2012 RECongress Speakers

Religious Education Congress
March 22, 2012
(Youth Day)
March 23-25, 2012

The Speaker listing is alphabetical by last name. "YD" indicates a Youth Day speaker; "KEY" denotes either Saturday Keynote or Sunday addresses. Language indicated by "ENG" for an English language workshop; "SP" for a Spanish workshop and "VIET" for a Vietnamese workshop. Workshops indicates the number of workshops presented by the speaker. Workshop sessions are designed by two numbers separated by a dash. The first number indicates the period; the number after the dash is the workshop number. When they are assigned, workshop numbers -00 to -30 are in English; numbers; -50 to -59 are in Spanish; number -70 is in Vietnamese (number -80 is Korean). Asterisks "(*)" indicate which workshop will be recorded on Audio CD.

Schedule  •  Speaker Index  •  Speakers/Topics  •  Workshop Listing  •  Exhibitor Listing  •  Exhibitor Categories

Saturday Keynote Fr. Anthony Gittins, CSSp
   "The Urgency of Discipleship and Evangelization in Today’s World"
    Saturday. 8:30 am -- Convention Arena
Sunday English Address Sr. Anne Bryan Smollin
Live, Laugh and Be Happy
Sunday, 8:30 am -- Convention Ballroom
Sunday Spanish Address Dr. Hosffman Ospino, PhD
   "Guiados por el Espíritu Santo en la construcción de la civilización del amor"
    Domingo, 8:30 am
Number of Speakers: 185
Number of Workshops: 307
English Workshops: 218
Youth Day Workshops: 26
Spanish Workshops: 56
Vietnamese Workshops: 7

Updated: 25 Nov 2020

John Allen Jr.
     Language: English      Topic(s): Ecclesiology
     Workshops: 2
        2-01: The Global War on Christians: Dispatches from the Front Lines(*)
        5-01: All Things Catholic: A 360-degree Review of What’s Hot and What’s Not in the Church(*)
Tony Alonso
     Language: English      Topic(s): Liturgy/Music & Sacraments
     Workshops: 2
        2-10: The Psalms: Songbook of Faith
        5-13: Holy Worship, Holy Living
Donna Anderle
     Language: English      Topic(s): Elementary & Liturgy/Music
     Workshops: 2
        2-02: Liturgical Dance for Children: Just Imagine!(*)
        5-02: Liturgical Dance: Inspirations in Movement(*)
Steve Angrisano
     Language: English      Topic(s): Youth Day & Youth Ministry
     Workshops: 2
       Youth Day: A - Be a Witness! Sharing Christ with Others
        1-01: Teaching Youth to Follow Christ … "The Way" of Discipleship(*)
Leisa Anslinger
     Language: English      Topic(s): Adult Education
     Workshops: 1
        8-01: Real People, Real Faith(*)
Miguel Arias
     Language: English/Spanish      Topic(s): Sacraments
     Workshops: 2
        6-51: Preparando la familia para celebrar el sacramento de la reconciliación(*)
        8-02: Preparing Families to Celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation(*)
Laura Ash
     Language: English      Topic(s): Liturgy/Music
     Workshops: 2
        6-01: Spirit Inspiring the Dance(*)
        7-02: The Dancing Word: Miriam’s Gift(*)
Patrick Atkinson
     Language: English/Spanish      Topic(s): Peace/Justice
     Workshops: 2
        5-51: Trata de Personas: Pasando por debajo del vientre de la bestia(*)
        7-01: Human Trafficking: Going Under the Belly of the Beast(*)
Meredith Dean Augustin
     Language: English      Topic(s): Catechesis/Evangelization
     Workshops: 1
        5-03: Christ the Teacher, Christ the Student(*)
Ansel Augustine, MPS
     Language: English      Topic(s): Youth Day & Catechesis/Evangelization & Young Adult Ministry
     Workshops: 2
       Youth Day: B - Keepin' Ur Hustle Holy
        3-01: Being “Spiritual” vs. Being “Faithful”(*)
Betsey Beckman, MM
     Language: English      Topic(s): Liturgy/Music
     Workshops: 2
        6-01: Spirit Inspiring the Dance(*)
        7-02: The Dancing Word: Miriam’s Gift(*)
John Bell
     Language: English      Topic(s): Liturgy/Music
     Workshops: 1
        8-03: 10 Things You Didn't Know About Jesus
Luis Benavides
     Language: Spanish      Topic(s): Elementary
     Workshops: 2
        1-51: Cómo entusiasmar a los niños con las cosas de Dios(*)
        6-52: Cómo educar en valores y poner límites adecuados a los niños(*)
Stephen Binz
     Language: English      Topic(s): Catechesis/Evangelization
     Workshops: 2
        1-02: The Word of God in the New Evangelization(*)
        4-01: Mary as Woman of the Word and Exemplar of Lectio Divina(*)
Renée Bondi
     Language: English      Topic(s): Youth Day & Spirituality
     Workshops: 2
       Youth Day: C - Holding on to Real Hope
        1-03: Time for Passion(*)
Rev. Gregory Boyle, SJ
     Language: English      Topic(s): Restorative Justice
     Workshops: 2
