2012 RECongress Period 2
Religious Education Congress
Friday, March 23, 2012
1:00 - 2:30 pm
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= Recorded session
2-01 The Global War on Christians: Dispatches from the Front Lines
Seventy-five percent of all acts of religious persecution in the world today are directed against Christians, but in the West it is often difficult to conceive of Christianity as a persecuted minority. Yet in the Middle East, the Indian subcontinent and parts of sub-Saharan Africa, Christians are paying in blood every day for their faith. Right now, there’s a real possibility that the Holy Land could turn into a “spiritual Disneyland,” full of glittering attractions but empty of living Christian communities. This session will sketch the global war against Christians and highlight what we can do about it.
John L. Allen, Jr.
John Allen is the prize-winning Senior Correspondent for the National Catholic Reporter and Senior Vatican Analyst for CNN. He is author of seven best-selling books and writes frequently on the Church for major national and international publications. His weekly internet column, “All Things Catholic,” is widely read as a source of insight on the global Catholic Church. Allen divides his time between Rome and his home in Denver, Colo.
2-02 Liturgical Dance for Children: Just Imagine!
(Workshop closed)
Learn how to tap into the imaginations of your young students and expand their knowledge of biblical characters by using dance and simple movement to recreate and “experience” the stories of our faith. Oh, yes – we will kick off our shoes and dance in this session. Just imagine!
Donna Anderle
An accomplished dancer, teacher and choreographer, Donna Anderle is on the teaching faculty of the Cincinnati Ballet Company and the Midwest Theatre Ballet and is involved in Cincy Dance, an outreach program for Cincinnati inner-city schools. Anderle has choreographed for major conferences including the National Catholic Youth Conferences and the National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry. Her work is compiled in books of choreography and a video. She continues to give workshops, keynote presentations and dance in concert.
2-03 A Culture of Discipline for Contagious Faith
Fr. Patrick Brennan
If we become truly evangelizing parishes, we are creating environments where faith becomes contagious and caught. This workshop will explore the culture of discipline that is needed for such an evangelizing dynamic. Issues explored will be the discernment of gifts in parish life, training of parishioners in parish-based schools of ministry, the empowerment of the laity to develop and minister in their own parishes, the importance of relational evangelization that takes place in small communities, and parish ministries that operate out of a family perspective. It is the development of a culture of discipline that can help good parishes become great parishes.
2-04 Children Are Crying: Who Is Listening?
(Workshop closed)
Child slavery exists hidden in our neighborhoods in this “land of the free” as well as in the rest of the world. Your voice can give visibility and life to those children, women and men who are suffering. Your voice could release someone from being enslaved through human trafficking. Learn how to recognize the signs through listening and paying attention, and respond as an advocate through action. How can this assault on humanity find a place in our catechesis and parish ministry so that more voices are heard?
Sr. Kathleen Bryant, RSC
Sr. Kathy Bryant, a Religious Sister of Charity, ministers as a retreat facilitator, spiritual director and workshop presenter. Her special interests are in spirituality, formation, women’s spiritual development, and the abolition of human trafficking. Sr. Bryant has authored numerous articles and books and has presented workshops in Australia, Ireland and Africa as well as throughout the United States.
2-05 Connect, Awaken and Share: Practical Ways to Engage Parents in the Faith Formation of Their Children
Through activities, stories, reflection and prayer, Joellyn Cicciarelli and Tom McGrath will lead participants through more than a dozen practical, useful tips and practices that can be put to use immediately in religious formation programs. This workshop will show how to invite parents into a deeper appreciation of their own spiritual lives so that they can more effectively nurture the faith of the children in their care.
Joellyn Cicciarelli
Joellyn Cicciarelli is Director of Curriculum Development for Loyola Press in Chicago. She has taught in pre-school and elementary schools and is a national workshop presenter. Cicciarelli has authored, co-authored or served as editor on numerous projects, programs and books and worked closely with Fred Rogers (“Mr. Rogers”) as editor on 12 of his books for children and adults. She and her family are members of St. Francis Xavier Parish in La Grange, Ill.
