2007 RECongress Period 3
Religious Education Congress
Friday, March 2, 2007
3:00 - 4:30 pm
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3-01 Prayer in Motion
Here is a workshop for those involved in Dance Ministry. Learn how to weave prayer movement and ritual into liturgical celebrations. Reflect on the reverence, responsibilities and appropriateness that encompass this type of ministry. New music, new dances, new ideas – come prepared to dance!
Donna Anderle
Donna Anderle is a well-known liturgical dancer and choreographer who has served on the liturgy committees for several national associations and conferences. She co-founded The Good News Company, a touring group, and operates her own dance studio. She also teaches at the Cincinnati Ballet Company and at Northern Kentucky University. Presently, Anderle is Assistant Liturgy Director at Summit Country Day School in Cincinnati.
3-02 The New Adult Catechism and Today’s Young Adults
What does the new (2006) “Catholic Catechism for Adults” offer specifically for young adult Catholics and those who minister to them? We will consider how this catechism relates to the faith lives and needs of Catholic young adults today.
Dr. Tom Beaudoin
Tom Beaudoin is Assistant Professor in the Religious Studies Department at Santa Clara University in California, and a Fellow in the American Psychoanalytic Association. He lectures nationally and internationally on practical theology, and is author of “Consuming Faith,” as well as many published articles and essays. Dr. Beaudoin is a frequent and popular speaker at the Religious Education Congress.
3-03 Four Secrets of the Spirituality of Self-care (WORKSHOP CLOSED)
Even on an airplane, the flight attendants states, “In the unlikely event of a loss of cabin pressure, make sure your oxygen mask is secure before helping others.” So why do we, as ministers in the Church, continually nurture others before taking care of ourselves? Join us as we explore wellness as a way of life for leaders and look at the spirituality of self‑care as a call to the integration of body, mind, spirit and emotions.
Nancy Bird
Nancy Bird has been involved in religious education for over 30 years as a Master Professional Catechist, parish catechetical leader and youth minister. She has been a featured speaker at the East Coast Conference, the Ohio Catholic Education Association, the Los Angeles Religious Education Congress, as well as many diocesan events throughout the country. Presently she serves as Lead Manager for RCL.
3-04 Ritual as a Means of Transformation in the Light (WORKSHOP CLOSED)
Traditionally human beings have created rituals for time-of-life transitions. Creating meaningful rituals assists a community or individuals to stand in the light of awareness and transformation. In Western society many individuals have forgotten this ancient wisdom. For this workshop, we will explore opportunities and practices for ritual-making in times of midlife transitions and beyond.
Rev. Jim Clarke
Fr. Jim Clarke is presently Director of Spiritual Formation and Chair of the Spiritual Theology Department at St. John’s Seminary in Camarillo, Calif. He is also Associate Spiritual Director at the Cardinal Manning House of Prayer for Priests in Los Angeles. Fr. Clarke is a popular retreat director and conference speaker in and around the Southern California area.
3-05 Isaiah: God’s Poet of Light
One of the central themes in the Book of Isaiah is light. With rhetorical eloquence, the prophet explores this metaphor in relation to God, God’s glory, God’s people and the nations who will walk by the light into the way of peace. As God’s poet, Isaiah links the theme of light to compassion, calling God’s people to hospitality that leads to healing. This presentation explores the theme of light in the Book of Isaiah and offers people today a vision of hope as they journey from light to Light.
Carol J. Dempsey, OP, PhD
Sr. Carol Dempsey is Professor of Biblical Studies and Theology at the University of Portland, Ore. A member of the Order of Preachers, Dominican Sisters of Caldwell, N.J., she is author of four books, editor of four books, and Associate Editor of The Catholic Biblical Quarterly. Sr. Dempsey has taught at the grade school and high school, undergraduate and graduate levels. She has given numerous keynotes nationally and internationally.
