2008 RECongress Speakers/Topics Listing
Religious Education Congress
February 28, 2008 (Youth Day)
February 29 - March 2, 2008 (Congress days)Speaker Index • Workshop Listing • Speakers/Topics • Exhibitor Listing • Exhibitor Categories
Click on a column heading to sort by speaker name, session, topic or language. If you click again on a
column it will sort in reverse order.Asterisks indicate taped workshops. “Key” indicates a Saturday Keynote or Sunday Address. Sessions are designated by two numbers separated by a dash. The first number indicates the period; the two-digit number after the dash is the workshop number. Workshop numbers -01 to -30 are in English (ENG); -50 to -58 are in Spanish (SP); -70 is in Vietnamese (VIET). The topic category has been identified by the Office of Religious Education. Speaker-identified categories are Speaker Categories (PDF: 1 page, 87k).
Speaker Topic Session Title Language Alexander, Petra Confirmation & Liturgy/Music 2-53 Celebrando el Sacramento de la Confirmación SP Allen Jr., John Ecclesiology 5-01* All Things Catholic ENG Allen Jr., John Ecclesiology 7-01* The Future of Liberal Catholicism ENG Anderle, Donna Liturgy/Music & Catechesis/Evangelization 2-01* The Journey of Ministry: Exploring the Six Tasks of Catechesis ENG Anderle, Donna Liturgy/Music & Catechesis/Evangelization 7-02* Liturgical Movement for Children ENG Anslinger, Leisa Adult Education 2-02* Discover and Live Your Strengths ENG Anslinger, Leisa Adult Education 5-02* Seeing Stewardship with New Eyes: How Lifelong Learning and Forming Generous Hearts Fit Together ENG Appleby, Scott Ecclesiology 3-01* Is the Catholic Church a Peace Church? ENG Appleby, Scott Ecclesiology 6-01* Toward a Theology of a Just Peace ENG Aquino, Dr. Maria Pilar Justice/Peace 4-51* Alza la mirada y fomenta la esperanza en el trabajo por la justicia ENG/SP Aquino, Dr. Maria Pilar Justice/Peace 6-02* Lift Your Gaze and Foster Hope in the Work for Justice ENG/SP Ash, Laura Liturgy/Music 3-02* Let the Spirit Play: Using InterPlay in Ministry ENG Ash, Laura Liturgy/Music 5-04* Dancing in the Pews: An Experiential History of Worship and Dance ENG Atkinson, Patrick Morality 3-51* La esclavitud: no se terminó con la Guerra Civil – perspectivas sobre el trafico de seres humanos ENG/SP Atkinson, Patrick Morality 5-03* Slavery: It Didn’t End with the Civil War – Modern-Day Perspectives on Human Trafficking ENG/SP Bakas, Rev. John Ecumenical 5-26 Is There Salvation Outside the Catholic Church? Are Other Churches "True"? ENG Barnes, Bishop Gerald Life Issues 2-51* Reforma Migratoria – ¿Qué pasa? SP Barron, Fr. Robert Theology Key* The Religious Educator as Evangelizer: A True Mission in Changing Times ENG Barron, Fr. Robert Theology 7-03* The Religious Educator as Evangelizer: A True Mission in Changing Times ENG Beaudoin, Dr. Tom Gay/Lesbian & Young Adult 3-03 Spirituality and Sexuality in College Student Life ENG Beaudoin, Dr. Tom Gay/Lesbian & Young Adult 6-03 Roundtable on Catholic Spirituality and Homosexuality ENG Beckman, Betsey Liturgy/Music 3-02* Let the Spirit Play: Using InterPlay in Ministry ENG Beckman, Betsey Liturgy/Music 5-04* Dancing in the Pews: An Experiential History of Worship and Dance ENG Benson, Fr. Richard Morality 1-01* A Good Conscience: What Is It and How Do I Know if I Have One? ENG Benson, Fr. Richard Morality 4-01* What’s Wrong with Assisted Suicide? Understanding the Evil of Euthanasia ENG Bergant, Sr. Dianne Scripture 4-02* From Anthropology to Cosmology: A New Look at the Message of Job ENG Bergant, Sr. Dianne Scripture 6-04* Are Natural Disasters Really Punishment for Sin? ENG Bishop, Sr. Peg Parish Leadership 4-27* The Art and Science of Parish Leadership ENG Bishop, Sr. Peg Parish Leadership 7-25* Clustering Parishes: Three Scenarios ENG Boudreau, Rev. Paul Parish Leadership 3-04* When Bad Things Happen to Good Parishes: Crisis Management in the 21st-Century Church ENG Brown, Monica Adult Formation & Elementary 1-02* Holy Ground – Reverencing the Sacred Within Us ENG Brown, Monica