2018 RECongress Period 3

Religious Education Congress
Friday, March 16, 2018

3:00 - 4:30 pm



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= Recorded session

3-01  Thinking Bigger: The Truth About Modern Evangelization  ARENA

How does evangelization go from being a “buzzword” to a way of life? Where do parishes go wrong and what approaches are bearing the most fruit? How can we measure the success of our evangelization efforts and where do we have the most potential for growth? The answers to these questions may surprise you. Come laugh and learn with Mark Hart as he offers an honest look at modern Catholic evangelization, some new ideas and timeless, Scriptural wisdom on the matter.

Mark Hart

Mark Hart serves as Executive Vice President for Life Teen International, a Catholic youth ministry movement implemented in 1,800 parishes in 30 countries worldwide. The popular speaker has traveled the globe and is a reoccurring guest and co-host on SiriusXM Radio. Hart is a best-selling and award-winning author and co-author of over a dozen books. His three DVD study series – “Altaration,” “Encounter” and “T3” – are utilized across the globe.

3-02  Today! Seeing and Hearing God Through Scripture and Song  

The Bible is not a history book, but a book of truths that are still relevant today. Come and be awakened through Scripture and sing the voice of God in your life.

John Angotti

Based in Memphis, Tenn., John Angotti is a fulltime music missionary providing concerts, workshops, retreats and worship. He is a frequent presenter at parish missions as well as regional and diocesan conferences across the United States and abroad. Angotti is an accomplished composer, with numerous works under the World Library Publications label. In 2013, John Angotti Music Mission (JAMM) debuted his original musical, “Job: The NOW Testament.”

3-03  Rev Up, Raise Up and Rise Up!    CANCELED

We will look at how Pope Francis challenges us to be a church of the people and how we, as ministry leaders, are called to meet people where they are.

Dr. Ansel Augustine

Dr. Ansel Augustine has worked for over 18 years in his hometown of New Orleans as well as around the country. He is currently Residence Minister for Student Leadership and Faith Formation at St. John’s University and on the faculty at the Institute for Black Catholic Studies at Xavier University of Louisiana. Dr. Augustine also serves on the Board for the National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry. He has presented at various national conferences and has written several publications related to ministry.

3-04  The Role of Doctrine in the Catechumenate  

Many of us ask how much doctrine is enough doctrine when it comes to preparing catechumens for full initiation in the Catholic Church. This session will explore what the Church means when the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) insists that catechists are to present “dogma in its entirety’’ (RCIA, p. 75). Our Catholic tradition is one of the greatest gifts we can pass on to our candidates for initiation and handing it down to them with a focus on conversion is not only an art, but a skill that must be honed and nurtured. We will explore what that means; we will also consider the content of doctrinal catechesis in the RCIA, and how and when to present it.

Mary Birmingham

Mary Birmingham is Director of Liturgy, Music and Christian Initiation at Ascension Parish in Melbourne, Fla. She has been involved in RCIA ministry on a national level since 1992 and is a former team member with the North American Forum on the Catechumenate. Birmingham travels extensively throughout the United States and Canada providing diocesan workshops in the areas of Christian initiation and sacramental and liturgical catechesis.

3-05  At the Front Lines of Today’s Most Pressing Humanitarian Emergencies  

Come hear the latest insights on today’s most dire humanitarian crises from Catholic Relief Services’ Caroline Brennan, who travels to the front lines of emergencies to document the conditions and the realities. Through a visual presentation grounded in stories, she will share perspective on what is happening in areas that are dealing with or recovering from critical humanitarian emergencies today, and provide a behind-the-scenes insight that offers a fresh take for richer understanding and connection. She will shine an urgently needed spotlight on the most vulnerable in our world today, where the role and impact of the Catholic Church is front and center.

Caroline Brennan

Based in Chicago, Caroline Brennan is Senior Communications Officer of the Global Emergency Response Team for Catholic Relief Services. She travels to Jordan and Lebanon regularly since 2012 to meet with Syrian refugees and has traveled to Iraq, Gaza, the Central Africa Republic, eastern Ukraine and the Philippines. Brennan was in Nepal after the devastating 2015 earthquake, and in Europe at the height of the refugee crisis. Overall, she has worked in 22 countries documenting people’s incredible challenges.