        4-02: Barking to the Choir: Finding the Kinship of God(*)
        7-03: Gangs 101: A Lethal Absence of Hope and a Christian Communal Response(*)
Benjamin Bravo Perez
     Language: Spanish      Topic(s): Liturgy/Music & Sacraments
     Workshops: 2
        3-51: Dios habita en la ciudad(*)
        4-51: Las distintas voces que se “hablan” hoy y la voz de la Iglesia(*)
Rev. Patrick Brennan
     Language: English      Topic(s): Parish Leadership
     Workshops: 2
        1-04: The Need for Pastoral Leadership(*)
        2-03: A Culture of Discipline for Contagious Faith(*)
Sr. Kathy Bryant, RSC
     Language: English      Topic(s): Peace/Justice
     Workshops: 1
        2-04: Children Are Crying: Who Is Listening?(*)
John Burland
     Language: English      Topic(s): Elementary
     Workshops: 2
        3-02: Music for Celebrating the Mass with Children(*)
        6-02: Proclaiming the Word of God with Children Through Song and Celebration(*)
Dr. Michael Carotta, EdD
     Language: English      Topic(s): Confirmation
     Workshops: 2
        6-03: Unchaining Confirmation(*)
        8-04: Sustaining Your Passion for Serving Young People
Sr. Caroline Cerveny, SSJ, Dmin
     Language: English      Topic(s): Technology
     Workshops: 2
        1-05: CaTECHchesis with TECH Tools(*)
        4-03: Sharing Your Faith via Digital Storytelling(*)
Dr. Kathleen Chesto
     Language: English      Topic(s): Family
     Workshops: 2
        1-06: Blessed Are You
        4-04: Journeying in Silence
Andrew Chinn
     Language: English      Topic(s): Elementary
     Workshops: 2
        4-05: Singing with God’s Children: Songs New and Old for Celebrating Liturgies with Children(*)
        7-04: Songs and Blessings for the Parent, Catechist, Teacher and the “Child Within”(*)
Joellyn Cicciarelli
     Language: English      Topic(s): Disabilities & Family
     Workshops: 2
        2-05: Connect, Awaken and Share: Practical Ways to Engage Parents in the Faith Formation of Their Children(*)
        5-04: Take This All of You and Eat of It: Helping Children with Special Needs Prepare to Receive the Sacraments(*)

Rev. Jim Clarke, PhD
     Language: English      Topic(s): Topic of Choice
     Workshops: 1
        2-06: A Spirituality for Busy Persons(*)
Fr. Paul Coutinho, SJ, PhD
     Language: English      Topic(s): Spirituality
     Workshops: 2
        3-03: The Music and Magic of Ignatian Mysticism(*)
        7-05: Heart of Darkness: The Space to Experience God and Self(*)
Rev. Michael Crosby, OFM Cap
     Language: English      Topic(s): Peace/Justice
     Workshops: 2
        6-04: Becoming a “Kin-dom” Catholic(*)
        8-05: The Shepherds Speak: Who Hears Their Voice?(*)
Rev. John Cusick
     Language: English      Topic(s): Ecclesiology & Scripture
     Workshops: 2
        6-05: Why Should I Go to Church?(*)
        7-06: A Strategy and Plan to “Break Open” a Gospel Text(*)
Fr. Charles Dahm, OP
     Language: English/Spanish      Topic(s): Life Issues
     Workshops: 2
        3-52: Como la parroquia puede responder a víctimas de violencia domestica(*)
        5-05: Creating Parish Ministry to Victims of Domestic Violence(*)
Fr. Allan Deck
     Language: English      Topic(s): Peace/Justice
     Workshops: 1
        8-06: Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship(*)
Roy DeLeon, OblSB
     Language: English      Topic(s): Spirituality
     Workshops: 2
        3-04: Praying Psalm 23 with the Body(*)
        8-07: Praying with the Body for Lent(*)
Dr. Roberto Dell'Oro
     Language: English      Topic(s): Morality
     Workshops: 1
        7-07: In Good Conscience: A Theological Reflection on Conscience Formation(*)
Dr. Michael Downey
     Language: English      Topic(s): Spirituality
     Workshops: 1
        1-07: The Suffering That Speaks Justice(*)
Tom East
     Language: English      Topic(s): Youth Ministry
     Workshops: 2
        5-06: Sharing Faith Messages with Youth that Stick(*)
        7-08: Living the Vision for Catholic Youth Ministry – Celebrating 15 Years of "Renewing the Vision"(*)
Msgr. Ray East
     Language: English      Topic(s): Catechesis/Evangelization
     Workshops: 1
        4-06: Social Justice and the New Evangelization: Shotgun Wedding or Married Bliss(*)
Dr. Dan Ebener
     Language: English      Topic(s): Parish Leadership
     Workshops: 2
        5-07: Stewardship and Servant Leadership(*)
        8-08: Servant Leadership: How and Why It Works(*)
Jorge Ivan Echavarria
     Language: Spanish      Topic(s): Spirituality
     Workshops: 2
        5-52: En cuento con Dios: Narración oral al servicio de la evangelización(*)
        8-51: Dios te quiere un imaginador: La lúdica el arma secreta del catequista(*)
