2010 RECongress Period 7

Religious Education Congress
Saturday, March 21, 2010
10:00 - 11:30 am


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= Recorded session

7-01 All Things Catholic: What’s Hot and What’s Not in the Church

John L. Allen Jr.

Noted pundit on the global Catholic Church, John Allen will survey today’s headlines on church affairs, putting current events in context and making sense of what’s coming down the line. Among other things, the session will provide insight on the direction of Benedict XVI’s papacy ... and what might come next.

7-02 Eternal Life: A Self-Help Guide

Scott Appleby

Jesus offers eternal life here and now to his disciples. What, concretely, does this mean? We often hear homilies or read scriptural commentaries on this question, but how can we go deeper in imagining and experiencing the abundance of life in Christ? In addressing this question, we shall draw upon Scripture, tradition, "church history" and contemporary cultural criticism.

7-03 Spirituality and Abundance for the Future of Our Church

Parishes are becoming vibrant centers of spirituality especially in places that foster mission leadership, integrating contemplative prayer, social justice, care of our sacred earth, and a credible vision of Christ for today’s global community.

Msgr. Arturo J. Bañuelas, STD

Msgr. Arturo Bañuelas is a native of the Diocese of El Paso, Texas, where he presently serves as Pastor at St. Pius X Church. He is co-founder of the Academy of Catholic Hispanic Theologians of the United States and is founding Director of the Tepeyac Institute, a diocesan ministry formation center. Msgr. Bañuelas is a member of various boards and commissions and presents at conferences in dioceses across the country.

7-04 The Dance of Faith    (workshop closed)

Betsey Beckman

Our faith is mediated by stories of abundant life. Come celebrate our shared stories through the art of dance – explore dances of longing as Isaiah calls us to come to the water. Explore dances of prayer, discovering God in the "still small voice." Explore dances of resurrection as we are called to meet Jesus in the garden of Easter. Dance your faith!

7-05 Shekinah – Presence: Seen, Heard, Touched and Felt ...

Monica Brown & Hilary Musgrave, RSC

Creative ritual, imagery, Scripture storytelling and song – these feed the soul and draw us into the actual experience of the Sacred in our lives. This session is an opportunity for catechists and all who minister to pause and be present to the mystery of the indwelling of God, as appreciated in the mystical understanding of Shekinah, a Hebrew word expressing the indwelling presence of God made visible in what is seen and heard, touched and felt in our human experience.

7-06 The Majesty of Grace, the Power of the Spirit

Grayson Warren Brown

In my 45 years in ministry, I have witnessed wonderful happenings like ecumenism and enculturation take place in the church. I participated in the civil rights movement and even met Martin Luther King once, and witnessed the great effects that movement had on both our church and our country. And after all the liturgies and conferences I have participated in, I have arrived at one simple thought: Grace and the Holy Spirit are two things most of us still do not fully understand. There is a reason why Grace is "Amazing"! We must learn how to fully accept God’s precious gift of Grace, and to use his awesome gift of power. The time is now; God’s instrument is you.

7-07 A Woman’s Cup Overflows with Abundant Energy

How is a woman’s spiritual development different than the male journey? Where’s the manual? A vibrant feminine spirituality unleashes an incredible abundance of life in women, one which Jesus encouraged. This presentation will include a critical look at some false perceptions of spiritual growth that can be destructive for women. Engage with some women saints from our Catholic tradition who reflect a feminist spirituality viable for today.

Sr. Kathleen Bryant, RSC

Sr. Kathy Bryant, a Religious Sister of Charity, is a retreat facilitator, spiritual director, speaker and writer. Over the years she has given retreats and workshops nationally and internationally. Sr. Bryant has authored numerous articles and books and worked in Australia, Ireland and Africa as well as throughout the United States in the field of spirituality.

7-08 Approaching Contemplative Prayer

Fr. Michael Casey, OCSO

Catholicism has a strong mystical tradition, although this has been overshadowed in recent centuries. Fr. Michael Casey shares some of the insights of Western monastic tradition, including Thomas Merton.

7-09 Speak My Word Today: Using Music to Bring Scripture to Life for Elementary Children    (workshop closed)

Andrew Chinn

Young minds learn in many ways. In this workshop Andrew Chinn provides some musical strategies to bring Scripture to life for elementary-age children. From Creation to Revelation, from Noah’s Ark to Palm Sunday, from Micah to Matthew, Chinn will present songs, stories and movements to help teach children the greatest story ever told.

7-10 Passing the Baton: Intergenerational Evangelization and Catechesis

"Generations of Faith" and "Lifelong Faith Formation" have become the new standards for catechesis at the parish level. The relay race is on! Are we going to pass the baton of our Catholic faith to young adults or drop it? The key to actively engaging the missing generation between the grandparents in the pew and the children in religious instruction could be a new "intergenerational evangelization." Come share the incredible abundance of this novel approach applied to an urban parish.

