lord, pours out the Spirit in *abundance.*
2013: "All Christians in any state or walk of life are called to the fullness of Christian life and to the perfection of charity." All are called to holiness: "Be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect."

In order to reach this perfection the faithful should use the strength dealt out to them by Christ's gift, so that . . . doing the will of the Father in everything, they may wholeheartedly devote themselves to the glory of God and to the service of their neighbor. Thus the holiness of the People of God will grow in fruitful *abundance*, as is clearly shown in the history of the Church through the lives of so many saints.

2833: "Our" bread is the "one" loaf for the "many." In the Beatitudes "poverty" is the virtue of sharing: it calls us to communicate and share both material and spiritual goods, not by coercion but out of love, so that the *abundance* of some may remedy the needs of others.

"Wait Until Your Father Comes Home…: Making the Faith Come Alive Within Families Coach Parents to Form Their Own Kids!
The *Christian home* is the place where children receive the first proclamation of the faith. For this reason the family home is rightly called "the domestic church," a community of grace and prayer, a school of human virtues and of Christian charity.
2226: Education in the faith by the parents should begin in the child's earliest years. This already happens when family members help one another to grow in faith by the witness of a Christian life in keeping with the Gospel. Family catechesis precedes, accompanies, and enriches other forms of instruction in the faith. Parents have the mission of teaching their children to pray and to discover their vocation as children of God. The parish is the Eucharistic community and the heart of the liturgical life of Christian families; it is a privileged place for the catechesis of children and parents.

"Get On Board! Musical Liturgy as Model of Faith Formation"
"The musical tradition of the universal Church is a treasure of inestimable value, greater even than that of any other art. The main reason for this pre-eminence is that, as a combination of sacred music and words, it forms a necessary or integral part of solemn liturgy." The composition and singing of inspired psalms, often accompanied by musical instruments, were already closely linked to the liturgical celebrations of the Old Covenant. The Church continues and develops this tradition: "Address . . . one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody to the Lord with all your heart." "He who sings prays twice."
1157: Song and music fulfill their function as signs in a manner all the more significant when they are "more closely connected . . . with the liturgical action," according to three principal criteria: beauty expressive of prayer, the unanimous participation of the assembly at the designated moments, and the solemn character of the celebration. In this way they participate in the purpose of the liturgical words and actions: the glory of God and the sanctification of the faithful:

How I wept, deeply moved by your hymns, songs, and the voices that echoed through your Church! What emotion I experienced in them! Those sounds flowed into my ears distilling the truth in my heart. A feeling of devotion surged within me, and tears streamed down my face - tears that did me good.

1158: The harmony of signs (song, music, words, and actions) is all the more expressive and fruitful when expressed in the cultural richness of the People of God who celebrate. Hence "religious singing by the faithful is to be intelligently fostered so that in devotions and sacred exercises as well as in liturgical services," in conformity with the Church's norms, "the voices of the faithful may be heard." But "the texts intended to be sung must always be in conformity with Catholic doctrine. Indeed they should be drawn chiefly from the Sacred Scripture and from liturgical sources."

"Return to the Passion"
Believers who respond to God's word and become members of Christ's Body, become intimately united with him: "In that body the life of Christ is communicated to those who believe, and who, through the sacraments, are united in a hidden and real way to Christ in his *Passion* and glorification." This is especially true of Baptism, which unites us to Christ's death and Resurrection, and the Eucharist, by which "really sharing in the body of the Lord, . . . we are taken up into communion with him and with one another."

"Catechesis and Multiple Intelligence Theory"
Human intelligence is surely already capable of finding a response to the question of origins. The existence of God the Creator can be known with certainty through his works, by the light of human reason, even if this knowledge is often obscured and disfigured by error. This is why faith comes to confirm and enlighten reason in the correct understanding of this truth: "By faith we understand that the world was created by the word of God, so that what is seen was made out of things which do not appear."

