2008 YOUTH DAY Schedule
Religious Education Congress
February 28, 2008 (Youth Day)See Youth Day Schedule • See Youth Day Workshops • Go to Congress Days
8:30 a.m.
SESSIONSYouth Day will begin FOCUSED ON GOD at our Opening Sessions as we listen to the wonderful music of Steve Angrisano in the Arena and Jesse Manibusan in Hall B. We will also be blessed with keynote messages by Doug Brummel and Righteous B! Young people from across the archdiocese and beyond will be on hand to lead us in prayer and guide us through our day.
Righteous B
Card. Mahony
Bp. Solis
Fr. Merlino
9:45 a.m.
WORKSHOPSImmediately following our Opening Sessions, participants will be able to attend one of the 13 Morning Workshops (listed below) that will inspire, challenge and catechize them in new ways! We suggest that you share the list of speakers with your young people and allow them to choose (in groups of 10 with a chaperone; first group registration needs 2 chaperones) which topics interest them.
11:00 a.m.
Our Eucharistic Liturgies are next with Cardinal Roger Mahony celebrating with us in the Arena, with music provided by youth from across the archdiocese and beyond, under the direction of Ed Archer of St. Monica Parish in Santa Monica. Bishop Oscar Solis will be celebrating Liturgy in Hall B along with music provided by youth of the Santa Barbara Region, led by John Vasellina of St. Raphael’s Parish in Goleta. The Grand Ballroom Liturgy welcomes Fr. Darrin Merlino, CMF, as presider along with music provided by Steve Angrisano.
12:15 p.m.
Following our Eucharistic celebrations we invite your group to enjoy lunch and make new friends – as well as spend time with old friends.
1:30 p.m.
WORKSHOPSThe Afternoon Workshops are a second chance to hear some of the best speakers from across the nation. Remember that all morning sessions are repeated (except Session “E”).
2:45 p.m.
3:30 p.m.
DISMISSALYouth Day 2008 ends with two energetic Closing Rallies – one in the Arena and the other in Hall B. These powerful events help us to close our day with music, inspirational stories and prayer – all offered by speakers and artists from our day, as well as the talents of young people from across the archdiocese and beyond! Come be renewed in your commitment to make an ABOUT FACE and STAY FOCUSED ON GOD! Our day will end at 3:30pm with dismissal!
See Youth Day Schedule • See Youth Day Workshops • Go to Congress Days
2008 YOUTH DAY Workshops
Religious Education Congress
February 28, 2008 (Youth Day)
NOTE: All these Morning Workshops are repeated in the Afternoon Session (except Session "E").
A Family Laughs!Join Catholic comedian and character-actor Doug Brummel as he transforms himself into some “never-to-be-forgotten” characters that help us treasure the gift of faith and family life! WARNING: This workshop may induce laughter, joy and gratitude! Expect the unexpected! (Afternoon Arena session only.)
Doug Brummel
Doug Brummel is a nationally known Catholic comedic character-actor and storyteller. Since 1992, his “Lighten Up!” whole-community celebrations have been welcomed in over 700 church communities at parish family missions, renewals and retreats. He has performed in nearly every state in the country at theater events and keynote presentations at regional and national conferences. Brummel is also author of two children books series on the Sacraments.
B Romance without Regret
Some think that “chastity” simply means “not having sex.” But that’s mere abstinence. Chastity is more than that, it’s about what you can do and have right now: a chaste lifestyle that brings freedom, respect, peace and romance without regret. In an age when the media tell young people that they cannot – and need not – control themselves sexually, Crystalina and Jason Evert’s message to students is challenging, entertaining, encouraging and healing. Get the healthy and correct Catholic male and female perspectives on living chastely as you listen to their life-changing message.
Crystalina & Jason Evert
Crystalina and Jason Evert are full-time apologists with Catholic Answers, a lay-run apostolate for which they have written books and work with its web site. After a year of speaking as an engaged couple, Crystalina and Jason married in June of 2003 and continue to share their inspirational testimonies with hundreds of thousands of teens and parents, providing compelling and uplifting reasons for embracing the virtue of chastity.
c What Do You Know? Living Out What the Bible Really Says
The Bible is not a “nice book.” Anyone who thinks that it is obviously hasn’t read it. Do you find yourself spending more time debating Scripture and faith and less time understanding it? Well it’s time to go beyond the confusing details and random names and just get down to the truth. It’s time to discover what God is really saying and how he is putting his Word into motion in your lives. It’s time to stop reading the Bible as fiction-filled entertainment value and, instead, learn about how God thinks and works, through his Word.
