2007 RECongress Period 5
Religious Education Congress
Saturday, March 3, 2007
1:00 - 2:30 pm
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5-01 The Cross and the Crescent: Catholicism and Islam and Benedict XVI
John L. Allen Jr.
After the global uproar triggered by Pope Benedict XVI’s comments on Islam in September 2006, this session examines the challenge Pope Benedict is offering to Islam, and what it means for Catholic-Muslim dialogue.
5-02 Ministry as New Light in Our Church and World (workshop closed)
We are all called to share in the priesthood of Jesus Christ, each according to our gifts. This presentation will show six historical models of how ministry developed in our Church and how ministry today is shaping the Church and its mission in our world.
Msgr. Arturo J. Bañuelas, STD
Msgr. Arturo Bañuelas is a native of the Diocese of El Paso, Texas, where he presently serves as Pastor at St. Pius X Church. He is co-founder of the Academy of Catholic Hispanic Theologians of the United States and founding Director of the Tepeyac Institute, a diocesan ministry formation center. Msgr. Bañuelas is a member of various boards and commissions and presents at conferences in dioceses across the country.
5-03 Jesus the Wisdom Teacher and Old Testament Wisdom
Lawrence Boadt, CSP
The Gospels often emphasize that Jesus followed in the traditions of the great Old Testament prophets, but often overlook that most of his teachings are parables and proverbs that draw heavily on the Wisdom Books of the Bible. Even more, our major doctrines that Jesus is the Divine Word-become-human and that there are “persons” of the Trinity come from Wisdom traditions. Religious educators need to learn more about Old Testament Wisdom, and especially the forgotten Book of Proverbs, as a source for understanding Jesus our teacher. This session will explore Proverbs in particular but will draw on the whole range of Old Testament Wisdom sources.
5-04 The Spiritual Life of Your Teen (WORKSHOP CLOSED)
Michael Carotta, EdD
As ministers, we spend so much time working with other people’s teens, but what about our own? Presented in a casual parent-to-parent style, this session helps us take some time to think about our own kids. The session is designed to help us gain clarity and confidence in how we can more fully participate in the spiritual journey of our own adolescents.
5-05 Parenting Through Crisis: Helping Kids in Times of Loss, Grief and Change (workshop closed)
Barbara Coloroso
Each day offers opportunities to give children the gift of inner discipline. But what are parents/catechists to do when daily routines get overshadowed by tragedy or traumatic events? What do we need to offer our children/students when they are faced with crisis or loss in their lives? In this workshop, Barbara Coloroso will help parents and catechists navigate the waters when they get turbulent, offering practical answers to difficult questions and situations.
5-06 Advent Music: Music of Hope, Joy and Promise (WORKSHOP CLOSED)
Jaime Cortez
In this session we’ll take a look at music resources for the Advent season and present some ideas on how to use this music in parish and school settings. Advent music that strengthens the Scriptures of the season and some ideas for bilingual celebrations will also be featured. (This will be a bilingual presentation.)
5-07 The Eucharist and Justice
Michael H. Crosby, OFMCap
In the early days of liturgical reform, the link between the Eucharist and justice was an essential component. However, this vision is being eclipsed by a new stress on rules and regulations that may be creating a “heresy of rubricism.” This workshop will re-place the Eucharist in the context of Micah 6:8 – justice, mercy and humility.
5-08 The Evolving Role of Deacons in the Contemporary Church: Trends and Issues (WORKSHOP CLOSED)
As the number of deacons rises around the world, the number of priests is declining. This fact, along with other pastoral realities, is causing significant shifts in the possibilities and challenges of the diaconate in the contemporary Church. This workshop will examine the debates about the diaconate at Vatican II, and the original inspiration behind the renewal – the Dachau Concentration Camp during World War II. Following the historical review, current trends and issues will be examined. Finally, we will look at creative ways the diaconate may provide the impetus for future pastoral efforts.
William T. Ditewig
After his ordination as deacon and service in several dioceses, Bill Ditewig joined the staff of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, where he serves as Executive Director for both the Secretariat for the Diaconate and the Secretariat for Evangelization. Deacon Ditewig has been keynote or speaker on theology and the diaconate at several national conventions and more than 125 diocesan events.
5-09 The Challenge of Evangelization (workshop closed)
The “National Directory for Catechesis” calls for a “new evangelization.” This is radical stuff, especially for Catholics! In this workshop, we will look at the challenges posed by this call and the opportunities to rethink how we minister. From the texts we choose, the catechists we call forth, the structures we develop and the adolescents with whom we minister, the call for a “new evangelization” puts everything in a whole new “Light!” Come prepared to be involved, to dream a little, and go home with a “pack” of new ideas! If you are a leader or a catechist in a parish or school, this workshop is for you!
