2018 RECongress Period 5
Religious Education Congress
Saturday, March 17, 2018
1:00 - 2:30 pm
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= Recorded session
5-01 Encounter: From the Heart of Pope Francis ARENA
By his words and actions, Pope Francis compels the global Church to a radically renewed personal encounter with Jesus Christ. Encounter: From the Heart of Pope Francis animates this call in song, story, imagery, movement and prayer, inviting all to risk stepping toward Jesus in both the blessing and the bruising of daily life. On the fifth anniversary of Pope Francis’ election to the papacy, Encounter takes us to the front lines of God’s field hospital, calling us to a revolution of tenderness in a world desperate for healing, wholeness and hope. (This is further developed in Session 7-03.)
Tony Alonso, PhD
Dr. Tony Alonso is a prominent voice in contemporary liturgical music. His music is sung in churches of a variety of Christian denominations throughout the world. A former director of music, Alonso appears at workshops and conferences across North America and Europe and is a frequent and favorite presenter at the Religious Education Congress. He teaches at the Candler School of Theology at Emory University in Atlanta, where he also serves as Director of Catholic Studies. His most recent works include “A House of Prayer.”
Jeanne Cotter
Based in St. Paul, Minn., Jeanne Cotter is a liturgical composer, author, parish mission director and national speaker. Owner of Mythic Rain, she has presented parish missions, retreats, concerts and seminars throughout the United States. Cotter is a Master Teacher/Coordinator with the National Association of Pastoral Musicians and a team member for the North American Forum on the Catechumenate. Her latest works include “Encounter: From the Heart of Pope Francis” and “Tender Hearted” with GIA Publications.
5-02 What’s Hot and What’s Not in the Global Church: A 360-degree Review of the Catholic Landscape
John Allen, a veteran observer of the Vatican and the global Catholic scene, will trace the major news headlines of the last year and tease out what they mean in terms of which personalities, movements and ideas in Catholicism seem to be gaining traction, and which seem to be falling by the wayside as the tides of history sweep on. He’ll pay special attention to the Vatican and Pope Francis, but will also bring other key venues and major players into sharp focus.
John Allen Jr.
John Allen Jr. is President and Editor of Crux, an independent Catholic news site in partnership with the Knights of Columbus, and Senior Vatican Analyst for CNN. He previously served as Associate Editor of the Boston Globe and Senior Correspondent for the National Catholic Reporter. Allen is author of 10 best-selling books and is a popular speaker internationally on Catholicism and the papacy. He divides his time between Rome and his home in Denver.
5-03 Bringing the Spirit and Music of Taizé to Your Community
This session will explore the history and spirit of the Taizé community, its music and ecumenical call to reconciliation. Practical ideas and strategies for bringing this simple prayer form to your parish and local community will be discussed. Come prepared to sing the various song forms that make up the music of Taizé.
David Anderson
David Anderson serves as Director of Music and organist at Ascension Church in Oak Park, Ill. In addition, he serves as Editor-at-Large for GIA Publications in Chicago. For the past 24 years, he has led and coordinated a monthly service in the spirit of Taizé. Anderson presents at various conferences throughout the year on topics of liturgy and music for the parish and frequently leads services and retreats.
5-04 Ventilating the World with Tenderness: The Strategy of Jesus at the Margins
In this workshop, Fr. Greg Boyle will explore the strategy of Jesus that directs us to our ultimate goal of a community of kinship. Jesus models the truth: only the soul that ventilates the world with tenderness has any chance of changing the world. Throughout the Gospels, Jesus’ tenderness defines his relationships with all whom he encounters, especially those at the margins of society. With Jesus, we imagine a circle of compassion – and then we imagine nobody standing outside that circle.
Rev. Gregory J. Boyle, SJ
From 1986-92, Fr. Greg Boyle served as Pastor of Dolores Mission in Los Angeles and, in 1988, along with parish community members started Homeboy Industries, now the largest gang rehabilitation program in the world. The author and speaker has received the California Peace Prize and been inducted into the California Hall of Fame. In 2017, Fr. Boyle received the University of Notre Dame’s Laetare medal, the oldest and most prestigious award given to American Catholics.
5-05 Let’s Gather! Let’s Sing! Enriching Children’s Catechesis Through Song & Movement
Music has always been at the heart of our Catholic prayer and celebration. It forms us and teaches the truths of our Catholic faith as it invites us to encounter the Living God. In this workshop, John Burland, internationally celebrated composer and educator, will share a variety of songs connected to engaging activities that encompass movement and prayerful gesture. These strategies address the varying learning styles of our children. They help children learn the core beliefs of our faith as they move deeper into understanding God’s love for them. Join us as we joyfully proclaim and celebrate the great mysteries of our faith.