Ann Marie Eckert
     Language: English      Topic(s): Parish Leadership & Spirituality
     Workshops: 2
        5-08: Recruiting and Sustaining Volunteers(*)
        8-09: Remember to Keep Holy the Sabbath(*)
Mike Eisenbeiss
     Language: English      Topic(s): Life Issues & Sexuality
     Workshops: 2
        3-05: Celebrate Recovery: A Catholic Approach(*)
        8-10: Pornography and the Catholic Christian(*)
Steven Ellair
     Language: English      Topic(s): Junior High & Family
     Workshops: 2
        1-08: Teaching and Reaching Junior High Youth(*)
        6-06: Fostering Family Involvement in Religious Education(*)
Dr. Orlando Espin
     Language: Spanish      Topic(s): Theology
     Workshops: 2
        5-53: Haciendo teología latina(*)
        7-51: Gracia y cultura(*)
Fr. Robert Fabing, SJ
     Language: English      Topic(s): Liturgy/Music
     Workshops: 1
        1-09: Love and the Eucharist of Jesus
Sr. Fran Ferder
     Language: English      Topic(s): Sexuality & Theology
     Workshops: 2
        1-10: Beyond Belief: Reclaiming Biblical Faith(*)
        8-11: No Greater Love: The Path Toward True Intimacy(*)
Santiago Fernandez
     Language: English/Spanish      Topic(s): Liturgy/Music
     Workshops: 2
        2-51: El canto en la Misa y la solemnidad progresiva
        4-07: Creating Ritual in Music and Liturgy(*)
Sr. Barbara Fiand, SND de N
     Language: English      Topic(s): Adult Education
     Workshops: 2
        3-06: Stay Here, Keep Watch with Me, Watch and Pray(*)
        5-09: Do This in Memory of Me(*)
Elizabeth Ficocelli
     Language: English      Topic(s): Elementary
     Workshops: 2
        1-11: How to Prepare Children – and Their Parents – for the Sacraments(*)
        5-10: Helping Kids Develop a Personal Relationship with Jesus(*)
José-Román Flecha
     Language: Spanish      Topic(s): Morality
     Workshops: 2
        2-52: ¿Por qué el pecado es pecado?(*)    --   Bajar apuntes
        4-52: Educar en la virtud y la virtud de educar(*)
Amy Florian
     Language: English      Topic(s): Human Growth/Development & Spirituality
     Workshops: 2
        5-11: Hearing Mary’s Voice in My Martha World
        7-09: Help! What Do I Say?
Fr. Richard Fragomeni
     Language: English      Topic(s): Liturgy/Music
     Workshops: 2
        1-12: The Art of Grieving: Learning to Die Well, Learning to Live Well(*)
        3-07: Symphony of the Word: Pope Benedict XVI Exhortation on the Word of God in Our Lives(*)
Anne Frawley-Mangan
     Language: English      Topic(s): Elementary
     Workshops: 2
        3-08: Mark My Words: Giving Voice to Mark’s Gospel Through Drama(*)
        6-07: Who Do You Say I Am? Imagining God Through the Arts(*)
Sr. Mary Margaret Funk, OSB
     Language: English      Topic(s): Spirituality & Technology
     Workshops: 2
        2-07: Discernment: Using the Internet Skillfully(*)
        6-08: Prayer of the Heart(*)
Dr. Richard Gaillardetz, PhD
     Language: English      Topic(s): Ecclesiology
     Workshops: 2
        1-13: Behind the Scenes at Vatican II: The Council that Almost Failed(*)
        3-09: Four Paths to Wisdom in the Christian Tradition(*)
Dr. Jerry Galipeau
     Language: English      Topic(s): Catechumenate
     Workshops: 2
        3-10: RCIA: Back to the Basics(*)
        8-12: The Roman Missal and the RCIA: A Catechetical Method(*)
Ana García-Mina Freire
     Language: Spanish      Topic(s): Family
     Workshops: 2
        1-52: Aprender los fracasos(*)
        6-53: ¿En qué se distinguen las catequesis con inteligencia emocional?(*)
Rev. Richard Gilbert, PhD, Dmin
     Language: English      Topic(s): Life Issues
     Workshops: 2
        1-14: A Child Asks: Why Did Jesus Take Grandpa/Grandma Away?(*)
        6-09: Dem Bones, Dem Bones: Faithful Living in the Dry Desert(*)
Fr. Alvaro Ginel Vielva
     Language: Spanish      Topic(s): Catechesis/Evangelization
     Workshops: 2
        2-53: La voz está dentro de ti(*)
        5-54: Ser Catequista: Llamados a interpelar(*)
Fr. Anthony Gittins, CSSp
     Language: English      Topic(s): Catechesis/Evangelization
     Workshops: 2
        Keynote: The Urgency of Discipleship and Evangelization in Today’s World(*)
        7-10: "Are There Any Christian Disciples Today?"(*)
Dr. Greer Gordon
     Language: English      Topic(s): Catechesis/Evangelization
     Workshops: 3
        2-08: The Resurrection and the Glory of the Cross(*)
        6-10: Catholic Identity and Homosexuality(*)
        7-11: New Apologetics and the Defense of God(*)
Fr. Daniel Groody, CSC, PhD
     Language: English/Spanish      Topic(s): Peace/Justice
     Workshops: 2