Tom McGrath
Tom McGrath is Vice President for Product Development at Loyola Press, based in Chicago. He previously served as Executive Editor at U.S. Catholic magazine. He is an avid writer and speaker on family-life issues and spirituality. McGrath is author of several books, including “Raising Faith-Filled Kids, Ordinary Opportunities to Nurture Spirituality at Home and Together” and “Preparing at Home for First Eucharist.” He and his wife, Kathleen, are members of St. Viator Parish community.
2-06 A Spirituality for Busy Persons
(Workshop closed)
With our busy lives and so many diverse commitments, how is a person able to infuse their life with healthy spiritual practices? In this workshop, Fr Jim Clarke will offer 12 cross-cultural, interfaith practices that can help sustain a person over the long haul. Each practice will also include different prayer forms.
Rev. Jim Clarke, PhD
Fr. Jim Clarke is Director of Spiritual Formation and Assistant Professor of Spiritual Theology at St. John’s Seminary in Camarillo, Calif. With a background in spirituality, adult education, counseling and psychology, Fr. Clarke currently serves as Chair of the Spirituality Commission for the Los Angeles Archdiocese and is an Associate Spiritual Director at the Cardinal Manning House of Prayer for Priests in Los Angeles. He has presented at national events and has given retreats for more than 30 years.
2-07 Discernment: Using the Internet Skillfully
The Internet requires new skills and training in judgment. The Internet can be a skillful means for growing in prayer and discipline. It can also contribute to addictions and afflictions that harm the individual soul. This session will provide guidelines for schools, students, pastors, spiritual directors and parents for healthy Internet usage.
Sr. Meg Funk, OSB
Sr. Mary Margaret “Meg” Funk, a Benedictine nun from Beech Grove, Ind., is currently teaching and writing on the early monastic practices. With experience in East-West dialogue, she has served as Executive Director of Monastic Interreligious Dialogue, as Prioress of Our Lady of Grace Monastery in Beech Grove, Ind., and as Director of Religious Education for the Indianapolis Archdiocese. Sr. Funk has speaking engagements globally and has authored several books, including “Lectio Matters.”
2-08 The Resurrection and the Glory of the Cross
(Workshop closed)
Having become accustomed to suffering and distress, many of us have forgotten that the cross is not the end, or primary focus of Christian life. The reality is that, in and through Christ Jesus, we are called to be people of the resurrection, who reflect a spirit of peace, hope and joy! As such, we are called to be witnesses to the resurrected Christ’s transformation of the cross into an instrument of salvation. This session will address, from a catechetical perspective, the relationship between the cross and the resurrection, and it will present a contemporary theology with practical implications for the lives of believers.
Dr. Greer G. Gordon
Dr. Greer Gordon, a Roman Catholic theologian, author and lecturer. She has taught at the University of Massachusetts and at Regis College in Massachusetts, and has served as a diocesan director in Boston; Washington, D.C.; Oakland, Calif.; and Baton Rouge, La. Dr. Gordon was one of eight American women invited by the Vatican to respond to Pope John Paul II’s Encyclical on Women, and was the first woman Baccalaureate speaker at Boston University and at Regis College.
2-09 The New Order of Mass: Celebrating and Deepening Our Understanding of the Liturgy
This session will be a time to reflect on the experience of celebrating the New Roman Missal since its beginning this past Advent – a time to examine how the new translation is being received, a time to deepen our understanding and our catechetical and formational efforts to help our communities truly pray, sing and celebrate the liturgy, a time to deepen our liturgical literacy ritually and musically, and most importantly, a time to probe our hearts to celebrate how the liturgy is a call to transformation and conversion. Come ready to share stories, sing and plot a course for the future.
David Haas
David Haas is Director of The Emmaus Center for Music, Prayer and Ministry, and Campus Minister/Artist-in-Residence at Cretin-Derham Hall High School, both in St. Paul, Minn. He has authored over 25 books and is composer of over 40 original collections of liturgical music. Haas has traveled around the world giving concerts and presenting workshops. He authors the monthly column “Sung Prayer” for Ministry and Liturgy magazine, and is founder and Executive Director for “Music Ministry Alive,” a liturgical music formation program for high school youth.
