Entertainment at RECongress 2017
Religious Education Congress
Friday, February 24 through
Sunday, February 26, 2017
JansenFriday, February 24, 11:45 am - 12:30 pm -- Arena
ValLimar Jansen: “Run the Race”
In her well-known, high-energy performance style, ValLimar will exhort you to “Keep your eye on the prize” and “Run the race!” Come experience music infused with fire and passion – fun lunchtime entertainment designed to inspire you to celebrate the joy of our faith as you Embrace Trust! Jansen
has invited dynamic dancers from the young church and the young-at-heart to accent her songs with dance styles from House to Hip Hop, Rock to Afro-Cuban. Make sure to eat quickly and work off those calories as you “dance like no one is watching!”
LeFriday, February 24, 11:45 am - 12:30 pm -- Hall B
Vietnamese LaSallian Youth Troupe with Tuan Quoc Le
Feel the drumming and watch the colorful steps of this youth group from San Jose, led by Bro. Fortunat Phong. Vocalist Tuan Le will be joining them this year, sharing bilingual (Vietnamese/English) songs.FILM SHOWCASE 2017
Friday, February 24, 7:45 pm - 9:45 pm -- Convention 201
The Film Showcase, in partnership with Loyola Marymount University’s Center for Religion and Spirituality, presents excerpts from a number of narrative feature films, shorts and documentaries whose thematic elements are grounded in Catholic social teaching, social justice, ministry, spirituality and theologyFRIDAY EVENING CONCERT
Joncas, Haas & HaugenFriday, February 24, 8:00 pm -- Arena
“With Gratitude: An Evening Celebrating the Liturgical Music of David Haas, Marty Haugen & Michael Joncas”
Come together to conclude the first full day of Congress 2017 with an evening of sung prayer – featuring both classic favorites like “Shepherd Me, O God,” “You Are Mine” and “On Eagle’s Wings,” and newly composed pieces for the singing Church. This event will mark the very last time David, Marty and Michael will appear and sing together as a trio. A time to sing, pray and celebrate a collaborative and ministerial friendship of over 30 years, that has gifted praying assemblies around the world with songs that have enriched the faith of believers throughout the world.Saturday, February 25, 2017 SATURDAY LUNCHTIME ENTERTAINMENT
DiazSaturday, February 25, 11:45 am - 12:30 pm -- Arena
Pedro Rubalcava, Rudy Lopez, Estela Garcia-Lopez, Ivan Diaz & Mario Perez
“Sing the Gospel of Joy / Cantemos la Alegría del Evangelio”“The joy of the Gospel fills the hearts and lives of all who encounter Jesus,” states Pope Francis’
Evangelii Gaudium. Let us join hearts and voices to proclaim the Good News in songs of thanks and
praise.“La alegría del Evangelio llena el corazón y la vida entera de los que se encuentran con Jesús,” declara Papa Francisco en la Evangelii Gaudium. Unamos corazones y voces para proclamar la Buena Nueva con cantos de gracias y alabanza.
Craig Colton
Kristen ColsonSaturday, February 25, 11:45 am - 12:30 pm -- Hall B
Craig Colson & Friends
Come, nourish your soul! Join WLP artists Craig and Kristen Colson along with John Angotti and Lorraine Hess -- and more! -- for a lunchtime concert that will touch your heart and have you singing along.
Saturday, February 25, 8:00 pm -- Arena
"A Celebration Concert of Peace" – Presented by OCP Artists
Join us as we celebrate the peace that is offered to us in Christ Jesus. At this celebration concert, we rejoice in the peace that has been planted deep within our hearts at our baptism. Together, we will sing and pray that peace will flow forth from our heart into the world.
Saturday, February 25, 8:30 pm – Convention 213
You are invited to ... Sacred Illuminations: A mystical choreography of light and sound incorporating the liturgical and fine art photography and reflections of Sister Rose Marie Tulacz, SND. Come and pray. Embrace Trust: Believe in, surrender to, and live in the Father’s love for youSATURDAY YOUNG ADULT EVENTS
DwyerLITURGY - Saturday, February 25, 5:15 pm – Marriott Hotel
Fr. David Dwyer, Director of Busted Halo Ministries based in New York, will celebrate our Young Adult liturgy with music led by Craig Colson and Chris Estrella. Come and worship with other young adults from around the world at this celebration that highlights the gifts of young adults.
DANCE - Saturday, February 25, 9-12 midnight – Marriott Hotel
Cost: $7 per person
This annual Congress tradition is a chance to meet new friends and reconnect with old. All young adults (18 to 39) are welcome. After a full day of workshop, networking and celebrating liturgy, our
DJs will mix the beats to keep the party going into the night. All young adults 18 to 39 are welcome. Picture ID is required for admission. Complimentary water stations are provided as well as a no-host bar. NO outside containers are permitted.Sunday, February 26, 2017 SUNDAY LUNCHTIME ENTERTAINMENT
HartSunday, February 26, 11:45 am - 12:30 pm -- Arena
Jesse Manibusan & Sarah Hart
OCP artists, songwriters and storytellers Sarah Hart and Jesse Manibusan team up to share
stories and songs, both new and old, for Sunday lunchtime entertainment. Come experience
the joy of these two friends, and sing along!
MorenoSunday, February 26, 11:45 am - 12:30 pm -- Ball B
Rafael Moreno
“Praise the Lord at all times!” / “Alaben al Señor en todo tiempo!”
We invite you to find God, our Lord, through singing; praise him, bless him, thank him
and receive the peace and joy that only he can give us.”Te invitamos a encontrate con Dios nuestro Señor por medio del canto; alabarle, bendecirle, darle gracias y recibir la paz y la alegría que sólo Él nos puede dar.
Throughout the Weekend PERFORMANCE STAGE in Hall A
Friday through Sunday – Convention Hall A, southeast area
Several of the performing artists at Congress have scheduled time to appear at the Performance Stage in Hall A. The stage showcases 20-minute sets of live music and is located in the southeast area of Exhibit Hall A. Check the posted schedule onsite for changes/additions to appearance times.
updated 2/16/2017 -- click to enlarge schedule
page updated 12/06/2021
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