        1-53: Muriendo para vivir: Una teología de migración(*)
        5-12: Dying to Live: A Theology of Immigration(*)
Dr. Thomas Groome
     Language: English      Topic(s): Catechesis/Evangelization
     Workshops: 2
        3-11: Implementing the Bishops’ Framework on High School Catechesis(*)
        4-08: Will There Be Faith?(*)
Ricardo Grzona
     Language: Spanish      Topic(s): Catechesis/Evangelization & Adult Education
     Workshops: 2
        3-53: Verbum Domini: Una vuelta en “U” para la catequesis de la iglesia(*)
        7-52: Jonás conviértete: La misión del catequista, desde la figura del profeta Jonás(*)
Fr. David Guffey, CSC
     Language: English      Topic(s): Media
     Workshops: 1
        3-12: Walking With Mary Through Media(*)
David Haas
     Language: English      Topic(s): Liturgy/Music
     Workshops: 2
        2-09: The New Order of Mass: Celebrating & Deepening Our Understanding of the Liturgy
        7-12: Pray at All Times: Celebrating the Power of Sung Prayer
Sr. Bridget Haase, OSU
     Language: English      Topic(s): Parish Leadership
     Workshops: 2
        1-15: Live from a Burning Fire: Three Practices of the Abundant Life(*)
        7-13: Immersed, Enkindled and Anointed: Living O 22ur Baptism in Everyday Life(*)
Marty Haugen
     Language: English      Topic(s): Liturgy/Music & Sacraments
     Workshops: 2
        2-10: The Psalms: Songbook of Faith
        5-13: Holy Worship, Holy Living
Fr. John Heagle
     Language: English      Topic(s): Sexuality & Theology
     Workshops: 2
        1-10: Beyond Belief: Reclaiming Biblical Faith(*)
        8-11: No Greater Love: The Path Toward True Intimacy(*)
Lisa Hendey
     Language: English      Topic(s): Media
     Workshops: 1
        2-11: Social Media Strategies for Today’s Church(*)
Sr. Glenda Hernandez
     Language: Spanish      Topic(s): Spirituality
     Workshops: 2
        5-55: ¿Qué liderazgo aplicar en mi grupo y mi familia?
        8-52: Orar y cantar los Salmos
Francisco Javier Herrera Brambila
     Language: Spanish      Topic(s): Peace/Justice
     Workshops: 2
        2-54: Fuerza de la raíz: Infundiendo vida con el canto y el cuento(*)
        6-55: Orando cantando y caminando con Jesús “el migrante”(*)
Rev. Terry Hershey
     Language: English      Topic(s): Spirituality
     Workshops: 2
        1-16: Soft Hearts from Hard Places(*)
        4-09: Shall We Dance?(*)
Bishop Thomas Hieu Dinh Vu
     Language: Vietnamese      Topic(s): Vietnamese
     Workshops: 1
        4-70: Vietnamese Workshop (The Faith of the Vietnamese Catholic: Formation)(*)
        7-70: Vietnamese Workshop (The Faith of the Vietnamese Catholic: Daily Life)(*)
Mary Byrne Hoffmann
     Language: English      Topic(s): Media
     Workshops: 2
        6-11: The Media Pilgrimage: Spiritual Formation in the 21st Century(*)
        8-13: The Media Ministry: Catechesis in the 21st Century(*)
Michael Horan
     Language: English      Topic(s): Adult Education
     Workshops: 1
        7-14: “I Call You Friends”: Adult Formation for Authentic Discipleship(*)
ValLimar Jansen
     Language: English      Topic(s): Catechumenate & Women's Issues
     Workshops: 2
        5-14: Labyrinth Within: Women Seeking the Heart of God(*)
        7-15: Living Water(*)
Mary Janus
     Language: English      Topic(s): Catechumenate
     Workshops: 1
        7-15: Living Water(*)
Jack Jezreel
     Language: English      Topic(s): Peace/Justice
     Workshops: 2
        3-13: Good News People: An Affirming Approach to Parish Social Ministry(*)
        7-16: Engaged Spirituality: Prayer and Action in Conversation(*)
Michael Joncas      UNABLE TO ATTEND
     Language: English      Topic(s): Sacraments
     Workshops: 2
        4-10: Visual Arts and the Sacraments
- presented by Fr. Richard Fragomeni
        8-14: Music and the Sacraments of Healing - presented by David Haas
Michael Josephson
     Language: English      Topic(s): Morality
     Workshops: 1
        2-12: Character Counts: Formation and Education
Fr. Felix Just, SJ, PhD
     Language: English      Topic(s): Scripture
     Workshops: 1
        2-13: The Prologue of John (1:1-18): Proclaiming the Good News of Life!(*)
Matthew Kelly
     Language: English      Topic(s): Spirituality
     Workshops: 2
        3-14: Finding Catholic Game Changers
        6-12: The Four Signs of a Dynamic Catholic
Fr. Joe Kempf
     Language: English      Topic(s): Sacraments & Life Issues
     Workshops: 2
        2-14: “Sometimes Life Is Just Not Fair?”(*)
        6-13: What No One Can Take from You(*)
Tom Kendzia
     Language: English      Topic(s): Liturgy/Music
     Workshops: 1
        4-07: Creating Ritual in Music and Liturgy(*)
