2012 RECongress Period 5
Religious Education Congress
Saturday, March 24, 2012
1:00 - 2:30 pm
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= Recorded session
5-01 All Things Catholic: A 360-degree Review of What’s Hot and What’s Not in the Church
John Allen Jr.
This session will be devoted to a bird’s eye view of current events in the Church, focusing on the Vatican, Pope Benedict XVI, as well as broad global trends that shape the lives of more than 1.2 billion Catholics around the world. For Catholics with enquiring minds, it’s a chance to catch up on today’s headlines … and to get an early preview of what tomorrow might bring.
5-02 Liturgical Dance: Inspirations in Movement
Donna Anderle
Dance to the music of some of your favorite composers and feel the joy of being so personally connected to the Word. Let this be an opportunity to discover how the mind, body and spirit come together in this beautiful expression of prayer.
5-03 Christ the Teacher, Christ the Student
Join Bro. Mickey McGrath and pastoral musician Meredith Augustin in a stirring exploration of the many images and faces of Christ. Examine more deeply how these images transform and transfigure our faith and reveal ways we can reflect his love in lives of service. Be inspired through rich artistic expression and storytelling to follow Christ – and come away with new motivation to be the way, the truth, and the life to those you encounter each day.
Meredith Dean Augustin
Meredith Dean Augustin, a native of Morgantown, W.V., is a national speaker and musician at parish and conference retreats. She is currently Director of Music at the Church of St. Francis of Assisi in Midtown Manhattan, N.Y., and resides in Brooklyn. Augustin formerly served as Director of Worship at St. Joseph’s Parish in New Jersey. With her association in published liturgical music since 1995, she has performed with some of the best-known songwriters and musicians in Catholic music in the country. Her first self-produced CD, “What’s Goin On!” received rave reviews.
Bro. Michael O’Neill McGrath, OSFS
Brother Mickey McGrath is an Oblate of St. Francis de Sales who paints pictures, tells stories and speaks as keynote or presenter at retreats and conferences around the country. He has been Artist-in-Residence at the Washington Theological Union for 20 years, and has taught at the Grunewald Guild in Leavenworth, Wash. Bro. McGrath has produced 10 books and creates art for the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops and many Catholic publishers, including America magazine, Crossroads Press, Harcourt Religion and Saint Mary’s Press.
5-04 Take This All of You and Eat of It: Helping Children with Special Needs Prepare to Receive the Sacraments
This workshop session will introduce innovative ideas that help children with autism and special needs prepare to celebrate their first Communion and reconciliation. An adaptive first Eucharist preparation kit will be described and attendees will come away with effective, practical ideas and handouts to help them prepare children with special needs to enter more fully into their faith through the celebration of two important sacraments.
Joellyn Cicciarelli
Joellyn Cicciarelli is Director of Curriculum Development for Loyola Press in Chicago. She has taught in pre-school and elementary schools and is a national workshop presenter. Cicciarelli has authored, co-authored or served as editor on numerous projects, programs and books and worked closely with Fred Rogers (“Mr. Rogers”) as editor on 12 of his books for children and adults. She and her family are members of St. Francis Xavier Parish in La Grange, Ill.
David Rizzo, MS, PT
Based in New Jersey, David Rizzo is father of four children, including his daughter Danielle who has autism. He and his wife Mercedes developed The Adaptive Eucharist Preparation Kit to help parents and catechists prepare children with special needs for the sacrament of Holy Eucharist. He has written a book on the spirituality of parents of children with special needs called “Faith, Family, and Kids with Special Needs,” anticipated for release in 2012. Rizzo has presented at national and regional conferences and has made an appearance on “The Catholic Corner” television show for the Diocese of Trenton, N.J.
5-05 Creating Parish Ministry to Victims of Domestic Violence
Domestic violence is pervasive in our society and parishes, and yet few parishes address the pain and suffering of its victims. Parishes should reflect the compassion of Jesus by responding to victims of domestic violence and their children as well as to abusers in order to help them free themselves from the violence. Learn about the dynamics of domestic violence and the practical steps for developing a parish ministry to its victims.
