Religious Education Congress
March 12, 2015 (Youth Day) &
March 13-15, 2015
Our Dear Friends,
Once again it is my privilege and joy to extend to you a heartfelt welcome to Congress 2015. Each year you bless us with your presence, your enthusiasm and your ongoing commitment to share the Good News of our rich Catholic story and traditions.The theme chosen for Congress 2015 – “See” – inspired by the blind man’s extraordinary encounter with Jesus (John 9:1-41) challenges us to SEE anew, to peer beneath the surface and see more deeply and broadly. We are invited to open wide not only our physical eyes, but also the eyes of the heart, the eyes of our memory and perceive God’s presence in all of life, in joy, in pain, in struggle.
The amazing and ever-growing variety of workshops, liturgies, entertainment opportunities and resources provided throughout the weekend are wells of enrichment and spiritual growth for you and for your communities of faith. Come and be inspired, stretched and renewed by the wisdom and the insights shared by national and international speakers.
In the midst of the many activities offered, there is also the opportunity to spend time the quiet atmosphere of Sacred Space, walk the Labyrinth, linger in the art exhibit area and avail of the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
Again, I thank you for your gracious support, your openness to the life-changing light of Christ as you lead others to SEE the wonders of God’s healing presence.
I look forward to greeting you at Congress 2015.
Sr. Edith Prendergast
Director of Religious Education
Archdiocese of Los Angeles
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