2009 YOUTH DAY Schedule
Religious Education Congress
February 26, 2009 (Youth Day)See Youth Day Schedule • See Youth Day Workshops • Go to Congress Days
8:30 amOPENING
SESSIONSYouth Day begins with two wonderful Opening Events. In the Arena we will have the inspirational music of Jacob and Matthew and hear a powerful message from our keynote speaker, ValLimar Jansen. This year, our second opening will take place in Hall E and welcomes Josh Blakesley and his band. Young people from across the Archdiocese will be on hand to lead us in prayer and help us to begin our day.
Jacob and Matthew
Card. Mahony
Ed Archer
Jacob and Matthew
9:45 amMORNING
WORKSHOPSImmediately following our Opening Events, participants will be able to attend one of the 13 workshops (listed on the following pages) that will inspire and challenge them in new ways! We suggest that you share the list of speakers with your young people and allow them to choose (in groups of 10 with a chaperone) those topics that interest them.
Our day continues with Spirit-filled Liturgies in three different rooms. Cardinal Roger Mahony will be celebrating with us in the Arena, with music provided by youth from throughout the Archdiocese and beyond, under the direction of Ed Archer of St. Monica Parish. Our second liturgy will take place in Hall E and will feature the music of Josh Blakesley. The Grand Ballroom Liturgy (on the third floor) will feature the music of Jacob and Matthew.
12:15 pm
Following our Eucharistic celebrations, we invite your group to enjoy lunch and make new friends, along with spending time with old friends.
1:30 pm
WORKSHOPSThe workshops in the afternoon are a second chance to hear some of the best speakers from across the nation. All workshops are repeated in the afternoon (except Session “H”).
2:45 pmRALLIES
Youth Day 2009 ends with two energetic Closing Rallies – one in the Arena and one in Hall E. These powerful events help us to close our day with music, inspirational stories and prayer – all offered by speakers and artists from our day, as well as young people from across the Archdiocese. Come be renewed in your faith journey as we are sent forth to return to our parish and school communities.
3:30 pm
DISMISSALOur day will end at 3:30 pm with dismissal! See Youth Day Schedule • See Youth Day Workshops • Go to Congress Days
2009 YOUTH DAY Workshops
Religious Education Congress
February 26, 2009 (Youth Day)
NOTE: All these Morning Workshops are repeated in the Afternoon Session (except Session "H").A So When Jesus Called Us To Be Peacemakers, Did He Really Mean Me?
Jesus was very clear, “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.” But what does it really take to be a peacemaker? Using his experience of growing up during the violent conflict in Northern Ireland, Hedley Abernethy, the Peacebuilding Education Advisor for Catholic Relief Services, will share stories, stimulate discussion and then ask the question, “Where and how will you build peace?” This is peacebuilding for the faint hearted, shy and conflict avoidant. Come prepared to share, laugh and respond to the call to be a peacemaker!
Hedley Abernethy
Hedley Abernethy is the Peacebuilding Education Advisor for Catholic Relief Services in the United States. He is also developing a program for youth on peacebuilding from a global perspective. Before arriving in America, he worked for the National Council of YMCAs in Ireland, helping to promote and develop community relations and peacebuilding programs throughout Northern Ireland. A qualified youth worker, he has researched and written a number of publications aimed at young people and youth workers.
B Where Are You, God?
In this noisy, fast-paced life we all lead, it’s hard to hear what God is saying to us. How do we listen? How do we know? Where is God when bad things happen to my family or friends? How do I even know God is there? What does he want from me? These are just some of the good questions that we all ask, and this is a great place to figure some of them out! Steve Angrisano’s style and humor bring just the right tone to these serious questions.
Steve Angrisano
Steve Angrisano is recognized as one of the most dynamic and effective communicators with Catholic youth in the country. His unique blend of laughter, song, story and often hilarious audience interaction has made him a popular choice for missions, concerts, workshops and youth events. He’s been featured at major youth events nationally and internationally, including four World Youth Days, several National Catholic Youth Conferences, and countless parish, school, camp and diocesan events.
C Stressed Out? Got Prayer?
Too much homework…parents pressuring me to succeed…gotta get a part-time job…need to get to practice…wanna hang out with friends…who am I gonna ask to prom?…oh no, not another test! I thought that was next week! Life can make us feel maxed out and we start to stress about all kinds of things. The Lord has an answer, really a call, to talk with Him, to lean on Him. St. Paul tells us not to be anxious, “make your requests known to God. Then the peace of God that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus” (Phil. 4:7). Prayer can bring us closer to Christ and peacefulness amidst the everyday stresses of our lives.
