2011 RECongress Speakers/Topics Listing
Religious Education Congress
March 17, 2011 (Youth Day)
March 18-20, 2011 (Congress days)
Schedule • Speaker Index • Workshop Listing • Speakers/Topics • Exhibitor Listing • Exhibitor Categories
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Asterisks with session numbers indicate recorded workshops. “Key” indicates the Saturday Keynote or a Sunday Address. Youth Day workshops are labeled by a session letter (A, B, C, etc.). Congress sessions are designated by two numbers separated by a dash. The first number indicates the period. Sessions 1-, 2- and 3- are Friday; Sessions 4-, 5- and 6- are Saturday; Sessions 7- and 8- are Sunday. The two-digit number after the dash is the workshop number. Workshop numbers -01 to -30 are in English; -50 to -58 are in Spanish; -70 is in Vietnamese;. The topic category has been identified by the Office of Religious Education. Speaker-identified categories can be found on the Speaker Categories (PDF: 1 page, 87k) listing page.
Topic Session Title Language Adams, Dr. Shauna Early Childhood 2-01* Connecting Learning with Religion at the Center of the Early Childhood Curriculum English Allen Jr., John Ecclesiology 5-01* The Pope’s PR Problem English Alonso, Tony Spirituality 5-02 Contemplative Prayer Experience: Castle of the Soul English Amodei, Michael Youth Ministry 3-01* Sharing the Bishops’ Framework with Parish Teens English Anderle, Donna Liturgy/Music 2-02* Liturgical Movement: Breathe, Pray, Dance English Angotti, John Liturgy/Music 3-02* Why Do You Do What You Do? Integrated Liturgy: It’s More Than Just the Music English Arroyo, Maria Justice/Peace 2-51* Camino hacia el norte: Espiritualidad de la migración Spanish Ash, Laura Liturgy/Music 3-04* The Woman at the Well English Au, Dr. Wilkie Spirituality 8-01 Gratitude as a Spiritual Pathway English Awiapo, Thomas Spirituality 7-04* Engaging Faith in the World: Fostering a Mission Spirituality in Young People English Barron, Fr. Robert Theology 1-01* The YouTube Heresies English Beaudoin, Dr. Tom Young Adult Ministry 3-03 Contemporary Theologies of Ministry for Pastoral Workers English Beckman, Betsey Liturgy/Music 3-04* The Woman at the Well English Bellante, Rev. Rubén Francisco Life Issues 6-51* ¿Dónde está el amigo que siempre busco? Spanish Benavides, Luis Early Childhood 5-51* La catequesis con niños pequeños Spanish Bolduc, Ed Youth Ministry 2-03* Get Them Singing … Get Them Engaged! English Boyle, Rev. Gregory Restorative Justice 2-04* Who Would Jesus Hire? Creating a Movement to Welcome the Outcast, the Gang Member and the Felon English Breen, Dr. Elizabeth Crabb AIDS/HIV 6-24* Embracing God’s People Living with HIV English Bryant, Sr. Kathy Women's Issues 2-05* Women's Strength, Women's Voices English Burke-Sullivan, Dr. Eileen Sacraments 2-06* Poorly Practiced, Misunderstood and Under-appreciated: The Liturgy of Penance English Burland, John Elementary 1-02* Alive in Faith! Songs for Celebrating the Sacraments English Burns Senseman, Rita Catechumenate 3-05* RCIA with Children and the Role of Liturgical Catechesis English Campuzano, Fr. Guillermo Young Adult Ministry 6-52* Pastoral juvenil hispana en los Estados Unidos: Cristo camina contigo Spanish Carotta, Dr. Michael Confirmation 7-05* Unchaining Confirmation English Castañeda, Dr. Augusto Catechesis/Evangelization 1-51* Construyendo la parroquia del nuevo milenio Spanish Chairez, Rita Restorative Justice 3-51* Madres al pie de la cruz Spanish Cheri, Richard Liturgy/Music 1-04 Trust That My Praise Is Worthy English Chinn, Andrew Elementary 3-06* Singing the Year Round! Songs and Strategies for Elementary Catechists and Teachers English Cieslak, Fr. William Liturgy/Music 6-05* Hold Fast to Vatican II's Dream for the Liturgy English Coleman, Fr. Gerald Morality 1-03 Conscience Formation: A Catholic Point of View English Cortez, Jaime Liturgy/Music 4-06 Engaging Children and Youth in Parish Music English Coster, Pam Adult Education 6-06* Drink to the Thirsty: A Practical Approach to Evangelization and Adult Formation English Coutinho, Fr. Paul Spirituality 3-07* Hope in God Alone! The Ignatian Way of Living a Free and Fulfilled Life English