2010 RECongress Speakers/Topics Listing
Religious Education Congress
March 18, 2010 (Youth Day)
March 19-21, 2010 (Congress days)
Schedule • Speaker Index • Workshop Listing • Speakers/Topics • Exhibitor Listing • Exhibitor Categories
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Asterisks with session numbers indicate recorded workshops. “Key” indicates a Saturday Keynote or Sunday Address. Youth Day workshops are labeled by a letter session (A, B, C, etc.). Congress sessions are designated by two numbers separated by a dash. The first number indicates the period. Sessions 1-, 2- and 3- are Friday; Sessions 4-, 5- and 6- are Saturday; Sessions 7- and 8- are Sunday. The two-digit number after the dash is the workshop number. Workshop numbers -01 to -30 are in English; -50 to -58 are in Spanish; -70 is in Vietnamese; -80 is in Korean. The topic category has been identified by the Office of Religious Education. Speaker-identified categories are Speaker Categories (PDF: 1 page, 87k).
Topic Session Title Language Aguilera-Titus, Alejandro Catechesis/Evangelization 4-51* Jesús renueva y alimenta mi amor Spanish Aguilera-Titus, Alejandro Young Adult Ministry 7-51* Parejas fuertes, familia fuertes Spanish Albom, Mitch Keynote KEY* English Allen Jr., John Ecclesiology 5-01* The Future Church: Exploring Catholicism in the 21st Century English Allen Jr., John Ecclesiology 7-01* All Things Catholic: What’s Hot and What’s Not in the Church English Alonso, Tony Music & Sacraments 2-13 Songs of Justice and Peace English Alonso, Tony Music & Sacraments 4-12 Singing and Celebrating the Sacraments English Angotti, John Spirituality 5-02* Fear is Not an Option: Choices of Faith English Anslinger, Leisa Catechesis 3-01* Abundant Parish Life: The Value of Belonging English Anslinger, Leisa Evangelization 6-01* Engage People in Faith and Life English APeX, Youth Day A Who Do You Want To Be Right Now? English Appleby, Scott Ecclesiology 6-02* The Wisdom of the Elders: Evangelization and Tradition English Appleby, Scott Ecclesiology 7-02* Eternal Life: A Self-Help Guide English Arroyo, Maria Justice/Peace 6-51 Musulmanes y cristianos trabajando en conjunto: Nuestro llamado a la solidaridad global Spanish Arroyo, Maria Justice/Peace 2-01 Muslims and Christians Working Together: Our Call to Solidarity Around the World English Awiapo, Thomas Youth Day B One Love, One World ... Let’s REALLY Get Together and Be All Right! English Awiapo, Thomas Youth Ministry 6-03* Engaging Faith in the World: A Spirituality of Solidarity for Young People English Bañuelas, Msgr. Arturo Parish Leadership 4-52* ¡Una Iglesia con ganas esta llena de abundancia! Spanish Bañuelas, Msgr. Arturo Parish Leadership 7-03* Spirituality and Abundance for the Future of Our Church English Baumann, Bruce Youth Ministry 3-02* Youth Ministry 101: Beyond Pizza and Paintball English Baumann, Bruce Youth Ministry 8-01* The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Small Group Leaders English Beaudoin, Dr. Tom Young Adult Ministry 4-01* Catholic Identity 2010: Young Adults Speak! English Beaudoin, Dr. Tom Gay/Lesbian Ministry 6-04 Gay and Lesbian Catholics: Church Teaching and Pastoral Approaches English Beckman, Betsey Liturgy/Music 3-03* Mourning into Dancing English Beckman, Betsey Liturgy/Music 7-04* The Dance of Faith English Benson, Fr. Richard Sexuality 2-02* Human Sexuality and Catholic Moral Teaching English Benson, Fr. Richard Sexuality 6-04 Gay and Lesbian Catholics: Church Teaching and Pastoral Approaches English Betancourt, Anna Liturgy/Music 4-55 El Canto que forma y transforma la comunidad – música para la reconciliación y primera comunión Spanish Boadt, Rev. Lawrence Scripture 6-05* St. Paul as the Model for the Catholic Teacher English Boadt, Rev. Lawrence Scripture 8-02* Loving and Understanding the Bible through Lectio Divina English Boyle, Rev. Gregory Detention Ministry 6-06* Jesus, Gang Members and Attachment: Creating a Secure Base for Those on the Margins English Bravo Perez, Benjamin Liturgy 5-51* ¿Por qué los católicos abandonan su iglesia? Spanish Bravo Perez, Benjamin Liturgy 7-52* La casa, lugar clave en tiempo de crisis de fe