Stan Cordero
Stan Cordero is the Director of Youth Ministry for the Diocese of Santa Rosa, Calif. He has 23 years of youth ministry experience at the parish, Catholic school and diocesan levels. He is an adjunct staff member for the Certificate in Youth Ministry Studies and YouthLeader programs at the Center for Ministry Development. Cordero is also a contributor to “Youth Ministry in Rural and Small Town Settings: A Planning Resource” and “Total Youth Ministry: Ministry Resources for Prayer & Worship.”
Jackie Francois
Artist and composer Jackie Francois has been involved with youth ministry in Southern California for over eight years as youth minister and music minister. In recent years she has led worship and has spoken at various conferences, retreats and youth rallies nationally and internationally. Francois recently released her first CD titled “Your Kingdom is Glorious” and continues to host the “Perfect Playlist” Podcast, and “The Commons” Webcast on SpiritandSong.com.
D Get Real! Talk to Me! Sell Me on It! What Up, Dog? Whad-up-wi-dat? Let’s Get It Going! Show Me!
Fr. Ken Deasy really likes hanging out with youth and talking about faith as: 1) “moving forward” and not backward; 2) essential in living our hope “that the best is yet to come” and not just a thing in the past; 3) more empowering than exhausting; and 4) something that makes you really live and not just blah! blah! blah! Fr. Deasy readily admits that he doesn’t have all the answers! Do you? Do you know the questions?
Fr. Ken Deasy
Fr. Ken Deasy is presently Consultant to the Los Angeles Archdiocese’s Mission Office and Coordinator for the Holy Childhood Association, part of the Vatican’s Office for the Propagation of the Faith. He previously served as Pastor of St. Agatha’s Parish in Los Angeles. Fr. Deasy was a script advisor for the movie “Bruce Almighty” and served as mentor/advisor for ABC’s “Nothing Sacred.” Recently, he was co-hosting with Rabbi Jerry Cutler a radio movie-review program, “Review from the Pew.”
E Romance Without Regret
Chastity is more than just abstinence. It’s about what you can do and have right now: a chaste lifestyle that brings freedom, respect, peace and romance without regret.
Crystalina & Jason Evert
Jason Evert is author and speaker with Catholic Answers, based in San Diego. He has given over 1,000 lectures to hundreds of thousands of teens nationally and internationally; venues have included the National Catholic Youth Conference and the 2009 World Youth Day in Sydney, Australia. Evert is author of nine books, including “Theology of the Body for Teens” and “Pure Faith.” He and his wife, Crystalina, are hosts of the EWTN series, “The Pure Life,” and are co-founders of the Web site chastity.com.
H Mirrors that Speak and Other Myths Exposed
When you look in the mirror, what do you think? What does that mirror say to you? How does a piece of glass have so much power? What do we believe about ourselves and about others? All these questions and more will be discussed in this workshop – an opportunity to shatter the mirror, no longer letting it define us and to allow the truth to break in, not only in our mirrors, but where it matters more: in our hearts. (Morning Arena session only.)
Tammy Evevard has spent the last 20 years traveling the country presenting to countless audiences, large and small, including a keynote at the National Catholic Youth Conference in Atlanta. She has had several articles published and has been featured on CNN and other television programs. Evevard is a past member of the National Evangelization Team and Reach Youth Ministry Team, both traveling retreat teams.
K Make Your Mess into a Message
Whether quiet or loud, inner-city, rural or suburban areas, we all have been through something. Every challenge, pain and struggle can be seen as a gift or a tragedy. Christ took his mess and made it a message that would touch lives from then until now. We can do the same! Let’s make our mess into a message. We all can make a difference.
Justin Fatica
Justin Fatica is the lead evangelist for Hard as Nails Ministries, a team of young adult evangelists, and author of the book “Hard as Nails.” The former campus minister, youth minister, retreat coordinator and religion teacher now speaks to hundreds of thousands of teens and young adults at local, national and international venues. His appearances range from Soulfest and Lifefest to the Tribeca Film Festival.
