2010 RECongress Exhibitor Listing by Categories
Religious Education Congress
March 19-21, 2010 (Congress days)
Anaheim Convention Center Hall A
Schedule • Speaker Index • Workshop Listing • Speakers/Topics • Exhibitor Listing • Exhibitor Categories
Listings as of 11/23/2020
Adult Faith Formation: Little Rock Scripture Study
Contact: www.littlerockscripture.orgArt Works: Concern America
Contact: www.concernamerica.orgArt Works: John August Swanson, Artist
Contact: www.johnaugustswanson.comArt Works: Lalo Garcia Sacred & Fine Art Studio
Contact: www.lalogarcia.comArt Works: Madonna Arts
Contact: madonnaarts.comArt Works: Richard A. Jarrett Stained Glass Studio
Contact: www.richardajarrett.comArt Works: SHCJ Art/France White
Contact: shcj.org/white_reproductions.htmlBibles: American Bible Society
Contact: abscast@americanbibles.comBibles: Fireside Catholic Publishing
Contact: www.firesidecatholic.comBooks: Abbey Press
Contact: www.carenotes.comBooks: ACTA Publications
Contact: www.actapublications.comBooks: Fundación para la Evangelización y Comunicación - FECOM-USA
Contact: www.fecom.orgBooks: HarperOne
Contact: www.harperone.comBooks: Liturgy Training Publications
Contact: www.LTP.orgBooks: Megan McKenna - The Wayfarer's Tale
Contact: www.meganmckenna.orgBooks: New City Press
Contact: www.newcitypress.comBooks: Paulist Press Book Center
Contact: paulistpressbookcenter.comBooks: The Crossroad Publishing Co.
Contact: www.CrossroadPublishing.comBooks: Twenty-Third Publications
Contact: www.23rdpublications.comBooks: Veritas Co, Ltd.
Contact: www.veritas.ieBooks: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co
Contact: www.eerdmans.comBooks & Religious Articles: Librería Claretiana
Books & Videos: David Whyte
Contact: www.davidwhyte.comBooks & Videos: Family Theater Productions
Contact: www.familytheater.orgBooks & Videos: Holy Cross Family Ministries
Contact: www.hcfm.orgBooks & Videos: Ignatius Press
Contact: www.ignatius.comBooks & Videos: Liguori Publications
Contact: www.liguori.orgBooks & Videos: Now You Know Media
Contact: nowyouknowmedia.comBooks & Videos: Pauline Books & Media
Contact: www.pauline.orgBooks & Videos: Paulist Press
Contact: www.paulistpress.comBooks & Videos: St. Anthony Messenger Press
Contact: AmericanCatholic.orgBooks & Videos: The Matthew Kelly Foundation
Contact: www.matthewkelly.orgBooks & Videos: Torch3m: Dominican Movies, Music & Magic
Contact: www.torch3m.orgBooks/Publications: Oxford University Press
Contact: www.oup.com/usCafé & Bookstore Design: Design Identity, Inc.
Contact: www.designidentity.netCandles: Acadian Candle Company
Contact: www.acadiancandles.comCandles: Marklin Candle Design
Contact: www.marklincandledesign.comCandles: Root Candles
Cards, Bookmarks, Magnets: Cards by Anne
Contact: www.cardsbyanne.comCeltic Art: O'Keeffe Religious Articles
Contact: jmccarthy1425@sbcglobal.netCemeteries & Funeral Services: Catholic Cemeteries and Mortuaries
Contact: www.catholicmortuaries.comChildren's Resources: Butterfly Music
Contact: www.butterflymusic.com.auChildren's Resources: Herald Entertainment
Contact: larry@heraldentertainment.comChildren's Resources: Nest Family
Contact: bestbibledvds.comChildren's Resources: TheFeltSource.com
Contact: thefeltsource.comChristian Cards & Gifts: Printery House
Contact: www.printeryhouse.orgChristian Service Organization: Christian Foundation for Children & Aging
Contact: www.hopeforafamily.orgChristian Service Organization: Jesuit/Ignatian Volunteer Corps
Contact: www.jesuitvolunteers.orgChristian Service Organization: SCRC
Contact: www.scrc.orgChristian Service Organization: Society of St. Vincent de Paul, Council of Los Angeles
Contact: www.svdpla.orgChristian Service Organization: Vincentian Family
Contact: www.famvin.orgChurch Supplies: Meyer-Vogelpohl Co.