Charles W. Dahm, OP
After serving five years as campus minister and as co-director of a center for adult formation in Bolivia, Dominican priest Charles Dahm co-founded a peace and justice center in Chicago. He then served 21 years as Pastor of St. Pius V, a large inner-city Hispanic immigrant parish in Chicago, where he still serves as an Associate Pastor. In addition to his role as Coordinator of Domestic Violence for the Chicago Archdiocese, Fr. Dahm is presently Chicago Archdiocesan Director of Domestic Violence Outreach and co-coordinator of Justice and Peace for Dominicans in North America.
5-06 ShaRing Faith Messages with Youth that Stick
(Workshop closed)
How can we make faith “sticky” or pegajosa in the lives on our young people? How can we share faith with them in a way that the beliefs and practices become a way of life? This practical workshop shares research about what helps messages to be believed, understood and acted upon. This will also include sharing practices of parishes, dynamic resources and easy-to-use ideas.
Tom East
In addition to his position as Director of the Center for Ministry Development, Tom East is their Project Coordinator for Youth Ministry Services and Coordinator of the Certificate Program in Youth Ministry Studies. He served as editor or author on titles including “Leadership for Catholic Youth Ministry,” “Effective Practices for Dynamic Youth Ministry,” and “Ministry Resources for Prayer and Worship.” East previously served as Director of Youth Ministry and the Associate Director of Religious Education for the Los Angeles Archdiocese.
5-07 Stewardship and Servant Leadership
This interactive workshop will describe two leadership programs: the Stewardship Institute, and the Servant Leadership Institute. They are 16-week programs to train parish leaders using face-to-face sessions, one-on-one coaching and with online teaching methods. After a brief presentation, this workshop will demonstrate what the leadership programs are like by actually holding a session, including prayer, scriptural reflection and interactive dialogue. We will conclude with a discussion about the ways that any parish or diocese can use these two models for leadership development.
Dr. Dan R. Ebener
Dr. Dan Ebener has worked in ministry for 30 years and has presented at hundreds of conferences since starting in church work in 1976. He now teaches full time as Professor of Organizational Leadership in the College of Business at St. Ambrose University in Davenport, Iowa. Dr. Ebener is author of several published articles and the book, “Servant Leadership Models for Your Parish.” He is currently writing a second book on servant leadership.
5-08 Recruiting and Sustaining Volunteers
This workshop will help participants understand their role in helping parishioners answer their baptismal call to use their gifts and time in service to their parish community. Participants will explore the ways that parishes can do a better job of recruiting volunteers so they are asking volunteers to use their gifts in service to others, and strategies for sustaining them in their volunteer service so that it is life-giving for all.
Ann Marie Eckert
Ann Marie Eckert, based in New York, is Coordinator for Youth Ministry Services at the Center for Ministry Development. She previously worked as Associate Director for Youth and Young Adult Ministry for the Milwaukee Archdiocese and as Assistant Director of the Youth Department for the Diocese of Buffalo, N.Y. Eckert has spoken at several national events, including the L.A. Congress, the National Conference on Catholic Youth Ministry, and the National Catholic Youth Conference. She is also contributor to the “Catholic Faith and Family Bible” and to “Leadership for Catholic Youth Ministry.”
5-09 Do This in Memory of Me
Barbara Fiand, SND
Lent is a time of deep remembering, of asking ourselves how and where we belong in the story of our redemption; how it speaks to us in our time, and what precisely we are to do “in memory of him.” The vision of Jesus was that of a transformed humanity; for this he lived and was willing to die. He asked his disciples to do the same, to covenant themselves with him and embrace this vision. He asks us to do so also. What does that mean for us today? We will want to reflect on these questions during our time together.