Covarrubias, Maria Adult Education 3-52* ¡Mantente firme…confía! "El matrimonio es un llamado divino…" Spanish Crosby, Rev. Michael Justice/Peace 1-05* Jesus’ Subversive Prayer Promoting Justice English Cupich, Bishop Blase Ecclesiology 2-07* A Time for Healing, A Time for Service English Cusick, Rev. John Adult Education 3-08* Creating and Maintaining a “Household” Church English Dahm, Fr. Charles Life Issues 3-54* Modelos del ministerio pastoral en la comunidad hispana Spanish D'Arcy, Paula Spirituality 1-06 The Choices We Make English Davidson, Dr. James Ecumenism 6-07* Ranking Religions: Religious Stratification in America English Delaney, Fr. Martin Catechesis/Evangelization 7-09* The Journey to First Eucharist: Helping Parents and Children to Feel at Home in the Assembly English Dempsey, Sr. Carol Scripture 2-08* Healing Stories in the New Testament English Donlon, Enda Catechesis/Evangelization 8-24* Catechesis in a Digital Age English Early Childhood Advisory Board, Early Childhood 5-06* Friendship, Family and Community: Building a Firm Foundation in Early Childhood Catechesis English East, Msgr. Ray Catechesis/Evangelization 2-09* What’s New about the “New Evangelization”? English Ellair, Steven Elementary 2-10* You Mean They Don't All Learn the Same Way? English Ferder, Sr. Fran Adult Education 1-07* Enter the Story: Biblical Metaphors for Our Lives English Fernandez, Santiago Catechesis/Evangelization 5-07 Reaching Hispanic Youth … Well, Really Reaching Hispanic Youth English/Spanish Fiand, Sr. Barbara Adult Education 1-09* Ripening into God: A Spirituality of Maturation English Flecha Andres, José-Román Morality 6-53* Felicidad del camino Spanish Foley, Rev. Edward Liturgy/Music 3-09 The New Roman Missal: Part 1 – Process and Changes English Ford, Dr. Paul Liturgy/Music 7-10* How to Rebuild the Engine While the Vehicle Is Operating – Preparing for the New English Translation of the Roman Missal English Fragomeni, Fr. Richard Liturgy/Music 1-08* Liturgy, Preaching and Evangelization: The Invitation to Grace English Frawley-Mangan, Anne Elementary 3-11* Drama and Religious Education: A Match Made in Heaven! English Gaillardetz, Dr. Richard Ecclesiology 1-10* Does the Theology of the Laity Have a Future? English Galipeau, Dr. Jerry Catechumenate 1-11* RCIA: The Power and Potential of Liturgical Catechesis English García-López, Estela Family 5-52* Rituales para el hogar hispano durante la temporada de adviento, navidad y tiempo ordinario Spanish García-Mina Freire, Ana Family 2-52* La educación emocional en la familia Spanish Gentry-Akin, David Adult Education 2-11* Open Wide the Doors: Helping Young People Appreciate and Embrace the Call to Christian Discipleship English Ginel Vielva, Rev. Alvaro Adult Education 6-54* Llamados a ser catequistas Spanish Gittins, Fr. Anthony Catechesis/Evangelization 3-12* Would Jesus Recognize Our Church? English Good Ground, Liturgy/Music 1-04 Trust That My Praise Is Worthy English Goodwin, Dr. Carole Youth Ministry 4-09* Calling All Adults: Leadership for Youth Ministry English Gordon, Dr. Greer Catechesis/Evangelization 5-09* Dialogue or Defense: Apologetics vs. Ecumenism English Groody, Fr. Daniel Justice/Peace 2-12* Dying to Live: A Theology of Immigration English/Spanish Groome, Dr. Thomas Catechesis/Evangelization 3-13* A New Vision for Catholic Schools English Groves, Richard Life Issues 2-13* Great Suffering, Great Love English Haas, David Liturgy/Music 2-14 New Missal, New Songs: A New Call to Sing Praise English Hagan, Fr. Tom Life Issues 2-15* Mission Haiti English Hanvey, Rev. Dr. James Theology 5-10* For the Life of the World English Hart, Sarah Women's Issues 6-26* Women in Song and Story English Haugen, Marty Liturgy/Music 8-08* The Ancient and Ever-new Treasure of the Psalms English Heagle, Fr. John Adult Education 7-13* Justice Rising: The Gospel Call to Solidarity English Heft, Rev. James Morality 4-12* Catholic Morality: Personal and Social English Hernandez, Sr. Glenda Life Issues 3-55* ¿Es mi grupo un grupo sano? Spanish Hershey, Rev. Terry Spirituality 1-12* Work It In: Finding Beauty in Life’s Imperfections English Horan, Michael Catechesis/Evangelization 6-11* Lay