Dr. Saundra Kennedy
     Language: English      Topic(s): Elementary
     Workshops: 2
        1-17: Heralds of the Good News: Becoming the Best You Can Be(*)
        8-15: Keys to Proclaiming the Word: The Task of Catechesis(*)
Beth Knobbe
     Language: English      Topic(s): Young Adult Ministry
     Workshops: 2
        5-15: Living Single with Faith, Purpose and Passion(*)
        8-16: Mentoring Young Adults into Ministry(*)
Peter Kolar
     Language: Spanish      Topic(s): Liturgy/Music
     Workshops: 1
        3-54: La música al servicio de la liturgia
Keri Krout
     Language: English      Topic(s): Early Childhood
     Workshops: 2
        2-15: What I Wish Parents Understood(*)
        5-16: What I Know for Sure: Gifts to Give Children(*)
Sean Lansing
     Language: English      Topic(s): Junior High & Youth Ministry
     Workshops: 2
        4-11: An Invitation to Love: Creating Service Opportunities that Work(*)
        7-17: More Than Just Service: Engaging Young Adolescents in Social Justice(*)
Fr. Richard Leonard, SJ
     Language: English      Topic(s): Media
     Workshops: 2
        1-18: Glimpsing Eternity: Film, Faith and the Last Things
        4-12: Screening the Sacred: Jesus on the Silver Screen
Fr. David Loftus
     Language: English      Topic(s): Adult Education
     Workshops: 1
        6-14: Changing Voices and Hungry Hearts(*)
Rabbi Michael Lotker
     Language: English      Topic(s): Ecumenical/Interreligious
     Workshops: 1
        6-15: What Every Serious Christian Should Know About Judaism(*)
Sybil MacBeth
     Language: English      Topic(s): Spirituality
     Workshops: 2
        7-18: Praying in Color(*)
        8-17: Praying in Color (repeated)(*)
Elaine Mahon
     Language: English      Topic(s): Catechesis/Evangelization
     Workshops: 2
        3-24: Theology and Technology – Making It Work for High Schools(*)
        5-26: Technology at the Service of Catechesis(*)
Beth Mahoney
     Language: English      Topic(s): Media
     Workshops: 1
        3-12: Walking With Mary Through Media(*)
Cardinal Roger Mahony
     Language: English      Topic(s): Immigration
     Workshops: 1
        4-13: Surprise: We All Employ Undocumented Workers!(*)
Fr. James Mallon
     Language: English      Topic(s): Catechesis/Evangelization
     Workshops: 2
        2-16: The New Evangelization(*)
        4-14: Going to the Dogs(*)
Michael Mangan
     Language: English      Topic(s): Catechumenate & Liturgy/Music
     Workshops: 2
        4-15: Setting Hearts on Fire: Choosing and Using Music to Enliven Parish and School Liturgy(*)
        8-18: We Believe: Songs for Sacraments of Initiation(*)
Rev. James Martin, SJ
     Language: English      Topic(s): Spirituality
     Workshops: 2
        6-16: Heaven and Mirth: Joy, Humor and Laughter in the Spiritual Life(*)
        8-19: Meeting Jesus by the Sea(*)
Sr./Dr. Oralisa Martin
     Language: English      Topic(s):
     Workshops: 1
        6-17: Sojourners in Faith
Rev. Bryan Massingale, STD
     Language: English      Topic(s): Morality
     Workshops: 2
        1-19: Whatever Happened to the Common Good?(*)
        5-17: Models of African-American Sanctity(*)
Dr. Timothy Matovina, PhD
     Language: English/Spanish      Topic(s): Theology
     Workshops: 2
        4-53: Latinos y la Transformación de la Iglesia Católica en los Estados Unidos(*)
        6-18: The Formation of the Gospels(*)
Bob McCarty, D.Min
     Language: English      Topic(s): Youth Day & Youth Ministry
     Workshops: 2
       Youth Day: K - Forgiveness: Disarming the Heart
        1-20: Helping Young People Work Through Difficult Times: Pastoral Care!(*)
Charlotte McCorquodale
     Language: English      Topic(s): Youth Ministry
     Workshops: 2
        2-17: National Lay Ecclesial Ministry Standards and Certification: Can They Make a Difference?(*)
        6-19: Keys to Successfully Using Social Media and Online Technologies for Ministry Leadership Development(*)
Tom McGrath
     Language: English      Topic(s): Family
     Workshops: 1
        2-05: Connect, Awaken and Share: Practical Ways to Engage Parents in the Faith Formation of Their Children(*)
Bro. Michael O'Neill McGrath
     Language: English      Topic(s): Catechesis/Evangelization & Peace/Justice
     Workshops: 2
        3-15: Saved By Beauty(*)
        5-03: Christ the Teacher, Christ the Student(*)
Dr. Megan McKenna
     Language: English      Topic(s): Spirituality
     Workshops: 2
        2-18: The Word of God Brings Us Back to Life!(*)
        5-18: Infusions and Voices of Life!(*)
Walter Francisco Mena
     Language: Spanish      Topic(s): Young Adult Education