"What Can We Learn from the Evangelical Churches? How to Share Our Faith with Seekers (Without Being Obnoxious)"
The Gospels were written by men who were among the first to have the *faith and wanted to share it* with others. Having known in faith who Jesus is, they could see and make others see the traces of his mystery in all his earthly life.
1679: In addition to the liturgy, Christian life is nourished by various forms of popular piety, rooted in the different cultures. While carefully clarifying them in the light of faith, the Church fosters the forms of popular piety that express an *evangelical* instinct and a human wisdom and that enrich Christian life.
429: From this loving knowledge of Christ springs the desire to proclaim him, to *"evangelize"*, and to lead others to the "yes" of faith in Jesus Christ. But at the same time the need to know this faith better makes itself felt. To this end, following the order of the Creed, Jesus' principal titles - "Christ", "Son of God", and "Lord" (article 2) - will be presented. The Creed next confesses the chief mysteries of his life - those of his Incarnation (article 3), Paschal mystery (articles 4 and 5) and glorification (articles 6 and 7).
848: "Although in ways known to himself God can lead those who, through no fault of their own, are ignorant of the Gospel, to that faith without which it is impossible to please him, the Church still has the obligation and also the sacred right to *evangelize* all men."
930: Alongside the different forms of consecrated life are "societies of apostolic life whose members without religious vows pursue the particular apostolic purpose of their society, and lead a life as brothers or sisters in common according to a particular manner of life, strive for the perfection of charity through the observance of the constitutions. Among these there are societies in which the members embrace the *evangelical* counsels" according to their constitutions.
1122: Christ sent his apostles so that "repentance and forgiveness of sins should be preached in his name to all nations." "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit." The mission to baptize, and so the sacramental mission, is implied in the mission to *evangelize*, because the sacrament is prepared for by the word of God and by the faith which is assent to this word

"The Spirituality of the Catechist: Re-igniting the Flame"
In catechesis "Christ, the Incarnate Word and Son of God, ... is taught - everything else is taught with reference to him - and it is Christ alone who teaches - anyone else teaches to the extent that he is Christ's spokesman, enabling Christ to teach with his lips. ... Every *catechist* should be able to apply to himself the mysterious words of Jesus: 'My teaching is not mine, but his who sent me.'"

"Catechumenal Catechesis: Vision, Practice, Resources"
It is the Church that believes first, and so bears, nourishes and sustains my faith. Everywhere, it is the Church that first confesses the Lord: "Throughout the world the holy Church acclaims you", as we sing in the hymn "Te Deum"; with her and in her, we are won over and brought to confess: "I believe", "We believe". It is through the Church that we receive faith and new life in Christ by Baptism. In the Rituale Romanum, the minister of Baptism asks the catechumen: "What do you ask of God's Church?" And the answer is: "Faith." "What does faith offer you?" "Eternal life."
1247: Since the beginning of the Church, adult Baptism is the common practice where the proclamation of the Gospel is still new. The catechumenate (preparation for Baptism) therefore occupies an important place. This initiation into Christian faith and life should dispose the catechumen to receive the gift of God in Baptism, Confirmation, and the Eucharist.
1248: The catechumenate, or formation of catechumens, aims at bringing their conversion and faith to maturity, in response to the divine initiative and in union with an ecclesial community. The catechumenate is to be "a formation in the whole Christian life . . . during which the disciples will be joined to Christ their teacher. The catechumens should be properly initiated into the mystery of salvation and the practice of the evangelical virtues, and they should be introduced into the life of faith, liturgy, and charity of the People of God by successive sacred rites."

"A Test for the Modern Church: Media and Catechesis"
The means of social communication (especially the mass *media*) can give rise to a certain passivity among users, making them less than vigilant consumers of what is said or shown. Users should practice moderation and discipline in their approach to the mass media. They will want to form enlightened and correct consciences the more easily to resist unwholesome influences.
2494: The information provided by the *media* is at the service of the common good. Society has a right to information based on truth, freedom, justice, and solidarity: The proper exercise of this right demands that the content of the communication be true and - within the limits set by justice and charity - complete. Further, it should be communicated honestly and properly. This means that in the gathering and in the publication of news, the moral law and the legitimate rights and dignity of man should be upheld.