Adult Formation & Elementary 8-01* The Word is Made Flesh – Creatively Breaking Open the Word of God with Children and Youth ENG Brummel, Doug Youth Day A Family Laughs! ENG Burland, John Elementary Catechesis 2-04* Enriching Children’s Catechesis Through Music and Movement ENG Burland, John Elementary Catechesis 7-04* God Loves Me! Calling Children to Faith Through Song ENG Burns, Dr. Jim Marriage/Family 2-03* Creating an Intimate Marriage ENG Carotta, Michael Confirmation & Junior High 7-05* Cultivating Spiritual Awareness with Young Adolescents ENG Carotta, Michael Confirmation & Junior High 8-02* Unchaining Confirmation ENG Casey, David Youth Day Z Call It Out Then Climb In a Cave ENG Cerneka, Shannon Youth Day K You Want Me to Do What?! ENG Cheri, Richard Liturgy/Music 3-05 Good Ground Will Yield a Fruitful Harvest ENG Chuong, Bishop Anton Asian Pacific 7-70* Vietnamese Workshop VIET Cimino, Sr. Carol Elementary Catechesis 1-03* Keeping the Faith ENG Cimino, Sr. Carol Elementary Catechesis 7-06* The Call of the Catechist ENG Coleman, Rev. Gerald Morality 2-05 Physician-assisted Suicide ENG Coleman, Rev. Gerald Morality 6-05 Conscience Formation for the Adult Catholic ENG Coloroso, Barbara Life Issues 4-03 Discipline and Punishment: Why One Works and the Other Only Appears To ENG Coloroso, Barbara Life Issues 5-05 Keeping Your Cool Without Putting Your Feelings on Ice ENG Cortez, Jaime Liturgy/Music 6-06 Music and Words -- A Marriage for Liturgical Prayer ENG Cozzens, Fr. Donald Parish Leadership 1-04 Spiritual Survival in a Polarized Church ENG Cozzens, Fr. Donald Parish Leadership 5-06 Spiritual Survival in a Polarized Church (repeat) ENG Cronin, Rev. Kevin Spirituality 2-06* The Challenge of St. Francis: 1209-2009 ENG Cronin, Rev. Kevin Spirituality 8-03* Prayers/Conversations with Jesus from the Gospels ENG Crosby, Rev. Michael Justice/Peace 2-07* A Way of Power Modeled on God’s Power ENG Crosby, Rev. Michael Justice/Peace 4-04* Francis of Assisi: Model of Contemporary Discipleship ENG Crosthwaite, Mia Morality & Parish Leadership 6-07* Getting the People Done ENG Crosthwaite, Mia Morality & Parish Leadership 8-04* Living Relevance ENG Cusick, Rev. John Adult & Young Adult Ministry 2-08* An Adult Appreciation of the Passion and Death of Christ ENG Cusick, Rev. John Adult & Young Adult Ministry 6-08* Two Practical Strategies to Renew Parish Life: “Within These Walls” & “The Third Moment of a Sacrament” ENG Dahm, Rev. Charles Ecclesiology 3-52* Ministerio parroquial en una comunidad hispana ENG/SP Dahm, Rev. Charles Ecclesiology 6-09* Hispanic Catholics: A Blessing and a Challenge for the Church ENG/SP D'Arcy, Paula Spirituality 1-05* The Heaven Before Us ENG D'Arcy, Paula Spirituality 4-05* What's Enough? ENG de Barra, Mícheál Catechesis/Evangelization 3-07* Through the Threshold: An Approach to Religious Education for High School Students ENG de la Parte París, Rev. Ángel Adult Catechesis 7-51* Animar a padres y catequistas en tiempos difíciles SP de la Parte París, Rev. Ángel Adult Catechesis 4-52* Acompañar el matrimonio, cuidar la familia, construir la Iglesia SP DeBode, Eric Detention Ministry 6-19* On the Road Again: Transforming Families, Systems and Ourselves ENG Dembrowsky, Constance Elementary Catechesis & Life Issues 4-06* Helping Children and Teens Develop an Ethical Foundation ENG Dembrowsky, Constance Elementary Catechesis & Life Issues 6-10* Helping Children with Special Needs Develop the Skills to Solve Their Own Problems ENG Ditewig, Dcn. William Parish Leadership 4-07* Visions and Dreams: Seeing the Diaconate Anew ENG Ditewig, Dcn. William Parish Leadership 7-07* The Once and Future Diaconate: A New Vision for a Renewed Church ENG Doran, Ken Elementary Catechesis 6-11* Much ado about Parents*!!! ENG Driscoll, Rev. Michael Theology 4-08* Eucharist: The Sacrament of Charity ENG Driscoll, Rev. Michael Theology 7-08* Holy Week at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels ENG East, Msgr. Ray Catechesis/Evangelization 6-12* Lift Your Gaze: Evangelize