Msgr. Ray East

Msgr. Ray East, a priest of the Archdiocese of Washington, D.C., served in several local parishes before being named Pastor at St. Teresa of Avila. The former Director of the Office of Black Catholics and Vicar for Evangelization for the Washington Archdiocese continues to present workshops, facilitations and keynote addresses for major national events. Msgr. East is a board member of several organizations, and has worked in the areas of liturgy, youth ministry, initiation and evangelization.

7-11 Youth Learning and Growing in Faith as Part of the Parish Community

How are communities engaging youth in catechesis and ministry within the intergenerational community? Parishes across the United States are involving youth in leadership and faith learning with people of all ages in the parish. This workshop explores practical strategies and models for involving youth in catechesis utilizing the resources of the whole community.

Tom East

In addition to his position as Director of the Center for Ministry Development, Tom East is their Project Coordinator for Youth Ministry Services and Coordinator of the Certificate Program in Youth Ministry Studies. Previously, he served as Director of Youth Ministry and Associate Director of Religious Education for the Los Angeles Archdiocese. East is the primary author and editor of numerous books, including "Leadership for Catholic Youth Ministry."

7-12 Lord, What Have I Gotten Myself Into?

Steven Ellair

Have you been a catechist for a while and are looking to renew your enthusiasm and passion for ministry? Have you recently received a call to become a catechist for the parish and aren’t even sure what that word means? Come to this fun and engaging workshop where we’ll explore and celebrate the many facets of being a catechist and learn how to go from surviving to thriving!

7-13 Praying Like a Monk: A Contemplative Path Through the Chaos

Paula Huston

Yes, we are all too busy. Yes, modern life is stressful and hectic. But the question is: How do we develop a deep, rich prayer life while continuing to live with realities that can’t be changed? Join us as we look at some ancient spiritual practices that can revolutionize your relationship with God and transform the way you handle life.

7-14 Luke and Acts: Abundant Presence of the Holy Spirit

Felix Just, SJ, PhD

Did you know that the Holy Spirit is the most important character throughout both Luke’s Gospel and his Acts of the Apostles? God’s Spirit is active before the births of John the Baptist and Jesus, anoints Jesus at the beginning of his public ministry, remains present in all of Jesus’ words and deeds, fills the disciples gathered at Pentecost, and continues working in them throughout their lives. In fact, the Holy Spirit is so prominent in both of Luke’s volumes that they could more precisely be called "The Gospel of the Holy Spirit" and the "The Acts of the Holy Spirit." Just like Jesus and his first disciples, we too must be led by God’s Spirit in all aspects of our lives.

7-15 The Jesus Question

Matthew Kelly

Sooner or later there is the question that every man and woman has to answer – the Jesus question. There are many different ways to answer the question, and often we give different answers in different situations. Nonetheless, Jesus keeps presenting the same question … and how we answer determines how we live our lives. How do you answer the Jesus question? Perhaps you don’t even know what the question is. Or maybe you’re interested in helping others discover and answer the Jesus question. In this presentation Matthew Kelly will introduce the Jesus question and help participants prepare to answer it once and for all.

7-16 Marketing Your Ministry

In today’s fast-paced society, it is important to maximize every opportunity to capture the attention of your audience. This requires creativity, planning and position imaging. See your role as an advocate for Church ministry by learning how to make the most of your resources while sharing the "Good News" of your ministry efforts. You will learn strategies to get your ministry noticed and achieve your outcomes. Come and discover a "new twist" on marking your ministry rooted in over 30 years of youth ministry experience.

Colette A. Kennett

Colette Kennett is Director of Youth Ministry for the Diocese of Belleville, Ill., where she has been employed in professional youth ministry for over 30 years. Kennett has also been a prison minister for over 15 years. She has been a keynote or presenter at numerous diocesan events and many national youth conferences, including four World Youth Day events. Recently she was invited by the St. Louis Cardinals to participate in their on-field ceremonies for the 2009 All Star Game in St. Louis.

7-17 Transforming "Transformers"

Rev. Richard Leonard, SJ

"Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen" was the biggest film at the box office in 2009. Both the original "Transformers" and its sequel have become cult movies among our young. Most of the young adults we teach or want to reach have found in these films a modern connection to transcendence. So what’s the deal, and why should we care? Can this media phenomenon be put at the service of the Good News? How can believers transform "Transformers"?

7-18 Engage Your Parish! Straight Talk on How to Increase Parishioners Level of Service, Giving and Invitation

Rev. Daniel J. Mahan

Why do 20 percent of the parishioners do 80 percent of the "heavy lifting," and what can be done about it? The answer to those questions hinges on the concept of engagement. Many parishes are experiencing anemic collections and exhausted volunteers because of a crisis in the amount of engaged parishioners. Those who attend this stewardship session will learn the hard facts about the crisis in engagement – and what can be done about it.

7-19 Aggiornamento : Moving Parishes to the Next Level

Aggiornamento, literally meaning, "bringing up to date," was one of the key words used at the Second Vatican Council. For over 40 years the Church has struggled to effectively implement its meaning and spirit in a sustainable way. In this session we will explore real experiences of team leadership in the parish and the diocese with a powerful approach to engage and empower the community. Let’s throw open the windows of the Church.

