The Religious Education Congress is sponsored by
The Los Angeles Catholic Archdiocese
Office of Religious Education
See comments for Congress 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001, 2000, 1999
Comments for Congress 1999
Share your experiences or ask questions about the Religious Education Congress. We'd like to know what you think. Your comments and our replies will be posted for others to share.
Date: October 23, 2000
CommentsFirst of all this is not a traditional letter I would write, but I was compelled to let you know that I was deeply touched when I first attended the Los Angeles Religious Education Congress with my local church St. Francis de Sales. I have been enlightened by the workshops I attended. I am proud to say that I have been teaching since the Lord’s calling in the summer of 1988. I answered the Lord’s call for R.E. teachers in my parish. There have not been any regrets. As a catechist working toward certification, the pastor and his staff of St. Francis de Sales as well as our office of catechetical ministries have supported me. Our diocese in Las Vegas has greatly enabled me to succeed. I want to thank you and all who continue to inspire me in my ministry.
God bless, your sister in Christ Jesus, Rita Marie Roberts
Date: October 08, 2000
CommentsI attended in 1999 and loved the conference. I am Principal of a large Catholic High School and implemented many ideas I picked up at the conference. I also was inspired by many speakers and ended up developing a new program for my high school students called Christian Ministry and Leadership. The program has turned out to be a fantastic way for Catholic youth to turn on to faith and proudly proclaim their Catholicity in a variety of forms including intellectual endeavors, out reach service to the disenfranchised and ministries in the Church and community. I speak regularly at many large conferences and would welcome the invitation to share ideas that I have implemented should there be any need or desire to include at your upcoming February conference. I will be there as a delegate for sure---would not miss the wonderful learning opportunity.
Date: October 06, 2000
CommentsI would like to suggest as a speaker Bishop Remi De Roo. At 38, he was one of the youngest bishops present at the Vatican II Council. He is a dynamic speaker on the history and scope of Vatican II and its vision for our Church. He has co-written a book with two lay people called "Even Greater Things -- Hope and Challenge after Vatican II" (published by Novalis) He inspired and encouraged me as a lay minister working in the Church. I think he is a walking store of personal knowledge about what Pope John XXIII envisioned for the Church of the 21st century. And he is so warm and personable.
Thanks, Debbie Garton, Bakersfield, CA
Thanks for your recommendation of Bishop Remi De Roo as a speaker for Congress. I will bring your suggestion to the attention of Sr. Edith Prendergast, Director of the Office of Religious Education, for consideration for Congress 2002.
Adrian Whitaker, Congress Manager
Date: September 10, 2000
CommentsAs a new school year starts, I find myself planning for annual events. The LA Congress has become one such date that gets permanently fixed on my calendar. My time in the LA area, meeting people of common faith, celebrating God's healing love, and learning more about the Catholic Church revitalizes me to be a better parent and teacher. Thank you for the wide variety of speakers, entertainment and opportunities for growth.
Karen in Oregon
Date: September 05, 2000
We always enjoy the different liturgies, exposing us to the different cultures. This last weekend we attended a Basque Mass in Chino. It was great. Thought maybe a Basque Mass could be offered one year. You could contact the Chino Basque Club for information - P.O. Box 1080, Chino, Ca 91710
Marc & Marcie Rohrich, Corona, Ca
Date: August 07, 2000
CommentsI would like to see Bishop Untener come and talk about his experiences living out his faith calling. Having sold the rectory and living in priests residences for years, keeping in touch with his parishioners would be a great topic for conversation.
Also, what about covering the topic of the death penalty from the Churches' perspective? I believe that you could get Stephen Dear from the N.C.-based People of Faith Against the Death Penalty to come out and do it.
Date: June 25, 2000
CommentsThanks for having the Celtic Christian Rock Group, Ceili Rain play during the Saturday Lunch break. Their energy and joy shined through the message in their music and inspired me. I have, as a result, found a deeper appreciation of my own spiritual expression through music. I have also enjoyed helping with a few Ceili Rain shows since meeting them at Congress 2000, and hope to have the opportunity to hear and help them again at Congress 2001.