L Five Things I’m Not Supposed to Tell You about the Bible
The Bible is a dangerous book. People have lost their lives over it. People have had their lives saved by it, too. Many in your life are going to tell you a lot about the Bible that just isn’t true. Come hear a few truths about the Bible that will not only change the way you approach Scripture, but the way you live your life each day. (Afternoon Arena session only.)
Mark Hart
Mark Hart, known to millions simply as the "Bible Geek,” serves as Executive Vice President for Life Teen. He is a sought-after speaker, a regular guest on Catholic radio programs and an award-winning author. Hart has an interactive DVD Bible Study series, “The Teen Timeline T3,” and posts a weekly Life Teen podcast.
M Evangelization: Don’t Just See the Light – Be the Light!
God calls us from our points of weakness as well as our strengths. Colette Kennett will share her experience as a 1996 Olympic Torchbearer hero to demonstrate the importance of “spiritual Olympics” that prepare us to carry the Light of Christ to others. It’s time to strengthen your spiritual muscles for the journey ahead!
Colette A. Kennett
Colette Kennett has been employed for the past 29 years by the Catholic Diocese of Belleville, Ill., where she serves as Director of Youth Ministry. She has presented at numerous conferences, rallies, retreats and civic events, including the Mid-America Ministry Conference, the National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry, and the Los Angeles Congress. Kennett’s community volunteer work includes prison ministry and working at a community shelter.
P God is Here! The Fourfold Presences of Christ in Mass!
Where is Christ more truly and really present: In the Eucharist? In the Word? In the presider and in the attending ministers? In the worshiping assembly? Where is Christ? Another essential question might be, “Where are you/me/we” in the mission, the love and the ongoing Presence of Christ beyond the doors of the Church? Let us break open “the Presence of Christ” and see the very true, real, relevant and ever-unfolding of God’s Love.
Jesse Manibusan
Jesse Manibusan describes himself as an “itinerant witness, undercover catechist and Catholic ninja.” He is co-founder of Two by Two Ministries, bringing his high-energy, interactive music, preaching, storytelling and humor to audiences all over the world. Manibusan is experienced as a music minister, catechist and youth worker, with frequent appearances at Youth Day and the Los Angeles Congress, as well as at major youth and education conferences across the country. He also has recorded several CDs.
S Fearless Faith “Freaks”
Jesus Freak!! We get that and worse sometimes when people find out we are about God and our Catholic faith. There are challenges to “keeping the faith.” What does it really take to be a Christian leader and a teen in the real world of 2009? Come, laugh and share. You aren’t the only “freak” at Youth Day!
Mike Patin
Mike Patin has been working in youth ministry since 1990. He lives in Lafayette, La., where he has spent six years as a high school teacher and coach. He has been a summer camp counselor and an assistant coach for a college basketball team. Patin now travels around the country speaking to more than 800 teen and adult groups in over 80 dioceses. He continues to lead youth and adult retreats, parish missions and leadership institutes.
X My God and My iPod: Downloading God’s Voice Everyday
Music can move us. It gives us hope and new opportunities to grow. What are today’s songs saying about me and the world around me? Discover ways to use your music to dialogue with God. Learn how to become more sensitized to God’s voice. We’ll celebrate our lives, our God, and our music in this workshop. Watch what might happen to your prayer life the next time you turn on one of your favorite songs!
Anna Scally
Anna Scally, President of Cornerstone Media Inc., is a columnist for their Top Music Countdown online resource and also hosts their audio show, “Burning Issues.” Her work has appeared in several journals and popular publications, and she has been a presenter at all the major conferences for religious educators in North America. Scally has been Master of Ceremonies at World Youth Days in Denver, Toronto, Germany and Sydney, Australia, earning her the title, “The Pope's DJ.”
Z Being Catholic 24/7
Text message: ‘Yes’ 2 life! Committing ourselves to find the joy and goodness in each moment we live, we open ourselves to the possibility of finding God in each encounter. Each moment becomes holy. We become more positive and caring people as we step outside of ourselves and focus on the other. Finding ourselves in each other, we discover happiness and holiness in day-to-day experiences.
Anne Bryan Smollin
A Sister of St. Joseph, Anne Smollin is a licensed therapist and group facilitator, lecturer and consultant. She is currently Executive Director of Counseling for Laity in Albany, N.Y. The former elementary schoolteacher lectures extensively throughout the United States, Canada, Ireland and Australia speaking to religious communities, conventions and businesses. Sr. Smollin is author of four books.
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