John Burland
John Burland has written and recorded over 250 songs and published 14 music collections internationally. He is the Education Officer for Liturgy and Music for the Sydney Catholic Schools in Australia, and National Music Consultant for Bayard, Inc. During his extensive career, Burland has worked in a variety of roles in school and parish communities. He is a regular speaker at conferences and gatherings across Australia, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and North America.
5-06 Accompaniment: Sharing Faith with People of All Ages
The Emmaus journey provides a model for evangelization and catechesis of children, youth and adults. We accompany those who are searching: we listen; we walk with them in their questions; we lead them to encounter Christ; and we empower them for mission and witness! This workshop will explore the art and process of relational ministry by naming points for conversation, shared experiences and the building of covenant relationships.
Tom East
Based in Gig Harbor, Wash., Tom East is Director of the Center for Ministry Development (CMD). He previously served as Director of Youth Ministry and as Associate Director of Religious Education for the Los Angeles Archdiocese. East is a popular speaker at youth ministry and religious education conferences and has presented at many national conferences including the L.A. Congress, the National Catholic Education Association, the National Conference of Catechetical Leaders and CMD-sponsored conferences.
5-07 Paying Attention to Mary’s Voice in My Martha World
Could you set your stress aside for an hour and feed your soul? In the midst of your overly busy life (and hectic conference!), where there is always so very much to do, regain some balance. This inspirational talk and Scripture re-enactment helps you sit at the feet of Jesus so you can keep life, prayer and duties in perspective. Don’t worry – you won’t leave your Martha behind, nor should you. But perhaps you can remember to choose Mary’s “better portion” while still doing all your Martha things.
Amy Florian
Amy Florian is a liturgy and bereavement consultant and CEO of Corgenius Inc., a company that teaches professionals how to support clients in transition and loss. She has 30 years of parish and conference experience, taught in the graduate ministry department of Loyola University Chicago for 10 years, and authored over 100 articles and four books. Florian travels the country presenting workshops, training sessions and retreats.
5-08 Priesthood: Ministerial & Baptismal
One of the most significant yet overlooked contributions of the Second Vatican Council was its teaching on both the ministerial (ordained) priesthood and the baptismal (common) priesthood. A failure to properly grasp this teaching and the way these two “priesthoods” relate to one another can lead to either clericalism or anti-clericalism. This workshop will offer a theology of priesthood that can avoid these two dangers.
Dr. Richard Gaillardetz
Dr. Richard Gaillardetz is the Joseph Professor of Catholic Systematic Theology at Boston College, where he also serves as Chair of the Theology Department. The popular public speaker served as President of the Catholic Theological Society of America from 2013 to 2014. Dr. Gaillardetz has authored or edited 13 books and over 100 pastoral and academic articles. His major books include “An Unfinished Council: Vatican II” and “Go Into the Streets! The Welcoming Church of Pope Francis” (co-edited with Fr. Thomas Rausch, SJ).
5-09 Walking the Path of Faith: Power, Providence, Presence of God
We all are on a journey of faith. In this session, we will stroll down the footpath of God’s power within us, lean on the walking staff of God’s gentle providence, and enjoy the flora of the Divine Presence ever among us.
Sr. Bridget Haase, OSU
Ursuline Sr. Bridget Haase, a former missionary to Africa, Appalachia and Mexico, is a national speaker and author of three books, a contributor to the Catholic devotional “Living Faith,” a radio co-host and frequent guest on the Relevant Radio Network. Sr. Haase leads parish missions, retreats and days of prayer across the United States and is recipient of several honors. She also ministers as “Sister Storyteller” to 3- and 4-year-old children.
The laundry is overflowing. The children are crying over their homework. You are giving a PowerPoint presentation at church tomorrow morning and you haven’t started creating it yet. And it’s midnight. Oh look! The cat just threw up on the rug. How is this holiness? With Sarah Hart’s trademark humor, singing and storytelling, come discover how even the insanity of the lives we lead can be a beautiful prayer, received by a God who sees and hears beyond our chaos, and loves us, and gets it.