Date: May 8, 2000
CommentsHi Congress Staff--
Will "Joshua" author Joseph Girzone ever be included as a guest speaker again? I've missed him over the last two years.
Elizabeth, San Bernardino
Date: 4/13/00
CommentsFor the past four years, I have traveled with teens, parents, and other adults from the Archdiocese of Anchorage to the L.A. Congress. Each time I am humbled to be a guest in the Diocese of Los Angeles. Thank you for your hospitality. The L.A. Congress helps Alaskans experience the Church in a unique setting. All who have participated over the past four years have been challenged to expand our minds, hearts, and souls to realize how the Church extends into the world beyond the walls of our church buildings. I look forward to next year's and I'm glad it will be in February once more so we can also get a mini-break from what is usually our coldest time of year!
Peace of Christ to you, Matthew Beck
Date: 4/11/00
CommentsJust want to let you know I had a wonderful time. Especially Warren Grayson Brown's workshop. Everything was great! I laughed myself silly in the "Late Nite Catechism" class. Thank you, thank you for all your work. God Bless.
Yours in Christ Jesus, Ellen
Date: 4/10/00
CommentsHi My name is Lynette Castiglione and as I stated before, going to the conference was a experience and a half -- wow. I just wish every church could be as open minded to the brilliance of this event. It was like seeing church in a whole new light, or I should say Catholics, in a whole new light. The talent that was at this conference was fantastic. Especially having a guy sing a rap song that had no cussing just words about the Lord. It was great finally they have music that youth can relate to and it's all about the Lord. It's great also to see a nun be funny instead of prim and proper, to have them act human was great. I think this event should be every year and don't stop until you get every person to see the light. Well, maybe that would be a miracle but I hope it happens.
Sincerely, Lynette Castiglione
Date: 4/10/00
CommentsI am having a hard time coming down off the mountain, as happens every year. Just a question and a comment. The Friday night concert was such an emotional experience for the audience and, I'm sure, for all the musicians. I am very disappointed that Jeannie Cotter was not included. I was very sad.
Date: 4/10/00
CommentsThis was my first congress. I had no idea what to expect from this event. AWESOME! The experience was beautiful, the liturgies very uplifting. I really enjoyed the speakers and brought back a lot of information to our RCIA people. Where else could you go and have Bishop Brown in the morning and Cardinal Mahony in the afternoon celebrating the mass? Congratulations on a terrific congress. I look forward to 2001. Thanks to everyone who helped make Jubilee 2000 such a success. One comment: Please keep the exhibits open a little longer so people can shop after a workshop. There isn't enough time between things to look.
God bless all of you.
Date: 4/10/00
CommentsIf Something is Worth Doing, It's Worth Doing Right:
After Congress 1999, I posted a comment here expressing my concern regarding the fact that after 29 years of planning this Congress, it seemed reasonable for me to expect to be offered and receive the Precious Blood at the Eucharistic Liturgies. But, as I pointed out, that was not the case. Your response to my concern was positive in that you agreed with my expectation and you assured me that the planning group had prepared to make it happen for Congress 2000. As you know, it didn't. I attended two different Eucharistic Liturgies in the Arena. One had enough of the Precious Blood to offer it ONLY to the priests and deacons(???!!!) and at the other liturgy, a whopping total of FOUR HALF-FILLED pitchers of wine were brought up in the Offertory Procession. As anyone could have figured, with this meager amount about one-fourth of the people on the arena floor area received the Precious Blood. I am extremely disappointed. Since I know the problem does not involve a cost issue nor is it due to a lack of volunteers, I can't help but feel that this is reflective of an attitude that is apathetic toward something I have come to believe is the source and summit of our lives together.
Date: 4/8/00
CommentsAs a youth in today's world, I find myself turning more and more to my Catholic faith. First of all, I'd like to thank Cardinal Mahony and everyone else who had something to do with this day. It was extremely special to me and so many other youth, I know. Also, I want to thank Anna Scally for her wonderful session on "Prayer with Headphones" it was an AWESOME workshop that made the day worthwhile. I feel so much closer to GOD and feel Him in me. My Hope is now Awaken and I will Shout Jubilee. Thank You all!
