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RECongress 2021

RECongress Dates

February 18-21, 2021

2021 RECongress Theme
Proclaim the Promise! /
¡Proclama la Promesa! /
Tuyên Xưng Lời Giao Ước!


2021 RECongress Pricing
The registration fee for the four days of RECongress -- Thursday, Feb. 18 through Sunday, Feb. 21 -- is $35.


2021 Location
Since 1970, you have had to travel to the Anaheim Convention Center to attend RECongress. Now that our upcoming event will be virtual, you can attend right from home or work!

What is RECongress?
Begun as an Institute in 1956, our first event was held at Mount Carmel High School in Los Angeles. There were some 500 teachers and catechists in attendance at the two-day conference. Our last gathering brought together 30,000 over a four-day event.

Director's Welcome
See the welcome by Sr. Rosalia Meza, Director of the Office of Religious Education.
Find it here »

Theme Reflection
Read a reflection on the theme and the artwork created by artist Val MacRae.
Read it here »

REC Milestones
1956 - first two-day CCD Institute (500 teachers in attendance)


1967 - the first three-day “Southern California Confraternity Congress” held with 7,000 in attendance


1970 - CCD Congress moves from Los Angeles to Anaheim Convention Center


1971 - First Youth Rally held on Friday, March 26, which would become Youth Day today


1973 - first "Religious Education Congress" as CCD office renamed to Office of Religious Education

2021 - RECongress goes virtual

See the REC Milestones here »

RECongress Emails
Be sure to sign-up for our Emailings about Congress. You may opt out from our Congress Emailing at any time from the "Manage Your Subscription" link below.

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Our Thanksgiving 2020 Wish

On behalf of the Office of Religious Education, I would like to express our deepest gratitude for your love and support.

We know this year has been challenging for all of us. As Thanksgiving approaches, may you enjoy the warmth of your family and the embrace and care of God.

Sending you laughter, joy, and a harvest of blessings. Looking forward to welcoming you to our RECongress 2021!

Sr. Rosalia Meza, VDMF
Senior Director, Office of Religious Education

Pricing for Virtual RECongress 2021

We are still planning our virtual RECongress 2021 event, which begins on Thursday, February 18 and concludes on Sunday, February 21, 2021.

For a registration fee of $35, you will experience:
 • Keynote Presenters
 • Dynamic Workshops
 • Entertainment
 • Sacred Space
 • Intercultural Prayer
 • Youth Track on Friday and Saturday from 2:30-5 pm

Keep watch for upcoming announcements about registration on our web site and in our future Emailings.

Meet Some of Our 2021 Speakers

Vicente Del Real
(workshop presenter in Spanish)
Vicente is founder and Executive Director of Iskali, a Romero Scholar at Catholic Theological Union, where he is working toward his Masters in Divinity.

Young Hoang, PhD
(workshop presenter in Vietnamese)
Dr. Hoang is President of the National Executive Committee of the Vietnamese Eucharistic Youth Movement (VEYM) for the U.S. branch located in Washington, D.C.

ValLimar Jansen

(workshop presenter in English)
ValLimar is a speaker, evangelizer, composer and author, as well as a clinician and music artist for Oregon Catholic Press/Spirit and Song.

Fr. Ricky Manalo
(workshop presenter in English)
Theologian and author Fr. Ricky Manalo, a Paulist missionary priest, is also a composer for Oregon Catholic Press.

Sr. Norma Pimentel, MJ

(workshop presenter in Spanish)
Sr. Norma Pimentel, a Missionary of Jesus, is Executive Director of Catholic Charities of the Rio Grande Valley, based in Brownsville, Texas.

Fr. Agustino Torres, CFR
(presenter in English for Youth Ministry workshop)
Fr. Agustino is a Franciscan Friar of the Renewal in the Bronx, New York and President and founder of Corazon Puro and Latinos por la Vida.

Liturgy Spotlight: Black Culture Prayer Experience

A Sankofa Celebration of African American “Saints”: We invite you to join in a spiritual experience to celebrate the ongoing journey of the African American 19th-century Catholics who are on their way to canonization in our Church. We also want to recognize and honor the “saints” among us in the Pauline tradition who have been martyred or suffer because of their Blackness. Borrowing from the words of the Jesuit Black Catholic Studies Scholar Fr. Joseph Brown who will join us, we will embark on a short portion of our ‘Sankofa journey,” that we pray will bring us ever closer to completing the spiritual, emotional, and cultural cycle of our people.



Faith at Home

Youssef Perez  

The New Directory for Catechesis reminds us: “Parents, with their daily example of life, have the most effective capacity to transmit the beauty of the Christian faith to their children” (124). Join Michelle Youssef and Dayrin Perez for four engaging segments designed to inspire parents with practical ideas around prayer, faith sharing, storytelling, service and stewardship.

Fe en Casa

El nuevo Directorio para la Catequesis nos recuerda que “los padres creyentes, con su ejemplo diario de vida, tienen la capacidad mas atractiva de transmitir a sus hijos la belleza de la fe cristina” (124). Acompañe a Michelle Youssef y Dayrin Perez en cuatro segmentos interesantes diseñados para inspirar a los padres con ideas prácticas sobre la oración, el intercambio de fe, la narración de historias, el servicio y la mayordomía.



Sacred Space Spotlight

Sacred Space has been a retreat of sorts at RECongress where visitors can participate in creative forms of reflective prayer and meditation. Artists and musicians share their talents creating an environment of beauty and tranquility. This virtual RECongress will provide the opportunity to visit the artists in their studios where they will share their unique process of creating art that becomes their visual prayer. The musicians will share their gift of music as well as their personal stories of what inspires them. This will be an intimate look at how these artists have answered the call to create beauty that ignites the spirit!

Musician Dennis Doyle

Artist France White, SHCJ

Artist Angelica Sotiriou  



A Look Back 40 Years ... to RECongress 1981

The welcome letters taken from the Program Book of the 1981 Religious Education Congress, held February 12-15 with the theme "Many Gifts -- One Lord" | "Diversos Dones pero un solo Señor."

  Dear Friends:

For these days of celebration, we have come from a diversity of places and experiences. Each of us unique in prayer in sacrifice in praise of God, yet all gathered in the name of the Lord.

That variety merits our reverence; that unity our hope.

We thank you Father for counting us worthy to stand in your presence and serve you. May all of us who share in the body and blood of Christ be brought together in unity by the Holy Spirit.

Pray for John Paul our Pope and your Bishop that we may grow in love.  

Very sincerely yours,
Timothy Cardinal Manning
Archbishop of Los Angeles

Dear Friends in Christ:

Welcome to the Diocese of Orange! Each year as we celebrate the Congress we have the opportunity to reflect on our responsibilities as teachers and ministers of the word. It is my prayer that these days will renew you in your dedication.

On behalf of the priests, religious and laity of the Diocese of Orange, I extend to you blessings for the success of the Congress. May we grow together in love of the Lord in whose name we serve.

Sincerely yours in Christ,
Most Rev. William R. Johnson
Bishop of Orange



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