Ken Doran
Ken Doran’s three decades in catechetical ministry reflect broad experience on diocesan, school and parish levels. He is currently National Religion Consultant for William H. Sadlier and has been a workshop presenter at numerous national and diocesan catechetical events. Doran is also Master Catechist for the Diocese of Camden, N.J., as well as fifth-grade and Communion catechist at Holy Saviour Parish in Westmont, N.J.
5-10 Illuminating the Young Child’s Faith Journey (workshop closed)
Bringing the young child to recognize God’s love involves finding teachable moments that occur in our everyday lives. The Early Childhood Advisory Board of Los Angeles will share ways of guiding 3-, 4- and 5-year-olds to experience and celebrate God’s gifts through concrete experiences appropriate to their developmental level.
Early Childhood Advisory Board
Continuing the work of nearly 30 years, this multi-talented group of catechists and educators strives to help others appreciate the importance of experiencing God’s love concretely during the formative pre-school years. Workshops offered by the Los Angeles Archdiocesan Early Childhood Advisory Board are informative, inclusive and inviting.
5-11 Sex and the City of God: Where Love and Justice Meet (WORKSHOP CLOSED)
In today’s popular culture the search for intimacy is easily reduced to images of sex, power and violence. In contrast, our biblical vision speaks of a “sacred eros”: a grace-full energy that honors mutuality, gender equality and reverence in relationships. This presentation explores the urgent need to reclaim a sexual ethic that is grounded in the Gospel values of relationships and the prophetic vision of justice-love.
Fran Ferder, FSPA and
Rev. John Heagle, MA, JCLSr. Fran Ferder and Fr. John Heagle, are the Co-Directors of Therapy and Renewal Associates (TARA), a counseling and consultation resource in the Pacific Northwest. They also serve as adjunct faculty in the School of Theology and Ministry at Seattle University, and are internationally recognized authors and workshop leaders. Their latest book is “Tender Fires: The Spiritual Promise of Sexuality.”
5-12 Throwing Light on Globalization (WORKSHOP CLOSED)
In North America and Europe it is countercultural to question globalization. But for the poorest of the poor, globalization is a very mixed blessing. It has a logic but no ethic. Last year the quest for trade justice collapsed. We need to look at the process of globalization from the perspective of the poor and then challenge the current orthodoxy.
Julian Filochowski
Julian Filochowski is a consultant in international development and Director of the Tablet Publishing Co. of London. For 21 years he was Chief Executive of the Catholic Agency for Overseas Development and Chair of the Caritas International HIV/AIDS Task Force; at the Catholic Institute for International Relations he was Coordinator of Education. He has given keynotes and lectures throughout the United States, Asia and Latin America.
5-13 Ingredients of Faith for Today (WORKSHOP CLOSED)
Rev. Michael Paul Gallagher
Our culture can leave us “unfree” for faith, wounded in our memory, belonging and imagination. This presentation will revisit some of the great thinkers on faith, to retrieve and translate their wisdom for now. It will be structured in three parts: new preambles (ministry of wonder); new proposals (especially the role of affectivity and imagination); and new practices (“doing the truth” through a shared life-style and spirituality).
5-14 One Woman’s Faith Journey
From her call to work in Africa, England and the streets and brothels of Chicago, Edwina Gateley shares her experiences of how God calls each one of us to move mountains. She reveals how prayer and faith lead us to discover the power of the Holy Spirit working in our world and in our hearts.
Edwina Gateley
Edwina Gateley is an internationally known speaker, author, poet and advocate for marginalized women. She is the founder of a school in Africa, the international Volunteer Missionary Movement, and Genesis House in Chicago for women recovering from prostitution. She is author of 11 books and recipient of 15 national and international awards.
5-15 Every Time I Feel The Spirit: Celebrating the Breath of Life (WORKSHOP CLOSED)
The Spirit of God is the energy and force that gives us strength, wisdom, energy, life, love, joy and momentum for ministry and renewal. In this session we will sing, pray and celebrate the power of the Spirit in our lives as the Body of Christ, and how this “breath of life” continues to flower as a force in our lives as ministers and leaders. Come ready to sing and explore the many images and movements of the Spirit, so we can call upon that power to become a joyful witness of the Good News!
David Haas
David Haas is Director of The Emmaus Center for Music, Prayer and Ministry in Minnesota, where he also serves as Campus Minister/Artist in Residence at Benilde-St. Margaret's High School in St. Louis Park. Active as a conference speaker, workshop leader, concert performer and recording artist, Haas has composed over 45 recorded collections of original liturgical music, and has authored over 15 books on music, prayer and spirituality.