Spanish Brennan, Rev. Patrick Parish Leadership 3-04* A Parish in Transition: The Journey of Individual and Corporate Grief English Brennan, Rev. Patrick Parish Leadership 4-02* Re-imagining the Priesthood English Brown, Grayson Warren Liturgy/Music 2-03* Make a Joyful Noise unto the Lord with Music, Music, Music! English Brown, Monica Spirituality 3-05* “I Am with You Always” – Jesus’ Promise Fulfilled English Brown, Monica Spirituality 7-05* Shekinah – Presence: Seen, Heard, Touched and Felt… English Brown, Grayson Warren Liturgy/Music 7-06* The Majesty of Grace, the Power of the Spirit English Bryant, Sr. Kathy Women's Issues 7-07* A Woman’s Cup Overflows with Abundant Energy English Burland, John Elementary 1-01* Growing in Faith through the Power of Song English Burland, John Elementary 5-03* Calling the Children! Music for Sacraments, Seasons and Celebrations English Burns, Jim Family 1-02* Creating an Intimate Marriage English Calderon Varona, Juan Theology 1-51 Recuperar la mistagogia Spanish Calderon Varona, Juan Theology 6-52 Conocer y celebrar en el siglo XXI Spanish Campuzano, Rev. Guillermo Young Adult Ministry 1-52* La abundancia y la escasez del amor en la familia Spanish Campuzano, Rev. Guillermo Young Adult Ministry 6-53* Ministerios en la Iglesia: Dialogo norte/sur Spanish Carrillo Velásquez, Carlos Young Adult Ministry 3-51* Criando al adolescente con orgullo latino Spanish Carrillo Velásquez, Carlos Young Adult Ministry 5-52* Depresión y suicidio entre los adolescentes Spanish Casey, Fr. Michael Spirituality 2-04* Lectio Divina: Ancient and Modern English Casey, Fr. Michael Spirituality 7-08* Approaching Contemplative Prayer English Cheri, Richard Music 6-07 Sing the Seasons English Chinn, Andrew Elementary 2-05* This Day: Music and Daily Prayer for Elementary Children English Chinn, Andrew Elementary 7-09* Speak My Word Today: Using Music to Bring Scripture to Life for Elementary Children English Cimino, Sr. Carol Elementary 3-06* The Good Catechist English Cimino, Sr. Carol Elementary 8-03* Equal Opportunity: Why Standards Matter English Clarke, Fr. Jim Spirituality 3-07* Models of Masculinity in the Scriptures English Coleman, Fr. Gerald Morality 2-06 Bioethical Questions and the Dignity of the Human Person English Coleman, Fr. Gerald Morality 6-08 Advance Directives and Catholic Teaching English Coloroso, Barbara Family 4-04 Just Because It’s Not Wrong Doesn’t Make It Right English Coloroso, Barbara Family 5-04 Parenting through Crisis: Helping Kids in Times of Loss, Grief and Change English Coutinho, Paul Spirituality 5-05* The Fullness of Life: The Pathway of St. Ignatius of Loyola English Coutinho, Paul Spirituality 8-04* Embracing the God of Everywhere English Crosby, Rev. Michael Justice/Peace 4-03* Developing a Spirituality of Gratitude English Crosby, Rev. Michael Justice/Peace 5-06* The “Primacy of Christ” and the Pope English Cusick, Rev. John Theology 1-03* The Word Became Flesh: An Adult Appreciation of the Incarnation English Cusick, Rev. John Liturgy/Music 4-05* Why We Do What We Do: An Explanation of the Signs, Symbols, Gestures, Rituals and History at Mass English Davis, Maggie Human Growth/Development 3-23* Defining Wholeness in Daily Life English Davis, Maggie Human Growth/Development 6-24* The Practical Pursuit of Wholeness in Body, Mind and Spirit English Desiderio, Fr. Frank Life Issues 5-07 Letting Go of a Grudge English Donovan, Patrick Youth Ministry 1-04* Using the Remote to Channel Jesus English Donovan, Patrick Parish Leadership 2-07* Numbers 11: “Kill Me Now” English Downey, Dr. Michael Spirituality 4-06* Sowing Seeds in Secular Soil English East, Msgr. Ray Catechesis/Evangelization 7-10* Passing the Baton: Intergenerational Evangelization and Catechesis English East, Tom Confirmation 7-11* Youth Learning and Growing in Faith as Part of the Parish Community English Eipers, Carole Catechesis/Evangelization 4-07 Catechesis: Revealing the Mystery of Abundance English Ellair, Steven Elementary 1-05* From Pulling Hair to Quiet Prayer: Tips for Classroom Management and Discipline English Ellair, Steven Elementary 7-12* Lord, What Have I Gotten Myself Into? English