IN HIM, Juan
Really great hearing from you! I was delighted that you got so much from our annual Youth Day--it's always a real highlight for me each year.
Be sure to plan on attending "Young Church 2000" at Dodger Stadium on Saturday, May 20. We are expecting about 50,000 young people. Get all of your friends to come and to join us!
Please know of my prayers for you and your family.
+Roger Cardinal Mahony
Date: 4/4/00
CommentsHelp! I just looked closely at my tickets and they were printed on last year's forms with all last years dates for workshops. The workshop number correspond to this year but everything else says 1999. Will I have a problem getting in and receiving a program?
Yes, they are valid.
Date: 4/3/00
CommentsI had been several years to Congress with me beloved sister; however, Ive not been back since she and my grandparents passed on to a better place. Even still Im sure that anyone who goes will get major joy and happiness from it. It will leave ya with a major high, especially if you're fortunate enough to cross paths with some of the priests that go. One, in fact, for sure, is Monsignor Terry Fleming. Monsignor Terry is the most gracious, neat, nice, caring, luvin, considerate, thoughtful, sweet, good lookin (but all of them are, ya know) all around PERFECT person.....I can guarantee that if ya do come across him ya will never ever forget him.....He has this knack of makin ya feel like youre human and worth somethin. He used to be in the Ventura/Oxnard/Camarillo/Port Hueneme area, but now he stays (unfortunately) in the L.A. area.... (Monsignor Terry, its only me, Noi. I sooooo greatly majorly miss ya, more than ya will ever know or realize....ya have done sooooo much for the family and especially for me.) From only me,
Noi (glenda kae hines)
Date: 4/1/00
CommentsTHANK YOU SO MUCH for the convenience of Registration on-line! AND for the expeditious mailing of Registration material! Unable to attend due to work related schedule conflicts. Please advise if you're aware of individuals unable to attend due to financial constraints. Willing to donate my weekend schedule. Also have very reasonable hotel accommodations for one available. Please advise prior to Mon, April 3 at noon.
Date: 3/22/00
CommentsI have attended the LA Congress since 1980 and have missed only one year. The Congress gets bigger each year. However I can't quickly say it gets better. Every year is excellent. Each year has met the needs of the focus for ministries for the time. It is remarkable how pertinent each year's theme has been. As I began to attend, I was a CCD Coordinator. The workshops on serendipity style were utilized by our team as soon as we returned. I implemented a summer program for parish children after hearing a presentation at Congress and teaching in that program in California one summer-Sunshine summer in Huntington Beach. While being with the youth of our parish, Father Don Kimball helped enormously. Before I was able to attend a forum for RCIA, Congress had a two day workshop that gave my pastor and I the confidence to begin RCIA before our diocese was encouraging the process. Speakers like Father Emery Tang, Father Raymond Brown, Father John Aurelio, John Shea, Father John Tickle, Father Ron Rolheiser, Father Richard Rohr, Matthew Fox, Christine Brusselman, Dolores Curran, Father Tom Weston, to name a few favorites, gives a sample of the broad focus that the Congress visions. I appreciate all the collaborative work done by the REO of LA that allows people like myself to attend a renewing, refreshing and revisioning weekend for a reasonable registration fee and with a welcoming atmosphere. In gratitude, I remain your sister in ministry,
Mrs. Joey Aleksich (Vancouver, Canada diocese)
Date: 3/21/00
CommentsWhen our tickets for the 2000 Congress arrived we found that they are all dated 1999! The theme printed on the name tag is also that of the 1999 Congress. Will this present any problems for the 2000 workshops or general sessions? Please advise ASAP. Thank you.
We did, by mistake, print a number of tickets on last year's stock. They do, however, show correct workshop and speaker information. They are perfectly valid for Congress 2000.