3-06  Butterflies and Rainbows! The Role of Music in Prayer, Catechesis and Celebration with Early Childhood Learners  

Andrew Chinn lost his daughter to cancer in February 2000. A bedtime conversation with Belinda in her last days focused on butterflies, resurrection and new life. From this conversation sprung a new ministry and a new life for Andrew and his family. Come and share Andrew’s stories, songs and strategies for 3- to 8-year-olds and see how music can enhance the prayer life, catechesis and faith celebrations in your early childhood classrooms.

Andrew Chinn

Andrew Chinn worked as a teacher in Catholic elementary schools in Sydney, Australia, for nearly 20 years before moving into full-time music ministry as Director of Butterfly Music. He has performed in more than 2,000 concerts across Australia, New Zealand, Canada and the United States. Chinn has released numerous CDs, DVDs and picture books for children. In 2013, he became part of the WLP family, which now distributes his works in North America.

3-07  Christ the Master Teacher: 12 Ways to Become a Better Religious Educator  

Christ is the model for all religion teachers and catechists. He was called both master (leader) and teacher by his disciples and showed them the way to follow in his footsteps. To become better leaders, we have to become better servants. To become better teachers, we need to become better disciples. With 12 exercises and meditations pulled from current best practices in Catholic spiritual formation and catechetical pedagogy, participants will take steps to becoming better disciples, servants, leaders and teachers.

Jared Dees

Jared Dees is creator of the website The Religion Teacher, which provides resources for religious educators. He is also author of “Praying the Angelus,” “31 Days to Becoming a Better Religious Educator” and “To Heal, Proclaim, and Teach.” With a background of teaching in Catholic schools, Dees has been a catechist for the past eight years and has offered workshops and keynote addresses at dozens of dioceses and parishes across the country.

3-08  Following Mary into Missionary Disci­ple­ship  

Mary gave the perfect response to the Word of God. She is both the model of disciples and the mother of all the saints. If we pay attention to all of the hidden activity of her apparently simple and seemingly passive “yes,” we will discover how all of us – and all those we educate and form – are meant to listen to the Word of God and act on it. In this session, the Annunciation narrative will become both a spiritual meditation and a practical guide to growing in holiness and forming others in the freedom and courage of faith.

Leonard J. DeLorenzo, PhD

Dr. Leonard DeLorenzo works in the McGrath Institute for Church Life in South Bend, Ind., and teaches theology at the University of Notre Dame. He has authored four books, the latest (due out in 2018) is entitled, “What Matters Most: Empowering Young Catholics for Life’s Big Decisions.” Dr. DeLorenzo has presented at regional and national conferences – including the Gulf Coast Faith Formation Conference and the National Conference on Catholic Youth Ministry – with topics including the saints and the theological imagination.

3-09  Connecting the Biblical Text to the Text of Life  

Discover new ways of hearing the biblical text in relation to some of today’s most pressing issues – including human trafficking, forced migration and immigration, climate change, among other topics.

Carol J. Dempsey, OP, PhD

Dominican Sister Carol Dempsey is Professor of Theology (Biblical Studies) at the University of Portland in Oregon, where she teaches graduate and undergraduate students. The renowned lecturer and scholar both nationally and internationally is author of eight books and editor of 11, and has published numerous articles and papers. Sr. Dempsey’s latest works include “The Bible and Literature” and “Amos, Hosea, Micah, Nahum, Zephaniah, Habakkuk: A Commentary.’’

3-10  Aligning Responses to Bullying with Catholic Schools  

Jesus sacredly and consistently models what it means to love our neighbor with compassion and dignity for all. However, current terminology to describe bullying as well as traditional forms of discipline do not align with Jesus’ teachings. In this session, Frank DiLallo will make a compelling case for how common pejorative bullying responses make things worse and will offer some positive, practical and compassionate alternatives consistent with our Catholic faith. This workshop is an important update for educators to ensure meaningful and hopeful responses toward a Christ-centered school climate.