Fr. Brendan McGuire

Fr. Brendan McGuire is Pastor of Holy Spirit Parish and School in San Jose, Calif. He is also Vicar General for the San Jose Diocese and responsible for the implementation of the Diocesan Pastoral Plan. Fr. McGuire has delivered many stewardship and parish management talks at several parishes throughout Canada as well as in the dioceses of Orange, Calif., and Atlanta.

7-20 Ecumenism In Practice

Rt. Rev. Malcolm McMahon, OP

How can we work ecumenically with other Christians when the distance between some Christian traditions and the Catholic Church seems to be greater than ever? The Agreed Statement of the Anglican-Roman Catholic International Commission, entitled "Mary: Grace and Hope in Christ," will be presented in this session as a example of ecumenism in this millennium.

7-21 The Spirituality of the Catechist: Re-igniting the Flame    (workshop closed)

Lent is a good time for all Catholics, especially catechists, to renew their faith and deepen their spirituality. Joe Paprocki will help catechists reflect on six characteristics of the spirituality of the catechist that will help to re-ignite the fire within.

Joe Paprocki, DMin

Joe Paprocki is National Consultant for Faith Formation at Loyola Press in Chicago. He has 30 years of experience in pastoral ministry and is author of "The Bible Blueprint" and the best-selling "A Well-Built Faith." Paprocki serves as an eighth-grade catechist and blogs about the experience on the Internet at www.catechistsjourney.org.

7-22 Caring for the Caregiver

LeAnn Thieman, CSP, CPAE

While rewarding, care-giving requires tremendous emotional, physical and spiritual stamina, making burnout an everyday challenge. In "Chicken Soup for the Caregiver’s Soul," LeAnn Thieman offers remedies by encouraging caregivers to care for themselves as devotedly as they do for others. By sharing stories from her book and her own life experiences, she fills caregivers with hope, courage and strength and honors them for the difference they make in the world. (This is a repeat of Session 1-23.)

7-23 Gospel People Believe the News is Good

Catherine Upchurch

Is it naive to be bearers of Good News in a world where so much fights against this message? Or is it a matter of seeing with new eyes and hearing with new ears? We’ll explore the Gospels as the central message of our lives and the proclamation our world most needs to hear.

7-24 New Habits of the Heart

Jim Wallis

Across the country we are hearing that people are returning to old values and lessons that they have somehow forgotten. Things they learned as a child from their parents, maybe in Sunday school, church or just the values that seemed to define the community where they grew up, but have now disappeared. It’s more than nostalgia; it’s a feeling of loss. And they can’t quite remember when and how they got away from these old values. It is time to reform our "habits of the heart."

7-25 Connecting Young Adults with the Faith Community

Joan Weber

This workshop shares strategies for parishes becoming more responsive to young adults. We will explore ways of integrating young adults into the life of the faith community through catechesis, liturgy and sacraments, spirituality, and justice and service.

7-26 Prayerfulness: Navigating the Perils and Joys of Spiritual Intimacy

Dr. Rober t J. Wicks

Author and physician Walker Percy once posed the question: "What if I missed my life like a person misses a train?" Well, this is easy to do when we are not aware of the ancient and contemporary lessons on prayerfulness and spiritual mindfulness that will be the focus of this presentation. Lively and practical, the material is designed to refresh the compassionate soul.

7-27 How to Raise Caring Children

What do kids need the most from their parents to become caring people today? What are the best parenting strategies to promote their emotional well-being? How to help them become socially competent? How to improve communication with them? How to help children internalize and apply Christian values in their daily lives? In this seminar Dr. John Yzaguirre will address these questions and offer concrete and effective approaches to assist parents in their sacred and challenging journey of parenting.

Dr. John Yzaguirre

Dr. John Yzaguirre is a psychologist and author specializing in family life and Catholic spirituality. He co-directs the California Prosocial Institute, based in Irvine, with his wife Claire Frazier Yzaguirre, MFT, with whom he has co-authored "Thriving Marriages." He has been a keynote speaker at conventions in the United States, Canada, Mexico, Europe and Australia. Besides his active private practice, Dr. Yzaguirre offers numerous marriage and family formation seminars at parishes in the local area.

7-70 Sisters Exchanging Gifts    (workshop closed)

On July 1, 2008 in the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels, representatives of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles and the Archdiocese of Ho Chi Minh City (formerly Saigon), Vietnam, entered into a relationship as Sister Dioceses. This entails a mutual exchange of gifts in faith, hope and charity. What can the people of the Catholic Church in the United States learn from the Church in Vietnam? What can Catholics in Vietnam learn from the Catholic Church in the United States? (Though part of the Vietnamese workshops, this session will be presented in English.)

Most Rev. Peter Nguyen Van Kham

Bishop Peter Nguyen Van Kham was ordained Auxiliary Bishop of Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon) in November 2008. Born in Ha Noi, he was ordained in 1980 and received his doctorate from The Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C. He is well-known throughout Vietnam for his skills as a preacher. This is his first time at the Religious Education Congress.

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