Fabing, Fr. Bob Liturgy/Music 1-06 The Living Eucharist: Our Love, Joy, Need, Fear, Sorrow and Anger Find a Home English Farmer, Brad Youth Day A Who Do You Want To Be Right Now? English Ferder, Sr. Fran Sexuality 1-08* Saying Yes to Love and Intimacy: The Spiritual Journey into Mutual Loving English Ferder, Sr. Fran Human Growth/Development 4-08* Birthing the Deeper Self: Living Creatively in the Afternoon of Life English Fernández, Santiago Liturgy/Music 3-52 ¡Ayuda por favor! ¿Qué está pasando con la música en la misa? Spanish Fernández, Santiago Liturgy/Music 7-53 Cuando no hay coro: Música para quinceañeras, bodas y funerales Spanish Fiand, Sr. Barbara Keynote KEY* Harnessing for God the Energies of Love English Fiand, Sr. Barbara Adult Education 1-07* Claiming the Power Within: Living the Christian Vision English Flecha Andrés, José-Román Morality 2-51* Bioética y valor de la vida Spanish Flecha Andrés, José-Román Morality 6-54* Catequesis de la sexualidad Spanish Florian, Amy Spirituality 2-08 Who Will Be Making Your End-of-Life Decisions? English Florian, DJ. Adult Education 2-16* Job, Mack and Getting Out of the Boat: Learning to Trust English Florian, Amy Spirituality 8-05 What? Me Lead the Prayer? English Ford, Paul Parish Leadership 3-08* The Common Priesthood: Why We Need the Ordained and Why the Ordained Need Us English Fragomeni, Fr. Richard Sacraments 1-09* Celebrating the Eucharist in Charity and Truth English Fragomeni, Fr. Richard Sacraments 3-09* Celebrating the Second Baptism: Reclaiming the Power of the Sacrament of Reconciliation English Freeburg, Sr. Paule Liturgy/Music 5-25* Children, the Word and Music English Gaillardetz, Dr. Richard Ecclesiology 1-10* How Should Catholics Vote: Reflections on Our Electoral Obligations English Gaillardetz, Dr. Richard Ecclesiology 2-09* Do We Need a Vatican III? English Galipeau, Dr. Jerry Christian Initiation 1-11* Recharge the RCIA Process: Learning by Doing English Galipeau, Dr. Jerry Christian Initiation 6-09* Preparing and Celebrating the Scrutinies: The Heart of Lent English Gallagher, Sr. Toni Lynn HIV/AIDS 3-10 A Gospel Call and Response to the HIV/AIDS Pandemic English Gallagher, Sr. Toni Lynn HIV/AIDS 5-08 HIV/AIDS Stories and Learnings: A Transformational Experience English Gilbert, Rev. Richard Life Issues 6-10* When Grief Comes to the Workplace English Gilbert, Rev. Richard Life Issues 8-06* Grief and Our Older Adults English Good Ground, Music 6-07 Sing the Seasons English Goodwin, Dr. Carole Youth Day C Tears in Heaven: Coping with Hard Times English Goodwin, Dr. Carole Junior High 2-10* Circling the Wagons: Ministering to Junior High Youth English Goodwin, Dr. Carole Youth Ministry 5-09* Involving Parents in Youth Ministry English Gordon, Dr. Greer Life Issues 3-11* The Cross and the Anesthetized World English Gordon, Dr. Greer Life Issues 8-07* Right Relations and Gentle Conversations English Grimaldo, Gloria Cecilia Catechesis/Evangelization 3-53* “Si el grano de trigo muere, da mucho fruto...” (J 12,24) Spanish Grimaldo, Gloria Cecilia Catechesis/Evangelization 5-53* La espiritualidad como fuerza vital del migrante Spanish Groome, Dr. Thomas Youth Ministry 3-12* High School-age Catechesis: Working with the Bishops’ Curriculum Framework English Groome, Dr. Thomas Adult Education 4-09* Reclaiming Catholicism English Grzona, Ricardo Adult Education 3-54* Catequesis, Biblia y espiritualidad: Claves para catequistas Spanish Grzona, Ricardo Adult Education 7-54* Lectio Divina para catequistas: La increíble abundancia de la gracia de Dios Spanish Haas, David Liturgy/Music 2-11 The Mission of Liturgical Music: To Change Hearts English Haas, David Liturgy/Music 6-11 To Be a Servant: The Vocational Call of Liturgical Musicians English Hailer, Sr. Gretchen Media 4-10* Eight Ways to Navigate “Our Media World” English Halsey-Hoover, Sharon Spirituality 2-12* Thomas Merton and Dorothy Day: Pilgrims and Prophets of Peace English Harms, Dan Youth Day P Dealing with Peer Pressure – or – If Everyone Jumped Off a Bridge … Geronimo!! English Hart, Mark Catechesis/Evangelization 1-12* The Gospel According to TiVo: Plugging Faith into a Wireless Culture