Frank A. DiLallo

Frank DiLallo serves 124 parishes and 75 Catholic schools in the Diocese of Toledo, Ohio, as the Victim Assistance Coordinator for the Office of Child and Youth Protection. With over 35 years of experience in education and counseling, he conducts numerous educator trainings and is a frequent local, state and national speaker on the topic of bullying prevention. DiLallo’s works include “Peace Be With You: Christ-Centered Bullying Solution,” and the forthcoming “Peace Be With You: Building Christ-Centered School Communities.”

3-11  Praying Our Lives: A Remedy for Restlessness  

Do you ever feel like something is missing in life? Do you ever feel like you are on a hamster wheel trying to keep up with life’s rapid pace? Do you wonder how will I find rest in the busyness of life? Do you seek a deeper meaning and purpose for your life? If so, this talk is for you. Learn how God speaks to us through our restlessness and yearning for more. Learn practical ways to pray your life to help calm the restlessness within and find rest, love, healing, meaning and joy.

Becky Eldredge

Becky Eldredge is an Ignatian-trained spiritual director, retreat facilitator and author of the book, “Busy Lives & Restless Souls.” With two decades of ministry experience, she has led young adult retreats, parish missions, Ignatian retreats, and days of reflection for adults. Eldredge has presented at the Spiritual Director’s International Conference, the Ignatian Spirituality Conference, and has appeared as a panelist at the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Convocation of Catholic Leaders.

3-12  Heart, Head, Hands and Heaven: Connecting Imagination and Religion  

We, as Church, have a long and loving history of the Arts enhancing religious education and celebration. Children especially love to be involved in creative experiences that help them connect their heart, head and hands with heaven. Come and join us as we look at practical ways that the Arts – and drama in particular – can help children develop their religious imagination. There will be a focus on enhancing the experience of Scripture in school and religious education programs.

Anne Frawley-Mangan

Based in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, Anne Frawley-Mangan is an experienced educator, presenter, writer and artist, who specializes in using the Arts (particularly drama) to enhance religious education and liturgy. She presents workshops and keynotes internationally and nationally as well as World Youth Days in the diocese. Frawley-Mangan teaches at Holy Spirit Seminary and at Australian Catholic University and is Creative Director of Litmus Productions, which produced “Good News: Dramas from Luke’s Gospel.”

3-13  By What Authority? On the Proper Use and Abuse of Doctrine  

Doctrine plays a fundamental role in the life of the Catholic Church, yet few Catholics have a healthy understanding of the proper role of doctrine. This ignorance often leads to abuse as when people accuse those with whom they disagree of heresy. This workshop will provide a healthy and balanced theological framework for appreciating the proper contribution and real limits of doctrine in the Catholic tradition.

Dr. Richard Gaillardetz

Dr. Richard Gaillardetz is the Joseph Professor of Catholic Systematic Theology at Boston College, where he also serves as Chair of the Theology Department. The popular public speaker served as President of the Catholic Theological Society of America from 2013 to 2014. Dr. Gaillardetz has authored or edited 13 books and over 100 pastoral and academic articles. His major books include “An Unfinished Council: Vatican II” and “Go Into the Streets! The Welcoming Church of Pope Francis” (co-edited with Fr. Thomas Rausch, SJ).

3-14  13 Reasons Why You Matter  

The World Health Organization reported that in 2015 suicide was the third leading cause of death in adolescents. As a Church, we must address the deep spiritual void that can lead to the loneliness and burden of suffering that can trigger someone to commit suicide. Noelle Garcia will share her witness as someone who struggled with self-harm, depression and suicidal thoughts as a teen and how a radical encounter with God changed her life. We will discuss this issue from a spiritual and pastoral perspective as well as have some time for prayer and support of one another as we seek to bring light into the darkness.