        1-54: La pastoral juvenil en los Estados Unidos: Su historia, sus retos y sus esperanzas(*)
Juan Carlos Montenegro
     Language: Spanish      Topic(s): Catechesis/Evangelization
     Workshops: 1
        2-55: Creando jóvenes lideres(*)
Rafael Moreno
     Language: Spanish      Topic(s): Spirituality
     Workshops: 1
        5-56: María nos invita a ser mensajeros del Amor de Dios
Cecile Motus
     Language: English      Topic(s): Multicultural
     Workshops: 1
        6-20: Faith Formation Among Asian and Pacific Catholics(*)
Daniel Mulhall
     Language: English      Topic(s): Family
     Workshops: 1
        3-16: Creating a Partnership with Parents Toward Discipleship(*)
Fr. J. Patrick Mullen
     Language: English      Topic(s): Scripture
     Workshops: 2
        1-21: A Head-on Collision: American Culture and the Bible(*)
        5-19: “Slay Them All”: The Scriptures on War, Violence and Anger(*)
Marcelo Murua
     Language: Spanish      Topic(s): Catechesis/Evangelization
     Workshops: 2
        3-55: ¿Cómo aplicar la pedagogía de Jesús en la catequesis?(*)
        7-53: Catequistas discípulos para descubrir la voz que da sentido a la vida(*)
Suzanne Neuhaus, MACP
     Language: English      Topic(s): Restorative Justice
     Workshops: 1
        2-19: Restoring Hope, Restoring Lives, Restoring Justice(*)
Rev. Bao Nguyen
     Language: Vietnamese      Topic(s): Vietnamese
     Workshops: 1
        1-70: Vietnamese Workshop (The Spirituality of Cardinal Nguyen Van Thuan)(*)
Rev. William Nicholas
     Language: English      Topic(s): Scripture
     Workshops: 2
        3-17: “This Generation Shall Not Pass”: Christ’s End-time Discourses(*)
        8-20: The Psalms – Prayer and Poetry Direct from God(*)
Dr. Hosffman Ospino, PhD
     Language: English/Spanish      Topic(s): Theology
     Workshops: 2
        1-55: El discipulado cristiano en el mundo de hoy: Retos y posibilidades(*)
        5-20: Christian Discipleship Today: Challenges and Possibilities(*)
Joe Paprocki, Dmin
     Language: English      Topic(s): Catechesis/Evangelization
     Workshops: 1
        3-18: Practice Makes Catholic: Moving from a Learned Faith to a Lived Faith(*)
Abundio Parra Sanchez
     Language: Spanish      Topic(s): Scripture
     Workshops: 2
        1-56: Si quieres llegar a Dios … ¡Emigra! (El éxodo)(*)
        4-54: ¡Lo importante es la persona! (Tras las huellas de Jesús)(*)
Maria Pascuzzi
     Language: English      Topic(s): Scripture
     Workshops: 1
        6-21: Recovering Paul’s Voice for the 21st Century(*)
Fr. Leo Patalinghug
     Language: English      Topic(s): Youth Day & Youth Ministry
     Workshops: 2
       Youth Day: P - Food Is Love: What All Teens Are Hungering For
        1-22: Food Is Love: A Eucharistic Theology for the Family
Michael Patin
     Language: English      Topic(s): Youth Day & Parish Leadership & Youth Ministry
     Workshops: 3
       Youth Day - Arena Workshop: "Sync-tification"
        2-20: “Extreme Makeover”: Foundations and Blueprints for Youth Ministry Teams(*)
        5-21: Swamp People (of God)(*)
Sr. Rosa Monique Peña, OP
     Language: Spanish      Topic(s): Spirituality & Catechesis/Evangelization
     Workshops: 2
        6-54: Tiempos nuevos, rumbos nuevos
        7-54: La Eucaristía: Nuestro punto de convergencia
Hernán Pereda Bullrich
     Language: Spanish      Topic(s): Ecclesiology
     Workshops: 2
        4-55: Sentido de la historia(*)
        8-53: Jesucristo, corazón del mundo y salvador de la historia(*)
Roy Petitfils
     Language: English      Topic(s): Parish Leadership
     Workshops: 2
        4-16: Are We Fishers of Men or Keepers of the Aquarium? Reclaiming Our Call to Reach Out to the Unchurched(*)
        7-19: What Got Us Here Won't Get Us There! The New Skills Needed for the New Evangelization(*)
Thinh Duc Pham
     Language: Vietnamese      Topic(s): Vietnamese
     Workshops: 2
        3-70: Vietnamese Workshop (Liturgical Catechesis)(*)
        5-70: Vietnamese Workshop (The Significance of the Exultet in the Easter Triduum)(*)
Bro. Fortunat Phong
     Language: Vietnamese      Topic(s): Vietnamese
     Workshops: 2
        2-70: Vietnamese Workshop (Teaching Chastity to Youth)(*)
        6-70: Vietnamese Workshop (Bilingual Cheers, Songs and Dances for Catechetical and Youth Ministry)(*)
William Portillo
     Language: Spanish      Topic(s): Detention Ministry
     Workshops: 1
        8-54: Justicia Restauradora(*)
Sr. Helen Prejean
     Language: English      Topic(s): Life Issues & Peace/Justice
     Workshops: 2
        5-22: The Death Penalty is a Pro-life Issue(*)
        7-20: Discovering Jesus on Death Row: My Faith Journey(*)
Bishop Ricardo Ramírez, C.S.B.