English Hart, Mark Catechesis/Evangelization 4-11* “Wait Until Your Father Comes Home…”: Making the Faith Come Alive Within Families English Hartigan, Kevin Justice/Peace 6-51 Musulmanes y cristianos trabajando en conjunto: Nuestro llamado a la solidaridad global Spanish Hartigan, Kevin Justice/Peace 2-01 Muslims and Christians Working Together: Our Call to Solidarity Around the World English Haugen, Marty Liturgy/Music 2-13 Songs of Justice and Peace English Haugen, Marty Sacraments 4-12 Singing and Celebrating the Sacraments English Heagle, Fr. John Sexuality 1-08* Saying Yes to Love and Intimacy: The Spiritual Journey into Mutual Loving English Heagle, Fr. John Human Growth/Development 4-08* Birthing the Deeper Self: Living Creatively in the Afternoon of Life English Heimann, Kyle Youth Day P Dealing with Peer Pressure – or – If Everyone Jumped Off a Bridge … Geronimo!! English Hendey, Lisa Media 2-14* “E Abundance”: Faith Formation for the Facebook Generation (from Age 5 to 105) English Hendey, Lisa Media 8-08* Incredible iAbundance: Catechizing Adults with New Media Technologies English Hershey, Rev. Terry Spirituality 1-13* Live Without Fear: The Truth About Intimacy, Love, Passion and Sexuality English Hershey, Rev. Terry Spirituality 4-13 The Power of Pause: Becoming More By Doing Less English Hoover, David Spirituality 2-12* Thomas Merton and Dorothy Day: Pilgrims and Prophets of Peace English Horan, Dr. Michael Parish Leadership 5-10* Sharing Ministry for a Change: Priests and Lay Leaders Tell Their Story English Huebsch, Bill Catechesis/Evangelization 1-14* Coach Parents to Form Their Own Kids! English Huebsch, Bill Catechesis/Evangelization 4-14* Mini-Courses for Youth and Adult Ed English Hurd & Anawim, Bob Music 4-15 Dining in the Kingdom: An Exploration of Eucharistic Spirituality English Huston, Paula Spirituality 6-12* From Wounded to Healed: The (Impossible?) Art of Forgiving English Huston, Paula Spirituality 7-13* Praying Like a Monk: A Contemplative Path Through the Chaos English Jansen, Val Limar Youth Day D Scripture: In the Word We Live and Have Our Being English Jansen, Frank Youth Day D Scripture: In the Word We Live and Have Our Being English Jansen, Val Limar Catechesis/Evangelization 2-15* If You Build It, They Will Come English Jansen, Frank Catechesis/Evangelization 2-15* If You Build It, They Will Come English Jansen, Val Limar Catechesis/Evangelization 6-13* Get On Board! Musical Liturgy as Model of Faith Formation English Jansen, Frank Catechesis/Evangelization 6-13* Get On Board! Musical Liturgy as Model of Faith Formation English Jarzembowski, Paul Young Adult Ministry 3-13* So What About the Young Adults? 10 Things Every Church Worker Should Know English Jarzembowski, Paul Young Adult Ministry 6-14* NCYAMA: A National Network for Reaching Young Adults – and How It Can Help You English Jezreel, Jack Justice/Peace 1-15 New Wineskins for New Wine: A New Vision for Parish Life That Integrates Social Mission English Jezreel, Jack Justice/Peace 4-16 Five Critical Strategies to Make Social Ministry Lively and Effective English Just, Rev. Felix Scripture 3-14* Women in Luke and John: Incredible Abundance of Sinners and Saints English Just, Rev. Felix Scripture 7-14* Luke and Acts: Abundant Presence of the Holy Spirit English Kelly, Matthew Spirituality 3-16 One Dynamic Catholic English Kelly, Matthew Spirituality 7-15 The Jesus Question English Kendzia, Tom Catechesis/Evangelization 6-13* Get On Board! Musical Liturgy as Model of Faith Formation English Kendzia, Tom Catechesis/Evangelization 8-09* Return to the Passion English Kennett, Colette Youth Ministry E Discipleship … It’s About Everyday People English Kennett, Colette Youth Ministry 7-16* Marketing Your Ministry English Kessler, Fr. Matthew Ecclesiology 8-51* En Él abundante redención Spanish Kessler, Fr. Matthew Ecclesiology 2-52* Gracias Señor por tu Iglesia Spanish Kham, Bishop Peter Nguyen Van Asian Pacific 5-70* Vietnamese Workshop Vietnamese Kham, Bishop Peter Nguyen Van Asian Pacific 7-70* Sisters Exchanging Gifts English Kolar, Peter Catechesis/Evangelization 7-56 Jesús revela su amor en parábolas y se confirma sanándonos