Noelle Garcia

Noelle Garcia is a national speaker, singer, performer and recording artist with World Library Publications. She travels speaking at parishes and conferences, leading music ministry and sharing faith at events including World Youth Day 2008, the National Catholic Youth Conference, the L.A. Congress and has appeared on CNN’s “Latino in America” documentary and EWTN’s “Life on the Rock.” She is the wife of fellow musician and youth minister, David McHugh.

3-15  Feeding the Hungers: Our Hope for Faith of Youth and Young Adults  

Youth and young adult catechesis in parishes and teaching theology in Catholic high schools/colleges present unique challenges in our postmodern world yet provide great opportunities. The key to effective education-in-faith with this age group is to actively engage the deep hungers of their hearts and then offer the best spiritual foods of Catholic Christian faith.

Dr. Thomas Groome

Dr. Tom Groome is Professor of Theology and Religious Education at Boston College’s School of Theology and Ministry, where he also serves as Director of the Church in the 21st Century Center. The award-winning author has written or edited 10 books and numerous articles and essays. Dr. Groome has made over 800 public presentations throughout the last 42 years, nationally and internationally, including all the major North American conferences of religious educators, Catholic educators and pastoral ministers.

3-16  Your Story Matters (How to Tell Your Story)  

In his Apostolic Exhortation, Evangelii Gaudium (The Joy of the Gospel), Pope Francis writes: “In virtue of their baptism, all the members of the People of God have become missionary disciples” (cf. Mt 28:19). “All the baptized, whatever their position in the Church or their level of instruction in the faith, are agents of evangelization” (#120). Join ValLimar Jansen, an accomplished and acclaimed storyteller, to learn how to tell your own story. In doing so, you will be better equipped to assist each young person you catechize in a deeper understanding of why each of us telling our story is vital to becoming a missionary disciple and an agent of evangelization.

ValLimar Jansen

ValLimar Jansen is a composer, singer, storyteller, speaker and evangelizer. She received critical acclaim for her solo albums, “You Gotta Move” and “Anointing,” winning UNITY Awards recognition in 2008 and 2010. Jansen was MC for the 2011 National Catholic Youth Conference held in Indianapolis, and served as co-MC for the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ gatherings at the 2016 World Youth Day in Krakow, Poland. She and her husband, Frank, performed for over 300,000 people at the Loreto/Angora international papal event in Italy.

3-17  Answer: A Sense of Humor. Question: Name One of the Top Five Things that Will Help You Rise   

Life is hard, and sometimes hilarious. What do you think are the top five things that can help us – and the people we love – to rise? Each day we are pulled in so many directions that it’s easy to become discouraged. What do you think Fr. Joe Kempf will name as the top five strategies for joy-filled lives and for a hope-filled world? How can we help others – including the children entrusted to our care – to rise with us? This session will be insightful, scriptural, funny and tender. Come hear Fr. Joe describe and demonstrate – as only he can – the five key perspectives and concrete strategies for a truly joyful life.

Fr. Joe Kempf

Fr. Joe Kempf, a diocesan priest from St. Louis, is founder and President of the non-profit Gospel Values. He has presented at religious education gatherings across the United States and Canada. Fr. Kempf is author of the book, “No One Cries the Wrong Way” and several books for children including, “My Sister is Annoying,” “Don’t Drink the Holy Water” and “Sometimes Life Is Just Not Fair.” He has also published a CD of guided prayer reflections and four volumes of DVDs under the “Big Al LIVE” series.

3-18  God at the Movies

Many of us spend more time looking at small screens than we spend looking at trees and books combined. Many of us have friends we have never even met; our big stories are often online or at the cinema multiplex. How well do we know the culture we want to form? What were the questions proposed to us through the movies from last year? What answers can we provide?

Rev. Richard Leonard, SJ

Jesuit priest Fr. Richard Leonard is Director of the Catholic Office for Film & Broadcasting, based in Sydney, Australia. He has been a Visiting Professor at the Gregorian University in Rome and a Visiting Scholar at the University of California, Los Angeles. A popular speaker at the Religious Education Congress, Fr. Leonard is author of 10 books, including his latest, “What Does It All Mean? A Guide to Being More Faithful, Hopeful and Loving.”