5-16 RCIA: Deep Within – Finding New Life in the Scrutinies (WORKSHOP CLOSED)
“Stand in the Light” is at the heart of the process for the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults. This workshop will help deepen our understanding of the role of the Scrutinies both for the catechumens and the worshiping community. We will explore the rites and Gospel accounts with a view toward deepening the religious experience of those God has entrusted to us. Suggestions and resources for liturgical celebration will be provided, as well as preparation models (including retreats), options and tools for personal reflection.
Dorothy Hulburt
Dorothy Hulburt currently serves as Director of Adult and Family Ministries at St. Thérèse Parish in San Diego. She has taught for over 30 years in pastoral, catechetical and liturgical ministries. She is a popular presenter at the parish, diocesan and national levels, and is a frequent Religious Education Congress presenter. She has co-authored a guide to parish evangelization, and a new book, “The Scriptural Words of Mary,” is in the works.
5-17 Baptism: Life Now … And at the Hour of Our Death (WORKSHOP CLOSED)
Fr. Joe Kempf
What difference does Baptism make for life now … or at the hour at our death? And when people bring their children forward to prepare for Baptism, how might we utilize that precious, teachable moment to catch their hearts for life? In this presentation Fr. Joe Kempf offers some great ideas for all who prepare others for Baptism, and offers insights and inspiration to all of us already baptized. Using story, example and the wisdom of lived experience, Fr. Joe will help lead us more deeply into the great baptismal promise of life now … and at the hour of our death.
5-18 Endless is Your Love (WORKSHOP CLOSED)
Musical liturgy is the centerpiece of a balanced parish program focused on evangelization. Liturgy and catechesis must be regarded as partners in this important work of the Gospels. The quality of our song is ever-important to all on the journey.
Tom Kendzia
A liturgical musician for over 20 years, Tom Kendzia is known throughout the United States as a composer, arranger, recording producer, performer, teacher and clinician. He is currently Director of Music Ministries at Christ the King Church in Kingston, R.I. Kendzia has authored a number of articles and columns. He also is composer of the 2001 L.A. Congress theme song, “Clothed in Love.”
ValLimar & Frank Jansen
Frank Jansen is a Santa Clara University educated liturgist who has been a professional musician for over 30 years. He is a well-respected composer, arranger, teacher and performer. ValLimar Jansen has served as a cantor, principal vocalist, psalmist, lector, workshop presenter, and/or emcee at major festivals and conferences regionally, nationally and internationally. Together, they perform nationally and have CDs.
5-19 Malcolm X and Catholic Social Teaching
Malcolm X is a mythic and much misunderstood figure. Yet one cannot have a complete understanding of the Black experience without dealing with this man’s life and legacy. This presentation looks at Malcolm’s social ideas and practices, asking, “How would Catholic social teaching and engagement look if it took Malcolm’s thinking seriously?” We will examine the central ideas of Malcolm’s social message, and see their relevance for today’s Christians who want to live faith‑inspired lives in U.S. society.
Rev. Bryan N. Massingale, STD
A priest of the Milwaukee Archdiocese, Fr. Bryan Massingale is a Professor of Moral Theology at Marquette University in Milwaukee and at the Institute for Black Catholic Studies at Xavier University in New Orleans. He publishes and lectures nationally on social justice issues and black Catholic life.
5-20 There’s Something about Mary: Our Teacher, Model, Guide in Contemplating the Face of Christ
Sr. Peggy McDonald, IHM
What is the “something” about Mary that draws us, attracts us, challenges us as we ponder her prayerful presence throughout the events of Jesus’ life? Because Mary “kept all these things, reflecting on them in her heart” (Luke 2:19), she is our teacher, model and guide in “learning Christ” and discovering how the mysteries of his life relate to our own. In this session, we will focus on how “Contemplating with Mary the face of Christ” can illumine the path to an ever‑deepening relationship with Christ.
5-21 The Twilight Wisdom of the Heart: The Art of Harvesting Your Inner Light
John O’Donohue, PhD
After its creative voyage of light, the day slows down at twilight to recall and illuminate all of its hidden color and investment. We need to learn to trust the wisdom of the heart, to take twilight-time so that the hidden color of our becoming might illuminate for us. Experience is squandered if it is not savored and integrated. The Holy Spirit, mother of the soul, harvests each day’s light so that when night overtakes us, we can rely on its hidden, inner twilight-heart. Everything we need for the journey has already been secretly given to us. It awaits us there on the twilight-altar of the heart.
5-22 Raising an Emotionally Healthy Child (WORKSHOP CLOSED)
Steve & Patt Saso
One of the first steps in raising a resilient child is to fully understand, and learn from, the experiences of your own childhood. Find out how relationships affect developing minds and behavior, and learn parenting strategies that promote healthy emotional maturity in children.
5-23 Tune In: Use Their Issues, Teach to Their Issues, Touch Their Hearts!