Spanish LaBelle, Fr. Patrick Young Adult Ministry 5-11* Church Language, College Life and Morals: Is There Any Common Ground? English LaBelle, Fr. Patrick Young Adult Ministry 8-10* Moving from Requirement to Entitlement: The Young Adult Journey from Inheritance to Ownership English Lawton, Liam Liturgy/Music 5-12 A Time for Healing English Lee, Fr. Michael Catechesis 1-53* La evangelización de jóvenes: Datos y mejores prácticas de adultos latinos Spanish Leonard, Fr. Richard Media 3-15 Sports, Heroes, the Media and Faith English Leonard, Fr. Richard Media 7-17 Transforming “Transformers” English Levy, Eduardo Elementary 8-52* Encontrar a Cristo en la primera juventud Spanish Levy, Eduardo Elementary 4-53* Encontrar a Cristo a los 14 años Spanish Loftus, Fr. David Adult Education 2-16* Job, Mack and Getting Out of the Boat: Learning to Trust English López Gutiérrez, Siro Spirituality 8-53* Imágenes para creer Spanish López Gutiérrez, Siro Spirituality 6-55* Catequesis creativa: Mimo y payaso Spanish Lumas, Eva Marie Multicultural 6-15 Incredible Abundance: Embracing Multiculturalism English Lumas, Eva Marie Multicultural 8-11 Multicultural Catechesis: What, Why, How English Mahan, Rev. Daniel Stewardship 4-17* A Gold Mine of Talent: How to Discover and Call Forth Gifts of Talent in Your Parish English Mahan, Rev. Daniel Stewardship 7-18* Engage Your Parish! Straight Talk on How to Increase Parishioners Level of Service, Giving and Invitation English Manibusan, Jesse Youth Day H Faith Beyond Confirmation English Manibusan, Jesse Youth Ministry 6-16* Unlocking the Secrets of Liturgy with Youth English Martin, Rev. James Spirituality 8-54* Convertirse en un Santo (en menos de una hora) Spanish Martin, Rev. James Spirituality 3-17* The Jesuit Guide to Life English Martineau, Mariette Young Adult Ministry 3-18* Faith Development Through the Life Span – As Educators! English Martineau, Mariette Young Adult Ministry 6-17* Means, Methods, Moments: Engaging Adults in Faith Formation English Massingale, Rev. Bryan Morality 2-17* Caritas in Veritate: Pope Benedict on Social and Economic Justice English Massingale, Rev. Bryan Morality 4-18* The Continued Challenge of Racial Justice: The Legacy of Thomas Merton English Matovina, Timothy Theology 6-56* El escribir de los evangelios Spanish Matovina, Timothy Theology 4-19* Forming the Faith Community English Mayersohn, Rabbi Michael Ecumenical 2-18* The Judaism Jesus Believed and Practiced English Mayersohn, Rabbi Michael Ecumenical 8-12* The Prophecy of Isaiah English McDonald, Judy Youth Day K Living In Balance English McGuire, Fr. Brendan Parish Leadership 7-19* Aggiornamento: Moving Parishes to the Next Level English McKenna, Dr. Megan Spirituality 2-19* The Story of the Incredible Abundance of Our God English McKenna, Dr. Megan Spirituality 6-18* The Story of the Incredible Abundance of Our Lives and Souls English McMahon, Bishop Malcolm Patrick Ecumenical 4-20* The Future of Ecumenism English McMahon, Bishop Malcolm Patrick Ecumenical 7-20* Ecumenism in Practice English Melendrez, Joe Youth Day L Rosary Rap: Traditional Prayer with Hip Hop Flavor English Miles, Ted Youth Day B One Love, One World ... Let’s REALLY Get Together and Be All Right! English Miles, Ted Youth Ministry 6-03* Engaging Faith in the World: A Spirituality of Solidarity for Young People English Misleh, Daniel Justice/Peace 8-13* Life in Abundance? Catholic Teaching on the Environment and Impact on Poor People English Montenegro, Juan Carlos Young Adult Ministry 2-53* ¡Transformando la vida de los jóvenes siendo catequistas! Spanish Montenegro, Juan Carlos Young Adult Ministry 7-55* Creando una cultura misionera en catequesis y pastoral juvenil Spanish Monterastelli, Gene Youth Day A Who Do You Want To Be Right Now? English Moreno, Rafael Catechesis/Evangelization 7-56 Jesús revela su amor en parábolas y se confirma sanándonos Spanish Mullen, Rev. J. Patrick Scripture 2-20* The Word From on High: The Church on Biblical Interpretation English Mullen, Rev. J. Patrick Scripture 5-13* “Like Us In All Things But Sin”: A Biblical Look at the Divinity and the Humanity of Jesus English Murray, Rev. J-Glenn