Mark Hart
Affectionately known as the “Bible Geek,” Mark Hart serves as Executive Vice President for Life Teen International. A graduate from the University of Notre Dame, Hart is a popular speaker, award-winning author and weekly regular on Catholic radio programs. His 2006 book, “Blessed are the Bored in Spirit,” found its way onto the Catholic best-seller list, and he has created an interactive DVD Bible Study series, “T3,” and weekly Life Teen podcasts. Hart currently lives in Phoenix.
D Take a Stand, Make a Difference
Are you wondering how to take a stand against the injustices going on today? In this workshop we will examine real issues, explore what people are saying about them, what our church teaches, and learn how to take a stand! Join us as we make our faith real in the world!
Sean Lansing
Sean Lansing is a Project Coordinator for Youth Ministry Services at the Center for Ministry Development in Milwaukee. Previously, he was a parish youth minister for Milwaukee’s Central City Catholic Parishes. Lansing is author of the “Call to Faith” Session Leader’s Guide and was a contributing author of “Total Youth Ministry Resources for Justice and Service.” He also writes for the Web-based youth ministry resource, Youth Ministry Access.
E Celebrating Liturgy! Real Power
How might we more fully, consciously and passionately participate in the celebration of the Paschal Mystery? How does the Real Presence of Christ inspire and ignite our presence and participation in the life of Christ and the mission of the church? Celebrating liturgy is the real power of love. (Morning Arena session only.)
Jesse Manibusan
Storyteller, speaker, composer and singer, Jesse Manibusan is Director of Two by Two Ministries. With experience as music minister, catechist and youth worker, he travels throughout the United States, Canada and beyond, appearing at the L.A. Congress, the National Catholic Youth Conference, the National Conference of Catholic Youth Ministers, and several other major events. Manibusan has also recorded several CDs.
H Don’t Judge
Let’s face it, being Catholic is hard enough, but throw into the mix being nice to others and treating them the way Jesus calls us to ... well, that’s just down right hard. Can it be done? Can a mere mortal really love their neighbor ALL the time? This workshop will make you laugh and think at the same time. So be warned: Don’t judge!
Judy McDonald
Judy McDonald has been a natural comedian all her life. Previously a Youth Minister and Campus Minister in San Diego, she has been performing stand-up for 13 years. Her professional comedic experience includes an appearance on the Dennis Miller Show and opening for comedians Paula Poundstone, Mark Curry and Dat Phan. For the past four years McDonald has been touring nationally and internationally. She is also a featured writer on lifeteen.com and contributor/pod jockey for SpiritandSong.com.
K You Want Me To Do What ?!
What do you want to be when you grow up? Join Shannon and Orin of Oddwalk as they help you explore what it means to have a vocation in the church – both the vocation you have right now and what God may call you to in the future. Fun music, humorous storytelling and heartfelt prayer will guide our way as we explore our purpose in God’s Reign.
Orin Johnson and Shannon Cerneka officially founded Oddwalk Ministries in 2004 after many years of a more informal existence. Oddwalk has performed its fun, upbeat and interactive music and witnessing in front of thousands in such venues as National Catholic Youth Conference comedy clubs, World Youth Day catechetical sessions and several diocesan youth rallies and conferences. Oddwalk has also performed in parish settings, helped lead retreats and prayer services, and has made countless other appearances.
L Moses, Mary And You?
God has called on some unlikely individuals to lead his church: Moses, Mary and, yes, even you! Being a Christian leader involves more than a youth group T-shirt, it involves action and sacrifice. Allow Jason Pastore to reveal how boldness, burdens and perseverance help build a strong Christian leader.
Jason Pastore
Jason Pastore has been involved with Life Teen for years, beginning as a teen, then as a Core Member and a youth minister. He now serves the church by working for Life Teen International as their Western Regional Director, and has spoken at various Life Teen events, diocesan and archdiocesan events. He formerly served as Youth Minister at St. Timothy’s and Christ the King in Mesa, Ariz.