Ministers: Holding Firm in a Shaky Church English Huebsch, Bill Catechesis/Evangelization 1-13* How to Teach about Vatican II English Hunt, Jeanne Parish Leadership 6-16* What Now – Strategies for Parish Ministry in Our Time English Jamison, Fr. Christopher Spirituality 2-16 Finding Happiness: Monastic Steps for a Fulfilling Life English Jansen, ValLimar Women's Issues 4-15* Shout to the Highest Mountain English Jezreel, Jack Justice/Peace 3-14 Holy Tradition Called Justice: The Faith that Jesus Inherits English Jones, Richard Justice/Peace 6-13* Finding the Common Story with Gangs, Peace and Being Catholic English/Spanish Kempf, Fr. Joe Spirituality 1-14* You Want Me to Be Good ALL DAY? English Kendzia, Tom Liturgy/Music 4-15* Shout to the Highest Mountain English Kennedy, Rev. Michael Spirituality 6-14* Contemplating the Gospel: Ignatius of Loyola's Method of Healing the Heart English/Spanish Khamisa, Azim Restorative Justice 3-15* Restorative Justice: A New Paradigm for Social Transformation English Knobbe, Beth Young Adult Ministry 3-16* Friendship in a Fast-paced World English Kolar, Peter Liturgy/Music 6-55 La voz de la asamblea: La música en la liturgia Spanish Lacey, Sr. Marilyn Justice/Peace 4-18* A Spirituality of Welcome English Langenbrunner, Fr. Norman Parish Leadership 6-16* What Now – Strategies for Parish Ministry in Our Time English Lawton, Liam Spirituality 5-02 Contemplative Prayer Experience: Castle of the Soul English Lee, Rev. Michael Catechesis/Evangelization 2-53* Evangelización de jóvenes: Mejores prácticas recomendadas para adultos latinos Spanish Leonard, Fr. Richard Media 6-17 Where the Hell is God? English Levo, Sr. Lynn Parish Leadership 1-15* Bridging Interpersonal Gaps English López, Rodolfo Family 5-52* Rituales para el hogar hispano durante la temporada de adviento, navidad y tiempo ordinario Spanish Mahan, Rev. Daniel Stewardship 3-17* Stewardship and the Funding of Catholic Schools English Mahon, Maeve Catechesis/Evangelization 7-09* The Journey to First Eucharist: Helping Parents and Children to Feel at Home in the Assembly English Manalo, Rev. Ricky Multicultural 4-20 Liturgy and Culture: The State of the Question English Mangan, Michael Liturgy/Music 4-21* Well-Seasoned, Well Sung: Songs for the Seasons English Manibusan, Jesse Multicultural 2-17* Multicultural Worship – Becoming Bridge-builders and Border-crossers English Martin, Rev. James Spirituality 6-15* Finding God in Your Daily Life English Martin, Sr. Oralisa Multicultural 3-18 Black Catholic Spirituality English Massingale, Rev. Bryan Morality 2-18* The Challenge of Unity with Our Adversaries English Matovina, Dr. Timothy Theology 6-20* Mary in Vatican II English Mayersohn, Rabbi Michael Ecumenical 5-15* The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: The Real History of Jewish-Christian Relations English McCarty, Robert Youth Ministry 1-16* Professional Youth Ministry Coordinators: The Pain and the Promise! English McCormack, Dr. Patricia Elementary 5-16* Structure for Success: Catechist Tips that Replace SURVIVE with THRIVE English McGill, James Ecclesiology 6-23* “Called and Gifted”: A Visionary Statement Turns 30 English McGrath, Bro. Michael O'Neill Elementary 2-19* The Colors, Shapes, Symbols and Faith of a Multicultural Church English McKenna, Dr. Megan Spirituality 2-20* Hold Firm as You Are Held English McMahon, Bishop Malcolm Ecumenical 3-19* Challenges and Blessings: Inter-religious, Inter-faith Dialogue English Meléndez-Colón, Juan Restorative Justice 5-17* Amazing Grace: A Story of Survival, Faith and Hope on America's Death Row English/Spanish Miles, Ted Spirituality 7-04* Engaging Faith in the World: Fostering a Mission Spirituality in Young People English Molina, Amalia Restorative Justice 3-51* Madres al pie de la cruz Spanish Montenegro, Juan Carlos Youth Ministry 7-54* Formando jóvenes santos Spanish Moreno, Rafael Elementary 2-54 “Dejen que los niños vengan a mi” Spanish Mulhall, Daniel Family 8-16* Partnering with Parents in Children's Faith Formation: Connecting Parents, Schools and Parish English Mullen, Fr. J. Patrick Scripture 3-20* And Jesus Wept: The Word on Grief and Healing English