3-06 Marriage and the Domestic Church: A School of Discipleship (WORKSHOP CLOSED)
Richard R. Gaillardetz, PhD
We live in a culture dominated by the values of consumerism, an obsession with glamour, romance and an aversion to lifelong commitment. In such a culture, Christian marriage and the domestic Church must be seen as a school of discipleship calling us to conversion and preparing us for a prophetic engagement with these cultural values.
3-07 Women’s Issues/Church Issues: Surviving Impoverishment
The impoverishment of women is a yet-to-be-fully-explored global epidemic. Among the symptoms of this epidemic are hunger, homelessness, mental distress and AIDS. The magnitude of the problem exceeds national borders and cultural identities. The fact is that poor women around the world are under physical, emotional and spiritual siege. As followers of Christ, we have a moral obligation to respond to the needs of our impoverished siblings. This session will explore the plight of poor women, and the spiritual poverty that has contributed to the escalating global dehumanization of them.
Dr. Greer G. Gordon
Dr. Greer Gordon, a veteran diocesan administrator and theologian, is author of numerous books, articles and videos in the fields of catechetics, pastoral theology, women’s issues and diversity concerns. Dr. Gordon formerly served as Director of the Office for Black Catholics in the Boston Archdiocese; Director of Adult Religious Education in the Archdiocese of Washington, D.C.; and Consultant for Catechist Formation in the Diocese of Oakland, Calif.
3-08 From Curing to Caring: Solidarity That Changes Young People’s Lives (workshop closed)
The Gospels and our social teachings challenge us to move beyond “doing for” into “being with” people who are marginalized and vulnerable. Christ did not simply help the poor, he became poor. What does it mean for us to invite young people (in Confirmation and youth ministry settings) to move through service into solidarity – building friendships on the margins that might just break their hearts and change their minds? With prayer, ritual and stories this workshop “lights up” avenues to lead the young church into encounters that “do justice” to our faith, giving them a taste of the Reign of God.
Joseph Grant
A native of Scotland, Joe Grant has ministered in Europe, the Amazon and the United States. He lives in Louisville, Ky., where he serves as the Youth/Young Adult Coordinator for JustFaith Ministries and creator of the JustFaith process, JusticeWalk-ing. The co-founder of Crossroads Ministry has authored youth ministry publications on prayer, justice and Scripture, and presents numerous keynotes, workshops and retreats around the country.
3-09 The Future of Ministry: Our Best Hopes (WORKSHOP CLOSED)
Beginning with the ministry of Jesus and the first Christian communities, and building upon the Church’s best wisdom since then, this workshop will propose new hopes for the future of Catholic ministry – ordained, lay ecclesial and the ministries of all the baptized.
Thomas Groome, PhD
Dr. Tom Groome is Director of Boston College’s Institute of Religious Education and Pastoral Ministry. The award-winning author has written more than a half dozen books and over 100 published articles and essays. He has made over 500 public presentations in the past 25 years, including keynote addresses at all the major North American conferences of religious educators, both Catholic and Protestant.
3-10 “Conversations with Dorothy Day”
This presentation of “Conversations with Dorothy Day” depicts Dorothy stopping by to share a cup of coffee and to visit with friends while she talks about her life. The setting is the present time and the “powers that be” have given Dorothy permission to be gone from the heavenly realm for a very short time. During the visit Dorothy reads from her journals, her books and other writings as she shares the story of her conversion and the founding of the Catholic Worker. Come learn about this amazing woman and her message of peace and justice.
Sharon K. Halsey-Hoover
Sharon Halsey-Hoover lives in Orange, Calif., where she is on the adjunct staff for The Center for Spiritual Development, and is Assistant Director of Bethany, a transitional residence for homeless women. For over 20 years this wife, mother, grandmother, actor, storyteller and spiritual director has been a public speaker and retreat presenter, and has served as youth minister, Director of Religious Education, and as therapist in a domestic violence shelter.
3-11 From Hunger to Hope: Formation for Global Solidarity (WORKSHOP CLOSED)
Thomas Awiapo survived childhood hunger to become an international relief worker, bringing school meals to children all over his native Ghana. He travels to parishes, schools and colleges across the United States sharing his inspiring story. His life embodies Africa’s gift of solidarity. This workshop gives participants tools for sharing that solidarity with our parishioners – children, youth and adults.