Date: 2/20/00
CommentsYou offered 1-05 with Richard Cheri, 1-15 with Marchionda & Angotti, and 1-25 with Chris Walker. These are three dynamic music presenters all presented during 1 session! Talk about cruel and unusual punishment! This is my 6th consecutive year, and I NEVER had to choose between presenters like that. Somebody needs to take a second look. So, I looked to page 18 to view your sessions by category. Sorry -- I couldn't make any connection between what was offered in session 1 and what your cross-reference system indicated. Finally -- I have a real problem with whoever decided that orange ink on newsprint is a good reading contrast. If I were one of the hotels on your map page, I'd be furious. This is not one of your better years, I'm sorry to say. I hope it's back to the standards I had come to expect based on the previous five years.
Date: 2/16/00
CommentsAfter my husband left me in June 1981, our DRE, tired of seeing my sad face, dragged me along to Congress in Feb. of 1982. Her son and I marveled at the music, liturgies, and spectacle. We were both liturgical musicians , but only beginning in the field of contemporary music. We stood at the back door of Bob Hurd's workshop in the Marriott with our mouths open, marveling at the sound of his music. We went up to the stage after everyone had left to see what magical instruments they had been using...the song we always remember is "All my Life": "All my life, I will sing, sing my song, to the Lord, all my life, I will sing..." from Roll Down the Ages. We attended out second Congress together the next year, 1983, and were married in the Church in March of that year. We have been liturgical musicians ever since and have never missed a Congress! Our two boys attend with us....they are 16 and 15 this year. One is a drummer and plays with us at Church every week. In August 1998, we hosted Bob Hurd at our parish and played and sang with him. We started off with selections from his earliest album and finished with a selection from "Ubi Caritas." It was the highlight of our lives as musicians and a dream come true. I will never forget the year "Alleluia, Give the Glory" was introduced in the Anaheim Room. As a pianist, I was ecstatic to think that liturgical music had been written with a strong piano lead. At that workshop, they did a dramatic re-enactment of the "Road to Emmaus" reading where Jesus was a woman! The crowd roared as they understood what was happening when the woman walked up to the two guys who were traveling and started talking to them. I will never forget it! My husband and I now sing in the Congress Choir and host the regional rehearsal in our county of San Diego. Congress has impacted our lives in ways you can never imagine. Our parish congregation is on the cutting edge of contemporary music, because of our commitment to keep current and not let anything get past us. It revives our spirits and keeps us dreaming....I have directed and produced all of the Marty Haugen shows that we have seen at Congress as well as Jeannie Cotter's "We are God's People"... can't wait for "Luke" - I am directing Sabbath Gate this year (OCP) since Marty skipped a year! Thank you for all your work and know that you have changed my life and I have changed others lives, etc., etc., etc.
Date: 2/16/00
The hotels you list in the booklet -- there are no rooms available, even as early as July prior to the event. I wonder if you could ask for more rooms or otherwise revise your list of hotels that have rooms available. I've wasted a lot of time calling so many without a good response.
Also, I can't open your file via internet regarding your hotel listings. I am referring to your booklet only. Please have also your page readable, and easy to open.Reply
We have update our hotel listings. The Peacock Suites has been recently added. And we now have a page of hotel listings highlighting the ones with current availability. See our new 2000 Hotels Page.
Date: 2/13/00
I am trying to figure out if I can register my youth for Youth Day here...please advise.Beth Toerne
Not yet! Since this is our first year for online registrations, we started with only Congress registrations. And that has been very successful. So far, we've received about 10 percent of our Congress registrations from our online form.
Date: 2/11/00
CommentsI'd like to know anything about the Native American Liturgy on Saturday at 5:15 pm . Will the Native Americans be involved in any other class or celebration? Which tribes will be represented?
Thanks, Lydia
The Native American Liturgy is being coordinated by Fr. Victor Sarrazin in collaboration with the Native American Community. Archbishop Charles Chaput from Denver is the Celebrant. There will be a workshop at Congress entitled "Native American Storytelling: Affirming Gospel Values" on Saturday, February 8, at 1:00-2:30. This session will be presented by the Chumash/O'odham family.
If you wish further information contact Eva Walters at the Archdiocese, 213-637-7263.
Adrian Whitaker, Congress Manager
Date: 1/22/00
CommentsMore classes in Spanish. Better locations, and not in the "parking stalls," please!