Murray, Rev. J-Glenn Liturgy/Music 1-17* Hold Firm, Trust: Living the Eucharist in Daily Life English Ngo, Fr. Peter Asian Pacific 3-70* Vietnamese Workshop Vietnamese Nguyen, Rev. Hy Asian Pacific 2-70* Vietnamese Workshop Vietnamese Nguyen, Paul Asian Pacific 4-70* The Vietnamese Community – A Culture of Beauty (Vietnamese/English) Vietnamese/English Nicholas, Rev. William Scripture 5-18* Biblical Apocalyptic Literature – Exploring the Richness of Dynamic Imagery English Noguez Alcántara, Armando Scripture 1-53* El perfil profético de Jesús en el Evangelio de Lucas Spanish Oliva Muralles, Lucrecia Justice/Peace 2-51* Camino hacia el norte: Espiritualidad de la migración Spanish Ospino, Dr. Hosffman Theology 1-54* Hablemos del “chamuco”: Actitudes cristianas ante el bien y el mal Spanish Paige, Eric Parish Leadership 2-22* What Do We Do if They Do Come Home? English Paradise, Jo Ann Family 1-18* Married and Holy? English Pedraza, Dr. Fanny Cepeda Catechesis/Evangelization 3-56* El catequista y la diversidad cultural Spanish Phong, Bro. Fortunat Asian Pacific 5-70* Vietnamese Workshop Vietnamese Ponnet, Fr. Chris AIDS/HIV 6-24* Embracing God’s People Living with HIV English Quevedo, Archbishop Orlando Ecclesiology 3-21* Dialogue and the Mission of the Church – An Asian Vision English Quinlan, Tom Sacraments 6-25* Sacrament Preparation: Our Opportunity to Evangelize Marginal Households English Rappé, Wendy Parish Leadership 3-26* Leading a Parish is Not for Dummies – Working Behind the Scenes English Reynolds, Dr. Sean Youth Ministry 2-23* Involving Parents in Your Ministry English Ricard, Rev. R. Tony Catechesis/Evangelization 3-22* Forgiving the Unforgettable: Reconciliation and Restoration English Rivera, Jorge Young Adult Ministry 2-55* La música en la pastoral: Un medio efectivo de compañía y evangelización Spanish Rodríguez Zambrana, Rev. Domingo Ecclesiology 1-55* Del ministerio al misterio Spanish Rohr, Fr. Richard Spirituality 2-24* FaLling Upward: A Spirituality for the Two Halves of Life English Rolheiser, Rev. Ronald Spirituality 1-19* An Anatomy and Theology of Trust – From Paranoia to Metanoia English Rotunno, Jo Family 8-16* Partnering with Parents in Children's Faith Formation: Connecting Parents, Schools and Parish English Rubalcava, Pedro Liturgy/Music 2-56 Cantos para acompañar el caminar: Los cantos procesionales Spanish Rupp, Sr. Joyce Spirituality 4-23* Exploring and Deepening Our Naming of Divinity English Saso, Patt Family 3-23* Steps to Teaching Your Teen Respect English Saso, Steve Family 3-23* Steps to Teaching Your Teen Respect English Sawyer, Sr. Kieran Sexuality 7-19* Learning about L.I.F.E: A Family-based Program on Relationships English Scally, Anna Junior High Ministry 5-22* Tune In: Use Their Issues, Teach to Their Issues, Touch Their Hearts! English Schmisek, Dr. Brian Theology 2-25* Articles of Faith for the 21st Century: The Apostles' Creed English Sedano, Maruja Catechesis/Evangelization 1-56* Formando Discipulos y Seguidores de Cristo Spanish Senior, Rev. Donald Scripture 1-20* From Jerusalem to Ends of the Earth: The Dynamic Vision of the Church’s Mission in the Acts of the Apostles English Shaw, Dr. Jennifer Morality 7-20* Bioethics and the Image of God: Reflections on Medical Technology English Shepp, Vikki Parish Leadership 4-25* Guilt Trip or Baptismal Call? How to Recruit Volunteers for Meaningful Service English Skinner, Christine Way Disabilities 2-26* Loving and Learning Beyond Limitation English Skinner, Michael Way Disabilities 2-26* Loving and Learning Beyond Limitation English Smith-Christopher, Dr. Daniel Scripture 1-21* The Bible and the Blues: A Musical Journey in the Old Testament – and the Delta English Sparks, Fr. Dick Morality 3-24 Catholic Morality and Healthy Conscience Formation: “How To” in 2011? English Sparough, Rev. J. Michael Morality 1-22* What’s Your Decision? How to Make Choices with Confidence and Clarity English Spitzer, Fr. Robert Life Issues 1-23* Making the Pro-life Case Within Secular Culture English Stauring, Javier Ellis Spirituality 6-14* Contemplating the Gospel: Ignatius of Loyola's Method of Healing the Heart English/Spanish Stenzel, Pam Sexuality 1-24* Making