2007 RECongress Period 8
Religious Education Congress
Sunday, March 4, 2007
1:00 - 2:30 pm
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8-01 A Biblical Spirituality of the Heart: Foundation for Contemporary Devotion to the Sacred Heart (WORKSHOP CLOSED)
Stephen J. Binz
The traditional devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus is solidly rooted in Scripture and offers a rich source of spiritual renewal today. The human heart – the biblical symbol for the human will and passion – can become hardened. But God has promised to change our hearts of stone to hearts of flesh. The heart of Jesus, pierced and flowing with living streams of blood and water, is a threshold inviting us into the experience of divine love. Discover how devotion to the Sacred Heart can be revitalized in our day through a spirituality that is biblical, ecumenical and oriented toward the contemporary world.
8-02 Evangelized by Gang Members: Solidarity and Friendship in the Barrio
Using stories and parables from the “barrio” and Homeboy Industries, the theological underpinnings of solidarity will be explored. This session will posit that by allowing ourselves to be evangelized by those on the margins, we evangelize the culture.
Gregory J. Boyle, SJ
Jesuit Fr. Greg Boyle is founder and Executive Director of Jobs For a Future/Homeboy Industries, an employment referral program for gang-involved and at‑risk youth. The former Pastor of Dolores Mission in Los Angeles is a nationally renowned speaker at conferences for teachers, social workers and criminal justice workers.
8-03 Quiet My Soul – Caring for the Catechists
Monica Brown & Hilary Musgrave, RSC
Join us for an opportunity to pause and be still, to come into a sacred space and simply be. Through the blending and weaving of music with Scripture imagery, sacred clowning and ritual, this session will be a chance to reflect on one’s own journey in the quiet of one’s own heart, and find there a sense of God.
8-04 Deacons Today and Tomorrow: How Do They Fit Into the Contemporary Church?
William T. Ditewig
The impetus for Vatican II’s renewal of the diaconate as a permanent order of ministry came from Western Europe, especially Germany. While the Germans had been talking about the renewed diaconate as early as 1840, the real catalyst is found at the Dachau Concentration Camp during World War II. The insights from these historical reflections will fuel a discussion about the future of the diaconate in the contemporary Church, dispel lingering myths and misperceptions, and offer ways the diaconate may provide support for pastoral efforts and renewal in the Church and in the contemporary world.
8-05 “Hear! I Am”
Dr. Michael J. Downey
Nothing sheds light on life like Scripture, and nothing sheds light on the Scriptures like life. In teaching Scriptures to youth, Australian Dr. Michael Downey noticed how often the phrase “Here I am” appeared, and when it did, the spotlight turned to something significant. Working with teachers, youth leaders and others in ministry, he noticed how the same teaching stories helped adults shed light on their own particular situations. This workshop will offer ways how, like Mary, we can attend to life’s chaos if we ponder all these things in our hearts.
8-06 How to Prepare Children – and Their Parents – for the Sacraments (WORKSHOP CLOSED)
Elizabeth Ficocelli
The Sacraments are the special and intimate ways God becomes present in our daily lives. This presentation takes a family approach in making these important connections to God come alive in our young children and their parishes, instilling in all of us a deeper appreciation of our Catholic faith. (This is a repeat of Session 2-09.)
8-07 The Resurrection of the Body: Can I Get an Upgrade?
Every time we profess belief in the resurrection of the body, we acknowledge that we are destined to exist for all eternity as a human person – body and soul. Our belief in the resurrection of the body should inform and guide our moral decision-making. Using the teachings of John Paul II’s “Theology of the Body” as a lens, we will explore the implications of the human person created in the image of God. We will also try to understand what God intends for us by looking to the future resurrection of the body – the human person fully alive.
D.J. Florian
D.J. Florian has served the Church for the past 20 years in virtually every aspect of the catechetical enterprise and at every level – diocesan, parish and academic. After receiving his master’s degree from the John Paul II Institute in Washington, D.C., he moved to Michigan, where he presently serves as Director of Evangelization, Catechesis and Initiation for the Diocese of Kalamazoo.
8-08 Can We Talk? Finding Intimacy in a Culture of Isolation (WORKSHOP CLOSED)
Fran Ferder, FSPA and Rev. John Heagle, MA, JCL
Recent studies are pointing to an alarming reality in our society: As our information technology becomes more sophisticated, our experience of true intimacy is diminishing. Ironically, despite cell phones, email and instant messaging, we are rapidly becoming a culture of isolation. This session addresses the deep human longing for heart-to-heart intimacy by exploring the spiritual practice of “intentional communication” – a path that honors our holy desire for closeness that lasts.