Catechesis - helpful links:

Conformity Listing of Catechetical Texts and Series -
Pauline Books & Media (Spanish) -

Name: Josette
Date: February 21, 2010

Just an observation: After years of attending Congress, we have over 40,000 to 50,000 Catholics and some non-Catholics attending Congress, but for some reason or another it seems as though the food concessions forget that on Fridays we observe the “no meat only fish," but there is never fish to buy at Congress. But you’ll see plenty of hot dogs, hamburgers etc. I am curious to see if the Congress organizers can pass this along to the Anaheim Convention managers for this year’s event. It always bothered me; so this I choose to mention and hopefully something will be done about it.
God Bless, See you all @ Congress!!!


Yes, every year we do inform the food providers of our event and food preferences, but ultimately it is up to them as to what they serve.
This year, it turns out that
Friday, March 19 is a solemnity -- the Feast of St. Joseph. Therefore, we are allowed to eat meat on the Friday of Congress.

Name: Alba
Date: February 17, 2010

It has been a week since the tickets were supposed to be mailed out and I still have not received them. I would like to know if all of my paperwork is in order or if there is a reason why I have not received my tickets.


Yes, tickets started to be mailed out February 9th. Please know that we do not mail them out all at once. They go out in the order that the registrations were received. (We begin with number 1 and then move on.) Please realize that it might take a week or two before you receive your tickets.

Name: John
Date: February 16, 2010

RE: Goring Green
How about a gently used shoe collection for Haiti?


If you're looking for a way to help the people of Haiti, following the country's earthquake disaster, there are a few Orange County efforts underway.

Name: Lois
Date: January 15, 2010

I am unable to find confirmation of my registration and for my husband. We sent in registration my mail. Can you please confirm receipt of our registration form? thank you very much. 


As a benefit of online registration we offer email confirmations when your credit card is charged and when your registration is processed. I'm sorry, there is no confirmation -- other than your tickets (and your deposited check) -- for those who mail in registrations. Tickets will be mailed after February 10, 2010.

Name: Christine Kudija
Date: January 12, 2010

In finally getting around to registering for Congress 2010, I notice that there's another overlap issue (in addition to the African-American speaker issue raised below): sessions devoted to music ministry and liturgy. Several periods offer highly desirable choices that conflict directly with others, notably 2-05 (Andrew Chinn), 2-11 (David Haas), 2-13 & 4-12 (Marty Haugen/Tony Alonso), 4-15 (Bob Hurd & Anawim), 4-21 (Donna Peńa) and 6-07 (Richard Cheri), 6-11 (David Haas), 6-13(Tom Kendzia/Jansens) and 6-16 (Jesse Manibusan). Were these conflicts set up deliberately, perhaps to accommodate the musicians and their instruments? It's an unfortunate disservice to those of us who can't or won't do NPM conferences but rely on Congress for our music updates. Please fix this next year. Although most of us try to be in three or four places at once, God's grace only goes so far. Thanks for reading this comment and, I hope, keeping it mind for next year's roadmap.

Christine Kudija
perennial Congress Choir alto & groupie

Name: Jenni L Hooker
Date: January 10, 2010

As an older ex-ballet/modern/jazz dancer, is there a way for me to participate in the dance production itself?

Name: Diane Stocum
Date: December 14, 2009

Please consider having Michael Mangan invited to the RE Congress for 2011.  I  just realized that he was not scheduled for 2010.  This man writes lots of music that is very suitable for parish use.  It can be used with  folk type groups, and also may be used for more traditional congregations.  I went to one of his workshops in 2009 and learned of his music.  I now use his music at my parish with my young people's choir.   Because of it's simplicity and versatility I am able to teach his stuff to my "older generation population", and they sing along!!!
We need to have more modern music if we want to keep our younger people involved in church; otherwise these building will be empty....
Diane (one who's been coming to conference for years now)

Name: JT Andrade
Date: November 20, 2009

In order to volunteer for Youth Day, will I need to have a Avenue LifeScan?