Sure Your Teens Never Have to Say “NOBODY TOLD ME” English Sutton, Barbara Adult Education 3-25* Visio Divina: A Prayer Practice for Encountering God English Sweeney, Rev. Michael Parish Leadership 4-26* In the World, But Not of It: Witnessing to Christ in Today's Culture English Sweetser, Thomas Parish Leadership 3-26* Leading a Parish is Not for Dummies – Working Behind the Scenes English Sylvester, Nancy Justice/Peace 4-28* Acting on Behalf of Justice: Stories of Gospel Living in the 21st Century English Theisen, Michael Junior High Ministry 3-27* Game On! Creative Catechesis with Young People English Tobar Mensbrugghe, Dora Family 5-57* La voluntad de Dios para las mujeres Spanish Travers, Ailis Catechesis/Evangelization 8-24* Catechesis in a Digital Age English Valenzuela, Victor Elementary 1-25 Discipleship Training: Helping Children Be Like Jesus English/Spanish Van Ban, Bishop Vincent Asian Pacific 1-70* Vietnamese workshop Vietnamese Vega, Rev. Richard Liturgy/Music 4-56* RCIA: La joya perdida y olvidada Spanish Vital Cruz, Lupita Catechesis/Evangelization 6-56* “A Dios rogando y con el mazo dando” y nosotros evangelizando Spanish Vlaun, Msgr. James Media 1-26 The Medium is the Message: Coffee and Ecclesiology English Wagner, Nick Catechumenate 2-27* The RCIA as the Model for Adult Faith Formation English Walker, Christopher Liturgy/Music 1-27* From Birth to Resurrection English Wells, David Adult Education 1-28* Hold Firm … Trust: Three Essential Lessons for New or Weary Catechists and Teachers English Wenc, Char Family 2-28* Five Things Teachers Need to Know to Help Students Develop Self-discipline English Whitaker, Janèt Sullivan Women's Issues 6-26* Women in Song and Story English Witter, Jacquelyne Catechesis/Evangelization 5-28* Feed the Shepherds or They’ll Eat the Sheep: Nurturing Healthy Ministers English Yzaguirre, Dr. John Family 7-26* The Power to Forgive and Reconcile in Marriage English Zanotto, Luigi Scripture 6-57* Para un Compromiso Transformador Spanish Zanzig, Tom Adult Education 3-28* Adult Faith Formation and the Renewal of Parish Life English Zaragoza, Bro. Rufino Asian Pacific 2-17* Multicultural Worship – Becoming Bridge-builders and Border-crossers English/Vietnamese Zavala, Bishop Gabino Liturgy/Music 4-57* ¿Un nuevo Misal Romano? ¿Qué pasa con eso? Spanish Adams, Dr. Shauna Early Childhood 7-01* Teaching Young Children About the Wonders of God's Love English Allen Jr., John Ecclesiology 7-02* All Things Catholic English Alonso, Tony Spirituality 7-03 Exploring Castle of the Soul English Amodei, Michael Confirmation 6-01* Helping Teens Understand the Faith They Are Confirming English Anderle, Donna Liturgy/Music 4-01* Liturgical Movement for Children: Connecting the Dots English Arroyo, Maria Justice/Peace 7-51* El norte como segundo hogar: Espiritualidad de la migración Spanish Ash, Laura Liturgy/Music 5-04* Dancing Free on a Firm Foundation English Barron, Fr. Robert Theology 4-02* Thomas Aquinas and Why the Atheists Are Right English Beaudoin, Dr. Tom Young Adult Ministry 5-03* My Life Is Calling Me: Young Adults Speak English Beckman, Betsey Liturgy/Music 5-04* Dancing Free on a Firm Foundation English Bellante, Rev. Rubén Francisco Family 8-51* La búsqueda del padre … la experiencia de ser hijo Spanish Benavides, Luis Early Childhood 7-52* La iniciación al silencio y a la oración en los niños Spanish Burke-Sullivan, Dr. Eileen Sacraments 6-02* Re-examining the Four Signs That Mark the Holy Spirit’s Presence in the Church English Burland, John Elementary 4-03* Trust in Me: Songs of Faith for Children’s Catechesis English Burns Senseman, Rita Catechumenate 6-03* RCIA with Children and the Role of the Community English Campuzano, Fr. Guillermo Young Adult Ministry 8-52* ¡SOY joven, SOY propuesta, SOY desafío! Spanish Carotta, Dr. Michael Parish Leadership 8-02* Fishing the River: Doing Ministry Your Way AND Doing It Well English Chinn, Andrew Elementary 7-06* Together as One, To Gather as One: Songs and Strategies for Celebrating with Children English Cieslak, Fr. William Liturgy/Music 8-03* Sunday Celebration of the Eucharist, in Spirit and in Truth English Coleman, Fr. Gerald Morality 