8-09 The Bystander’s Dilemma: A Matter of Conscience
Dr. Greer G. Gordon
Bullies, like most people, have no power in and of themselves. Their initial source of power comes from the active encouragement of others. However, the bully’s greater source of power comes from the silent witnesses of their violence. This silent, observing majority unwittingly endorses and participates in the bully’s assaults on others. Those who see the attacks but do nothing share responsibility for the attacks. Thus, the bystander is faced with a problem of moral conscience. This session will address the moral/ethical responsibility of teachers, politicians, parents and even small children on schoolyards.
8-10 Co-workers in the Vineyard: Toward a Total Theology of Ministry (WORKSHOP CLOSED)
Edward P. Hahnenberg, PhD
This session takes the U.S. bishops’ recent document, “Co-Workers in the Vineyard of the Lord: A Resource for Guiding the Development of Lay Ecclesial Ministry,” as a starting point for reflecting theologically on today’s reality of ministerial diversity. What impact has the rise of lay ecclesial ministry had on our understanding of the ordained ministry? What role do these new ministries play in empowering all of the baptized to take up the mission of Christ in the world?
8-11 The Grace of Each Moment
This workshop explores through song and word, the presence of God in daily living. Much of Liam Lawton’s work is rooted in early Irish and Celtic spirituality, where each day had its own rituals in facing the ups and downs of everyday life. God’s presence was the life-giving force from which people drew strength in times of difficulty and hope in times of doubt. Thus, the omnipresence of God is celebrated from dawn until dusk.
Liam Lawton
Liam Lawton is a priest of the Diocese of Kildare & Leighlin in Ireland. The composer and performer has recorded 11 albums. He has been director of music in his own diocese for a number of years, and is often invited to speak at various conventions and present workshops at home and abroad. Among his numerous radio and TV appearances, Fr. Lawton’s second PBS TV special, “The Song of the Celtic Soul,” will be broadcast in the U.S. in March 2007.
8-12 Emotional Intelligence (EQ) in Leadership (WORKSHOP CLOSED)
Lynn M. Levo, CSJ, PhD
Even highly skilled leaders often fall short when dealing with the emotional issues that arise when working with individuals and groups. This workshop will explore Emotional Intelligence (EQ), the array of personal and social skills that allow leaders to be more successful in their leadership role. Participants will have an opportunity to assess their EQ, understand its personal and social dimensions and, through case examples, examine how to balance information from their emotional center with information from their rational center. Practical suggestions for becoming more skillful will be explored.
8-13 Young Adults: Finding Our Place, and the Church Finding Us (WORKSHOP CLOSED)
Jesse Manibusan
“I’m lost, and I can’t be found!” Welcome to the many shades of light and darkness in the reality of being a young adult in the Church, and in the world. Who are young adults? They’re in college. They’re working full time. They’re single, married, divorced, separated, ordained, religious, parents, professionals. How can the baptized begin to more fully reach out and serve, sacrifice for, seek reconciliation from and celebrate young adults in our lives? I don’t know. But if we get together, we might take a shot. Be prepared to write, sing, laugh, cry, wonder, shout, move, question and challenge.
This workshop is designed to help families to infuse faith conversations and spiritual dimensions into their everyday activities. Practical tips will be presented to engage the whole family to see God's presence everywhere. All of life is holy. It's time to be wide awake. Catechetical moments are around us all the time.
Leland D. Nagel
Lee Nagel is an educator by profession and a catechist by vocation, a teacher by trade and an evangelist by Baptism. His expertise as author and lecturer has taken him to all areas of the United States, speaking at diocesan and youth events as well as parish missions. He serves as a part-time national sales consultant for Benziger, a division of Macmillan/McGraw-Hill.
8-15 Fostering Children’s Religious Imagination (WORKSHOP CLOSED)
This workshop will explore the importance of imagination in the learning process, particularly in the processes of religious education. Some practical suggestions and applications in religious education will be made, especially for children aged 4 through 12 years.
Brendan O’Reilly
Brendan O’Reilly is a teacher, lecturer, catechetical writer and national Director of Catechesis in Ireland. Previously he was Administrator for the “Alive-O” Catechetical Programme for Ireland and Scotland. He has taught all levels from primary (elementary) to post-primary (high school). O’Reilly is currently working on various national (Ireland) initiatives as Executive Secretary of the Irish Episcopal Commission on Catechetics.
Maura Hyland
Since the 1970s, Maura Hyland has been working in religious education in Ireland as a teacher, catechist and author of religious education texts for use at the national (Ireland) level. Most recently she has been employed as Director of Veritas Communications, an agency of the Irish Catholic Bishops’ Conference, and is Publisher of the National Catechetical Programmes of Ireland.
8-16 Singing and Praying the Seasons (WORKSHOP CLOSED)
Christine A. Ondrla
Each season of the Church year has its own colors, sights, sounds and smells. How can we introduce our children to the beauty of the changing seasons? Come, pray and sing with us. Take home new songs and prayers for the children in your parish.