Contact: mvchurchgoods.comChurch Supply: Wood & Iron Factory
Contact: larry@thewoodironfactory.comComputer Software: Gradelink
Contact: www.gradelink.comComputer Software: Grenville Software, Inc.
Contact: www.grenware.comComputer Software: Ministry Scheduler Pro
Contact: www.MinisterSchedulerPro.comComputer Software: Parish Data System
Contact: www.acstechnologies.comComputer Software: ParishSOFT
Contact: www.parishsoft.comCongress Keynote: Mitch Albom
Contact: www.mitchalbom.comCongress Logowear: KWD Uniforms
Contact: kwduniform@aol.comCraft Supplies & Gifts: A Thread of Hope Guatemalan Fair Trade
Contact: www.athreadofhope.orgCraft Supplies & Gifts: Centro Betania, Sisters of Mercy, Peru Mission
Contact: terrysaettarsm@gmail.comCraft Supplies & Gifts: Living Water Wood Works, Inc
Craft Supplies & Gifts: Sisters of the Holy Names/Clay Creations
Contact: snicki@stmaryslg.orgCraft Supplies & Gifts: Sunrise Printery
Contact: www.sunriseprintery.comCraft Supplies & Gifts: Tutwiler Quilts
Contact: www.tutwilerquilters.orgCrafts & Textiles: Colores del Pueblo
Contact: www.coloresdelpueblo.orgDiocesan Organization: Department of Catholic Schools
Contact: archdiocese.la/learning/schoolsDiocesan Organization: Diocese of Orange
Contact: www.rcbo.orgDiocesan Organization: Diocese of San Bernardino
Contact: www.sbdiocese.orgDiocesan Organization: Ministry with Lesbian & Gay Catholics
Contact: archdiocese.la/ministry/mlgcDiocesan Organization: Vocations Office
Contact: www.lavocations.orgEco-fundraiser: Get Green to Get Green
Contact: www.getgreentogetgreen.comEducational Institution: Aquinas Institute of Theology
Contact: www.ai.eduEducational Institution: Catholic Theological Union
Contact: www.ctu.eduEducational Institution: Center for Religion & Spirituality - LMU
Contact: www.lmu.edu/academics/extension/crs.htmEducational Institution: De La Salle Christian Brothers
Contact: www.brothersvocation.orgEducational Institution: Franciscan School of Theology
Contact: www.fst.eduEducational Institution: Graduate Program in Pastoral Ministries & Jesuit School of Theology at Santa Clara University
Contact: www.scu.edu/pmEducational Institution: Loyola Institute for Ministry
Contact: lim.loyno.eduEducational Institution: Loyola Marymount Univ. Dept. of Theological Studies
Contact: bellarmine.lmu.edu/theologicalstudiesEducational Institution: Loyola Marymount Univ. PLACE Corps
Contact: soe.lmu.edu/admissions/programs/place.htmEducational Institution: Loyola University Chicago -- Institute of Pastoral Studies (IPS)
Contact: www.luc.edu/lipsEducational Institution: Mount St. Mary's College, Los Angeles
Contact: www.msmc.la.eduEducational Institution: Oblate School of Theology
Contact: www.ost.eduEducational Institution: Saint John's School of Theology • Seminary
Contact: www.csbsju.edu/sotEducational Institution: Saint Joseph High School
Contact: www.sj-jester.orgEducational Institution: Saint Joseph's College of Maine/GPS Saint Joseph's Online
Contact: sjcme.edu/gpsEducational Institution: Saint Mary's University of Minnesota
Contact: www.smumn.edu/ipmEducational Institution: University of Dallas School of Ministry
Contact: www.udallas.edu/ministryEducational Institution: University of San Francisco - Institute for Catholic Educational Leadership (ICEL)
Contact: usfca.edu/icelEducational Institution: University of St. Thomas - Center for Faith and Culture
Contact: stthom.edu/cfcEducational Institution: Yale Divinity School
Contact: www.yale.edu/divinityEducational Programs: Making Music Praying Twice
Contact: www.makingmusicprayingtwice.comEducational Programs: University of Notre Dame
Contact: step.nd.eduEducational Programs: University of Notre Dame / Alliance for Catholic Education
Contact: ace.nd.eduEducational Resources: Creative Communications for the Parish
Contact: creativecommunications.comEducational Resources: National Catholic Educational Association
Contact: www.ncea.orgEducational Resources: William H Sadlier, Inc.