3-19  Rise Up! with Adolescents and Their Families: The Joy of Adolescent Catechesis  

We will examine the newly published document by the Partnership for Adolescent Catechesis, “The Joy of Adolescent Catechesis,” written to inspire those who are involved in catechetical ministry with adolescents. This interactive session will break open the content of the document as well as facilitate opportunities for participants to engage in the practical applications of the principles presented. How do we accompany young people on their journey in deepening their relationship with the person and message of Jesus Christ? What might the Church look like if our young people rise up and accept the call to be missionary disciples?

Margaret Matijasevic

Margaret Matijasevic is Executive Director of the National Conference for Catechetical Leadership, based in Washington, D.C. She previously worked for 14 years in parish and diocesan roles in the Los Angeles Archdiocese, focusing on leadership through collaboration and the utilization of technology to spread the Gospel. She has presented at local, regional and national gatherings, is published in Cate­chist magazine, writes a column for Catechetical Leader Magazine, and appears in a video series.

Michael Theisen

Michael Theisen has been involved in youth ministry and faith formation for over 30 years, authoring more than 15 books and numerous articles. His experience as a speaker, trainer and ministry leader reaches from parish to diocesan and national levels. Theisen serves as Director of Ministry Formation for the National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry in Washington, D.C., where he also is the National Coordinator for the Strong Catholic Families Initiative. He resides with his family in Rochester, N.Y.

Andrea Kopp

Based in Arlington, Va., Andrea Kopp is Assistant Director of Professional Development for the National Catholic Education Association. She has 17 years of teaching and ministry experience and has served in several leadership capacities within schools and parishes. Kopp has served on several national committees. She has made numerous professional presentations at parishes as well as at the NCEA National Convention, Mid-Atlantic Catechetical Conference, and the Early Educators Leadership Conference.

3-20  Catechists and Teachers – In Loco Jesu  

It is commonly known that teachers stand in loco parentis (in the place of the parent). In Catholic schools and in religious education classes it is accurate to say that the instructor is also in loco Jesu ... in the place of Jesus! This session will focus on teacher practices that imitate Jesus in crafting Christian community.

Dr. Patricia M. McCormack, IHM

Dr. Patricia McCormack, a member of the Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, is an international formation-education consultant who serves as Program Director of the IHM Office of Formative Support for Parents and Teachers, located in Philadelphia. She has 30 years’ experience in both the classroom and administration and is author of several books, numerous articles and the “Parent Partnership Handbook” feature in Today’s Catholic Teacher magazine. Sr. McCormack’s ministry also includes workshops and retreats.

3-21  “The Mother of Jesus Was There”: A Scriptural Portrayal of Mary  

The Mary of Scripture is prophetic, a model for contemplation, the best kind of guest, and one of the last concerns of Jesus before dying. Her biblical role, though, can take second place to the status she has filled in Catholic piety due to her truly monumental role in prayer and art, with churches, cities and counties named after her. This workshop will reground the Mary of our devotion with the woman revealed in the Word of God.

Rev. J. Patrick Mullen

Fr. Pat Mullen, a priest of the Los Angeles Archdiocese, is Professor of Biblical Studies at St. John’s Seminary in Camarillo, Calif., and Pastor at the neighboring Junipero Serra Parish. He is author of “Dining with Pharisees” and “Sacred Scripture,” a high school introduction to the Scriptures. Fr. Mullen speaks annually at the Religious Education Congress as well as to diocesan priests in Phoenix, Utah and seven of the 12 dioceses of California, and at diocesan conferences throughout the Southwest, Texas and Australia.

3-22  Sacramental Preparation: Inviting Children to Encounter Mystery  

Too often, children’s sacramental preparation is reduced to one of the following: a crash course on Catholic basics; a self-improvement/self-esteem program; or a Vacation Bible School-like experience. While well intentioned, such approaches underestimate children’s capacity for grasping the profundity of encountering the Mystery of God in the sacraments. In this session, Joe Paprocki will offer an approach to sacramental preparation – first Eucharist, first reconciliation, confirmation – that is engaging, profoundly liturgical and imbued with spirituality.

