To: RCIA Directors and Directors of Religious Education! Re: Dismissal Rite at Religious Education Congress 2010 From: Sister Edith Prendergast, RSC
A dismissal Rite for Catechumens will be celebrated at the morning and afternoon Liturgies at Congress, March 21, 2010. The morning Liturgy will be celebrated at 8:00 a.m. and in the afternoon Liturgy at 3:15 p.m.I just wanted to remind you that, because Congress is on the 5th Sunday of Lent, we will be celebrating the 3rd Scrutiny (for the Elect) as well as the Dismissal Rite.
As you probably know, the Scrutiny is for the Elect who will be baptized this coming Easter. The Elect will sit in a separate section from the (baptized) candidates, and from the catechumens preparing for baptism in 2011 or later. Each member of the Elect should be accompanied by one godparent or substitute, and should arrive at the Arena reserved seating at least 15 minutes before Mass begins.
The Elect will join the candidates and catechumens in breaking open the word at Dismissal.
To help us prepare for the liturgies, please let us know how many individuals will be attending from your parish. The form can be filled out electronically and submitted via e-mail or you may print and mail it to the mentioned address. We will need a response by Friday, March 12, 2010.
Download the form and return by mail or by email.
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