Joe Hastings, MDiv
Joe Hastings has worked for over 15 years teaching classes and workshops in parish social ministry, religious education, ministry formation and young adult leadership. Based in Seattle, he now works with Catholic Relief Services (CRS) promoting global solidarity in West Coast dioceses. He has visited the work of CRS and local Catholic churches in the Middle East, Latin America, Africa and the Philippines.
Thomas Awiapo
Born in Ghana, West Africa, Thomas Awiapo was orphaned by age 10; his two younger brothers died from malnutrition and neglect. He survived to later attend college and receive a master’s degree from California State University, Hayward. He is now Senior Program Officer with CRS. Sharing his experiences as both a CRS beneficiary and as a staff member, Awiapo directs programs of solidarity and justice for all of West Africa.
3-12 Passing the Torch: Creating Households of Faith
Story and song are both powerful ways to pass faith on to the next generation! Join ValLimar and Frank Jansen as they direct a dynamic intergenerational group – including Tammy and Tom Booth, Kari and Jaime Cortez, Mary Carol and Tom Kendzia, Anna and Mike Betancourt, Eileen and John Bonaduce, Estella and Rudolfo Lopez, Mary and Burleigh Drummond, Laura and Jim Gibson, Consuelo and John West, with family and friends – using song and story that can enrich households of faith. Come and be inspired as this dynamic group shares the riches of our Catholic Christian story and tradition.
ValLimar Jansen
ValLimar Jansen has served as cantor, principal vocalist, psalmist, lector or workshop presenter at local festivals to major national conferences. She also conducts retreats, parish missions, youth rallies, liturgy in-services and parish workshops. She and her husband Frank perform concerts at the parochial, diocesan, regional and national levels. She presently serves as Adjunct Professor at Riverside City College in California.
Frank Jansen
Frank Jansen, a professional musician for over 30 years, has performed with The Coasters, The Platters, The Drifters and Jan & Dean. He now performs with countless names in the fields of sacred, popular and jazz music, and has been composer, arranger or music director for numerous liturgies and concerts at local festivals and national events. He is presently Director of the Music and Drama Program at the Columbia School in El Monte, Calif.
3-13 Put on a Happy Face (WORKSHOP CLOSED)
Recruiting volunteer support for your ministry does not have to be painful. It can actually be enjoyable and fulfilling. Attitude and approach are key elements in the successful recruitment and retention of adult volunteers for youth ministry. Learn about strategies and tools to enhance your volunteer recruitment efforts as we share a few laughs along the way!
Colette A. Kennett
Colette Kennett has served diocesan youth and their adult leaders regionally, nationally and internationally. She was a U.S. Delegate to the Latin American Youth Congress in Santiago, Chile. In ministry for over 30 years, Kennett has mission experiences which took her to Haiti, Mexico, Rwanda and Guatemala. She has been a volunteer with extensive ministry to the elderly and disabled and also has served as a prison minister for over 20 years.
3-14 “U.S. Catholic Catechism for Adults”: Exploring Its Riches (WORKSHOP CLOSED)
Most Rev. Richard J. Malone, ThD
The new “U.S. Catholic Catechism for Adults” is yet one more major resource of our current catechetical renewal. We will explore its riches and discuss ways of mining this treasure in our work of adult faith formation.
3-15 Reject the Stranger: Stumbling in the Darkness (WORKSHOP CLOSED)
“We have Vietnamese, Italians, Filipinos, Mexicans, African-Americans, Croatians …” “All are welcome!” “We welcome the stranger.” “We are the Body of Christ!” – all wonderful and holy claims. But do we genuinely welcome everyone? Jesus got into serious trouble doing that. How about us? Does the Light of Christ get us into hot water with parishioners, priests, family, neighbors? There are no easy solutions. However, in this workshop, one might find hope, solidarity, celebration, a little bit of singing and probably a lot of squirming.