2-10 The Psalms: Songbook of Faith
The introduction of a new translation of psalms for the Roman Catholic liturgy provides an opportunity to reflect upon the importance of these rich, beautiful and faithful songs that have been a bedrock for both private and corporate prayer for both Jews and Christians. Join us as we explore new resources which enable Christian assemblies to sing the psalms in liturgical worship.
Marty Haugen
For over 30 years, composer Marty Haugen has presented workshops, concerts and presentations across North and Central America, Europe, Asia and the Pacific Rim. With over 35 recordings and 400 published editions, his range of musical compositions continues to appear in hymnals for United States, Canadian and Australian Catholics, Evangelical Lutherans and other Protestant denominations. Haugen’s latest music offerings include “In the Days to Come: Songs of Peacemaking” and “Only You, O God: Simple Songs for Worship.”
Tony Alonso
Tony Alonso serves as Director of Liturgical Music at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles. As one of the most prominent voices in contemporary liturgical music, he has shared his musical gifts and knowledge of liturgy at conferences across the United States, Canada and Europe. His music appears in numerous hymnals throughout the world. In addition to several published collections of liturgical music, Alonso is author of many books for youth and youth ministers about liturgy.
2-11 Social Media Strategies for Today’s Church
(Workshop closed)
Returning from the Vatican-hosted bloggers meeting, Lisa Hendey will lead an overview of the latest in social media technology and tactics for parishes, schools and ministries. From policies and best practices to streamlining your use of the latest tools and techniques, learn to harness the power of these tools for catechesis, youth ministry, community building and evangelization.
Lisa M. Hendey
Lisa Hendey is founder and Editor of CatholicMom.com and best-selling author of “The Handbook for Catholic Moms.” She is a technology contributor for EWTN’s “Son Rise Morning Show” and a regular guest on Relevant Radio’s “On Call” show. Hendey is a columnist for Faith & Family, Catholic News Agency, and Catholic Exchange, and her articles have appeared in the National Catholic Register and Our Sunday Visitor. She gives frequent workshops at parishes, diocesan events and women’s conferences.
2-12 Character Counts: Formation and Education
This session will address the “Character Counts” approach to character formation and education. To enable young people and adults to understand the pillars of character, several ethical values such as trustworthiness, respect and responsibility will be developed.
Michael Josephson
Michael Josephson is a highly sought-after speaker and consultant in the field of ethics and character. His award-winning “Character Counts!” radio commentaries play daily on stations across the country and around the world. After a distinguished 20-year career teaching law and as the CEO of a prominent legal education company, he resigned his professorship and sold his business to found the Joseph and Edna Josephson Institute of Ethics, a non-profit organization in honor of his parents. Josephson is author or co-author of over 20 books.
2-13 The Prologue of John (1:1-18): Proclaiming the Good News of Life!
The fourth Gospel’s Prologue is a wonderful summary of the entire biblical message, and an important key to appreciating the richness of Christian theology overall. This workshop will give you a deep and clear understanding of the content, structure and meaning of John’s Prologue (1:1-18), and its foundational influence on the Nicene Creed. The more clearly we hear God’s voice speaking to us through the Scriptures, the more easily we will appreciate God’s gift of life to those who believe!
Fr. Felix Just, SJ, PhD
Fr. Felix Just is Director of Biblical Education at the Loyola Institute for Spirituality in Orange, Calif. He has been a member of the faculties at all three Jesuit universities in California. Fr. Just conducts many adult faith-formation programs for parishes and dioceses, and leads biblically based days of prayer, parish missions and retreats across the country. He also has three audio-lecture programs, including “The New Testament: A Guided Tour.”
2-14 “Sometimes Life Is Just Not Fair?”
Sufferings can come in so many ways for us – and for the children in our lives. This insightful and moving presentation addresses the tears in the heart of a child – whatever our ages. It includes a special focus on the grief that comes through the death of a loved one. By way of brief teachings, prayers, stories and demonstrations, Fr. Joe Kempf will give us a hope-filled perspective and practical ideas to help us love well the children entrusted to our care – and the child inside each of us.