M I Love This Game!! (For Athletes)
The agony of defeat and the thrill of victory. The hours of practice and training. Striving for a championship. Teamwork. Discipline. Game plans. Coaches. Opponents. What does Jesus have to say to do with any of it? Dare to find out … calling all those willing to go the extra mile.
Mike Patin
Mike Patin has worked with teenagers and adults in a variety of settings: six years in high school ministry and 13 years in diocesan youth ministry (CYO/Youth Ministry Office for the Archdiocese of New Orleans). Since 2003 he has worked full time as a speaker and “faith horticulturist,” speaking to more than 800 groups in over 80 dioceses across the country. Patin continues to lead youth and adult retreats, parish missions and leadership institutes.
P Following Jesus Just Might Ruin Your Life
Jesus’ call to die to self and follow him is the most challenging thing you can ever do with your life. If it doesn’t seem hard, then you might not be following Christ as fully as he asks. We will be exploring the story of the rich young man in Mark Chapter 10.
Righteous B
“Rapologist” Righteous B, a.k.a. Bob Lesnefsky, is really, really holy. He has worked as a youth minister for seven years and is currently recording music, performing and speaking nationally at parishes and conferences. Righteous B is committed to performing a portion of his concerts free for prisons and inner-city churches, and a portion of all bookings and sales go to fund inner-city churches and develop effective programming to reach urban youth.
S Praying with Your iPod/Headphones
Imagine putting on your headphones and having a great conversation with God! Songs speak about life and relationships. Living as a person of faith calls us to enter into honorable relationships. Jesus invites us to make a difference in the world. Learn how your music can help you grow spiritually.
Anna Scally
Anna Scally, President of Cornerstone Media, is a columnist for their Top Music Countdown online resource and host of their audio show, “Burning Issues.” She has made over 2,200 public presentations at youth rallies, training events, retreats and adult education days. She has also been a presenter at all the major conferences for religious educators in North America. As Master of Ceremonies at World Youth days in Denver, Toronto and Germany, Scally earned the name, “The Pope’s DJ.”
X Being Catholic and Having a Sense of Humor
We look serious. Our faces are tense and our eyes stare ahead blankly. Yet we are supposed to be Resurrection People! We are called to be people of joy. And if we believed that and lived it, we would be bearers of the Gospel message to whom we come in contact. Living each graced moment with the awareness that it contains all we need to be whole/holy and alive people. We will look for ways to be present to that moment and find the joy and humor that gives us the ability to see life, seize it, celebrate it and, in turn, tickle our hearts and souls.
Anne Bryan Smollin, CSJ, PhD
A Sister of St. Joseph, Anne Smollin is a licensed counselor and group facilitator, lecturer and consultant to businesses and religious communities. She is currently Executive Director of Counseling for Laity, based in Albany, N.Y. The former elementary teacher lectures extensively throughout the United States and Alaska, Ireland and Australia speaking to religious communities and at conventions and businesses. Sr. Smollin has authored four books.
Z Call It Out Then Climb In a Cave
When the Lord called the Disciples (Mark 3:13-14), he asked for three things: That they might be with him; that he might send them out to preach; and that they might have authority to cast out demons! Holy cow, bet you didn’t think you had it in you! This workshop on Catholic identity will lay out the clear call from our Lord to be his servants. Through a brief walk with the prophet Elijah, we will begin to explore the dynamic modern role for today’s Catholic believer. At the heart of it all is the willingness to profess and to pray.
Doug Tooke
With a treasure of experience in parish and diocesan youth ministry throughout the nation, Doug Tooke has taken traditional methods to new and inventive levels. He currently resides in Helena, Mont., where he works as Diocesan Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministry. Tooke has spoken across the country to various parishes, deaneries, vicariates and private Catholic high schools.
David Casey
David Casey is a professional musician and youth minister with 14 years of experience serving in the Diocese of Helena, Mont. He brings his ministry of worship leading and training to conventions, retreats and events across the country. Since 1999 Casey has recorded five albums of original music, including the CD “Best Day Ever,” which features 13 songs that were written initially for his five children.
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