Anew ENG East, Msgr. Ray Catechesis/Evangelization 8-05* Sent to Lead Afresh ENG Elizondo, Rev. Virgilio Ecclesiology SC Soy Catequista: Dignidad, vocación y misión del catequista SP Ellair, Steven Early Childhood & Elementary Catechesis 2-09 Fire ’em Up for Jesus! ENG Ellair, Steven Early Childhood & Elementary Catechesis 6-13 Puppies, Butterflies and Rainbows ENG Ellsberg, Robert Spirituality 6-14* Nouwen, Merton, and the Living Gospel: Reading Our Own Story in God’s Story of Jesus ENG Ellsberg, Robert Spirituality 8-06* Dorothy Day: A Saint for Today ENG Evert, Chrystalina Youth Day B Romance without Regret ENG Evert, Jason Youth Day B Romance without Regret ENG Evert, Jason Youth Day 1-06 Raising Chaste Teens ENG Fabing, Fr. Bob Liturgy/Music & Spirituality 1-07 A Spirituality of Communicating "Who I am" ENG Ferder, Fran Sexuality 5-07* Wired for Love: The Compelling Energy of Human Sexuality ENG Ferder, Fran Sexuality 8-07* Created for Communion: Catholic Identity and the Challenge of Inclusion ENG Fernández, Santiago Liturgy/Music 4-57 Salmos y antífonas: Un tesoro musical litúrgico SP Fiand, Sr. Barbara Spirituality 2-10* Revisiting Our Story: Claiming Our Christian Heritage ENG Fiand, Sr. Barbara Spirituality 5-08* Life Is Changed, Not Taken Away: Nurturing the Seeds of Hope ENG Ficocelli, Elizabeth Elementary Catechesis & Spirituality 3-06* Lourdes: 150 Years of Hope and Healing for a Hurting World ENG Ficocelli, Elizabeth Elementary Catechesis & Spirituality 7-09* Helping Kids Develop a Personal Relationship with Jesus ENG Flecha Andrés, Rev. José-Román Key & Morality & Adult Education Key* Alza tu mirada hacia Dios y vuelve a mirar a tus hermanos SP Flecha Andrés, Rev. José-Román Key & Morality & Adult Education 4-53* Defensa de la vida humana SP Florian, Amy Sacraments 6-15 Forgive and Be Free ENG Foley, Rev. Edward Liturgy/Music 1-08 Blessed Be God Forever: A Mystagogical Reflection ENG Fosnacht, Fred Media 4-09* God is in the Bits: Using New Media and the Internet in Parish Ministry ENG Fragomeni, Rev. Richard Liturgy/Music 1-09* Nuclear Fission: The Eucharistic Theology of Benedict XVI ENG Fragomeni, Rev. Richard Liturgy/Music 4-10* Seven Steps to Praying Better: Or, Why Do I Feel that God is Far Away? ENG Frias, Luz Elena Early Childhood 5-51* Miramos y gozamos con la luz, el viento, el agua y la tierra SP Friedman, Mark Catechesis 2-01* The Journey of Ministry: Exploring the Six Tasks of Catechesis ENG Fry, Sarina Early Childhood 5-51* Miramos y gozamos con la luz, el viento, el agua y la tierra SP Gaillardetz, Dr. Richard Ecclesiology 1-10* Sex in the Garden: Reflections on the Catholic Christian Vision of Sexuality ENG Gaillardetz, Dr. Richard Ecclesiology 3-08* Roman Catholicism: Global Religion or European Export? ENG Galindo García, Ángel Ecclesiology 8-51* Multiculturalidad, globalización y choque de civilizaciones SP Galindo García, Ángel Ecclesiology 5-52* Dimensión política y económica en la bioética SP García-Mina Freire, Ana Family & Elementary 3-53* La educación emocional en la familia SP García-Mina Freire, Ana Family & Elementary 4-54* ¿Cómo poder reconciliarnos con nosotros mismos? SP Gateley, Edwina Spirituality 3-09 Mystics, Mysticism and Myself ENG Gateley, Edwina Spirituality 5-10 Rebels and Prophets ENG Gilbert, Rev. Richard Life Issues 5-09* Where’s Grandpa? The Challenges, Hurts and Blessings of Alzheimer’s ENG Gilbert, Rev. Richard Life Issues 8-08* The Tough Challenge: When People Mourn a Suicide ENG Ginel Vielva, Fr. Alvaro Family 1-51* Transmitir la fe en familia SP Ginel Vielva, Fr. Alvaro Family 5-53* Iniciar en la oración de la “Lectio Divina” SP Gittins, Fr. Anthony Catechesis/Evangelization 5-11* Discovering Discipleship by Discovering “the Least” ENG Gittins, Fr. Anthony Catechesis/Evangelization 7-10* “A Word in Your Ear”: Hearing the Word and Putting It Into Practice ENG González-Andrieu, Dr. Cecilia Life Issues 1-52* Tu luz nos dirige, las raíces y tradiciones de la vida cristiana SP González-Andrieu, Dr. Cecilia Life Issues 6-52* ¿Y