Entertainment at RECongress 2018
Religious Education Congress
Friday, March 16 through
Sunday, March 18, 2018
StachowskiFriday, March 16, 11:45 am - 12:30 pm -- Arena
David Haas & Zack Stachowski
“Dedicate Yourselves to Thankfulness: A Time to Sing and Pray”
Take a break in the day and come together to share prayer and song with a seasoned and esteemed veteran of liturgical music, together with a promising young and bright light in the ministry of sung prayer. Come experience and sing in the midst of this blessed partnership of musical prayer and praise!
WALFriday, March 16, 11:45 am - 12:30 pm -- Hall B
Come join WAL at lunchtime for great music that gives thanks and praise to God through song. For over 15 years, WAL has been serving the Church through God’s gift of song throughout the USA and internationally. WAL carries with them an energetic sound that rejoices in the goodness of our Lord. WAL desires everyone’s hearts busted open to immeasurable lengths emanating awe, inspiring light and love from Christ.
Friday, March 16, 7:45 pm - 9:45 pm -- Convention 201
The Film Showcase, in partnership with Loyola Marymount University’s Center for Religion and Spirituality, presents excerpts from a number of narrative feature films, shorts and documentaries whose thematic elements are grounded in Catholic social teaching, social justice, ministry, spirituality and theologyFRIDAY EVENING CONCERT
Ivan DiazFriday, March 16, 8:00 - 9:30 pm-- Arena
Ivan Diaz & Friends
"Rise Up! ... to the rhythm of Latin music!"
Come and lift up your voice with Iván Díaz and friends in a night of praise, faith and joy. A celebration of music in Spanish from contemporary to beloved titles that will inspire you."¡Levántate – al ritmo de la música latina!"
Ven y eleva tu voz junto a Iván Díaz y sus amigos en una noche de alabanza, fe y alegría. Una celebración musical en español con cantos contemporáneos y éxitos de siempre que te inspirarán.Saturday, March 17, 2018 SATURDAY LUNCHTIME ENTERTAINMENT
AngottiSaturday, March 17, 11:45 am - 12:30 pm -- Arena Meredith Augustin & John Angotti
“One Race: The Human Race, United in Love!”
We live in a world broken and divided. Join Meredith Augustin and John Angotti as they gather us to sing songs that heal our hearts and unite us in Christ.
FernandezSaturday, March 17, 11:45 am - 12:30 pm -- Hall B Santiago Fernandez
“Psalms, Praise and Joy”
Come praise the name of the Lord with psalms and raise your voices in supplication unto him! Santiago cordially invites you to share in this time of praise and joy.“Salmos, Alabanza y Alegría”
¡Vengan a alabar el nombre del Señor con salmos y a elevar hacia el la súplica de sus voces! Santiago los invita cordialmente a compartir este rato de alabanza y alegría.SATURDAY YOUNG ADULT EVENTS
HoranLITURGY - Saturday, March 17, 5:15 pm – Marriott Hotel
This year, our Liturgy, “Hope for the World in the Young Adult Perspective,” is celebrated by Rev. Daniel Horan, OFM, a Franciscan friar and theologian who teaches at the Catholic Theological Union in Chicago. Music will be led by Steve Angrisano. Come and worship with other young adults from around the world at this celebration that highlights the gifts of young adults.
LawtonSaturday, March 17, 8:00 pm -- Arena Liam Lawton & Friends
“St. Patrick’s Day Celebration”
“The day when everyone becomes Irish!” Join Liam Lawton in celebrating the great national saint of Ireland, St. Patrick – an immigrant, the son of a convert, and yet a leader among the people who once enslaved him. Celebrate St. Patrick’s life and culture with us in music, word and dance. Guests include Irish musician and composer Ian Callanan, Sr. Edith Prendergast, Tricia Hoyt and Fr. David Loftus!SATURDAY EVENING: SACRED ILLUMINATIONS 2018
Saturday, March 17, 8:30 pm – Convention 213
You are invited to ... Sacred Illuminations: A mystical choreography of light and sound. Incorporating her newest liturgical and fine art photography and reflections, Sr. Rose Marie Tulacz, SND will bring us to encounter in a deeper way, the love and power of the Father’s love, transforming us through the reality of our daily lives.DANCE - Saturday, March 17, 9-12 midnight – Marriott Hotel
Cost: $7 per person
Keep a great Congress Saturday going into the night. Our DJs will be spinning and taking your requests to make you “RISE UP” and have an amazing time. Young adults 18 to 39 are welcome. Picture ID is required for admission. A no-host bar is provided, as well as complimentary water stations. NO outside containers are permitted.Sunday, March 18, 2018 SUNDAY LUNCHTIME ENTERTAINMENT
JansenSunday, March 18, 11:45 am - 12:30 pm -- Arena ValLimar Jansen & Friends
“Rise Up In Praise”
Rise Up In Praise is more than entertainment. It's a 45-minute exhilarating experience of musical encouragement and inspiration. Come and hear the most dynamic Gospel performers in the United States sing praise to God! ValLimar Jansen and her friends will inspire us to lay down the many burdens that can hold us captive and Rise Up in passionate praise to our God!
Garcia-LopezSunday, March 18, 11:45 am - 12:30 pm -- Hall B Anna Betancourt, Estela García-López & Rudy López
“The Lord Invites Us”
You are invited to a concert to celebrate the richness and treasure that is our children with music created for these new generations. In our children, the future becomes present and alive, and with music, we have a tool to strengthen their faith and to lead them on the path to follow our Lord. Come ready to sing. It will be fun! “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven” (Matt. 19:14)“El Señor Nos Invita”
Les invitamos a un concierto para celebrar la riqueza de nuestro tesoro infantil con música creada para las nuevas generaciones. En nuestros niños el futuro se hace presente y con la música tenemos una herramienta para fortalecer la fe y ayudarles a seguir el camino del Señor. Vengan listos para cantar. ¡Será divertido! “Dejen que los niños vengan a mí, no se lo impidan, porque el reino de Dios pertenece a los que son como ellos” (Mateo 19:14).
LopezThroughout the Weekend PERFORMANCE STAGE in Hall A
Friday through Sunday – Convention Hall A, southeast area
Several of the performing artists at Congress have scheduled time to appear at the Performance Stage in Hall A. The stage showcases 20-minute sets of live music and is located in the southeast area of Exhibit Hall A. Check the posted schedule onsite for changes/additions to appearance times.
page updated 12/06/2021
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