Sarah Hart
Singer/songwriter Sarah Hart, a native of Nashville, Tenn., has been a retreat author and keynote speaker for over 20 years. Her parish missions and itinerant ministry have taken her across the United States and abroad. Hart has performed for countless conventions and events, and for Pope Francis at St. Peter’s Square. The Grammy nominee’s songs have been recorded by numerous recording artists and have been heard on TV and in film and commercials. Her songs can be found in hymnals across the globe.
5-11 Rise Up from Divisions, Anger and Loss: Worship in Difficult Times
When things fall apart – in our personal lives, between loved ones, in our communities, in our institutions, between nations – how do communities of faith respond? How do we work together with God’s Spirit to heal, to reconcile, to comfort and challenge, to give hope? Let’s explore together the importance of our ministry as baptized Christians in difficult times, looking especially at the role of our sacramental worship in helping to rise up anew.
Marty Haugen
For nearly 40 years, composer Marty Haugen has presented workshops, concerts and presentations across North and Central America, Europe, Asia and the Pacific Rim. His music appears in hymnals for the United States, Canadian and Australian Catholics, Lutherans, Methodists, Presbyterians and other Protestant denominations. His latest works are “The Liturgical Ensemble” and “Pilgrims and Companions.” Marty and his wife, Linda, live in Minnesota.
5-12 Rise Up: A Christian Spirituality of Resistance
In an age when Gospel values conflict with many social norms, cultural expectations and political agendas, Christians are called to put their faith into action. But how? This workshop will explore what it means to be a faithful follower of Christ in the modern world. Pope Francis has called for Christians to engage in a variety of civic and social actions in a spirit of Christian love (Laudato Sí, #232). And so, we take up that call, looking to examples of Christian witness (e.g., early martyrs, Thomas Merton, Archbishop Oscar Romero, and others) for models of forming a Christian spirituality of resistance that grounds our lived experience of faith.
Rev. Daniel P. Horan, OFM
Franciscan friar Fr. Daniel Horan is a theologian who teaches spirituality and theology at the Catholic Theological Union in Chicago. He is author of numerous academic and popular articles. Fr. Horan previously taught at Boston College as well as Siena College and St. Bonaventure University in New York, and has lectured across North America and Europe. His books include “All God’s Creatures: A Theology of Creation,” “God is Not Fair and Other Reasons for Gratitude” and “The Franciscan Heart of Thomas Merton.”
5-13 Minding the Gap: Ministry and Transition from Youth to Young Adulthood
The transition experiences of young people as they move from youth to young adulthood (and within the teen and young adult years) are critical moments for leaders in the Church to pay attention to, as they are key opportunities for pastoral accompaniment, as well as times of great disillusion, excitement, anxiety and detachment from the practice of the faith. This session will help us explore ways to rise up to the challenge of ministering at these key moments in a young person’s life, integrating the latest insights and efforts of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops in this area.
Paul Jarzembowski
Paul Jarzembowski is Assistant Director for Youth and Young Adult Ministries for the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Secretariat for Laity, Marriage, Family Life and Youth and is the National Coordinator for World Youth Day for the United States. He previously served as Executive Director of the National Catholic Young Adult Ministry Association. Jarzembowski has consulted with and given presentations to over 250 dioceses, parishes and Catholic organizations in the United States, Canada, the Caribbean, and at the Vatican.
5-14 You (Yes, You) Were Made to Rise!
Often life is difficult. Often life is funny. But God always wants for each of us a meaningful life of deep peace and great joy! Whatever our life situations, we do not need to get discouraged, become crabby or lose our joy, even if others around us do so. How do we find for ourselves – and for the children entrusted to our care – what we need to help us “rise” in our regular, daily living? This session promises to be insightful, hopeful, practical and funny. Through stories, teachings, Scripture and demonstrations, Fr. Joe Kempf will inspire you, make you laugh, and equip you in new ways to rise up and become more alive than when you first walked through the door.
Fr. Joe Kempf
Fr. Joe Kempf, a diocesan priest from St. Louis, is founder and President of the non-profit Gospel Values. He has presented at religious education gatherings across the United States and Canada. Fr. Kempf is author of the book, “No One Cries the Wrong Way” and several books for children including, “My Sister is Annoying,” “Don’t Drink the Holy Water” and “Sometimes Life Is Just Not Fair.” He has also published a CD of guided prayer reflections and four volumes of DVDs under the “Big Al LIVE” series.
5-15 What’s the Hurry with Conversion?