ahora qué? Estrategias para sobrevivir en el mundo saturado de hoy SP Gordon, Dr. Greer Sexuality & Theology 3-10* The Church, Matrimony and Same-sex Marriage: A Catechetical Perspective ENG Gordon, Dr. Greer Sexuality & Theology 7-11* Grace Under Pressure: Living with Hope and Courage ENG Grimaldo, Gloria Cecilia Sexuality & Elementary 6-51* Inteligencia emocional SP Grimaldo, Gloria Cecilia Sexuality & Elementary 8-52* Sexualidad humana SP Groody, Rev. Daniel Theology 3-54* Muriendo para vivir: Jesús de los indocumentados ENG/SP Groody, Rev. Daniel Theology 6-16* Globalization, Spirituality and Justice ENG/SP Groome, Thomas Catechesis/Evangelization 3-11* “I Am Not the Messiah” ENG Groome, Thomas Catechesis/Evangelization 4-11* A Shared Praxis Approach Revisited ENG Grzona, Ricardo Adult Catechesis & Spirituality 2-52* Señor que vea SP Grzona, Ricardo Adult Catechesis & Spirituality 7-52* Discípulos y misioneros SP Guerrero Rosado, Msgr. José Luís Theology 8-53* Qué nos dice Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe con su imagen SP Guerrero Rosado, Msgr. José Luís Theology 3-56* Qué nos dice Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe SP Guibord, Rev. Gywnne Ecumenical 5-26 Is There Salvation Outside the Catholic Church? Are Other Churches "True"? ENG Gunning, Tom Catechesis/Evangelization 3-07* Through the Threshold: An Approach to Religious Education for High School Students ENG Haas, David Liturgy/Music 5-12 The Ministry of Liturgical Music in the Journey of Life ENG Haas, David Liturgy/Music 7-12 To Give You a Future with Hope: The Journey of Prayer & Spirituality for an Intergenerational Church ENG Hart, Mark YD & Confirmation & Youth Ministry 1-11* Causing Biblical “Heartburn”: Creating and Leading Effective Scripture Studies ENG Hart, Mark YD & Confirmation & Youth Ministry 3-12* The Original Text Message: A Cradle Catholic’s “Dummy Guide” to the Bible ENG Hart, Mark Youth Day C What Do You Know? Living Out What the Bible Really Says ENG Haugen, Marty Liturgy/Music 2-11 Our Life in Worship/Our Life in the World ENG Haugen, Marty Liturgy/Music 6-17 Renewing the Face of the Earth/Christian Worship and Earthkeeping ENG Hawkins, Gioconda Early Childhood 5-51* Miramos y gozamos con la luz, el viento, el agua y la tierra SP Hayes-Bautista, Dr. David Adult Catechesis 5-54* ¡Dios mío, qué será de California! SP Heagle, Rev. John Sexuality 5-07* Wired for Love: The Compelling Energy of Human Sexuality ENG Heagle, Rev. John Sexuality 8-07* Created for Communion: Catholic Identity and the Challenge of Inclusion ENG Heft, Rev. James Morality 4-12* Moral and Immoral Culture ENG Heft, Rev. James Morality 5-13* Catholic Morality and Catholic Politicians ENG Hernandez, Dr. Wil Spirituality 7-13 Inward, Outward, Upward: Henri Nouwen’s Integrated Journey ENG Hershey, Terry Spirituality 1-12* The Sacred Present: Finding, Loving, Living ENG Hershey, Terry Spirituality 6-18* A Gentle Plea for Chaos: Life as a Journey, Not a Destination ENG Hopkins, Mary Rice Early Childhood 3-13 ABCs of Praise ENG Horan, Dr. Michael Confirmation 5-14 Searching Our Souls: Adults and Teens Make Sense Out of Faith ENG Hoyt, Tricia Morality & Parish Leadership 6-07* Getting the People Done ENG Huebsch, Bill Catechesis/Evangelization 1-14* How to Become a GREAT Parish! ENG Huebsch, Bill Catechesis/Evangelization 4-13* Live Simply! ENG Hughes, Sr. Kathleen Spirituality 5-15 To Be God’s Heart on Earth: A Fresh Interpretation of “Devotion to the Sacred Heart” ENG Hughes, Sr. Kathleen Spirituality 8-09 To Be God’s Heart on Earth: A Fresh Interpretation of “Devotion to the Sacred Heart” (repeat) ENG Hurd, Bob Liturgy/Music 4-14 One with the Risen Lord: A Spirituality of Ministry ENG Imperatori-Lee, Natalia "Soy Catequista" SC Soy Catequista: Dignidad, vocación y misión del catequista ENG/SP Imperatori-Lee, Natalia "Soy Catequista" 7-17 Soy Catequista: The Dignity, Vocation and Mission of the Catechist ENG/SP Jabro, Sr. Suzanne Detention Ministry 6-19* On the Road Again: Transforming Families, Systems