Contact: www.sadlier.comFair Trade Coffee: Café Justo Fair Trade Coffee
Contact: www.justcoffee.orgFair Trade Products: Heartbeats
Contact: www.heartbeatscatalog.orgFaith & Justice: Catholic Legislative Network
Contact: www.cacatholic.orgFaith & Justice: Catholic Relief Services
Contact: www.crs.orgFaith & Justice: Homeboy Industries
Contact: www.homeboy-industries.orgFaith & Justice: Office of Justice and Peace
Contact: www.archdiocese.la/ojpFaith & Justice: Office of Restorative Justice
Contact: www.rcbo.orgFaith & Justice: RestoreJustice.com
Contact: dmcdermott@cacatholic.orgFaith & Justice: St. Camillus Center - HIV/AIDS, Pax Christi, Justice & Peace
Contact: www.stcamilluscenter.orgFaith & Justice: The H20 project
Contact: theh2oproject.orgFaith-based Community: L'Arche Wavecrest
Contact: www.larchewavecrest.orgFundraising: J4 Games
Contact: www.j4games.comGraphic Design / Web: OPM / Catholic Creative Services
Contact: www.opmdesign.comInternational Association: International Catholic Stewardship Council
Contact: www.catholicstewardship.orgLiturgical Furnishings: Tekton Woodworks
Contact: www.tektonwoodworks.comLiturgical Vestments: Chagall Design Limited
Contact: www.chagalldesign.comLiturgical Vestments: CM Almy
Contact: www.almy.comLiturgy & Music Resources: A Fire Within Music
Contact: www.afwmusic.comLiturgy & Music Resources: GIA Publications, Inc.
Contact: www.giamusic.comLiturgy & Music Resources: World Library Publications
Contact: www.wlpmusic.comMarriage & Family Resources: Christian Family Movement
Contact: www.cfm.orgMedia: El Sembrador Ministries
Contact: www.elsembrador.orgMinistry Resources: Center for Ministry Development
Contact: www.CMDnet.orgMinistry Resources: Fr. Tony Ricard - KnightTime Ministries
Contact: www.FatherTony.comMinistry Resources: Marian University Center for Catholic Stewardship
Contact: www.allaboutchurchengagement.comMinistry Resources: Sandalstrap
Contact: www.sandalstrap.comMinistry Resources: Terry Hershey & Associates
Contact: www.terryhershey.comMission: Catholic Heart Workcamp
Contact: www.heartworkcamp.comMission: Columban Mission Awareness Resources
Contact: www.columban.orgMission: Lay Mission-Helpers Association
Contact: laymissionhelpers.orgMission: New Hope for Cambodian Children (NHCC)
Contact: www.newhopeforcambodianchildren.comMission: Pontifical Mission Societies
Contact: www.onefamilyinmission.orgMission Training: The Tomorrow Project/Catholic Charities
Contact: www.tomorrowproject.orgMissionary: Claretian Missionaries
Contact: www.claretian.comMissionary: Comboni Missionaries
Contact: roxanne@comboni.comMissionary: Maryknoll Fathers & Brothers
Contact: www.orbisbooks.comMusic: Catholic Association of Music
Contact: www.CAMmusic.comMusic: Dennis Doyle / Incarnation Music
Contact: english.glendale.edu/doyle.a.htmlMusic: Jesse Manibusan 2 x 2 Ministries
Contact: www.jessemanibusan.comMusic: OCP
Contact: www.ocp.orgMusic: SpiritandSong.com - a division of OCP
Contact: www.spirtandsong.comMusic/Inspirational Prayer: Joe Melendrez - Rosary Rap
Contact: www.rosaryrap.comPrinting Equipment: RISO, Inc.
Contact: us.riso.comReligious Apparel: CATgear
Contact: www.CATgear.comReligious Apparel: La Cruz T-Shirts
Contact: www.lacruztshirts.comReligious Apparel: PAX Clothing
Contact: www.paxclothing.comReligious Apparel: Seraph 7 Clothing Company
Contact: www.seraph7.comReligious Art: Carondelet Artists
Contact: cproductions@csjla.orgReligious Art: Center for Spiritual Development
Contact: www.thecsd.comReligious Art: Creator Mundi, Inc.