Jesse Manibusan
Chamorro-American Jesse Manibusan considers himself “a long-time itinerant witness, under-cover catechist, singer, songwriter, author, storyteller, bodybuilder and strange enigmatic presence in the Church.” The former Music Director now travels the United States, Canada, Europe and the Pacific Rim presenting at local, national and international events, including World Youth Days in Rome, Toronto and Cologne.
3-16 Laughing with the Saints: Joy in the Spiritual Life (WORKSHOP CLOSED)
“Joy is the surest sign of the Holy Spirit,” as Léon Bloy wrote. Yet in some parishes, chanceries and spiritual circles, laughter and humor are seen as unwelcome guests. This workshop will explore why humor is an essential requirement in a healthy spirituality, a key ingredient for a humble attitude toward God, and critical for the life of the Church. The joyful attitude of the saints and modern spiritual masters will be used to provide concrete ways to become more joyful Christians, and to offer simple ways to use humor in your lives and ministries. All that, and some funny jokes, too!
James Martin, SJ
James Martin, a Jesuit priest, is Associate Editor at America magazine. He is the author of numerous books, including, most recently, “My Life with the Saints” and “Becoming Who You Are.” He has spoken at various religious conferences, parishes and retreat houses, and he is a frequent commentator in the media on Catholic issues. Fr. Martin’s articles have appeared in America, Commonweal, The (London) Tablet and U.S. News & World Report.
3-17 Advocacy: Standing With, By and For Young People (WORKSHOP CLOSED)
Advocacy with, by and for youth is an essential component of comprehensive youth ministry. This workshop will look at advocacy from a scriptural and theological perspective and offer practical strategies for infusing advocacy efforts into parish and civic communities.
Maggie McCarty, DMin
Dr. Maggie McCarty is President of Education for Parish Service (EPS), a theological school for the laity at Trinity College in Washington, D.C. She has been involved in youth ministry training and formation since 1977 and has experience on the parish, diocesan and national levels. Dr. McCarty serves as adjunct faculty member at Loyola University in New Orleans, St. Mary’s Seminary and University in Baltimore, and Princeton’s Institute for Youth Ministry. She is a youth ministry volunteer at St. Francis of Assisi Parish in Fulton, Md.
3-18 Christ the Teacher, Christ the Student (WORKSHOP CLOSED)
Join Brother Michael O’Neill McGrath in an exploration of the many images and faces of Christ, and how they transform and transfigure our faith and help reveal ways we can reflect his love through lives of service. Bro. Mikey will inspire religious educators, clergy, lay ministers, teachers and all the faithful through visual art and storytelling to follow Christ and be the Way, the Truth and the Life to others.
Bro. Michael O’Neill McGrath, OSFS
Brother Mickey McGrath, an Oblate of St. Francis de Sales, is a nationally recognized artist, speaker and leader of retreats and workshops. He has spoken at conferences of Catholic religious educators around the country, and has been a teacher and director at the Grunewald Guild in Leavenworth, Wash. His award-winning work regularly appears in Catholic and Christian publications. Bro. McGrath is presently Artist-in-Residence at Washington Theological Union in Washington, D.C.
3-19 Listening to Luke (WORKSHOP CLOSED)
Since the third reading at this year’s Religious Education Congress Sunday liturgy will be drawn from the Gospel of Luke, this session will focus on understanding more deeply Luke’s distinctive theology, the needs of his community, and his challenge to the modern believer. This workshop will provide material not only for preaching and Lectionary-based instruction but also for believers who would live a Gospel-based life.
Fr. J. Patrick Mullen, PhD
Fr. Pat Mullen, author of “Dining With Pharisees,” is Associate Professor of Biblical Studies, New Testament at St. John’s Seminary in Camarillo, Calif. The priest of the Los Angeles Archdiocese, originally from Holy Family Parish in Glendale, has served at St. Margaret Mary’s in Lomita and St. John Vianney in Hacienda Heights. He directs retreats and is a regular speaker at the Religious Education Congress and at annual diocesan conferences in Las Vegas; San Diego; Reno, Nev.; and Boise, Utah.