and Ourselves ENG Jansen, Frank Liturgy/Music 4-15* Finding a Deeper Love: Tell Stories, Teach Lessons, Sing Songs – Now Dance ENG Jansen, ValLimar Liturgy/Music 4-15* Finding a Deeper Love: Tell Stories, Teach Lessons, Sing Songs – Now Dance ENG Johnson, Orin Youth Day K You Want Me to Do What?! ENG Jonaitis, Sr. Dorothy Scripture 5-16* An Alternative to Being “Left Behind”: A Workshop on Apocalyptic Literature ENG Jonaitis, Sr. Dorothy Scripture 8-10* From Palm Sunday to Easter: Passion/Resurrection Narratives of Matthew and John ENG Just, Rev. Felix Scripture 1-15* The Passion and Resurrection of Jesus, According to Matthew ENG Just, Rev. Felix Scripture 7-14* Exciting “New” Gospels? What Catholics Need to Know about the Gospel of Judas and Other Apocryphal Writings ENG Kelly, Matthew Spirituality 2-12* The Spirit of the World vs. the Spirit of God ENG Kelly, Matthew Spirituality 4-16* A Call to Joy ENG Kemp, Rev. Raymond Catechumenate 2-13* Preparing Pastoral Preaching that is Pointed, Prayerful and Purposeful ENG Kemp, Rev. Raymond Catechumenate 7-15* The Catechumenate and Conversion to Mission ENG Kempf, Fr. Joe Sacraments 1-16* The Main Thing is to Keep the Main Thing the Main Thing: Creative Strategies for Celebrating Occasions and Seasons ENG Kempf, Fr. Joe Sacraments 5-17* Forgiveness ENG Kleinlein, Dr. Kathy Catechesis/Evangelization 3-14* Conversion, Faith-sharing and Catechesis: The Great Balancing Act ENG Kleinlein, Dr. Kathy Catechesis/Evangelization 5-18* A House Divided Against Itself: When Families Don't Go to Mass ENG Koester, Craig Scripture 4-17* The Book of Revelation and Popular Culture ENG Koester, Craig Scripture 6-21* The Book of Revelation and Worship in the Presence of God ENG Lansing, Sean YD & Youth Ministry 3-15* From Doers of Service to People of Justice: Doing Youth Ministry that Inspires Youth to Live Catholic Social Teaching. ENG Lansing, Sean Youth Day D Take a Stand, Make a Difference ENG Lawton, Liam Liturgy/Music 3-16 How Can We Sing a Song in an Alien Land? ENG Lee, Michael "Soy Catequista" SC Soy Catequista: Dignidad, vocación y misión del catequista ENG/SP Lee, Michael "Soy Catequista" 7-17 Soy Catequista: The Dignity, Vocation and Mission of the Catechist ENG/SP Leonard, Rev. Richard Media 5-19 Is Harry Potter Good News for Our Young People? ENG Leonard, Rev. Richard Media 8-11 Is Jesus Just Another Super Hero? ENG Levo, Lynn Human Sexuality & Parish Leadership 6-20* The Gift of Friendship ENG Levo, Lynn Human Sexuality & Parish Leadership 7-16* Leading in a Time of Uncertainty ENG López Gutierrez, Siro Catechesis/Evangelization 1-53* La catequesis a través del cuerpo SP López Gutierrez, Siro Catechesis/Evangelization 4-55* Educar con y contra la publicidad SP Mangan, Michael Liturgy/Music 5-20* Lift Your Voice, Sing Anew! Bringing New Life to School and Parish Liturgy ENG Mangan, Michael Liturgy/Music 8-13* Setting Hearts on Fire: Using Music for Evangelization, Mission, Peace and Justice ENG Manibusan, Jesse YD & Liturgy/Music & Multicultural 2-14* Multicultural Church – Being Powerfully Catholic ENG Manibusan, Jesse YD & Liturgy/Music & Multicultural 8-12* Music and Liturgy – Worship, Proclamation and Charity ENG Manibusan, Jesse Youth Day E Celebrating Liturgy! Real Power ENG Markey, Dr. John Theology 1-17* Moses in Pharaoh’s House: A Liberation Theology for Those of Us in the “First World” ENG Markey, Dr. John Theology 8-14* A Pedagogy for the Oppressors: Training Ourselves to Train Our Children in Peace, Justice and Mercy ENG Martin, Rev. James Spirituality 3-17* Be Who You Are! ENG Martin, Rev. James Spirituality 8-15* Catholic Laughter ENG Massingale, Fr. Bryan Morality 1-13* Healing a Divided World ENG Massingale, Fr. Bryan Morality 4-19* Catholic Teaching on Racism: Present State, Future Direction ENG Matovina, Timothy "Soy Catequista" SC Soy Catequista: Dignidad, vocación y misión del catequista ENG/SP Matovina, Timothy "Soy Catequista" 7-17 Soy Catequista: The Dignity, Vocation and Mission of the Catechist ENG/SP Maze, Darcie Early