5-10 Helping Kids Develop a Personal Relationship with Jesus
(Workshop closed)
Elizabeth Ficocelli
Children today are constantly bombarded with messages, distractions and temptations that lure them away from the spiritual and create an over-emphasis on the worldly. Here are some practical ideas and activities to encourage children to consciously choose Jesus Christ as their true leader and, in the process, become happier and more fulfilled followers. Drawing from the wisdom of Thomas à Kempis’
“The Imitation of Christ,” this talk is geared to teachers and parents who nurture the spiritual development of children ages 8-13.
5-11 Hearing Mary’s Voice in My Martha World
Could you set your stress aside for an hour and feed your soul? In the midst of your overly busy life (and busy conference!), where there is always so very much to do, regain some balance. This inspirational talk and Scripture re-enactment helps you sit at the feet of Jesus so you can keep life, prayer and duties in perspective. Don’t worry – you won’t leave your Martha behind, nor should you. But perhaps you can remember to choose Mary’s “better portion” while still getting all your Martha things done.
Amy Florian
Amy Florian is a liturgy and bereavement consultant who has 30 years of parish and conference experience at the local, region and national levels. As CEO of Corgenius, she consults with businesses, professionals and individuals across the country. Florian is on the adjunct faculties at Loyola University of Chicago, at Dominican University and at St. Xavier University, all in Illinois. Florian is a regular columnist for the Journal of Financial Planning and is author of over 90 articles and two books.
5-12 Dying to Live: A Theology of Immigration
This session will look at both the spirituality of immigrants along the U.S./Mexico border and a theology of migration. It seeks to bring out the human face of the immigrant and the face of Christ in the immigrant, especially through film and story. As it examines the foundational, conceptual and theological territory of migration, it draws on interviews with Border Patrol Agents, coyote smugglers and the struggle of people coming across the borders in search of more dignified lives. It will also bring the experience of these immigrants into conversation with what is happening with areas of immigration in other parts of the world.
Fr. Daniel G. Groody, CSC, PhD
Fr. Daniel Groody, a Holy Cross religious, is a scholar, teacher, award-winning author and film producer. He is currently Associate Professor of Theology and Director of the Center for Latino Spirituality and Culture at the Institute for Latino Studies at the University of Notre Dame in Indiana. Fr. Groody has authored various books and articles which have been translated into five languages, and has worked with the U.S. Congress, the U.S. bishops, the World Council of Churches, and the Vatican on issues of theology, globalization and immigration.
5-13 Holy Worship, Holy Living
Marty Haugen & Tony Alonso
Christian worship (like the Jewish worship of Jesus) evolved from the holy practices of ordinary life – hospitality, singing, storytelling, meal sharing and commitment to those less fortunate. How can ministers today come to understand and help our communities to recognize the deep connections between our sacramental celebrations and our life as Christians in the world?
5-14 Labyrinth Within: Women Seeking the Heart of God
Valuing and telling the extraordinary stories of our faith and stories of the ordinary rhythms of our daily lives moves us closer to reaching the destinations of wholeness, holiness and balance. Singing our songs and dancing our dances of creativity, empathy and diversity helps us to mark each step of our faith-journey with joie de vivre! This workshop will celebrate the work of women theologians, authors, composers, visual artists, choreographers and female laity, in general. Come examine and enjoy some key concepts to consider when focusing on spirituality from a female perspective.
ValLimar Jansen
ValLimar Jansen is a composer, singer, storyteller, inspirational speaker and evangelizer, who travels to over 80 events annually. She has served as a college/university professor, a leader of worship and prayer and workshop presenter at conferences across the United States and abroad. Jansen received critical acclaim for her solo albums “You Gotta Move” and “Anointing.” She was MC for the National Catholic Youth Conference in 2011 held in Indianapolis, with over 24,000 Catholic youth in attendance.
5-15 Living Single with Faith, Purpose and Passion
Being single is more than waiting to get married. The single life can be a place of abundance and joy when it is filled with faith, purpose and passion. This candid and hopeful workshop explores the fears singles face, the assumptions people make, and the questions singles ask themselves. Using insights from Scripture and ordinary people, it also includes practical and spiritual advice for finding happiness and contentment as a single person.