Contact: www.creatormundi.comReligious Art: Notre Dame Creations
Contact: www.inthebetween.comReligious Art: Relics
Contact: knottssheila@yahoo.comReligious Art: Sara K. Rubin Pottery and Sculpture
Religious Art: Tori … Art on Fire
Contact: www.torisfire.comReligious Art: Val MacRae Designs
Contact: sacred-spiral.comReligious Art: Vietnam Catholic Artistic Crafts & Books
Contact: le_kimloan@yahoo.comReligious Art & Supplies: Al's Art
Religious Articles: 3 Arches USA/HolyLandShopping.com
Contact: www.holylandshopping.comReligious Articles: Byzantine Catholic Eparchy of Van Nuys
Contact: www.eparchy-of-van-nuys.orgReligious Articles: Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels Gift Shop
Contact: www.olacathedral.orgReligious Articles: Cotter Church Supplies
Contact: www.cotters.comReligious Articles: Fundación Ramon Pane
Contact: www.fundacionpane.orgReligious Articles: Gifts From The Holyland
Contact: www.giftsfromtheholyland.comReligious Articles: Holy Land Rocks
Contact: www.HolyLandRocks.comReligious Articles: Katrina Rae / Mizpah Ministries
Contact: www.katrinarae.comReligious Articles: Multicultural Resources / Gift Center
Contact: ging12353@yahoo.comReligious Articles: Sacred Findings - Creative Meditations & More
Contact: www.sacredfindings.comReligious Articles: Tree of Life Imports, Inc.
Contact: thetreeoflifeimports.comReligious Articles & Vestments: Ecumenicus / Rogationist Fathers
Contact: religiousmerchandise.comReligious Books: Ave Maria Press
Contact: www.avemariapress.comReligious Books: Buena Prensa
Contact: www.litpress.orgReligious Books: Catholic Book Publishing Corp.
Contact: www.catholicbookpublishing.comReligious Books: Cistercian Publications
Contact: www.cistercianpublications.orgReligious Books: Liturgical Press
Contact: www.litpress.orgReligious Books: Saint John's Bible
Contact: www.saintjohnsbible.orgReligious Books: U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB)
Contact: www.usccbpublishing.orgReligious Education: Boston College School of Theology & Ministry
Contact: www.bc.edu/stmReligious Education: The Stories of Cesar Chavez
Contact: storiesofcesarchavez.comReligious Education Resources: Center for Action and Contemplation
Contact: www.cacradicalgrace.orgReligious Education Resources: Concordia Publishing House
Contact: www.cph.orgReligious Education Resources: Dominican School of Philosophy & Theology
Contact: www.dspt.eduReligious Education Resources: Good Ground Press
Contact: goodgroundpress.comReligious Education Resources: Group
Contact: www.group.comReligious Education Resources: Loyola Press
Contact: www.loyolapress.comReligious Education Resources: Monica Brown & Emmaus Ministries
Contact: emmausproductions.comReligious Education Resources: Morehouse Education Resources
Contact: www.morehouseeducation.orgReligious Education Resources: Orbis Books
Contact: www.maryknollsociety.orgReligious Education Resources: Our Sunday Visitor
Contact: www.osv.comReligious Education Resources: Our Sunday Visitor Curriculum Division (formerly Harcourt Religion Publishers)
Contact: www.osvcurriculum.comReligious Education Resources: Paraclete Press
Contact: www.paracletepress.comReligious Education Resources: Pflaum Publishing Group
Contact: www.pflaum.comReligious Education Resources: RCL Benziger
Contact: www.RCLBenziger.comReligious Education Resources: Saint Mary's Press
Contact: www.smp.orgReligious Education Resources: Storykeepers
Contact: storykeepers.comReligious Jewelry: Compelling Creations, Inc.
Contact: www.compelling-creations.comReligious Jewelry: Contreras Religious Art
Contact: www.scontreras.comReligious Jewelry: Faith-Sharing, Inc.