Childhood 3-13 ABCs of Praise ENG McCarty, Robert Youth Ministry 4-18* Youth Ministry Leadership: The Dance of Passion and Professionalism! ENG McCarty, Robert Youth Ministry 7-18* Pastoral Care of the Adolescent: A Church and Community Challenge ENG McDonald, Judy Youth Day H Don't Judge ENG McGrath, Bro. Michael Catechesis/Evangelization 1-18* Jesus A to Z: Art at Catechesis ENG McKenna, Dr. Megan Spirituality 2-15* Lift Your Gaze … See Anew ENG McKenna, Dr. Megan Spirituality 6-22* Lift Your Gaze ... See a New Vision with a New Heart ENG Mullen, Rev. Patrick Scripture 2-16* The Passions of Jesus ENG Mullen, Rev. Patrick Scripture 6-23* The Women in the New Testament ENG Murray, Rev. J-Glenn Liturgy/Music 4-20* The Gaze that Saves: Eucharistic Worship Outside Mass ENG Murray, Rev. J-Glenn Liturgy/Music 7-19* “I Lift Up My Eyes to the Hills”: Living a Contemporary Liturgical Spirituality ENG Murúa, Marcelo Spirituality 2-54* Hacia una catequesis formadora de discípulas y discípulos SP Murúa, Marcelo Spirituality 8-54* El desierto nuestro de cada día, clave de espiritualidad SP Musgrave, Hilary Adult Formation & Elementary Catechesis 1-02* Holy Ground – Reverencing the Sacred Within Us ENG Musgrave, Hilary Adult Formation & Elementary Catechesis 8-01* The Word is Made Flesh – Creatively Breaking Open the Word of God with Children and Youth ENG Nagel, Leland Catechesis/Evangelization 8-16* Lifejackets, Parachutes and Armor ENG Ngo, Peter Thang Asian Pacific 3-70* Vietnamese Workshop VIET Noguez Alcantara, Rev. Armando Scripture 6-53* Una nueva lectura del Pentateuco SP Noguez Alcantara, Rev. Armando Scripture 3-55* Aprender a ser discípulos y misioneros de Jesucristo SP Norris, Kathleen Spirituality 7-20 Life as Liturgy (Laundry Included) ENG Oddwalk Ministries Youth Day K You Want Me to Do What?! ENG O'Donohue, John Spirituality 4-21* Putting on the Mind of Dawn: Toward a Spirituality of Awakening ENG O'Donohue, John Spirituality 8-17* The Twilight Wisdom of the Heart: The Art of Harvesting Your Inner Light ENG Osborne, Rev. Kenan Sacraments 1-19* Leadership: Sacramental and Charismatic ENG Osborne, Rev. Kenan Sacraments 4-22* Ecumenical Eucharist Today ENG Osiek, Sr. Carolyn Scripture 4-23* Early Christian Writings that Didn’t Make Canon: Should We Pay Attention to Them? ENG Osiek, Sr. Carolyn Scripture 6-24* Ecotheology from the Future: The Apocalypse as Basis for Environmental Responsibility ENG Ospino, Dr. Hosffman Catechesis/Evangelization & Theology 7-53* El Apostolado Hispano como fuente de reflexión teológica y espiritual para la Iglesia en los Estados Unidos SP Ospino, Dr. Hosffman Catechesis/Evangelization & Theology 6-54* Perspectivas cristianas sobre la dignidad del trabajo humano SP Pacatte, Sr. Rose Media 2-20* "Into Great Silence": Spirituality and Filmmaking for Catechists ENG Paradise, Jo Ann Junior High 5-21* Never Say Service Project Again ENG Paradise, Jo Ann Junior High 8-18* Forming a Spiritual Child in a Secular World ENG Pastore, Jason Youth Day L Moses, Mary and You? ENG Patin, Mike YD & Youth Ministry Key* The Passion Epidemic ENG Patin, Mike YD & Youth Ministry 2-17* Teens with Screens ENG Patin, Mike Youth Day M I Love This Game!! (For Athletes) ENG Pham, Dr. Thanh Van Vietnamese Workshops 2-70 Family Relations and Gender Roles in the Vietnamese Catholic Community (Vietnamese Workshop) VIET Pham, Dr. Thanh Van Vietnamese Workshops 5-70 Vietnamese American Marriages (Vietnamese Workshop) VIET Phan, Sr. Theresa Asian Pacific 1-70* Vietnamese Workshop VIET Phan, Sr. Theresa Asian Pacific 4-70* Vietnamese Workshop VIET Phelps, Sr. Jamie Ecclesiology 1-20* The Evangelizing and Social Justice Mission of the Church ENG Phelps, Sr. Jamie Ecclesiology 7-21* Liberation for Communion ENG Phong, Bro. Fortunat Asian Pacific 6-70* Vietnamese Workshop: Dare to Love as Jesus Loves VIET Phong, Bro. Fortunat Asian Pacific 8-70* Vietnamese Workshop: The Gift of the Holy Spirit VIET Ponnet, Fr. Chris Justice/Peace 3-18* Disneyland’s Million Dreams – A Consistent Life Ethic