Fr. Joe Kempf
Fr. Joe Kempf is Pastor of Assumption Church in O’Fallon, Mo., and founder and President of Gospel Values, a non-profit company dedicated to proclaiming the message of Jesus to children of all ages. Fr. Kempf is a well-known invited speaker at religious education gatherings across Canada and the United States, including repeat appearances at the L.A. Congress. He is author of numerous books and videos for children of all ages, which includes his most recent book, “Sometimes Life Is Just Not Fair,” and the four DVDs of “Big Al LIVE.”
2-15 What I Wish Parents Understood
This session is created for those who work with parents and families and discusses what recent research indicates children and their parents need most. The answers may surprise you! With all the challenges families face today, here are some concrete answers and resources to share. This is an interactive workshop with time set aside for questions and concerns to be voiced.
Keri Krout
Keri Krout was a preschool teacher presenting parenting classes when she began to see the need for new models of childhood education. For the past 20 years, she has traveled throughout the country as a national consultant and certified parent coach providing keynotes, workshops and consulting to educators and parents. Krout has presented at local, regional, state and national gatherings of educators conventions, including the National Association for the Education of Young Children, New Horizons and KinderCare.
2-16 The New Evangelization
This workshop will look at the mission of the Church ad gentes beginning with Matthew 28 and the Great Commission. It will provide an overview of the call to evangelization in the Church over the last 50 years from Vatican II, Evangelii Nuntiandi, to the writings of John Paul II and Pope Benedict. It will also look closely at the Lineamenta for the 2012 Synod. Particular attention will be given to how catechesis relates to, and is different from, evangelization as presented in these documents. Attention will also be given to the particular challenges that face us as Catholics to respond to this call, and possible responses to these challenges will be discussed.
Fr. James Mallon
Fr. James Mallon is a priest of the Archdiocese of Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, where he currently serves as Pastor of St. Benedict Church. He is founder and Director of the John Paul II Media Institute in Halifax. Fr. Mallon is the creator of an eight-week catechetical video series entitled “Catholicism 201,” which currently runs in 24 countries and has been translated into Russian, Chinese and Spanish. His love for his dog inspired him to create the new video-based theology course entitled “Dogmatic Theology,” which was released in 2011.
2-17 National Lay Ecclesial Ministry Standards and Certification: Can They Make a Difference?
With the approval of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops in September 2011, national certification for lay ecclesial ministers (LEMs) serving in key pastoral ministry roles is now a reality for catechetical, liturgical, pastoral and youth ministry leaders. What difference will this new national certification and accompanying national standards make to individual ministers and the communities they serve? This workshop will answer this question, as well as introduce participants to the new national standards and how LEMs can obtain national certification.
Charlotte McCorquodale, PhD
Dr. Charlotte McCorquodale has served in parish, school and diocesan ministry settings for 30 years. She is past chair of the National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry’s Board of Directors and served as a lay consultant to the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Committee for Laity, Marriage, Family Life and Youth. In 2000, Dr. McCorquodale co-founded the non-profit organization, Ministry Training Source, and is currently President of their Board of Directors, and serves as an international educator, researcher and consultant for the fields of lay ecclesial ministry, youth ministry and e-learning.
2-18 The Word of God Brings Us Back to Life!
The Scriptures are filled with stories of the power of the Word of God – to heal, to confront with the truth, to encourage and give hope, to comfort and instill awe. But the Word of the Lord (in Jesus) in the Scriptures and in the Body of Christ (the community) seizes us from the power of death and grasps us drawing us back into life, instilling us with the grace and Spirit of God. With Lazarus we are summoned forth from the tombs of our lives and world and together we are the people of resurrection life that begins now in our baptisms. Come forth from your tomb and stand in the light of the Word!
Megan McKenna
Megan McKenna, a native of New York City currently living in Albuquerque, N.M., travels internationally working with indigenous peoples, base communities, parishes, dioceses and religious orders. She is the author of 48 books; her latest book, “This Will Be Remembered of Her,” won a Catholic Press Association award, and her book, “Like A Hammer Shattering Rock,” is due to be released around Congress time. She teaches at a number of universities, colleges and pastoral institutes around the world.