     Language: Spanish      Topic(s): Young Adult Ministry
     Workshops: 2
        3-56: Entregando la fe(*)
        4-56: La catequesis familiar: La comunicación de la fe entre generaciones(*)
Rev. Michael Raschko
     Language: English      Topic(s): Theology
     Workshops: 2
        5-23: God in the Light of New Atheism(*)
        8-21: Living Within the Trinity
Thomas Reese, SJ
     Language: English      Topic(s): Ecclesiology
     Workshops: 2
        6-22: The Future of the Catholic Church
        7-21: Religion and Politics
Sr. Barbara Reid
     Language: English      Topic(s): Scripture
     Workshops: 2
        4-17: Voice Infusing Life: The Prophetic Voices of Mary, Elizabeth and Anna(*)
        6-23: Voice Infusing Life: Mary Magdalene, Voice of Hope Reborn(*)
Rev. R. Tony Ricard
     Language: English      Topic(s): Catechesis/Evangelization
     Workshops: 2
        2-21: “I’m Not a Chicken! I’m an Eagle!” Rekindling the Fire of Jeremiah!(*)
        5-24: “Have You Met My Baby Boy?” Celebrating the Love of the Blessed Mother(*)
Jorge Rivera
     Language: Spanish      Topic(s): Young Adult Ministry
     Workshops: 2
        5-57: El Señor cambió mi lamento en danzas y canticos de alegría (Salmo 30)(*)
        8-55: Los llamó para que estuvieran con El, y para enviarlos en misión (Mc 3, 14)(*)
David Rizzo
     Language: English      Topic(s): Disabilities
     Workshops: 1
        5-04: Take This All of You and Eat of It: Helping Children with Special Needs Prepare to Receive the Sacraments(*)
John Roberto
     Language: English      Topic(s): Adult Faith Formation
     Workshops: 2
        1-23: Faith Formation for Every Adult in Your Church – It’s Possible Today!(*)
        4-18: From Marriage to Parenting: Faith Formation with “Next Generation” Adults(*)
Cardinal Oscar Rodríguez Maradiaga, SDB     UNABLE TO ATTEND
     Language: English/Spanish      Topic(s): KEY & Ecclesiology
     Workshops: 0
        4-19: Living the Mission of Jesus in Our World Today(*) -
Rev. Ronald Rolheiser, OMI
     Language: English      Topic(s): Spirituality
     Workshops: 2
        1-24: Recognizing God’s Voice: The Cadence and Tone of the Voice of the Good Shepherd(*)
        7-22: Feeling God’s Voice through Physical and Mystical Touch: Some Sacramental and Mystical Images(*)
Joan Rosenhauer
     Language: English      Topic(s): Peace/Justice
     Workshops: 1
        8-22: Discipleship for the 21st Century: The Global Dimensions of Serving Our Neighbor(*)
Pedro Rubalcava
     Language: Spanish      Topic(s): Liturgy/Music
     Workshops: 1
        7-55: Cantos para acompañar las celebraciones de 15 años en la parroquia
Enedina Saucedo, MA
     Language: Spanish      Topic(s): Family
     Workshops: 1
        2-56: Catequesis familiar (Familias evangelizadoras de la sociedad)(*)
John Shea
     Language: English      Topic(s): Spirituality
     Workshops: 2
        4-20: Teaching Stories: Tools for Spiritual Development(*)
        6-24: Compassion: Is There Any Other Way?(*)
Clodomiro L. Siller Acuña
     Language: Spanish      Topic(s): Theology
     Workshops: 2
        2-57: Antropología bíblica: La reconciliación y la paz en el plan de Dios(*)
        6-56: Diversidad natural y pluralismo social, político, cultural y religioso(*)
William Simon Jr.
     Language: English      Topic(s): Parish Leadership
     Workshops: 1
        3-19: Living the Call – The Lay Vocation at Work(*)
Rt. Rev. Alexei Smith
     Language: English      Topic(s): Ecumenical/Interreligious
     Workshops: 1
        1-26: Global Events/Local Events: Religious Perspectives of a Jew, a Catholic and a Muslim(*)
Cambria Smith
     Language: English      Topic(s): Parish Leadership
     Workshops: 2
        3-19: Living the Call – The Lay Vocation at Work(*)
Dr. Daniel Smith-Christopher
     Language: English      Topic(s): Scripture
     Workshops: 2
        1-25: Liberated from the Literal: Genesis 1-11 as Theological Challenge(*)
        8-23: Speaking at Her, or Listening to Her: Lady Zion in Prophetic Books(*)
Sr. Anne Bryan Smollin
     Language: English      Topic(s): Spirituality
     Workshops: 2
        3-20: Making Each Moment Count(*)
        Sunday Address: Live, Laugh and Be Happy(*)
Bro. Loughlan Sofield
     Language: English      Topic(s): Parish Leadership
     Workshops: 2
        3-21: Giftedness: The Secret to Full Parish Involvement(*)
        4-21: Building a Parish as a Dynamic Community of Service(*)
Bishop Oscar Solis
     Language: English      Topic(s): Multicultural
     Workshops: 1
        6-20: Faith Formation Among Asian and Pacific Catholics(*)
Fr. Dick Sparks, CSP
     Language: English      Topic(s): Morality
     Workshops: 2
        2-22: Christian Morality 2012: Relationships Trump Rules
        4-22: The Church in and for the 21st Century: Conversations Among the Generations
Carl Stecker
     Language: English      Topic(s): AIDS/HIV
     Workshops: 1
        3-22: AIDS and Our Global Catholic Compassion(*)
Peter Steinfels
     Language: English      Topic(s): Ecclesiology
     Workshops: 2
        2-23: Identity and Inclusiveness: A Tug-of-War in Today’s Church?(*)
        4-23: Is “Secular” a Four-letter Word?(*)
Michael Sweeney, OP
     Language: English      Topic(s): Parish Leadership
     Workshops: 2
        2-24: Can You Tell Me What a Parish Is?(*)
        8-24: Why Lay Ecclesial Ministry?(*)
Archbishop Luis Antonio Tagle, STD      UNABLE TO ATTEND
     Language: English      Topic(s): Ecclesiology
     Workshops: 2
        2-25: New Evangelization: Some Perspectives from Asia(*) 
        5-25: Living the Eucharist in Asia(*)  - CANCELLED
Michael Theisen
     Language: English      Topic(s): Youth Ministry
     Workshops: 2
        3-23: Fun Formation: Essential Elements of an Engaging Youth Ministry Program(*)
        6-25: Get Ready to Partner with Parents(*)
Deacon Guillermo Torres
     Language: Spanish      Topic(s): Peace/Justice
     Workshops: 1
        8-56: Viviendo nuestro bautismo a través de la solidaridad(*)
Ailís Travers
     Language: English      Topic(s): Catechesis/Evangelization
     Workshops: 2
        3-24: Theology and Technology – Making It Work for High Schools(*)
        5-26: Technology at the Service of Catechesis(*)
Lori True
     Language: English      Topic(s): Liturgy/Music
     Workshops: 1
        4-24: Let This Be the Time!