The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is not about offering “in and out food.” The process does not encourage us to rush through any preparation with the participants so they can celebrate a rite. The intention of the Rite of Initiation is to facilitate others – adults, youth and children – seeking to belong to the Church toward a strong formation of faith. Are we giving them enough time to do so? Can we do better?
Blessie La Scola
Blessie La Scola has been active in the areas of catechesis, sacramental preparation and faith formation. She served as Master Catechist for the Diocese of San Jose for over 25 years and has been on staff for 23 years at Holy Family Parish in San Jose, Calif. She offers training and in-services and has mentored lay leaders in implementing or developing the RCIA process in their parish. She is author of several titles, including “RCIA and You” and “Children of the Light: Pre-catechumenate Sessions for Children and Families.”
5-16 Rise and Shine! Time to Exercise Our Baptismal Priesthood
If you’re a woman or a lay man, how can you possibly exercise a priestly office? Is ordination the only path to real leadership and ministry in the church? Through Scripture, storytelling and song, in hard data and even harder questions that seek complex but hopeful answers, let us examine how women and men can reclaim the dignity of their baptismal priesthood. It’s time to rise up to the challenge of our baptism and take our rightful place at the table so that all the faithful might offer spiritual sacrifices and witness to Christ throughout the world.
Diana Macalintal
Diana Macalintal is a presenter and speaker, and co-founder of Team RCIA. She has been keynote at several gatherings, including the Mid-Atlantic Congress and the Collegeville Conference on Music, Liturgy and the Arts, in addition to her appearances at the L.A. Congress as prayer leader. A former Director of Worship for the Diocese of San Jose, Calif., Macalintal is author of several publications including “Your Parish IS the Curriculum: RCIA in the Midst of the Community” and the liturgical year resource, “Living Liturgy.”
5-17 Terrific Confirmation Tuesday, But What Do We Have for Them on Wednesday? Post-Sacrament Evangelization
Our pre-sacrament preparation is extremely good in the Los Angeles Archdiocese and elsewhere. But do we have any type of post-sacrament follow-through in our parish programs? Maybe we need two teams for the sacraments: Team A prepares them for the sacrament; and Team B works with them to integrate them more fully into the full life of the parish community. Then, just maybe, first communion is not also the “last communion” for many years to come.
Cardinal Roger M. Mahony
Cardinal Roger Mahony was appointed to lead the Los Angeles Archdiocese from 1985 until his retirement in 2011. Born in Hollywood, he was the first native “Angelino” to be elevated to the position of Cardinal. Cardinal Mahony oversaw the design and building of the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels, which was dedicated in 2002. Since his retirement, he has devoted himself to the cause of comprehensive immigration reform on behalf of our immigrant brothers and sisters, as well as refugees and displaced persons around the world.
5-18 Building a Bridge: Bringing Together LGBT Catholics and the Church
How can we bridge the divide that exists between lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender Catholics and the institutional Church? In is session, Fr. James Martin, author of a new book on LGBT Catholics, will reflect on how the values of “respect, compassion and sensitivity” can help bring about a revolution of welcome, inclusion and love.
James Martin, SJ
Jesuit priest Fr. James Martin is Editor at Large of the Catholic magazine, America. He is author of numerous award-winning books including, most recently, “Building a Bridge” and “Seven Last Words” in addition to “The Abbey,” “Together on Retreat,” “Between Heaven and Mirth,” “The Jesuit Guide to (Almost) Everything” and “My Life with the Saints.” Fr. Martin is a frequent speaker at national conferences, retreats and parish groups and has given presentations at the L.A. Congress for the past several years.
5-19 From Surviving to Thriving in Pastoral Ministry: The Pain and the Blessing!
What could be better than working for God! Yet, ministry is challenging. This workshop will identify the pressures and issues that can be overwhelming and offer practical approaches to dealing with expectations, conflict and communication. We will also offer a “thriving kit” to maintain our sanity and sanctity!
Robert J. McCarty, DMin
Bob McCarty is a pastoral ministry consultant and trainer who has been in professional ministry since 1973, serving in parish, school, diocesan and national settings. He presently serves as Chair of the Board at Saint Mary’s Press and is Project Coordinator for their research on disaffiliated young Catholics. McCarty serves as a volunteer in youth ministry and faith formation at St. Francis of Assisi Parish in Fulton, Md., and his hobbies include cycling, rock climbing and grandparenting!