3-20 Bringing HIV/AIDS Into The Light (WORKSHOP CLOSED)
More than 25 years after recognition of the first cases of AIDS, the topics of HIV infection and AIDS, as well as people affected by them, still dwell in the shadows in many parts of our society and our world. Bring HIV/AIDS into the light by hearing the latest scientific and medical facts from Dr. Liz Crabb Breen, and sharing stories of hope, outreach and compassion with Fr. Chris Ponnet.
Fr. Chris Ponnet
In 1999, Fr. Chris Ponnet, a priest for the Los Angeles Archdiocese, was appointed by Cardinal Roger Mahony as his Liaison and Director for the Office of Catholic HIV/AIDS Ministry. Fr. Ponnet also serves as Pastor at St. Camillus Center for Pastoral Care. He is a board-certified Chaplain and Director of Pastoral Care at LAC+USC Medical Center in Los Angeles, where he works with persons infected or affected with HIV/AIDS.
Elizabeth Crabb Breen, PhD
Dr. Liz Breen, an immunologist who has been involved in HIV/AIDS research for more than 20 years, is presently Assistant Research Immunologist at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA in Los Angeles. She is a member of the AIDS Education Task Force/Human Sexuality Committee for the Los Angeles Archdiocese and has lectured extensively to scientific, academic and lay audiences on the topics of immunology, HIV infection and AIDS.
3-21 Jesus as the First Non-dualistic Teacher of the West
Much of our historical misunderstanding of Jesus comes from the fact that we interpret the Gospels through a dualistic mind (either-or thinking), which is the almost exclusive style of rational thinking in Western civilizations. Fr. Richard Rohr will present the teaching patterns of Jesus who “taught only in parables” and whose God “let the sun shine on both the good and the bad, whose rain fell on both the just and the unjust.” Come prepared to have your mind changed – which may change your entire Christian life and your approach to justice-making in particular. (Further developed in Session 4-24.)
Richard Rohr, OFM
Fr. Richard Rohr is a Franciscan priest of the New Mexico Province. He founded both the New Jerusalem Community in Cincinnati and the Center for Action and Contemplation in Albuquerque, N.M., where he presently lives. He divides his time between local work and preaching/teaching around the world. Fr. Rohr is probably best known for his writings and numerous audio and video recordings. Many of his books and conferences have been translated into German, Spanish and other languages.
3-22 Parish Leadership: Practical Skills (workshop closed)
This workshop will focus on practical aspects of leadership in the parish. We will explore some of the skills required of leaders, such as the skill of dealing with conflict and working with groups discerning gifts.
Bro. Loughlan Sofield, ST
Brother Loughlan Sofield, a Missionary Servant of the Most Holy Trinity, is Senior Editor of Human Development magazine. He formerly served as Director of the Consultation and Counseling Center in the Archdiocese of Washington, D.C. Bro. Sofield has worked in over 200 dioceses on five continents and in all 50 states. He is co-author of a number of books on collaboration, community, forgiveness and other topics related to psychology and ministry.
3-23 Salt of the Earth, Light for the World (workshop closed)
St. Paul tells us that “each of us is a letter from Christ.” What would happen if we took St. Paul seriously and truly understood that our mission as religious educators is to be “letters from Christ”? If we reclaimed the truth of Pentecost, we might just re-light the fire of Pentecost and bring the Spirit of Christ to a world hungry for the Gospel.
Maureen Sullivan, OP, PhD
For the past 17 years, Sr. Maureen Sullivan has been a member of the Theology Department at St. Anselm College in Manchester, N.H. The Dominican Sister of Hope from New York also serves as a national religion consultant for the William H. Sadlier Publishing Co., a position that enables her to speak nationally to Catholic school teachers, catechists and diocesan leaders. Her second book, “The Road to Vatican II,” will be available in 2007.