4-04 Why Is Abortion A Central Point In Catholic Teaching? English Coster, Pam Adult Education 8-04* Planning Adult Formation in Your Parish English Coutinho, Fr. Paul Spirituality 7-07* The Spirituality of Darkness: Living Effectively in a Chaotic World English Crosby, Rev. Michael Justice/Peace 6-04* “God” for Those Who Seem Not to Need God English Cusick, Rev. John Adult Education 7-08* An Adult Appreciation of the Life and Ministry of Jesus Christ English Dahm, Fr. Charles Life Issues 5-53* Cómo desarrollar un ministerio pastoral a víctimas de violencia domestica Spanish D'Arcy, Paula Spirituality 4-05 Making Sense of Turning Points English Davidson, Dr. James Ecumenism 8-05* The View from the Pew: Parishioners Perceive Their Parishes English Dempsey, Sr. Carol Scripture 5-05* Dressed for Success or Set Up for Failure? Exploring the Use of Violence in the Bible English Ellair, Steven Elementary 6-08* Enlivening the Sacrament Preparation Process! English Fernandez, Santiago Liturgy/Music 3-53 Cantemos al Señor – ¿Cómo puede realmente ayudarme este documento? English/Spanish Fiand, Sr. Barbara Adult Education 6-09* Called to Prophetic Witness in a Wounded World English Flecha Andres, José-Román Morality 8-53* Respeto a la creación Spanish Foley, Rev. Edward Liturgy/Music 4-07 The New Roman Missal: Part 2 – Mystagogy and Pastoral Responses English Fragomeni, Fr. Richard Spirituality 3-10* Eckhart Tolle, John of the Cross and Teresa of Avila: Living in the Presence of God English Frawley-Mangan, Anne Elementary 8-06* Heart, Head, Hands and Heaven: Connecting the Arts and Religion English Gaillardetz, Dr. Richard Ecclesiology 4-08* Learning to Live with Ecclesial Tensions English Galipeau, Dr. Jerry Catechumenate 5-08* RCIA: Celebrating the Rites of Initiation English García-López, Estela Family 7-53* Rituales para el hogar hispano durante la temporada de cuaresma, pascua y tiempo ordinario Spanish García-Mina Freire, Ana Family 4-51* Como mejorar la comunicación en nuestras familias Spanish Gentry-Akin, David Adult Education 8-07* We Were Meant to Unfold: A Celebration of the New Cosmology of father Thomas Berry English Ginel Vielva, Rev. Alvaro Adult Education 8-54* Es posible transmitir la fe Spanish Gittins, Fr. Anthony Catechesis/Evangelization 7-11* “Do This in Memory of Me”: Do What, and Where, and How? English Gordon, Dr. Greer Sunday Address Key* Sunday Address: The Cross as Transformation English Groody, Fr. Daniel Justice/Peace 5-54* Muriendo para vivir: Una teologia de migracion English/Spanish Groome, Dr. Thomas Catechesis/Evangelization 4-10* Will There Be Faith? English Groves, Richard Life Issues 4-11* Soul Friendship: A Hopeful Ministry for the Future Church English Haas, David Liturgy/Music 6-10 Sing As Christ Inspires Your Song: Renewing the Mission of Sung Prayer English Hanvey, Rev. Dr. James Theology 7-12* Remembering the Future English Hernandez, Sr. Glenda Scripture 5-55* ¿Diferentes formas de orar las escrituras? Spanish Hershey, Rev. Terry Spirituality 4-13* Stop. Look. Listen: An Invitation to Pay Attention Every Day English Huebsch, Bill Catechesis/Evangelization 4-14* How to Have Supper English Hunt, Jeanne Parish Leadership 8-10* A Church to Believe In: Satisfying Eight Human Needs English Jamison, Fr. Christopher Young Adult Ministry 6-12 Finding Vocation: Steps Toward Discernment English Jansen, ValLimar Women's Issues 6-26* Women in Song and Story English Jezreel, Jack Justice/Peace 5-11 A Holy Tradition Called Agape: The Faith that Jesus Awakens English Jones, Richard Justice/Peace 1-52* Buscando el hilo común entre pandillas, la paz y ser Católico English/Spanish Kempf, Fr. Joe Sacraments 5-12* Don't Drink the Water: Eucharist and the Hungers of the Human Heart English Kendzia, Tom Human Growth/Development 8-09* Eucharist: A Project of Solidarity for All Humanity English Kennedy, Rev. Michael Spirituality 8-56* Contemplando el Evangelio: El Método de San Ignacio de Loyola de Aliviar tu Corazón English/Spanish Khamisa, Azim Restorative Justice 5-13* The Journey of Forgiveness: Destination Peace English Knobbe, Beth Young Adult Ministry 4-16* The Single Life: How I Stopped Dating and Started Living