8-17 Bearers of the Light: The Mission of the Church in Today’s World
The People of God share a mission of restoring Gospel values in today’s world and working toward a more just society. As a result of Baptism, it is our “right” and “duty” to enter into this mission. We are the People who God has gifted to be bearers of the Light and to be the love of God to those in need. But we need encouragement to enter into the mission, people who can help us discern our gifts and calling, and support for our ministries. This workshop will help renew and restore enthusiasm for the journey. The Ignatian Volunteer Corps will be introduced as one opportunity for retired laity to enter into the mission.
Josie Piranio
San Diego native Josie Piranio – wife, mother and grandmother – has developed and presented workshops, retreats and presentations. As a presenter of Isaiah Parish Missions and as founder of Revive All! Ministries, she has traveled as a national speaker giving missions in Catholic churches throughout the country. Piranio is presently San Diego Regional Director of Ignatian Volunteer Corps.
8-18 Welcoming the Starving: RCIA as Bread for Parish Life (WORKSHOP CLOSED)
Ronald Patrick Raab, CSC
Welcoming the poor in the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults becomes a source of revitalizing the parish. We will explore celebrating the various RCIA rites as new life for the assembly. We will name ways of community involvement, teaching people to pray and challenging the assembly to serve those in need.
8-19 Biblical Border-Running: Violating the Lines that Separate Us
Dr. Daniel Smith-Christopher
In this session, we will explore those biblical voices that suggest that the People of God ought to ignore the separation of nation and culture that divides peoples and be willing to reach out to others in the name of faith, peace and justice. We will explore Old Testament and New Testament concepts of “biblical border-running.”
8-20 Looking for Beauty and Light Moments
Sr. Anne Bryan Smollin, CSJ, PhD
There is so much beauty surrounding us – if only we would take the time to notice. Beauty has a way of capturing our senses, and the wonderful thing about beauty is that we store it in our minds to be played over and over again. We can find those light moments in a sunset, a smile, a tender embrace, a shared laugh with a friend, a moment of reconciliation. It is this contagious joy that gives us the ability to be open to the exultation, rejoicing and celebration of each lived moment!
8-21 Liturgical Music – Extreme Makeover II (workshop closed)
They’re back! Last year this dynamic team brought the house down with the passionate participation of all who attended. Join in this year’s new, uplifting and informative session with some creative pastoral musicians in the Los Angeles region as they demonstrate simple to advanced techniques for breathing new life into some more of our most beloved Catholic standards. You’ll leave with a renewed outlook on music in the liturgy and how to achieve full and active participation from your parish community. This session is for all. Come prepared to sing your heart out!
Vic Vanacore
Celebrating 25 years as Music Director at St. Euphrasia Church in Granada Hills, Calif., Vic Vanacore is an accomplished composer, arranger, conductor and music educator. He has traveled the world performing with the London Philharmonic, the Los Angeles Philharmonic, the Vienna Boys Choir, the Jackson 5, Johnny Mathis, Barry Manilow, among others. Vanacore was recently honored with a Grammy Award for his work with Ray Charles.
Cesar Marquez
With 20 years in music ministry, Cesar Marquez is a bilingual Catholic recording artist and founder of Wings Music Ministry. He has led music ministry workshops and formation classes in the Los Angeles area and has served as a cantor, featured presenter and performer at parishes and retreats throughout Southern California. He currently serves as music minister at St. Monica’s Parish in Santa Monica, Calif.
Sean Mahon
Sean Mahon is a Los Angeles-based musician and songwriter with over 25 years in music ministry. He currently shares music director responsibilities at American Martyrs Church in Manhattan Beach, Calif. Mahon has recently formed the Catholic Artists and Musicians Group, which seeks to promote the advancement of Catholic music through the development of new artists, new music and new recordings.
8-22 Re-imagining Adolescent Catechesis for the Next Generation (workshop closed)
Michael Theisen
The recent results of the National Study of Youth and Religion clearly show that adolescent catechesis is at an all-important crossroads in our Church. If we are to embrace this component as central to our efforts, we must look honestly and openly at what is and is not working effectively in today’s culture. This workshop will examine the “what” and “why” of the models and methods that can be used for echoing the Catholic faith to younger and older adolescents in today’s rapidly changing culture.
8-23 Everybody Celebrate! Meeting Diverse Needs with Multi-Sensory Sacramental Preparation
Ana M. Arista & Joseph D. White, PhD
This workshop, led by a clinical child psychologist and a parish Director of Religious Education, will discuss ways to use multiple senses in preparing for the Sacraments in order to accommodate for the various learning styles and special needs represented in our parish communities. Special emphasis will be placed on preparation for the Sacraments of Reconciliation and the Eucharist.
8-70 Vietnamese Workshop
Linh Hoang
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