3-24 Celebrating and Praying the Word with Children: Enriching Their Relationship with God
This workshop will focus on actual prayer experiences with children. We will discuss “the spirituality of children,” and provide samples of Liturgy of the Word with Children, Way of the Cross with Children, and other forms of prayer with children. And we will also discuss the spirituality of the catechist. Come ready to participate, pray and sing.
Christopher Walker
Christopher Walker is an internationally known speaker and musician. His music – especially his children’s music – is sung throughout the United States, the United Kingdom and in other parts of the Catholic world including Australia. The former Director of Music for the Clifton Cathedral in England is presently Director of Music at St. Paul the Apostle Parish in Los Angeles.
Paule Freeburg, DC
Sr. Paule Freeburg, a Daughter of Charity, has been an elementary and high school teacher, a parish Director of Religious Education and a diocesan religion consultant. She is the primary author of “Sunday,” an adaptation of the Lectionary for children, co-author of “A Child Shall Lead Them,” and presenter on 24 video taped programs on St. Paul. Currently, she is Director of Development for St. Vincent’s in Santa Barbara, Calif.
3-25 Stand in the Light: Your Chair is Putting You to Sleep! (WORKSHOP CLOSED)
In this session we will look at the temptation of comfortable armchair religion. The Light beckons us to stand, but there is anxiety to overcome. By naming and understanding these anxieties we can become more skilled to respond to them. Jesus understood, named and confronted reluctance. Let us follow his example, and endeavor to enable others to stand confidently in the Light. This workshop will incorporate recent research, storytelling and music as tools for catechists and teachers. Come and help us to throw away the comfy cushions and stand together – in the Light.
David Wells
David Wells is Director of the Department for Formation in the Diocese of Plymouth, England. Previously, he served in England as Director of Adult Religious Education for the Nottingham Diocese. He is a well-known speaker at events throughout the United Kingdom, Europe and North America. Also an author, Wells has appeared at conferences of catechesis and evangelization as well as on a number of Canadian TV broadcasts.
Mike Stanley & Joanne Boyce
Singers/songwriters Mike Stanley and Jo Boyce – together known as cjm|music – work in the United Kingdom as music and workshop leaders with youth in high school and parish settings. Mike worked as a teacher and youth leader for many years. Jo became Music Director of Soli House in Stratford-upon-Avon, where Mike eventually worked as a music coordinator. They partnered professionally in 1996.
3-26 Parenting – Are We Having Fun Yet!
Do you worry if you are parenting effectively? Do you often ask yourself, “Now what do I do?” Are your children the only ones having fun in your home? If you answered yes to any of these questions, this workshop is for you! Char Wenc teaches parenting skills that make a difference in how children and parents live together. She shares her knowledge and experience with passion, humor and realism. Learn how taking simple steps can lead to positive changes in your home.
Char Wenc
Char Wenc is an internationally known author of two books and numerous articles. She is on the faculty at both Loyola University and The Adler School of Professional Psychology in Chicago. Wenc is a professional speaker for 25 years in the areas of parenting, teaching and training for cooperation and social interest in youth. She is a consultant to the medical and business communities, school districts and parenting associations.
3-27 Faith: Living out the Full Cycle of Creation
Too often faith is misunderstood as the ability to hold to a fixed set of beliefs, to keep to a certain line no matter our outward circumstances. But our great contemplative and artistic traditions speak to something more subtle, something profound and conversational which takes into consideration not only the wisdom and the religious tenets bequeathed us, but the nature and perspectives of each individual who must live out those revelations. Join David Whyte for a poet’s perspective on the subject of faith.
David Whyte
Poet David Whyte, a native of Yorkshire, England, is author of five volumes of poetry and two best-selling books of prose. He brings his perspectives on creativity into the field of organizational development, where he works with American and international companies. He has traveled extensively, including working as a naturalist guide and leading anthropological expeditions. He brings this wealth of experiences to his poetry, lectures and workshops.
3-70 Vietnamese Workshop (workshop closed)
Frere Fortunat Phong
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