Joe Paprocki, DMin

Joe Paprocki is the National Consultant for Faith Formation at Loyola Press, located in Chicago. He has over 35 years of experience in pastoral ministry and has presented in over 100 dioceses in North America, including Alaska, Hawaii and Canada. Paprocki is author of numerous books on pastoral ministry and catechesis. His latest book is entitled “A Church on the Move· 52 Ways to Get Mission and Mercy in Motion.” He also serves as a catechist and blogs about the experience.

3-23  How to Get Your Family to Heaven!  

Join Fr. Leo Patalinghug to learn how to effectively impart your faith to your family and students. This session will help you to strengthen the role of God, faith and the Roman Catholic religion in your life and in those entrusted to your care. Learn all of the practical ways to approach broken family situations and difficult pastoral issues, especially if your children are far from the church or living non-Christian values or lifestyles. Learn how to be at peace despite your family struggles.

Rev. Leo E. Patalinghug

Fr. Leo Patalinghug is a priest member of a secular institute of consecrated life called Voluntas Dei (The Will of God). He is founder and host of the Grace Before Meals movement as well as founder and Chairman of The Table Foundation. Born in the Philippines and raised in the Baltimore area, Fr. Patalinghug developed his love for cooking while attending the seminary at the North American College in Rome. He is a best-selling author, popular speaker and host of “Savoring Our Faith” on EWTN and a SiriusXM Radio contributor.

3-24  Beyond the Moon and Stars  

As a card-carrying member of the baby boomer generation, Dan Schutte understands well the state of life that his peers are experiencing. With so much changing in the world and our personal lives, it is easy to wonder what will be the legacy of our labors, what will live on after we are gone? This workshop speaks to our longing to know that our life work has been important, that we leave behind a legacy.

Dan Schutte

Dan Schutte is one of the most influential composers of Catholic music for liturgy in the English-speaking world. Some of his most celebrated songs – “Here I Am, Lord,” “City of God,” “Sing a New Song” – are from his years of collaboration with the St. Louis Jesuits. His more recent collections include “To Praise You” and the Mass setting, “Mass of Christ the Savior.” With 50 years of teaching and workshops in liturgy and music, Schutte travels extensively. He is currently Composer-In-Residence at the University of San Francisco.

3-25  Turning the Rising Tide of Apathy, Agnosticism and Atheism: Six Catalysts to Ignite the Faith of Young Skeptics  

A 2016 Pew Research study found that 40 percent of our Catholic youth will move to unbelief before the age of 35. The primary reason for this is their belief that science has discredited and replaced faith. Fr. Robert Spitzer has developed and beta tested six kinds of evidence to be used in confirmation programs, youth ministries and Catholic high schools to reverse this rising tide of unbelief. This evidence – proof of a creator from science; evidence of life after death and Jesus’ Resurrection; the Four Levels of Happiness; and a justification of why a loving God would allow suffering – can easily be presented through PowerPoint and embedded videos.

Fr. Robert J. Spitzer, SJ, PhD

Jesuit priest Fr. Robert Spitzer is President of the Magis Center at Christ Cathedral in Orange County, Calif., and President of the Spitzer Center for Ethical Leadership, based in Michigan. He served as President of Gonzaga University in Washington from 1998 to 2009, and has published eight books and many scholarly articles for which he has won awards. Fr. Spitzer appears on radio and television, including “Larry King Live” (debating Stephen Hawking), the “Today Show,” the History Channel and PBS, among others.

3-26  Seven Steps to Implementing Change  

Change and transition can be difficult in any organization, but especially in the Church where we seem to mix up small traditions in a parish with the big traditions of the Church. We will look at the struggles that come with introducing change in a parish setting and the seven vital steps that are necessary to change a church culture.