Please note that we have added several additional Spanish sessions this year and I anticipate that we will add even more in 2001. As for better room locations, it has been challenging for all attendees in Anaheim over the past several years due to the construction at the Anaheim Convention Center. The Center will be 95 percent complete by the time of our event in April -- with more available meeting space than ever before. And it is always my desire not to have to utilize "parking space" as meeting rooms.
I appreciate your comments and thank you for bearing with us throughout the Center's renovation.
Adrian Whitaker, Congress Manager
Date: 1/21/00
CommentsAssuming reasonable security measures have been taken, I GREATLY prefer your method of
online registration!Reply
Thank you for your support of our online registration. In fact, we have just made the process even more secure. Since credit card transactions are involved, we are now using secure socket technology. At this time, however, we are not able to take Youth Day registration. Try our new Secure Registration Form.
Date: 1/6/00
CommentsMy husband and I have been attending Congress for many years and love it. One thing has been annoying us for years. To attend the liturgies it is necessary to hold our seats for close to an hour in order to get in. This is very time wasting, making it hard to freshen up, get a snack, visit the exhibits, etc. I have been wondering why tickets can't be issued for the liturgies with the workshop tickets? I realize that people bring their family members for the liturgies, so they could order the number of tickets they'll need when they register. This would prevent the long lines and crowding to get into the liturgies. Why not? Leah
There is actually only 45 minutes between the last workshop and the start of the Liturgy on all 3 days. Anyway, the problem is that people save seats and regardless of how many announcements we make it doesn't seem to matter, they still do. I suggest they go directly to the room where their Liturgy is being celebrated. Do not stop for snacks or exhibit shopping!
Adrian Whitaker, Congress Manager
Date: 12/14/99
CommentsLast year was totally Awesome!!! The fact that they tried to make the young adults of the church a more important part was great!!! Keep up the great work!
Veronikah Gray
Date: 11/30/99
CommentsI thought I could register online. Where do I do that?
Yes, you can register for Congress 2000 online -- but only by credit card. Sign up on our new secure Registration Page.
- Date:
- 11/27/99
I have had wonderful uplifting experiences in attending the R.E. Congress. It has inspired me to continue the formal work of catechesis within the church. I love it. The Liturgies are spectacular! I was unable to attend now for a few years but hope to come back this year.
Laura Flores
- Date:
- 10/14/99
I'd like to be in touch with those who have attended past congresses. I have only been to two and don't know the speakers. Several workshops were disappointing. I'd like to ask others for advice before making my selections. Are there people who would be willing to share their experiences and recommendations here?
- Date:
- 10/10/99
I attended the last Congress with my wife and it was a wonderful experience. I am the superintendent in a Catholic school in Alberta and would like to take one of my board members this year.
- Date:
- 9/30/99
I believe the RECongress is such a wonderful experience and a great way to revitalize one's faith and service in our church ministries. This year, I am encouraging the Youth Director to send both English and Spanish youths to experience such a day. Hopefully this will renew, encourage and boost their love for their Catholic faith, as well as serve in whatever capacity they feel their gifts lie. I wish you and your staff the best and let us continue working toward a bright year of Jubilee. Blessings!
Sister Jolisa Lazaro, SND
- Date:
- 9/15/99
I missed attending the Charismatic Mass by Fr. Consiglio. (Everyone who attended told me it was very special). Would you please kindly invite him again for the year 2000? How about a concert by him? He has beautiful songs. Thank you for your kind attention and may God Bless you all.
- Date:
- 9/7/99
I have last year's registration guidebook which lists hotel reservation options. Some of it has been found to now be out of date in planning for April 2000. Do you have an updated list of hotels/addresses/phones and room costs?
Yes, with all changes going on in the Anaheim Resort area, last year's Registration Guidebook is certainly out of date! We now have updated hotel information -- available on the web. Download the hotel information page in .pdf file format. (You can download the free Adobe .pdf Reader here, or if you have trouble you may call our office to receive it in fax form). Be sure to sign up for the Mail List to get other up-to-date information as it becomes available.)