Liturgy/Music 1-16* The Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy: Still an Incredible Abundance 47 Years Later English Murray, Rev. J-Glenn Liturgy/Music 5-14* The Genius of African-American Liturgical Experiences Revisited: An Incredible Abundance Waiting to Be Realized English Murua, Marcelo Catechesis/Evangelization 5-54* Vivir según el espíritu Spanish Murua, Marcelo Catechesis/Evangelization 3-55* Aprender a orar con la Palabra de Dios Spanish Musgrave, Hilary Spirituality 3-05* “I Am with You Always” – Jesus’ Promise Fulfilled English Musgrave, Hilary Spirituality 7-05* Shekinah – Presence: Seen, Heard, Touched and Felt… English Neu, Lynn Spirituality 8-14* Standing in the Need of Prayer English Nguyen, Rev. Hy Asian Pacific 1-70* Vietnamese Workshop Vietnamese Nguyen, Mong-Hang Vietnamese 3-70* Vietnamese Workshop Vietnamese Nguyen, Rev. Hy Asian Pacific 4-70* Vietnamese Workshop Vietnamese Nguyen, Mong-Hang Vietnamese 8-70* Vietnamese Workshop Vietnamese Nuzzi, Rev. Ronald Parish Leadership 2-21 Faith, Finances and the Future: The Notre Dame Study of U.S. Pastors English Nuzzi, Rev. Ronald Catechesis/Evangelization 5-15 Catechesis and Multiple Intelligence Theory English Ospino, Dr. Hosffman Theology 1-54* El futuro habla español: El apostolado hispano y el futuro del catolicismo en los Estados Unidos Spanish Ospino, Dr. Hosffman Theology 4-54* Creer o entender: El dilema del cristiano ante la ciencia y la filosofía Spanish Pable, Fr. Martin Catechesis/Evangelization 6-19* What Can We Learn from the Evangelical Churches? English Pable, Fr. Martin Catechesis/Evangelization 8-15* How to Share Our Faith with Seekers (Without Being Obnoxious) English Pacatte, Sr. Rose Media 4-10* Eight Ways to Navigate “Our Media World” English Pacholczyk, Rev. Tadeusz Morality 1-17 In Vitro Fertilization and Assisted Reproductive Technologies English Pacholczyk, Rev. Tadeusz Morality 3-19 Care and Treatment Decisions for Compromised Patients and Those at the End of Life English Paprocki, Joe Catechesis/Evangelization 7-21* The Spirituality of the Catechist: Re-igniting the Flame English Patin, Michael Youth Day M Do You Have the Network Behind You? English Pedraza, Fanny Cepeda Catechesis/Evangelization 1-55* Catequesis: Encuentro con Cristo vivo Spanish Pedraza, Fanny Cepeda Catechesis/Evangelization 8-55* Catequesis con hispano hablantes Spanish Peña, Donna Spirituality 4-21 Sigan La Bandera – Guadalupe’s Journey with Mexico English Phong, Bro. Fortunat Asian Pacific 2-70* Vietnamese Workshop: (A Glimpse into the Faith Life of Young Vietnamese Americans) Vietnamese Phong, Bro. Fortunat Asian Pacific 6-70* Vietnamese Workshop: (How to Teach a Confirmation Class About the Pope) Vietnamese Picha, Stephen Spirituality 3-07* Models of Masculinity in the Scriptures English Popple, Youth Day P Dealing with Peer Pressure – or – If Everyone Jumped Off a Bridge … Geronimo!! English Prejean, Helen Detention Ministry 3-20* Dead Man Walking -- The Journey Continues English Prejean, Helen Detention Ministry 4-22* The Death of Innocents English Rausch, Rev. Thomas Theology 6-20* Meeting the Living God: Beyond a Culturally Determined Faith English Ricard, Rev. R. Tony Youth Day S O Freedom: The Confirmation Exodus English Ricard, Rev. R. Tony Catechesis/Evangelization 2-23* Why You So Crazy? Developing the Faith of a Fool! English Ristow, Kate Early Childhood 3-21 Praying, Playing and Growing in Faith: Creative Ideas for Working with Preschoolers English Robinette, Brian Theology 2-22* Does the Body Have a Future? Reconsidering the Resurrection English Robinette, Brian Theology 8-16* Love Evolves: Divine Creativity in Evolutionary Perspective English Roderick, Rev. Philip Liturgy/Music 1-18* Sensing the Holy: Touching the Earth, Sounding the Word, Praying the Body English Roderick, Rev. Philip Liturgy/Music 8-17* Was Jesus a Jazz Musician? Music and Mystics in the Flow of Spirit English Rodríguez Zambrana, Rev. Domingo Ecclesiology 1-56* El liderazgo: Abundancia del llamado Spanish Rodríguez Zambrana, Rev. Domingo Ecclesiology 7-57* En la abundancia de la vida Spanish Rohr, Fr. Richard Spirituality 2-24* The Naked Now: Learning to See as the Mystics See English Rohr, Fr. Richard Spirituality 4-23* WE Are the Second Coming of Christ English Rolheiser, Rev. Ronald Theology 1-19* The Abundance of God and Philanthropy of the Heart English Rolheiser, Rev. Ronald Theology 6-21* Living Inside Overabundance: The Innate Tensions English Rosa Chávez, Bishop Gregorio Keynote KEY* El Espiritu de Mons. Romero en la Revision de Apareción Spanish Rosa Chávez, Bishop Gregorio Justice/Peace 5-56* Ser y misión de los laicos a la luz del magisterio latinoamericana Spanish Rubalcava, Pedro Liturgy/Music 4-55 El Canto que forma y transforma la comunidad – música para la reconciliación y primera comunión Spanish Scally, Anna Confirmation 5-16* Same Lord, New Soundtrack English Schellman, James Catechumenate 5-17* Catechumenal Catechesis: Vision, Practice, Resources English Schellman, James Catechumenate 8-18* RCIA: Transforming the Church? English Searle, Susan Human Growth/Development 2-25* Restoring Balance to Our Body, Spirit and the World English Searle, Susan Human Growth/Development 5-18* Mindful Breath and Meditation for Truthful Living English Sedano, Maruja Catechesis/Evangelization 2-54* Yo oro, tu oras, el ora, pero ¿sabemos orar? Spanish Sedano, Maruja Catechesis/Evangelization 8-56* El ejercicio de las costumbres Evangélicas Spanish Seminarians of L.A. Archdiocese, Youth Day T This Ain't Yo Mama's Vocation! English Senior, Rev. Donald Scripture 2-26* In the Year of Luke’s Gospel: Themes for Spirituality, Teaching and Preaching English Senior, Rev. Donald Scripture 4-24* Paul and the Ministry of Reconciliation English Shaia, Alexander Scripture 3-22* Four Questions, Four Paths, One Great Journey: The Hidden Power of the Gospels English Shaia, Alexander Scripture 6-22* The Ecstatic Clarity of John: A Profoundly “New” Easter Triduum Celebration English Shepp, Vikki Youth Day X What's In It for Me? The Reasons Service is Important in Real Life English Shepp, Vikki Parish Leadership 6-23* Fueling the Volunteer’s Generator – No Batteries Needed! English Showalter, Carol Human Growth/Development 3-23* Defining Wholeness in Daily Life English Showalter, Carol Human Growth/Development 6-24* The Practical Pursuit of Wholeness in Body, Mind and Spirit English Siller Acuña, Clodomiro Scripture 3-56* Desarrollo del plan de Dios según la historia y las culturas Spanish Siller Acuña, Clodomiro Scripture 8-57* Cómo nombraban a Dios los pueblos de la Biblia Spanish Skinner, Christine Way Disabilities 1-20* Sustain Us, Lord: A Spirituality for Parents, Caregivers and Teachers with Special Needs Children English Skinner, Michael Way Disabilities 1-20* Sustain Us, Lord: A Spirituality for Parents, Caregivers and Teachers with Special Needs Children English Skinner, Christine Way Disabilities 5-19* Catechetical Strategies for Special Needs Children English Skinner, Michael Way Disabilities 5-19* Catechetical Strategies for Special Needs Children English Smith-Christopher, Dr. Daniel Scripture 1-21* The Church in Exile: A Biblical Theme for Modern Christians English Smith-Christopher, Dr. Daniel Scripture 8-19* Debates in the Bible: Invitations to Dialogue with the Old Testament English Smollin, Sr. Anne Bryan Spirituality 3-24* Joyful Abundant Blessings That Grace Us English Smollin, Sr. Anne Bryan Spirituality 8-20* Laughter: The Abundant Gift We Give and Receive English Sofield, Bro. Loughlan Parish Leadership 1-22* The Parish as a Community of Disciples English Sofield, Bro. Loughlan Parish Leadership 5-20* The Parish as a Gifted Community English Sparks, Fr. Dick Morality 5-21 Being an “Incredible” and “Abundant” Catholic in the 2lst Century: Three Virtues That Are Really Needed! English Sparks, Fr. Dick Morality 8-21 Why Be Catholic? What Makes Us “Distinct”? English Spitzer, Rev. Robert Life Issues 3-25* An Astrophysical Response to Atheism English Spitzer, Rev. Robert Life Issues 5-23* A Perennial Pro-life Philosophy English Stenzel, Pam Youth Day Z Pure Sex: Living the Theology of the Body English Stenzel, Pam Youth Ministry 2-27* Communicating Chastity Effectively with Your Students English Stenzel, Pam Youth Ministry 5-22* Parents Matter: Equipping