2-19 Restoring Hope, Restoring Lives, Restoring Justice
Our Catholic Christian responsibility is to bring all people into right relationship with God and one another. This workshop will examine the tremendous impact of violent crime on those harmed including victims, offenders and communities, and consider how our response to each can bring hope and healing in its aftermath.
Suzanne E. Neuhaus, MACP
Suzanne Neuhaus has been involved in youth and adult ministries, RCIA, parish council, music ministry, Eucharist formation and catechesis. She currently serves on both the Restorative Justice Advisory Committee to the California Catholic Conference and the Restorative Justice Advisory for the Los Angeles Archdiocese. Neuhaus has been employed with the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation for 23 years, including victim services and delinquency prevention.
2-20 “Extreme Makeover”: Foundations and Blueprints for Youth Ministry Teams
(Workshop closed)
It’s amazing how those TV “Extreme Makeover: Home Edition” crews get not only the best experts but a lot of local help to take something that was in need of repair and turn it into a state-of-the-art dwelling. Now … what if we applied some of their principles to our parish youth ministry teams?
Mike Patin
Mike Patin has worked in youth ministry since 1984, spending six years as a high school teacher and coach before working for the CYO/Youth Ministry Office for the New Orleans Archdiocese. He was also on the adjunct faculty at the Notre Dame School of Theology Seminary in New Orleans. Since 2003, he has been speaking full time to young people and adults on issues of Catholic faith. Among his many book titles is “A Standing Invitation.”
2-21 “I’m Not a Chicken! I’m an Eagle!” Rekindling the Fire of Jeremiah!
(Workshop closed)
“I say to myself, I will not mention him, I will speak in his name no more. But then it becomes like fire burning in my heart” (Jeremiah 20:9). From the dawn of time, God has been lighting the fire of evangelization in our hearts. Sometimes, we can grow weary with all of the “stuff” that comes along with being the modern day teachers and preachers of God’s Word. Yet we still feel compelled to bring that Word to all of God’s children. This energizing workshop will help renew your commitment to evangelization and rekindle the fire that burns within you. By workshop’s end, you’ll be ready to declare to the world, “I’m not a chicken! I’m an eagle!”
Rev. R. Tony Ricard, MTh, MDiv
Fr. Tony Ricard, a priest of the New Orleans Archdiocese, currently serves as Pastor of Our Lady Star of the Sea Parish in New Orleans, as Director of KnightTime Ministries, and Chief Editor for Two Knights Publishing Co. Fr. Ricard is also author of “I Still Believe: A Testimony of Faith After The Storm,” “Don’t Be Stupid!: Lessons You Should Already Know” and “I Don’t Make Them Up! Reflections Stories and Jokes from a Faithful Fool.”
2-22 Christian Morality 2012: Relationships Trump Rules
The Gospel story really is about love, more than obedience. We live in a web of relationships – God, neighbors, and self – and we try to “do the loving thing.” Oh, you mean “obey the rules”? Not exactly! Laws and rules are guidelines. They can help us. They can also stifle the Spirit. This session focuses on how to be a healthy, happy, holy and wholesome follower of Jesus, a vibrant member of his family the church – infused and infusing life all along the way.
Richard C. Sparks, CSP
Paulist priest Fr. Dick Sparks serves on the parish staff at Old St. Mary’s Church in the “South Loop” of Chicago. He has served as Pastor of the Newman Center at University of California, Berkeley and as Director of the Paulist Center in Boston. In addition to local parish work, Fr. Sparks is an author and a popular teacher and speaker on the ethics/morality workshop and retreat circuit around the United States and Canada. He is frequently sought to consult with health-care systems and ethics committees because of his biomedical ethics expertise.
2-23 Identity and Inclusiveness: A Tug-of-War in Today’s Church?
Among the divisions afflicting the church today is that between Catholics primarily concerned about strengthening Catholic identity and Catholics primarily concerned about embracing groups or individuals who have been excluded or marginalized. The first feels the need for clearly defined boundaries, the other feels the need to reach beyond them. This is a genuine conflict. How can it be overcome?
Peter Steinfels
Peter Steinfels is author of “A People Adrift: The Crisis of the Roman Catholic Church in America.” He has taught and lectured at many Catholic campuses and is founding Co-Director of the Center on Religion and Culture at Fordham University in New York, where he is a professor and journalist-in-residence. Steinfels was a religion reporter and columnist for The New York Times, former editor-in-chief of Commonweal magazine, and editor of American Catholics in the Public Square.