Contact: www.faith-sharing.comReligious Jewelry: Gold 'N Things
Contact: lwoolums@gmail.comReligious Life: Brothers of the Sacred Heart
Contact: brothersofthesacredheart.orgReligious Life: California Province of the Society of Jesus
Contact: www.jesuitscalifornia.orgReligious Life: Carmelite Monastery of Terre Haute
Contact: www.heartsawake.orgReligious Life: Dominican Family
Contact: www.sanrafaelop.orgReligious Life: Dominican Friars
Contact: www.opwest.orgReligious Life: Glenmary Home Missioners
Contact: www.glenmary.orgReligious Life: Immaculate Heart Community
Contact: www.immaculateheartcommunity.orgReligious Life: Marianist Vocation Ministry
Contact: www.marianist.com/vocationsReligious Life: OLG Franciscan Friars
Contact: www.olgvocations.orgReligious Life: Saint John's Abbey
Contact: abbeyvocations.comReligious Life: Salvatorians - Priests, Brothers, Sisters and Lay
Contact: www.salvatorians.comReligious Life: Sisters of Charity of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Contact: www.bvmcong.orgReligious Life: Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods
Contact: sistersofprovidence.orgReligious Life: Sisters of St. Joseph of Orange
Contact: sistersofstjosephorange.orgReligious Life: Society of the Sacred Heart
Contact: www.rscj.orgReligious Publication: America Magazine
Contact: www.americamagazine.orgReligious Publication: Catechist Magazine
Contact: www.catechist.comReligious Publication: Catholic Digest
Contact: catholicdigest.comReligious Publication: Commonweal Magazine
Contact: www.commonwealmagazine.orgReligious Publication: La Palabra Entre Nosotros / The Word Among Us
Contact: www.wau.orgReligious Publication: Magnificat
Contact: www.Magnificat.comReligious Publication: The Cathedral Foundation
Contact: www.cathedralfoundation.orgReligious Publication: Wipf and Stock Publishers
Contact: www.wipfandstock.comRestorative Justice: Restorative Justice: California Catholic Conference
Contact: www.cacatholic.orgRetreat Facility: St. Anne in the Mountains Retreat Center
Contact: www.mountaincatholic.orgRetreats & Seminars: Catholic Engaged Encounter
Contact: www.engagedencounter.orgRetreats & Seminars: Jesuit Retreat Center
Contact: www.jrclosaltos.comRetreats & Seminars: Loyola Institute for Spirituality
Contact: www.loyolainstitute.orgSaint Dolls: Soft Saints, Inc.
Contact: www.softsaints.comSpanish Books: Librería San Pablo - SOBICAIN
Contact: www.elibreriasanpablo.comSpanish Religious Resources: Editorial Verbo Divino
Contact: www.verbodivino.esSpanish Religious Resources: Gethesemani Libreria Catolica
Contact: www.gethesemani.comSpanish Religious Resources: Hispanic Ministry Resource Center at Claretian Publications
Contact: hmrc.claretianpubs.orgSpanish Religious Resources: USAMadrid Books
Contact: usamadrid.comSpanish Religious Resources: Verbum Dei Libreria Catolica
Contact: verbumdeiusa@aol.comStained Glass: Ancient Arts Stained Glass
Contact: www.AncientArtsStainedGlass.comTeen Resources: PamStenzel.com
Contact: www.PamStenzel.comTeen Resources: Yoursphere Media
Contact: www.yoursphere.comTeen Video Resources: Outside da Box
Contact: www.outsidedabox.comTransportation: Transportation Charter Services, Inc.
Contact: www.tcsbus.comTravel: Catholic Travel Centre
Contact: www.GoCatholicTravel.comTravel: Israel Government Tourist Office
Contact: www.protravelinc.comVestments & Religious Articles: Liturgical Apostolate Center
Contact: www.pddm.usVocations: The Carmelite Friars/Order of Carmelites
Contact: www.carmelites.netYouth Resources: Cornerstone Media Inc.
Contact: www.cornerstonemedia.orgYouth Resources: Girl Scouts, Camp Fire & Boy Scouts
Contact: www.laccs.orgYouth Resources: Life Teen
Contact: www.lifeteen.comYouth Resources: Salesian Youth Ministry
Contact: salesianym.org
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CeJy �1996-2020 Office of Religious Education,
a department of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles
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