- Date:
- 8/25/99
I have been to the Religious Education Congress twice now and enjoyed it very much. Besides experiencing beautiful, meaningful liturgies and gaining a lot of information from the workshops that I can use in sharing faith with second and eighth graders, I've also taken workshops for my own spiritual benefit and growth. This year, I enjoyed Msgr. Hartman's & Rabbi Gellman's workshops very much (discovered their book three years ago in the exhibit area at my first Congress) and also enjoyed Fr. Fitzgerald's "Celtic Spirit for All the Hours." Every workshop that I attended was very good. I've been able to choose workshops that have been very uplifting and helpful to me. Thanks for having this each year -- I might not be able to attend every time, but we do have a group from our parish that tries to go every year. Looking forward to Congress 2000--God bless you!
M. Yeast, Derwood, Maryland
- Date:
- 8/14/99
To Everyone: I, along with my youth group, recently attended the Congress and we all had a fantastic time! The Liturgies were great and we all left on Sunday filled with the Holy Spirit and all great eagerness for next year. This Congress was my first and, having gone through the RCIA last year, this added to my knowledge and love for the Catholic faith. Thanks a million!!!
Nick, St. Martin of Tours, San Jose, CA
- Date:
- 8/6/99
Please remind attendees not to bring (and play) tambourines to workshops and liturgies. They are very distracting.
- Date:
- 7/19/99
When will the theme be announced?
The theme for the Religious Education Congress 2000 is "Awaken Hope: Shout Jubilee!"
(Read the Director's reflection on the Congress 2000 theme.)
- Date:
- 7/6/99
Why is Congress so close to Easter? So many of us are involved in RCIA that it is impossible to leave our parishes at this time of the year.
Youth Day and the Religious Education Congress dates are set by the Anaheim Convention Center in collaboration with the hotels involved. We do request dates during the months of February and March that encompass a weekend. However, we do not always get the days we request, e.g., Congress 2000 will be held in April -- two weeks prior to Easter.
Adrian Whitaker, Congress Manager
- Date:
- 6/24/99
Can we please have Youth Day on a day that is not a school day?
Most private schools do consider Youth Day not a school day, and public schools are required to give the students the day off with a release form.
Adrian Whitaker, Congress Manager
- Date:
- 6/23/99
There should always be enough of the Cup for all to partake at every Mass. I've been surprised (and a little dismayed) that the planning process after so many years doesn't adequately predict the number of people attending. My feeling is it's better to have more than not enough. We're all invited to share in the body and blood, or are we?
You are absolutely correct. The Liturgy Committee is currently working on this problem and coming up with strategies to remedy this next year. Thank you for your comment.
Adrian Whitaker, Congress Manager
- Date:
- 3/4/99
Hello, Congress-folks! I would just like to take this time and thank you so very much for such a wonderful experience! This was my first Congress, but definitely not my last! Since this is my first year as both an elementary and high school catechist, I had no idea what to expect from attending an event such as Congress. I thought, perhaps, it would be a good time for me to pick up some resources, meet some people, get a little more spirituality going.
Well, if I wasn't greatly surprised at my week in Anaheim! From Youth Day to the Closing Liturgy, I have been filled with so much of the Holy Spirit, I can't seem to stop singing Fr. Richard Ho Lung's upbeat tune, "Holy Spirit"!
My days and nights at Congress were so inspirational, I brought back more stories to my students than I could possibly remember ... but I'm trying and sharing! There are not enough words, really, to describe my experience. I just know I had the most wonderful time, met the most beautiful positive people, and got inspired by everyone I came in contact with!
It's no wonder I had been anticipating this event since last fall; it's truly been the experience of my lifetime. I am now looking forward to next year's Congress, and our parish has started the ball rolling in trying to get even more catechists and more students to attend An event such as this is so important both in our personal growth and community development. I was moved in so many ways, spiritually, emotionally, physically, it was hard not for me to smile and have an adrenaline rush!
CONGRATULATIONS on a terrific Congress and I look forward to Jubilee 2000!