Jesus instructed his Apostles “to make disciples of all nations and to teach them to observe all that he had commanded.” (The Church has not ceased devoting its energy to this task.) This workshop will show you that young people’s issues are found in their culture and expressed in popular music and media. And so are the solutions to their concerns. You will learn effective, practical and easy-to-use strategies to catechize through music that they are already listen to. This approach works!
Anna Scally
Anna Scally, President of Cornerstone Media, is a workshop and youth rally speaker, youth ministry training consultant and disc jockey. She was Master of Ceremonies at various catechetical sessions for World Youth Days in Germany, Denver and Toronto. Scally has made over 2,300 appearances at youth rallies and other events, including all the major religious education conferences in North America.
5-24 Be Open to the Light: Laughter is a Tool (WORKSHOP CLOSED)
One thing that gets in the way of us living our lives wholly and holy is that we are way too serious. We try so hard to have all the right answers and to “get ahead” in society that we miss the positive energy and grace in the moments in front of us. The gift of laughter provides us with a tool to be “open to the Light” and thus be blessings in our interactions with others.
Sr. Anne Bryan Smollin, CSJ, PhD
Sister of St. Joseph Anne Smollin is a therapist and group facilitator, lecturer and consultant. She is currently Executive Director of Counseling for Laity, based in Albany, N.Y. The former elementary schoolteacher lectures extensively throughout the continental United States, Hawaii, Canada and Australia speaking to religious communities, conventions and businesses.
5-25 Dancing in the Light
This workshop will offer participants an experience of a prayer service using gesture, movement and dance. This session is for those who are looking for ways to incorporate embodied prayer in their parish life and religious formation programs. The prayer service will be inspired by the Gospel of the Transfiguration and will use the music of Bernadette Farrell and Paul Melley.
Robert VerEecke, SJ
Fr. Bob VerEecke has offered workshops on movement prayer in the United States, Jamaica, Canada, Australia, France and England. He has served for nearly 20 years as Pastor of St. Ignatius Church in Chestnut Hill, Mass. Fr. VerEecke is also Director of the Boston Liturgical Dance Ensemble and is Jesuit Artist-in-Residence at Boston College.
Jamie Huggins
Jamie Huggins, Associate Artistic Director of the Boston Liturgical Dance Ensemble, received his formal dance training from the Joffrey Ballet School in New York City. He has danced with the Louisville Ballet, the Berkshire Ballet, and numerous other dance companies. Huggins co-teaches the Summer Study in Sacred and Liturgical Dance at Boston College, and has worked with Fr. Bob VerEecke for more than 20 years.
5-26 How to Overcome Marital Crises
One of the main differences between happy and lasting marriages and those that break up is not the type of crises that the couples face but how they manage and resolve them. John Yzaguirre and Claire Frazier‑Yzaguirre will present effective approaches to transform a threatening crisis into a strengthening experience of unity.
Dr. John Yzaguirre and
Claire Frazier‑Yzaguirre, MFT, MDivDr. John Yzaguirre and Claire FrazierYzaguirre are a Christian licensed psychologist and Marriage and Family Therapist with 30 years of clinical and ministry experience. Together they co-Direct the California Prosocial Institute in Irvine, Calif. Each year they offer their marriage, family and spiritual programs across North America and Europe.
5-27 Becoming an Adult Catholic: Spirituality, Religion & Struggle for Integrity (WORKSHOP CLOSED)
What does a mature Catholic “look like,” and how does a person become one? Tom Zanzig will share a model of the dynamics of lifelong conversion and suggest implications for our efforts in adult formation. He will then explore the gifts and challenges of institutional religion in the spiritual life, and close by identifying the traits of the mature, adult Catholic.
Tom Zanzig
After devoting 25 years to the development of youth ministry and adolescent religious education materials, Tom Zanzig is now freelance writer, trainer, retreat director and speaker. President of his own publishing and consulting company, Zanzig & Associates, Zanzig has presented hundreds of workshops and retreats throughout the United States and Canada and around the globe.
5-70 Vietnamese Workshop (workshop closed)
Anthony Dao
5-75 Ministry with Korean-American Youth and Young Adults – Is There Still Hope?
Everywhere we go we hear about the difficulty of ministering to youth and young adults in the Church. It is especially challenging to minister to Korean-American youth and young adults. So what are the challenges specific to our younger generation of Korean-American Catholics? How can we more effectively catechize them and walk the spiritual journey with them as companions in ministry? Let’s explore together practical ways to bring the Light into the lives of our present generation – not future generations.
Katherine Ja-Eun Cho
Katherine Cho has been involved in religious education, youth ministry and music ministry for over 25 years as a Master Catechist, parish Director of Religious Education, Coordinator of Youth Ministry and Director of Music Ministry. She currently works as Diocesan Director at the Office of Ministry with Youth for the Diocese of San Bernardino, Calif. Cho has given workshops for all age groups at the parish and diocesan levels.
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