Rev. Paul Turner, STD
     Language: English      Topic(s): Liturgy/Music
     Workshops: 2
        3-25: Palm Sunday and Holy Thursday(*)
        8-25: Good Friday and the Easter Vigil(*)
Victor Valenzuela
     Language: Spanish      Topic(s): Media
     Workshops: 1
        7-56: 10 maneras de como la tecnología puede mejorar tu sesión de educación religiosa
Rev. Richard Vega
     Language: English/Spanish      Topic(s): Catechumenate
     Workshops: 2
        6-26: Infusing Life Through the Rite of Christian Initiation(*)
        8-57: ¿Y ahora qué? El plan de catequesis para el catecumenado(*)
Lupita Vital Cruz
     Language: Spanish      Topic(s): Catechesis/Evangelization
     Workshops: 2
        3-57: ¿Qué voces evangelizan a la sociedad actualmente?(*)
        8-58: ¡Todos para uno y uno para todos!(*)
Nick Wagner
     Language: English      Topic(s): Catechumenate
     Workshops: 1
        5-27: Put Your Whole Parish on the RCIA Team: Engage Everyone in Lifelong Faith Formation(*)
Christopher Walker
     Language: English      Topic(s): Elementary & Liturgy/Music
     Workshops: 2
        1-27: Celebrating the Way of the Cross and Other Prayers with Children(*)
        6-27: All Things New? Waking Up the Assembly’s Voice(*)
Fr. Freddy Washington
     Language: English      Topic(s): Theology & Multicultural
     Workshops: 2
        3-26: Pastoring & the New Evangelization: Issues and Strategies Pastors and Pastoral Leaders ask for Most(*)
        8-26: Pastoral Planning: From Multicultural to Intercultural(*)
Tracy Webb
     Language: English      Topic(s): Youth Day
     Workshops: 1
       Youth Day: X - Safety in Cyberspace
Joan Weber
     Language: English      Topic(s): Young Adult Ministry
     Workshops: 2
        4-25: Evangelizing Today’s Young Adults(*)
        7-23: Integration vs. Separation: Connecting Young Adults with the Faith Community(*)
Char Wenc, M.Ed
     Language: English      Topic(s): Family
     Workshops: 2
        2-26: Five Things Teachers Need to Know to Help Students Develop Self-discipline(*)
        5-28: I Love You and the Answer is “No!”(*)
John West
     Language: English      Topic(s): Liturgy/Music
     Workshops: 1
        4-26: Infusing Movement into Prayer in Response to God's Word(*)
Fr. Thomas Weston
     Language: English      Topic(s): Life Issues
     Workshops: 2
        2-27: So You Love an Alcoholic (or Addict)? And Everything Is Getting Worse?(*)
        7-24: It is the End of the World! It is the Age of the Holy Spirit(*)
C. Vanessa White
     Language: English      Topic(s): Multicultural
     Workshops: 2
        3-27: I Just Wanna Praise: African-American Spirituality for Today(*)
        4-27: Don't Be Weary: Self-care in the Midst of Busy Ministry(*)
Dr. Robert Wicks
     Language: English      Topic(s): Human Growth/Development & Spirituality
     Workshops: 2
        1-28: Lean Back: The Art of Regaining a Healthy Spiritual and Psychological Perspective
        4-28: Streams of Contentment: Spiritual and Psychological Renewal in a Troubled World
Dr. John Yzaguirre
     Language: English/Spanish      Topic(s): Family
     Workshops: 2
        4-57: Saber perdonar y sanación matrimonial(*)
        7-25: Is Unity Possible When We Are So Different?(*)
Fr. Luigi Zanotto
     Language: Spanish      Topic(s): Adult Education
     Workshops: 2
        6-57: ¡Ponte en honda compadre!(*)
        7-57: El Vaticano II tiene 50 años ¿y qué?(*)
Sr. Angela Zukowski
     Language: English      Topic(s): Technology
     Workshops: 2
        6-28: The Future of Catechesis in the Digital Age(*)
        7-26: Re-visiting the Symbolic Way(*)

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