Reflects the Million Stories ENG Radcliffe, Rev. Timothy Ecclesiology 2-18* Is Dialogue Possible in the Church Today? ENG Radcliffe, Rev. Timothy Ecclesiology 5-22* The Challenge of Non-violence in the Church ENG Regan, Jane Adult Education 3-19* Fostering the Next Generation of Faithful Believers ENG Regan, Jane Adult Education 4-24* Engaging the Total Parish in Catechesis: Gathering the Tools ENG Ricard, Rev. R. Tony Catechesis/Evangelization 4-26* Discipleship for Dummies: Know Him, Love Him, Serve Him ENG Riechers, Rev. Erik Catechesis/Evangelization 5-23* The Star Only Stops Here: Reflections of an Innkeeper ENG Riechers, Rev. Erik Catechesis/Evangelization 7-22* When the Word Lives and Breathes: Reflections on Bibliodrama ENG Righteous B, Youth Day P Following Jesus Just Might Ruin Your Life ENG Ristow, Kate Elementary Catechesis 3-20 Deal or No Deal: Strategies for Moral Development ENG Rivera, Jorge Young Adult Ministry 4-56* ¡Joven, Atrévete! ENG/SP Rivera, Jorge Young Adult Ministry 8-19* Discipleship and Mission Among Hispanic Young Adults ENG/SP Rolheiser, Rev. Ronald Topics of Choice 3-21* Radical Faith – The Struggles with Faith and the Dark Night of the Spirit ENG Rolheiser, Rev. Ronald Topics of Choice 6-25* Being Missionaries to Our Own Children – Today’s Real Missionary Task ENG Rubalcava, Pedro Confirmation & Liturgy/Music 2-53 Celebrando el Sacramento de la Confirmación SP Rubalcava, Pedro Confirmation & Liturgy/Music 4-57 Salmos y antífonas: Un tesoro musical litúrgico SP Salazar, Sr. Leticia Spirituality 6-55 Espiritualidad ignaciana: Un camino de esperanza en el diario vivir SP Salvatierra, Rev. Alexia Justice/Peace 8-55* Confrontando la crisis inmigratoria y la pobreza de los trabajadores que no pueden vivir de su salario ENG/SP Salvatierra, Rev. Alexia Justice/Peace 5-24* Addressing the Crisis – Immigration and Working Poverty ENG/SP Scally, Anna YD & Media 8-20* Shepherds on the Edge ENG Scally, Anna Youth Day S Praying with Your iPod/Headphones ENG Schellman, Jim Catechumenate 3-22* From Evangelization to Initiation ENG Schellman, Jim Catechumenate 8-21* Content in the Catechumenate ENG Schmidt, Rev. Jan Kevin Adult Education 2-02* Discover and Live Your Strengths ENG Schmidt, Rev. Ron Media 2-20* "Into Great Silence": Spirituality and Filmmaking for Catechists ENG Schreiter, Rev. Robert Multicultural 6-26* Interaction in Multicultural Settings ENG Schreiter, Rev. Robert Multicultural 7-23* Interaction in Multicultural Settings (repeat) ENG Sedano, Maruja Adult Catechesis 1-54* Mirando con ojos nuevos SP Sedano, Maruja Adult Catechesis 7-54* Colaboradores en la viña del Señor SP Shaia, Dr. Alexander Spirituality 5-25* A Fresh Look at the Four Gospels: Beyond the Biography of Jesus ENG Shaia, Dr. Alexander Spirituality 8-22* The Gospel of John: A Mystic Vision of Wholeness? ENG Shea, John Spirituality 1-21* “Behold, I Make All Things New”: The Gospels as Tools of “Seeing Anew” ENG Shea, John Spirituality 3-23* Developing and Sustaining “Seeing Anew”: Spiritual Practices and Consciousness Change ENG Shepp, Vikki Adult Education 5-02* Seeing Stewardship with New Eyes: How Lifelong Learning and Forming Generous Hearts Fit Together ENG Siller Acuña, Clodomiro Multicultural & Theology 2-55* La humanidad migrante en la Biblia SP Siller Acuña, Clodomiro Multicultural & Theology 5-55* La revelación es para muchos pueblos SP Smith, Rev. Alexei Ecumenical 5-26 Is There Salvation Outside the Catholic Church? Are Other Churches "True"? ENG Smith-Christopher, Dr. Daniel Scripture 3-24* “Farms Not Arms”: Reading the Prophet Micah ENG Smith-Christopher, Dr. Daniel Scripture 8-23* Why the Old Testament Matters: Amos & Hosea ENG Smollin, Sr. Anne Bryan YD & Spirituality 2-19* The Spirituality of Connectedness: Lifting Our Gaze ENG Smollin, Sr. Anne Bryan Youth Day X Being Catholic and Having a Sense of Humor ENG Spitzer, Rev. Robert Life Issues 3-25* New Proofs for the Existence of God: Contributions of Contemporary Physics to the Effort of Evangelization ENG Spitzer, Rev. Robert