- Date:
- 2/25/99
"Congratulations" for yet another successful Religious Ed Congress. We really enjoyed the workshops we took and the chance to be with others who are involved in Religious Ed.
Again congrats on a job well done!!!
- Date:
- 2/25/99
I am a Leader with the Confirmation Group at St. Louis of France in La Puente. I have attended Youth Day for the past four years as a chaperone. This year was wonderful, Jesse was AWESOME!!! The singing was beautiful and your speakers were very inspirational. We had the "2" Arena sessions.
Thank you for reaching out to OUR youth, they really need this.........
P.S. Our group was SOOO excited to be included on the WEB!!
- Date:
- 2/18/99
I am encouraging more people to attend next year's Congress. 1999 was my first Congress and I was very impressed. The ladies guild of which I am president usually sends one or two members to Congress. This year it was only myself that went from the group, although there were a handful more from the parish. However, at my report back, when I was still on a "high," I urged them all to go. And currently I have six members very keen to attend next year's Congress (plus myself of course!). Therefore, I am requesting that you send me additional registration forms. My attendance at Congress certainly did good things for me and I give credit to it for getting a new choir together. My thanks to you all. See you in 2000!
Margaret C. G.
- Date:
- 2/18/99
Just a few comments intended to be helpful concerning the Congress ......
I am a 30-year+ attendee. If at all possible, I attend. This year was the first year my wife attended. So we bring two, quite different-perspectives. And now some points - all small - and sent not in any way as criticism. But sent knowing you are continually trying to make the Congress even better .......
I think it was a good idea to move the Sunday afternoon liturgy earlier to an earlier time. However, we used to have a 9th workshop session Sunday afternoon and I for one would like the 9th workshop session reinstated. A full schedule -26 or so - workshops is not necessary. How about just 6? Looking at the 20,000+ attendees, lots attend the Sunday morning liturgy (or neither Sunday liturgy); some of them need to get away early, some would stay for a 9th session as I - and thousands of others - did for years and years and years....
Nametags: The current tags with the string/rope/cord around the neck are great! Keep them.
Thanks for listening. See you next year ........
Kevin Cronin
- Date:
- 2/15/99
I just wanted to tell you I attended the 1999 Congress and I thought it was fabulous! Thank you for all your hard work and a wonderful weekend. I did forget to write down one thing on the yellow critique sheet. I wish you would ask introducers to the speakers to ask the crowd to turn off their cell phones during presentations. There were phones ringing constantly! Even during the Liturgies and I, frankly, find it very disturbing.
Just a suggestion, since phones are becoming more and more commonplace.
Thanks again!
- Date:
- 2/14/99
Thanks again for a wonderful Congress! It was a joy. Every year is a treat!
I really was moved by the second reading at Mass this morning (Sunday). Having the lector sing the song "Eye Has Not Seen" when it came in the reading was very powerful. She did an excellent job.
Personally, I find some of the Liturgies at Congress to be too much of a show with not enough emphasis on the liturgy itself. I enjoy the offertory processions, dressing of the altar, and liturgical dancers -- that is not what I mean. I do believe that we need to understand others' cultures, but I wonder if we could do that at a celebration that is not the Mass. Sometimes I feel that we have lost our real focus.
As a member of a choir, I appreciate and enjoy having the opportunity to hear new music presented by noted musicians. I always include at least one or two (sometimes more!) workshops given by GIA and OCP musicians. Perhaps we should not utilize them as the musicians at the liturgies. I got the feeling that the musicians at the Saturday evening liturgy had not had much practice together.
Having them on the stage with the Celebrant also is a little distracting, especially when things do not seem to go as well as they would like. Maybe we should use choirs that have had sufficient time to practice together. There must be many great choirs in our Archdiocese that could be used in the many liturgies at Congress.
Congress IS a big and important event in the spiritual lives of those who attend it and in the lives of those with whom they come in contact. We should spend time and energy preparing meaningful liturgies. We must remember that we do not have to do EVERYTHING that can be done at a liturgy at ONE liturgy. Sometimes bigger is not better.
Thank you again for a wonderful weekend.
See comments for Congress 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001, 2000, 1999
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