Beth M. Knobbe
Beth Knobbe serves as a Campus Minister at the Sheil Catholic Center at Northwestern University in Evanston, Ill., where she coordinates spirituality programs for undergraduate students and leads an annual mission trip to Nicaragua. She has spoken extensively on topics related to spirituality and young adult ministry. Knobbe is author of “Party of One: Living Single with Faith, Purpose, and Passion” and “Finding My Voice: A Young Woman’s Perspective.”
5-16 What I Know for Sure: Gifts to Give Children
(Workshop closed)
Keri Krout
In this workshop, Keri Krout will reveal the eight gifts that those who love children absolutely must share with them.
5-17 Models of African-American Sanctity
Fr. Bryan Massingale, STD
The universal call to holiness is conditioned and affected by the social and cultural situations in which people live. This workshop examines the lives of African-American “saints” who are models of holy and inspired lives. Some examples may include Martin Luther King, Harriet Tubman, Sr. Thea Bowman, and Fr. Augustus Tolton. Their lives reveal some of the unique features that shape the call to holiness lived by black people.
5-18 Infusions and Voices of Life!
Megan McKenna
God raised Jesus from the dead in the power of the Spirit and this is our faith in the resurrection – that God raises us from the dead by the power of the Spirit. We live now in Christ. The Spirit of God dwells within us and we live because of justice. We are called to be those who bring others back from death, from despair and isolation and to be the presence of life – with our voices, in story, in Scripture, in poetry and music – even in our silences! God is listening! The World is listening! What are we saying? Come, set your voice free and cry out with others God’s passion and grace for all.
5-19 “Slay Them All”: The Scriptures on War, Violence and Anger
Rev. J. Patrick Mullen
There are some surprisingly, disturbingly violent passages in the Bible, calling for destruction of enemies, including women, children and animals (see Joshua 11:6-23). This workshop will take a serious look at these passages, in their original context, seeking to develop a deeper understanding of how these passages need to be interpreted and counter-balanced by the teachings of Jesus, the Prince of Peace.
5-20 Christian Discipleship Today: Challenges and Possibilities
Every baptized person has the responsibility of being a witness of Jesus Christ in the specific context where he/she lives. For us, that context is the particularity of U.S. culture at the beginning of the 21st century and its challenges and possibilities. In this workshop we will reflect upon what it means to be a Christian disciple today in light of the theological virtues of faith, hope and charity.
Hosffman Ospino, PhD
Dr. Hosffman Ospino is Assistant Professor of Pastoral Theology and Religious Education at Boston College’s School of Theology and Ministry, where he is also Director of Graduate Programs in Hispanic Ministry. Dr. Ospino has lectured and presented to academic, pastoral and catechetical audiences in the United States, Europe and Latin America. His most recent book is entitled, “Peter’s Catechism: Who Do You Say That I Am? Why Did You Doubt? Do You Love Me?”
5-21 Swamp People (of God)
Mike Patin
What in the world do the bayou people (on the History Channel) have to say to parish leaders about the work of faith formation? At its core, Swamp People (and parish leadership) is a unique story of a proud and skillful people fighting to maintain a tradition-rich way of life in a rapidly modernizing world, despite the many perils and trials that stand in their way. So what can we learn from Swamp People? Y’all come see.
5-22 The Death Penalty is a Pro-life Issue
As a Catholic steeped in the dignity of life, Sr. Helen Prejean has gradually awakened to the dignity of all, even those guilty of terrible crimes. Accompanying six human beings to execution, hearing them say as they were lead out to be killed, “Please pray God holds up my legs,” has catapulted her into the public square to raise her voice on this issue, and to dialogue for 25 years with the Church, culminating with her direct dialogue with Pope John Paul II – all recounted in her book, “The Death of Innocents.”
Sr. Helen Prejean, CSJ
Sr. Helen Prejean, a native of Louisiana and a Sister of St. Joseph, is an author and lecturer and community organizer. Since the execution of Patrick Sonnier in 1984, she has spoken to groups throughout the United States, Europe, Latin America, Australia and Asia, and is presently Director of Ministry to Abolish the Death Penalty for her order. Sr. Prejean is author of “Dead Man Walking” and is presently working on another book, “River of Fire: My Spiritual Journey.”