Life Issues 5-27* A Perennial Pro-Life Philosophy: A Convincing Curriculum for both Sacred and Secular Environments ENG Stecker, Dr. Carl AIDS/HIV 1-22* HIV & AIDS: Age of Unprecedented Funding for Global Response to Pandemic ENG Stecker, Dr. Carl AIDS/HIV 7-24* Glocal: Thinking Globally, Acting Locally to Stop AIDS ENG Sweetser, Fr. Thomas Parish Leadership 4-27* The Art and Science of Parish Leadership ENG Sweetser, Fr. Thomas Parish Leadership 7-25* Clustering Parishes: Three Scenarios ENG Tagle, Bishop Luis Ecclesiology 4-28* The Church & the Gospel of God's Reign: An Asian Perspective ENG Tagle, Bishop Luis Ecclesiology 8-24* Pope Benedict XVI's Vision of the Church ENG Tejerina Arias, Gonzalo Theology 8-56* Las relaciones de la fe cristiana con otras religiones: Dinámica del diálogo interreligioso SP Tejerina Arias, Gonzalo Theology 3-57* ¿Católicos sin Iglesia? Sobre la dimensión eclesial de la fe SP Theisen, Michael Jr High & Youth Ministry 2-21* Forming Young Disciples through Transforming Methods: A New Paradigm for Adolescent Catechesis ENG Theisen, Michael Jr High & Youth Ministry 5-28* Creating a Youth Ministry that Matters: The Keys to Success ENG Tobar Mensbrugghe, Dora Family & Spirituality 1-55* Elementos esenciales de la pedagogía de Jesús SP Tobar Mensbrugghe, Dora Family & Spirituality 6-56* La pareja feliz: Taller de preparación al noviazgo SP Tooke, Doug Youth Day Z Call It Out Then Climb In a Cave ENG Turner, Rev. Paul Ecclesiology & Sacraments 1-23* The Sacrament of Confirmation: What It Is and What It’s Not ENG Turner, Rev. Paul Ecclesiology & Sacraments 2-22* An Update on the English Translation of the Roman Missal ENG Valenzuela, Victor "Soy Catequista" 1-56* Alimentados con Cristo, nos convertimos en Cristo ENG/SP Valenzuela, Victor "Soy Catequista" 7-17* Soy Catequista: Dignidad, vocación y misión del catequista ENG/SP VerEecke, Fr. Robert Liturgy/Music 2-23 Let There Be Light: Seeing New Ways to Dance the Good News ENG Villa García, Julia Family & Life Issues 7-55* Educar para convivir SP Villa García, Julia Family & Life Issues 5-56* ¿Por qué se rompe la relación de pareja? SP Vital Cruz, María Guadalupe Catechesis/Evangelization 2-56* Las alegrías y las lágrimas en la catequesis de los adultos SP Vital Cruz, María Guadalupe Catechesis/Evangelization 5-57* Catequizando desde la Liturgia Dominical SP Vogt, Susan Family 3-26* Beyond Words: Teaching Faith and Values to Children and Families through Symbol and Action ENG Vogt, Susan Family 8-25* Seven Peacemaking Strategies for the Home and Classroom ENG Walker, Christopher Liturgy/Music & Spirituality 2-24* Wake Up the Assembly's Voice ENG Walker, Christopher Liturgy/Music & Spirituality 5-29* Drive-Time Prayer ENG Wallis, Jim Justice/Peace 6-27* The Great Awakening ENG Wallis, Jim Justice/Peace 7-26* Seven Commitments to Change the World ENG Walsh, Dr. David Media 1-25 "No": Why Kids of All Ages Need It and Ways Parents Can Say It ENG Walsh, Dr. David Media 6-28 Modern Media: A Test for the Modern Church ENG Welbers, Msgr. Thomas Catechesis/Evangelization 2-25* Savoring Our Heritage of Faith: Early Christian World Pilgrimage ENG Wells, David Adult Faith Formation 4-29* Home is a Holy Place, Too! ENG Wells, David Adult Faith Formation 8-26* Happy are You? A Catechesis for Joy ENG Wojtaszek-Healy, Dr. Madonna Disabilities 2-26* Everyone Is Called to God’s Table, Even the Ones Who Can’t Sit Still in Their Seats ENG Wojtaszek-Healy, Dr. Madonna Disabilities 4-25* Don’t Touch Me! (But Try to Touch My Soul): Catechizing Kids with Asperger’s Syndrome ENG Zanotto, Rev. Luigi Catechesis/Evangelization 7-56* Navidad: Dios sigue “encarnándose” SP Zanotto, Rev. Luigi Catechesis/Evangelization 6-57* Pascua: Las huellas del “paso de Dios” en la comunidad hispana SP Zanzig, Tom Adult Education 1-24* Adult Faith Formation: If It IS Broke, Let's Fix It ENG Zanzig, Tom Adult Education 6-29* One-Minute Meditation: A Practical, Pastoral and Powerful New Way to Pray ENG
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