In order to volunteer for Youth Day you must be able to show that you have gone through all of your dioceses Child Protectionpolicies. For example, if you are from Los Angeles, you must have been fingerprinted and VIRTUS trained. If you are from outside the Los Angeles Archdiocese, then check with your diocesan office to see what their procedures/guidelines require.

Name: Juniel Butler
Date: November 21, 2009

I have the same concern as Martine Ramos: African-American presenters scheduled concurrently. Thanks for your explanation. Further, it will be a challenge for me to make my selection between the Jazz and the Nigerian Liturgy.

Name: Martine Ramos
Date: November 4, 2009

I just looked over the schedule for the 2010 Congress. It seems that quite a few of the African-American presenters are scheduled concurrently. Is there any way this can be adjusted? We need to attend as many multicultural events as possible, particularly music.


Dear Martine,

Thank you for your comment. We did some research into your concerns and found the following. African-American speakers are scheduled as follows:

Period 1 - 1
Period 2 - 4
Period 3 - 1
Period 4 - 1
Period 5 - 2
Period 6 - 4
Period 7 - 2
Period 8 - 3

If you want to attend a workshop by African-American speakers only, you could register this way. Period 6, by the way, is the only session in which two African-American speakers will use music in their workshop. Some of the speakers are slotted in a particular time and date due to the speakers travel and speaking schedules outside of Congress and which we have no control over. If you are looking for other multicultural presentations, you can do so by looking at our topical listing for additional options as well.

I hope that this information is helpful to you.
Paulette Smith, Congress Event Coordinator

Name: Beverly Franco
Date: November 2, 2009

Last year I wound up taking Metro-Link to the Anaheim station from Union Station and then the bus which dropped me off right in front of the Convention Center. I plan on doing that again this next year. In my wait for the bus back to the Metro-Link station, a very interesting and invigorating conversation was held with two of the presenters, one from Atlanta and one from Ohio and myself. Like old friends chatting, what a pleasure and it would have been missed if I had driven and had to search out my car, and endure the freeway.

Looking forward to another great experience.

Name: Mary Lopez
Date: October 8, 2009

I would love to see Jason Evert back again in 2010, he was great!

Name: Wojtek
Date: October 7, 2009

I checked the website for ordering of the recordings from previous Congresses and realized that it cost over $10 (with mailing) for each talk. As a result I did not order anything. Would it be possible to make the talks available at a website for download in mp3 format. It is much cheaper, easier and faster. It would make the materials much more accessible. It is straightforward technically, if the recording is available on a CD.

Name: Joan
Date: September 1, 2009

I have always wondered why the food vendors do not sell only NON meat meals on Friday. It would certainly show a fabulous Catholic witness if we observed abstinence during Lent! How sad that so many people give up their principles when we are gathered at such a large Catholic event.


We do remind vendors about offering non-meat meals on Friday, but we have no control over their menus.

Name: Stefanie Battaglia
Date: August 21, 2009

Please bring THE THIRSTING to L.A. Youth Day 2010 - awesome band!


Name: Camisa
Date: August 3, 2009

Please bring in Dr. Lou Whitaker, principal of Pope John Paul School, as a speaker. (Contact info: 4341 W Homosassa Trail, Lecanto, FL 34461-9106; phone 352.746.2020). She has been a presenter for NCEA for many years and is is extremely informative.


Name: Brenda
Date: July 31, 2009

Please bring Matthew Kelly to Congress in 2010!!!