5-23 God in the Light of New Atheism
How are we to think of God in the light of the questions raised by the new atheism? They appeal to science, to the tragedies we see in the world in earthquakes, tsunamis and hurricanes, and to the evil we see in religion when it leads to terrorism and sexual abuse. Can one believe in the face of all that? This session will explore how we think about God in the light of these contemporary questions. It will also discuss how we understand how God works in creation and human history in ways that are compatible with contemporary science.
Rev. Michael B. Raschko, PhD
Fr. Michael Raschko on the faculty of the School of Theology and Ministry at Seattle University since its founding in 1985. He teaches systematic theology and courses in the history of Christianity. Fr. Raschko has helped with priestly ministry on a regular basis in the Washington state parishes of St. Anthony Church in Renton and Mary, Queen of Peace Parish in Sammamish. He has published various articles and a book, “A Companion to the Gospel of Mark.”
5-24 “Have You Met My Baby Boy?” Celebrating the Love of the Blessed Mother
Rev. R. Tony Ricard, MTh, MDiv
God’s love for us is truly unconditional and more often than not truly undeserved. Through the Incarnation, our Father in Heaven showed us the depth of His love and chose a very special lady to be the instrument through whom the Savior would be born. Mary the Mother of God is indeed a true gift. This fun-filled and faith-filled workshop will explore the relationship between Mary and her Baby Boy. Together, we will explore the blessings that Mary has shared with us from the very moment she said, “May it be done to me according to your word.” Come share the love of our Blessed Mother as she says to us, “Have you met my Baby Boy?”
5-25 Living the Eucharist in Asia
(workshop closed)
Archbishop Luis Antonio G. Tagle, STD
The Eucharist is not only to be celebrated but also lived as the source and summit of Christian existence. This workshop will describe four ways of ecclesial living of the Eucharist in the context of Asia.
5-26 Technology at the Service of Catechesis
Ailís Travers & Elaine Mahon
The phenomenon of social networking services and increased access to Information Technology and the Internet has contributed to heightened levels of digital literacy for the students of today. This presents teachers and catechists with opportunities to make greater use of digital technologies (particularly online services) for student learning and engagement. During our workshop we will explore and demonstrate a number of digital resources that can be used for religious education and catechesis.
5-27 Put Your Whole Parish on the RCIA Team: Engage Everyone in Lifelong Faith Formation
The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is an effective initiation process for seekers. But did you know it is also a powerful method for engaging your whole parish in lifelong faith formation? In this workshop you will learn how to develop creative, practical methods that involve the entire community in an ongoing, lifelong journey of faith. Even if you are not on the RCIA team, you will want to know about these compelling techniques.
Nick Wagner
Author and trainer, Nick Wagner is co-founder and Director of TeamRCIA.com, an online resource for Catholic parishes. He has more than 25 years of experience as a leader and trainer in liturgical and catechetical ministries, speaking at national, diocesan and parish training events. For over 20 years Wagner was an active team member with the North American Forum on the Catechumenate. He is author of “The Heart of Faith.”
5-28 I Love You and the Answer is “No!”
Char Wenc, MEd
Our job as parent is indeed challenging at times. It is difficult to be consistent in our decisions. However, it is one of the greatest gifts we can give to our children. If we are wishy-washy we give our children no foundation upon which to help make their own decisions. Limits help give our children the security and boundaries that they so need in this world! Char Wenc will give a wide range of techniques and skills to say “no” with respect and love. It takes courage, with God’s grace. This session is high-energy, humorous and practical. Its goal is to empower and to encourage parents on their parenting journey.
5-70 The Significance of the Exultet in the Easter Triduum
Rev. Thinh Duc Pham
This workshop will focus on the structure, significance and important of the hymn Exultet of the Easter Vigil, especially its role in unifying the threefold structure of the Easter Triduum.
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