Fr. Michael White

Fr. Michael White previously served as Priest-Secretary to Baltimore Cardinal William Keeler and as Vice-Chancellor for the Baltimore Archdiocese. He is presently Pastor at the Church of the Nativity in Timonium, Md., where during his tenure as pastor, weekend attendance tripled from 1,400 to over 4,000! Fr. White is co-author with Tom Corcoran of the recent publication, “Rebuilt,” along with a companion field guide, which narrates that parish story.

Tom Corcoran

Tom Corcoran has served the Church of the Nativity in Timonium, Md., in a variety of roles. As Associate to the Pastor he is responsible for weekend message development, strategic planning and staff development. He does small group videos for members of his parish and occasionally speaks to the weekend congregation of his parish. Corcoran was co-author “Rebuilt” and has made presentations at regional conferences in the dioceses of Baltimore, Md.; Rochester, N.Y.; and Milwaukee.

3-27  When the Praises Go Up  

Prayers of gratitude are an important part of our faith as Christians. An attitude of gratitude has been found to have a healthy impact on individuals, particularly during times of stress. As we journey as busy Christians, how attentive are we to the way we pray ... and the power of our prayer to change our interior life as well as those around us? For, what we focus on ... we give power to! This workshop will look at prayer of gratitude and will offer suggestions for those on the spiritual journey.

Dr. C. Vanessa White

Dr. Vanessa White is Assistant Professor of Spirituality and Director of the Master of Arts in Pastoral Studies and Master of Arts in Specialized Ministries degree programs at Catholic Theological Union in Chicago. She is a member of the faculty and Coordinator of the Elder’s Retreat at Xavier University of Louisiana’s Institute for Black Catholic Studies and the Adjunct Faculty at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles. Dr. White lectures nationally as a workshop presenter, retreat facilitator, spiritual director and teacher.

3-70  “Lạy Chúa, con kêu lên cùng Chúa, và Ngài đã cho con bình phục” (Tv 30:2)  

Buổi hội thảo sẽ tập trung vào khía cạnh Phụng vụ thiệng liêng của hai bí tích Sám Hối và Sức Dầu như các bí tích chữa lành trong Giáo Hội. Qua các bản văn phụng vụ và phát triển pịch sử, tham dự viên sẽ hiểu rõ hơn về mối liên hệ giữa hai bí tích nầy và làm sao Giáo hội, qua quyền năng của Chúa Thánh Thần, luôn tiếp tục công việc chữa lành và cứu rỗi của Chúa Gie6su trong đời sống của người kitô hữu ngày hôm nay.

     “Lord, My God, I Called to You for Help, and You Healed Me” (Ps 30:2)    

This workshop will focus on the liturgical and spiritual aspects of the sacraments of penance and anointing as sacraments of healing. By focusing on the liturgical texts and historical development, participants will have a better understanding of the inter-relationship of the two sacraments and how they, in the power of the Holy Spirit, constitute Jesus’ work of healing and salvation in the life of the Church today.

Linh Mục Phạm Đức Thịnh

Thụ phong linh mục cho Tổng Giáo Phận Los Angeles năm 2002, Cha Phạm Đức Thịnh đã phục vụ tại Giáo xứ Thánh Gioan Thiên Chúa ở Norwalk. Sau bốn năm phục vụ tại Giáo xứ, cha được gởi sang Roma để theo học chuyên nghành phụng vụ tại Giáo Hoàng Học Viện Sant’Anselmo. Cha đã hoàn tất chương trình Cao học của Phụng vụ năm 2010 và cha đang làmGiáo sư về Phụng vụ tại Đại chủng viện Thánh Gioan, Camarillo, Calif.

Rev. Thinh Duc Pham

Ordained a priest for the Archdiocese of Los Angeles in 2002, Fr. Thinh Pham served for four years as an Associate Pastor at St. John of God Church in Norwalk, Calif. Upon completing his first assignment, he was sent to pursue graduate studies at the Pontifical Institute of Liturgy in Rome. He has returned and is currently teaching Liturgy at St. John’s Seminary in Camarillo, Calif., where he is Assistant Professor of Liturgy.