Parents to Pass on Their Values and Faith English Svoboda, Sr. Melannie Spirituality 3-27* What Does a Healthy Spirituality Look Like and Feel Like? English Svoboda, Sr. Melannie Spirituality 8-22* With the Dawn Rejoicing: A Reflection on Pain and Hope English Tejerina Arias, Dr. Gonzalo Theology 2-55* Fe cristiana y belleza: Lo bello del mundo testimonia la presencia de Dios Spanish Tejerina Arias, Dr. Gonzalo Theology 6-57* El Antiguo Testamento: La revelación de Dios en la historia de Israel Spanish Theisen, Michael Confirmation 6-25* Forming Strong Catholic Teens by Building Strong Catholic Families English Theisen, Michael Junior High 8-23* Creative Programming for Junior High Ministry English Thieman, LeAnn Spirituality 1-23* Caring for the Caregiver English Thieman, LeAnn Spirituality 7-22* Caring for the Caregiver English Tobar Mensbrugghe, Dora Family 5-55* Como vivir la catequesis en familia Spanish Tobar Mensbrugghe, Dora Spirituality 2-56* Hostias vivas para un mundo con hambre Spanish Turner, Rev. Paul Liturgy/Music 1-24* The Order of Mass English Turner, Rev. Paul Liturgy/Music 4-25* The Revised Eucharistic Prayers English Upchurch, Catherine Scripture 5-24* Principles and Passion for Parish Bible Study English Upchurch, Catherine Scripture 7-23* Gospel People Believe the News Is Good English Valenzuela, Victor Elementary 5-57* La Pastoral Juvenil con adolescentes de 10 a 14 años de edad Spanish Valenzuela, Victor Elementary 2-28* The Primary Educators of the Faith: Parents English Walker, Christopher Liturgy/Music 3-26* A Song of Comfort: Music for Funerals English Walker, Christopher Liturgy/Music 5-25* Children, the Word and Music English Wallis, Jim Justice/Peace 6-26* When the Market Became God English Wallis, Jim Justice/Peace 7-24* New Habits of the Heart English Walsh, Dr. David Media 1-25 Why Do They Act That Way? A Survival Guide to the Adolescent Brain English Walsh, Dr. David Media 6-27 A Test for the Modern Church: Media and Catechesis English Walters, Thomas Adult Education 5-26* Catechetical Leaders and the Future: Generational Perspectives English Walters, Thomas Adult Education 8-24* Making A Difference: Bringing Realism to K-12 Parish Programs English Weber, Joan Young Adult Ministry 6-17* Means, Methods, Moments: Engaging Adults in Faith Formation English Weber, Joan Young Adult Ministry 7-25* Connecting Young Adults with the Faith Community English Wells, David Adult Formation 5-27* Rediscovering the Significance of Baptism English Wells, David Adult Formation 8-25* Every Day Above Ground Is a Good One! Learning to Appreciate God’s Abundance English Wenc, Char Family 3-28* Why Our Students Behave the Way They Do … and What To Do About It! English Wenc, Char Family 6-28* Help God! Parenting Is Not as Easy as It Looks English Weston, Fr. Thomas Life Issues 1-26* Living and Working in a World Full of Alcoholics and Addicts: Learning How to Tend to Our Own Acre English Weston, Fr. Thomas Life Issues 4-26* Targeting the Foreigner: A Look at the History of Anti-Catholic Behavior in the United States English White, Dr. C. Vanessa Spirituality 5-28* Do What the Spirit Say Do: African-American Spirituality English White, Dr. C. Vanessa Spirituality 8-26* Don’t Get Weary: Care of Self as Minister English Whyte, David Spirituality 1-27 What to Remember When Waking: Disciplines of an Everyday Spiritual Life English Wicks, Robert Human Growth/Development 4-27 Bounce: Enhancing Spiritual and Psychological Resilience English Wicks, Robert Human Growth/Development 7-26 Prayerfulness: Navigating the Perils and Joys of Spiritual Intimacy English Witherup, Rev. Ronald Scripture 1-28* Charismatic Compulsion: St. Paul as a Model for Evangelization Today English Witherup, Rev. Ronald Scripture 4-28* From Darkness to Light: Exploring Conversion in Luke-Acts for the Year of Luke English Yzaguirre, Dr. John Family 4-56* Como vivir con plenitud en el momento presente Spanish Yzaguirre, Dr. John Family 7-27* How to Raise Caring Children English Schedule • Speaker Index • Workshop Listing • Speakers/Topics • Exhibitor Listing • Exhibitor Categories
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