English Langenbrunner, Fr. Norman Parish Leadership 8-10* A Church to Believe In: Satisfying Eight Human Needs English Lawton, Liam Spirituality 7-03 Exploring Castle of the Soul English Leonard, Fr. Richard Media 8-11 Choose Life! Christian Discernment Today English Levo, Sr. Lynn Parish Leadership 4-17* Working Together Collaboratively English López, Rodolfo Family 7-53* Rituales para el hogar hispano durante la temporada de cuaresma, pascua y tiempo ordinario Spanish Mahan, Rev. Daniel Stewardship 4-19* Stewardship as Spirituality: Helping Busy People Grow Closer to the Lord English Manalo, Rev. Ricky Multicultural 6-18 “Can You See What I See?”: The Three Cultural Lenses English Mangan, Michael Liturgy/Music 7-14* Music Motivating Mission: Promoting Justice, Peace and Evangelization Through Song English Martin, Rev. James Spirituality 8-12* Jesus, Mary and Joseph English Martin, Sr. Oralisa Spirituality 5-14 I’ve Got to Get to Jesus (Luke 8:40-56) English Massingale, Rev. Bryan Morality 6-19* Whatever Happened to Liberation Theology? English Matovina, Dr. Timothy Theology 4-52* Los sacramentos en la vida cotidiana English/Spanish Mayersohn, Rabbi Michael Ecumenical 8-13* Jews and the Roman Catholic Church Since Vatican II English McCarty, Robert Youth Ministry 6-21* Helping Youth Deal with Tragedy: A Pastoral Challenge English McCormack, Dr. Patricia Elementary 8-14* A Catechist’s Secret for Classroom Management: T.E.A.C.H. English McGill, James Scripture 8-15* Job: The Strong Voice of the Weak Person English McGrath, Bro. Michael O'Neill Women's Issues 7-15* The Visitation for Today: Five Women Icons of Holy Wisdom English McKenna, Dr. Megan Spirituality 5-19* Hold Firm with Trust English Meléndez-Colón, Juan Restorative Justice 8-57* Sublime gracia: Una historia de supervivencia, fe y esperanza en el corredor de la muerte de América English/Spanish Mullen, Fr. J. Patrick Scripture 6-22* Is Mark Mad (or Brilliant)? Going a Bit Deeper into Mark’s Method English Murray, Rev. J-Glenn Liturgy/Music 2-21* Eucharistic Worship Outside Mass English Nguyen, Rev. Hy Asian Pacific 6-70* Vietnamese Workshop Vietnamese Nicholas, Rev. William Scripture 7-16* Biblical Prophets – Ancient Men with Modern Messages English Noguez Alcántara, Armando Scripture 4-54* La comunidad de Juan ante el imperio Spanish Oliva Muralles, Lucrecia Justice/Peace 7-51* El norte como segundo hogar: Espiritualidad de la migración Spanish Ospino, Dr. Hosffman Theology 7-55* La Iglesia del siglo XXI en los Estados Unidos y el compromiso latino Spanish Paige, Eric Ecclesiology 8-17* Is the Church Behind the Times? English Paradise, Jo Ann Spirituality 8-18* Eat, Pray, Love: Sound Familiar? English Pedraza, Dr. Fanny Cepeda Catechesis/Evangelization 8-55* ¿Que nos enseña la pareja de Nazaret a las parejas d hoy? Spanish Phong, Bro. Fortunat Asian Pacific 8-70* Vietnamese Workshop Vietnamese Quevedo, Archbishop Orlando Ecclesiology 5-20* Inter-Religious Dialogue and the Mission of the Church – An Asian Experience English Quinlan, Tom Catechesis/Evangelization 8-19* Parish Renewal: Building an Evangelized and Evangelizing Faith Community English Rappé, Wendy Parish Leadership 5-25* Essentials of Parish Life That Are Rarely Ever Tried English Reynolds, Dr. Sean Youth Ministry 8-20* Youth, Prayer and Sunday Mass: Exploring the Wisdom of the “Pyramid of Catholic Prayer” English Ricard, Rev. R. Tony Catechesis/Evangelization 7-17* Shut Up and Just Listen: Jesus Has Something to Say! English Rivera, Jorge Young Adult Ministry 5-56* El llamado vocacional es un derecho de todo bautizado Spanish Rodríguez Zambrana, Rev. Domingo Ecclesiology 4-55* El ministerio laical y la planificación pastoral Spanish Rohr, Fr. Richard Spirituality 6-27* Men, Spirituality and Church English Rolheiser, Rev. Ronald Spirituality 4-22* Radical Discipleship – Giving Our Death Away English Rupp, Sr. Joyce Spirituality 7-18* Cultivating Kindness, Growing in Compassion English Saso, Patt Family 5-21* The Launching Years: Parenting Your 18- to 25-Year-Old English Saso, Steve Family 5-21* The Launching Years: Parenting Your 18- to 25-Year-Old English Sawyer, Sr. Kieran Youth Ministry 8-21* Sexuality and