5-20 Teaching Like Jesus: Before the Catechism
The biblical Jesus was a master teacher, responding to people’s real questions and illuminating his points with arresting metaphors of vine and shepherds, and amazingly pertinent stories of growing plants, sprouting seeds, wayward offspring, foolish brides and wicked employees. This workshop will take a biblical look at Jesus’ teaching strategies and will offer how we might apply Jesus’ successful methods today, for every age.
Rev. J. Patrick Mullen
Fr. Pat Mullen, a priest of the Los Angeles Archdiocese, is Professor of Biblical Studies at St. John’s Seminary in Camarillo, Calif., and Pastor at the neighboring Junipero Serra Parish. He is author of “Dining with Pharisees” and “Sacred Scripture,” a high school introduction to the Scriptures. Fr. Mullen speaks annually at the Religious Education Congress as well as to diocesan priests in Phoenix, Utah and seven of the 12 dioceses of California, and at diocesan conferences throughout the Southwest, Texas and Australia.
5-21 Intercultural Approaches to Catechesis: Considerations and Strategies
Is your parish bilingual, multilingual or multicultural? Are you trying to figure out how to best share the faith with people who speak several languages and have different cultural perspectives? Welcome to catechetical ministry in the 21st century. More than 40 percent of parishes in the country are asking these questions. There is no such a thing as a one-size-fits-all approach to matters of cultural diversity in catechesis, yet we can ask the right questions, make important decisions and embrace some good practices. This workshop will offer important resources for a stronger and more vibrant catechesis in culturally diverse communities.
Hosffman Ospino, PhD
Dr. Hosffman Ospino is Professor of Pastoral Theology and Religious Education at Boston College’s School of Theology and Ministry, where he is also Director of Graduate Programs in Hispanic Ministry. He served as principal investigator for the National Study of Catholic Parishes with Hispanic Ministry (2014) and as co-principal investigator for the National Survey of Catholic Schools Serving Hispanic Families (2016). Dr. Ospino is author and editor of several books. His latest book is entitled “Interculturalism and Catechesis.”
5-22 Family Matters: Family and Faith Dynamics with Youth Ministry
All of the research is clear: A teen’s faith is impacted directly by the faith of their parents. Being a faith leader in a family is not easy, but it is simple. It requires prayer, time and leading by example. This workshop will specifically focus on how parish youth ministry can help support and cheer on parents in this incredibly important role.
Bob Perron
Bob Perron is Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministry for the Diocese of Wheeling-Charleston, W.Va. For over a decade he has presented his stand-up and storytelling at over 100 parishes and dioceses across the United States and Canada. Perron has been a frequent presenter at the National Catholic Youth Conference, the National Conference on Catholic Youth Ministry, and at Youth Day. His most recent book is entitled “Lessons Learned From a God-Sized Family: In a Me-Sized World.”
5-23 Freedom of Religion Under Attack Around the World
Fr. Thomas Reese, the recent Chair of the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom – an independent, bipartisan U.S. federal government commission dedicated to defending the universal right to freedom of religion or belief abroad – will describe the precarious plight of believers around the world.
Rev. Thomas J. Reese, SJ
Jesuit priest Fr. Thomas Reese is a columnist at the National Catholic Reporter. He formerly was Senior Fellow at the Woodstock Theological Center at Georgetown University and was Editor of the national Catholic weekly magazine, America (1998-2005). He is author of “Inside the Vatican: The Politics and Organization of the Catholic Church” and “Archbishop: Inside the Power Structure of the American Catholic Church.” Fr. Reese frequently appears on television and radio and is often quoted in the press.
5-24 Technology and Social Media: A Primary Means for Evangelization
You are not a digital native. And contrary to popular belief, neither are Millennials nor Generation Z. I’ve never met a baby that was born with a cell phone in its hands. We have all learned to use technology. And if we are to be successful evangelizing in today’s culture, technology and social media usage must be a primary tool for sharing the Gospel. How? Come and find out.
John M. Rinaldo, DMin
As Business Manager at St. Catherine Church in Morgan Hill, Calif., Dr. John Rinaldo serves as administrator over operations and finances for the parish in support of all parish ministries. Previously, he served as Director of Parish Partnerships for Catholic Charities of Santa Clara County and as Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministry for the Diocese of San Jose, Calif. Dr. Rinaldo is also an Adjunct Professor at Santa Clara University, teaching pastoral ministry courses to graduate students.