Name: Deacon Mike Eisenbeiss, Ph.D.
Date: July 28, 2009

How do you submit a workshop idea? I would like to do a workshop on Celebrate Recovery-Catholic Style which is a spin-off of of Rick Warren's The Purpose Driven Life. This is a 12-step program combined with the 8-beatitudes in helping people get over past hang-ups, hurts and addictions. We have more than 45 people involved on a weekly basis with many of them wanting to become Catholic. There are many Protestant churches offering the program but I think we are the first Catholic Church to do so.


You can submit speaker and workshop ideas to Jan Pedroza, the Congress Program Coordinator, at

Name: Bob
Date: June 30, 2009

When do you anticipate making the hotel list for 2010 available? Thanks!


We are now just making contracts. We should begin posting hotel information sometime in July/August 2009.

Name: Paulette Byrne
Date: June 8, 2009

I would like to Theresa Rowe as a speaker for an upcoming Congress. (Her website is
I have attended the Congress every year for the last 20 years and look forward to it as my annual spiritual mecca. I don't recall ever seeing a speaker on 'Faith & Fitness'. With as sedentary as our society has become I believe what she has to say is very timely & would be well received. Plus her testimony regarding her own battle with heart health issues is very inspiring. I hope you will seriously consider her.
Thank You & Blessings!

Name: Mary
Date: March 3, 2009

I just finished taking your online evaluation and found it was not as thorough as the written one. For instance, the section on Congress liturgies allowed only one overall mark rather than a mark for each of the various elements (homily, music, liturgical movement) that the written form allows. (I’ve already sent a separate email message regarding the disastrous Friday night Contemplative Liturgy I marked poor – a first for me.) The online survey also indicated, at the start, that there would be a “Comments” section at the end for expanding on areas marked excellent. However, the only section I found that allowed comments was called “Suggestions for improvement,” which didn’t suggest commenting on what’s already excellent. I reached the end of the survey before I realize that comments on excellent workshops should have been made back in the section marked “Suggestions for improvement.” Very odd. So, below are my comments on my excellent workshops this year:

Thank you, again, for an overall excellent Congress. I’m looking forward to 2010.

Name: Jose Robledo Jr.
Date: March 1, 2009

I was reading the book for RE Congress we received, and I wanted to congratulate you on a successful and beautiful event. I have never been to RE Congress, but have heard many good things. So I decided to attend this huge spectacular event and it is was very exciting. I will consider coming next year and maybe Volunteering for this event.

Once again, I congratulate you on a successful and blessed event and much continued success.

Name: Carol Sassie
Date: March 4, 2009

Congress was great. I would like to order tapes from the sessions I attended but cannot find my Guidebook. Please let me know if this is possible and how.


You can find online versions of the Guidebook (in three different formats) at The recording order page is found at

Name: Paula
Date: March 3, 2009

Hello, I heard the music at the Closing Liturgy was wonderful. Do you know who performed?


There were a variety of performers: Tony Alonso and ValLimar Jansen were the cantors, there were a number of soloists on songs, John Flaherty was director of the band and Congress Choir, and Josh Blakesley was there to perform this year's Congress Theme Song. The worship aid appears in the Program Book and is downloadable at

Name: Laurie
Date: March 3, 2009

I thought the PowerPoint presentation at Friday's opening event was fantastic. Can it be purchased? Also, the workshops on Social Justice issues, e.g. Jim Wallis and Fr. Bryan Massingale were superb.

Name: hsyg_stjoes
Date: March 2, 2009

The buses we chartered were charged $20 parking fee, however there is no mention of this fee in the handbook.


Unfortunately, buses are equated with Youth Day, and we give chaperones that information. We'll include that information in next year's Registration Guidebook.

Name: Jack
Date: March 1, 2009

What a wonderful experience! Congress is the religious peak experience that helps sustain us throughout the rest of the year. One suggestion: Every year we leave with a plastic name tag holder that could easily be recycled or used again. Please have a place to put them for re-use. Also please have recycling areas for guidebooks and liturgy books. Thank you!


That's a very good idea. We'll look into a Congress "green" crew. We would invited you to help, but you didn't leave your email address.