2-24 Can You Tell Me What a Parish Is?
The parish is an altogether unique community and all of us belong to one, but, because it is unique, it is extremely difficult to define exactly what a parish is. We will look at the parish as a legal reality (canonically and civilly) and as an ecclesial reality to attempt a definition, and what this implies for parish leadership.
Rev. Michael Sweeney, OP
Fr. Michael Sweeney is President of the Dominican School of Philosophy and Theology at the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley, Calif., where he also teaches. He is co-founder and former Co-Director of the Catherine of Siena Institute in Colorado. Fr. Sweeney has developed and offers retreats and talks in over 50 U.S. dioceses and in Canada and Indonesia on the theology of the laity, vocation and pastoral governance.
2-25 New Evangelization: Some Perspectives from Asia
(Workshop closed)
The call to a “New Evangelization” is addressed to the whole Church. What is the New Evangelization? What are its challenges for the Churches of Asia?
Archbishop Luis Antonio G. Tagle, STD
Most Rev. Luis Antonio Tagle was recently appointed Archbishop of Manila, Philippines. He formerly served as Bishop for the Diocese of Imus, Philippines. He is Rector of the diocesan major seminary and teaches in various schools of theology in Manila, Philippines. Bishop Tagle is a former member of the International Theological Commission in Rome. He is a member of the Council of the Synod of Bishops, and is also Chair of the Office of Theological Concerns for the Federation of Asian Bishops Conferences..
2-26 Five Things Teachers Need to Know to Help Students Develop Self-discipline
Teachers are not given much assistance in developing sound disciplinary skills. With God’s grace this needs to change. Teaching efficiency is reduced whenever disciplinary disruptions occur and continue to occur. Teachers today need a caring helping hand. Char Wenc has been an educator for 30 years from the primary to the graduate school level. Her realistic, humorous session will energize and empower you with practical techniques for discipline and positive reinforcement in your classrooms.
Char Wenc, MEd
Internationally known author and speaker Char Wenc is a Professor at Loyola University and at the Adler School of Professional Psychology, both located in Chicago. She is author of “Parenting: Are We Having Fun Yet?” and “Cooperation Learning through Laughter.” Wenc is winner of a “Those Who Excel in Education” award, and has 30 years teaching experience, 20 years in public speaking and 10 years as a Member of the National Speakers Association.
2-27 So You Love an Alcoholic (or Addict)? And Everything Is Getting Worse?
This will be a presentation on the wisdom, hope and healing from families and friends who have been through it. Many of us find ourselves exhausted, angry and alone because of active addiction in a friend or family member. Here are some better ideas and practical suggestions drawn from Al-Anon family groups, adult children of alcoholics groups, and the power of the 12 Steps.
Fr. Thomas Weston, SJ
Fr. Thomas Weston is Retreat Director for the Jesuit Ministries in Oakland, Calif. A speaker and facilitator, he has worked extensively with alcoholics and addicts in recovery and their families since 1976. Fr. Weston, a former high school teacher and associate pastor, has been a conference and education speaker for over 30 years and is a frequent presenter at the Los Angeles Religious Education Congress.
2-70 Vietnamese Workshop (Teaching Chastity to Youth)
(workshop closed)
With candor and humor, Frere Phong will try to answer some tough questions and issues that young Vietnamese -Americans are facing: How to step on the holy ground of love and sexuality? How to unplug from the sexual pressure cooker? How to say “no” in a positive way when my body says “yes”? What about the sexual purity challenge? What if I’ve already blown it?, etc.
Frère Fortunat Phong, FSC
Bro. Fortunat Phong, a De La Salle Christian Brother, has been spoken at many L.A. Congresses, youth conventions and retreats around the country as well as internationally. A humble, dark “old man” with a smile that bespeaks a loving heart, he’ll definitely touch your heart with his many tales and recollections. Funny, energetic, and down to earth, he will surely make you laugh, learn, think and pray as he takes you on a road where spirituality intersects with true life experiences.
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