5-25 Building a Lasting Fire: Developing Disciples in Your Religious Education Program
A fire will die out or a circuit will short when it has reached maximum overload. We as a Church have reached what Pope Francis calls “a diagnostic overload” (Evangelii Gaudium, #50). This overload, caused by a flurry of activity coupled with dwindling personnel and financial resources can smother the fire of parish life, particularly in religious education. How do we move from a more administrative model of ministry to an evangelical missionary model in religious education? This workshop will outline a number of practical ideas and the essentials for building the fire of religious education.
Julianne Stanz
Julianne Stanz is Director of New Evangelization for the Diocese of Green Bay, Wis., and is a consultant to the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Committee on Catechesis and Evangelization. Born in Ireland, Stanz is a nationally known speaker, retreat leader and storyteller. She has extensive workshop, retreat and presentation experience both locally and nationally and is author of several articles and books, including the upcoming title, “Understanding the Critical Relationship between Catechesis and Evangelization.”
5-26 Leadership in the Catholic Church is a Job for All of Us
This session will guide us to improve our skills of leadership through a higher awareness of interpersonal relationships and the communication skills that empower it. Our life is filled with many opportunities to touch the lives of others in a respectful Christian manner. WE are the “Human Resources Department” of our Catholic faith! Come learn the life skills that will enable us to shine in our personal and professional lives.
Char Wenc, MEd, LCPC
Internationally known professional speaker, coach and author, Char Wenc is President of Char Wenc Communication. She is a professor at the School of Continuing & Professional Studies at Loyola University Chicago and teaches in the doctrinal programs at the School of Professional Psychology at Adler University in Chicago. Wenc’s passion for the topics of parenting and teaching is seen in her writings and speaking, and she is a frequent speaker at the L.A. Congress and elsewhere.
5-27 Healing Takes Time, Grace and Community
Alcoholism, addiction and self-destructive behaviors cause chaos, personal ruin, despair and hopelessness. The 12 Steps of Recovery help people to come back to life and heal relationships, lives and communities. This session will focus on the practical and simple program of recovery based on the 12 Steps, and the wisdom of the recovery community.
Fr. Thomas C. Weston, SJ
Fr. Tom Weston has been working with alcoholics and addicts since 1976. The Jesuit priest is a leader of retreats for people in recovery from addiction and serves as Superior of the Jesuit Community of Oakland, Calif. Fr. Weston has spoken at conferences for over 30 years. His world travels served him in past rolls as an English teacher to young adults and teachers in the People’s Republic of China. Thailand, Vietnam and Myanmar; as Director of the Jesuit Volunteer Corps; and as history teacher at Loyola High School in Los Angeles.
5-70 ĐGH Phanxicô: Một Giảng Viên Giáo Lý Thời Đại
Dù chỉ hơn 4 năm đăng quang, ĐGH Phanxicô đã chiếm được lòng không chỉ kitô hữu mà còn toàn dân trên thế giới, và khiến thế giới đi từ ngạc nhiên nầy đến ngạc nhiên khác. Nhiều người xem Ngài là gương mẫu cho một giảng viên giáo lý thời đại nầy qua con người và cung cách Ngài làm việc. Chúng ta học hỏi được gì ở Ngài? Đâu là những tiêu chuẩn giá trị cần thiết cho một giáo lý viên ngày nay?
Pope Francis: A Modern Catechist
With a little more than four years in office, Pope Francis has earned the respect and love of not only Catholics but people all over the world. His words, writings and actions have without doubt triggered wonder and curiosity. Many see him as an example of a modern catechist through his life and works. How can we, as catechists, learn from him? What are the essential criteria for a modern catechist?
Linh mục Nguyễn Khắc Hy, PSS
Thuộc tu hội Xuân Bích tỉnh Hoa Kỳ, chịu chức linh mục năm 1997, tốt nghiệp tiến sĩ Thần học Tín lý tại đại học giáo hoàng Gregory, Roma. Sau sáu năm dạy học tại St. Mary Seminary và University ở Baltimore, Md. và số ba năm tại Oblate School of Theology ở San Antonio, Texas, Cha hiện là phó giám đốc đại chủng viện quốc gia Theological College và giáo sư thần học tại Đại học Công giáo Hoa Kỳ tại Washington, D.C.
Rev. Hy K. Nguyen, PSS
Rev. Hy Nguyen, a Sulpician priest, was ordained in 1997. After six years of teaching at St. Mary’s Seminary & University in Baltimore and three years at the Oblate School of Theology in San Antonio, Texas, he is currently serving as Vice-Rector of the Theological College at The Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C., where he is also an Adjunct Professor.