Adolescents English Schmisek, Dr. Brian Theology 8-22* Resurrection from the Dead English Sedano, Maruja Catechesis/Evangelization 7-56* El Pan que Recibimos: Preparación y Celebración de la Primera Comunión Spanish Senior, Rev. Donald Scripture 4-24* The Gospel of Matthew: At the Crossroads of Early Christianity English Skinner, Christine Way Disabilities 7-21* Room for All God’s Children: Strategies for Inclusive Parish Catechesis and Sacramental Preparation English Skinner, Michael Way Disabilities 7-21* Room for All God’s Children: Strategies for Inclusive Parish Catechesis and Sacramental Preparation English Smith-Christopher, Dr. Daniel Scripture 8-23* Anger at Jerusalem: The Critical Importance of the Prophet Micah English Sparks, Fr. Dick Morality 5-23 Freedom of Conscience vs. the Church’s “Official” Positions English Stauring, Javier Ellis Spirituality 8-56* Contemplando el Evangelio: El Método de San Ignacio de Loyola de Aliviar tu Corazón English/Spanish Stenzel, Pam Sexuality 5-24* Challenging and Encouraging Parents to Fulfill Their Primary Role in Faith Formation English Sweeney, Rev. Michael Parish Leadership 7-22* The Parish: A Community for Discernment English Sweetser, Thomas Parish Leadership 5-25* Essentials of Parish Life That Are Rarely Ever Tried English Sylvester, Nancy Justice/Peace 7-23* Living in a Time of Chaos: The Call to Contemplative Spirituality English Theisen, Michael Youth Ministry 5-26* The Secure Homeland of the Text Generation English Tobar Mensbrugghe, Dora Sunday Address Key* Sunday Address: Cómo Hablar de Dios a las mujeres y hombres de hoy Spanish Valenzuela, Victor Catechesis/Evangelization 4-53 Soy Catequista: La espiritualidad de la vocación English/Spanish Van Ban, Bishop Vincent Asian Pacific 7-70* Vietnamese workshop Vietnamese Vital Cruz, Lupita Catechesis/Evangelization 7-57* Catequizando no cotorreando Spanish Vlaun, Msgr. James Media 4-27 Hope Will Not Disappoint! A Media Spirituality for the Minister English Wagner, Nick Catechumenate 7-24* Faith, Life & Creed: A Complete Catechesis for Christian Life … In Two-and-a-half Steps English Walker, Christopher Liturgy/Music 5-27* Choirs – We Need You Now! English Wells, David Adult Education 8-25* Hold Firm … Trust: Religious Belief is Not Intellectual Suicide English Wenc, Char Family 6-28* I Love You and the Answer Is "No"! English Witter, Jacquelyne Catechesis/Evangelization 7-25* Holy Habits for Catechists English Zanotto, Luigi Scripture 7-58* Formación de Agentes de Pastoral de Adultos Spanish Zaragoza, Bro. Rufino Asian Pacific 4-70* The Vietnamese Community – A Culture of Beauty (Vietnamese/English) Vietnamese/English Angrisano, Steve Youth Day A Having a Solid Prayer Life English Awiapo, Thomas Youth Day L Think Globally and Locally! Act Globally and Locally! Live in Love and Unity! English Cordero, Stan Youth Day B “With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility” (1 Spider-Man 35:44) English Dr.Iven, Youth Day C The Ultimate "Rock 'n' Talk" – Overcoming Obstacles and Achieving Goals and Dreams English Goodwin, Dr. Carole Youth Day D Relationships: The Good, The Bad, The Ugly English Jansen, ValLimar Youth Day E Liturgy: Pray It! Love It! Live It! English McDonald, Judy Youth Day H Finding God in ALL Things English Melendrez, Joe Youth Day K Hip Hop Prayer: The Revolution English Miles, Ted Youth Day L Think Globally and Locally! Act Globally and Locally! Live in Love and Unity! English Ponnet, Fr. Chris Youth Day M What's Social Justice to Me? English Popple, Youth Day P How to Share Christ Without Freaking Out English Ray, Cooper Youth Day S Your Life! Your Choice! Practical Steps to the REAL You English Ricard, Rev. R. Tony Youth Day T Shut Up and Just Listen: Jesus Has Something to Say! English Santos, Marilyn Youth Day X Self-esteem: More Than Just Loving Myself English Scally, Anna Youth Day Z Praying with My Headphones English Walton, Greg Youth Day B “With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility” (1 Spider-Man 35:44) English Schedule • Speaker Index • Workshop Listing • Speakers/Topics • Exhibitor Listing • Exhibitor Categories
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