Special Youth Day E-VINE (March 28, 2012)

THANK YOU: Youth Day and Religious Education Congress

Youth Day 2012 is almost one week old and it was a huge success. First and foremost, thank you to everyone for supporting the new format for our great day. Evaluations for Youth Day 2012 will be emailed out soon and we hope you will take the time to give us feedback on how we can continue to improve our day. A special thank you to the Youth Day Coordinating Team for their great work and also to the Youth Ministry Division in our office: Heather MacDonald, Katie Zeigler, Christina Lamas, and Diana Salinas. We also thank the Congress Team (Paulette Smith, Jan Pedroza, Veronica Reyes, and Chris Krause) and Sr. Edith Prendergast for their continued support. Our Youth Day collection raised over $10,000 and that will be used for scholarships and also to make a donation to Pennies for Patients, a program of the Leukemia Society. Thank you, again, for your incredible support of Youth Day 2012. It was definitely a day where we were all CALLED OUT and we answered CHALLENGE ACCEPTED!

Youth Ministry E-VINE (March 21, 2012)

Final Youth Day Update

Tomorrow is our annual exciting Youth Day! We will pray for all of you that will be traveling in the morning. Please remember that Youth Day Volunteers and Convention Center Staff will be looking for name badges and directing you to the appropriate place in relation to your Track. Also, don’t forget to tell people that they can watch Youth Day on their computer! We will be live streaming the events in the Arena. Tell them to visit archive.recongress.org/LIVE for more information. A great way for people to see what you do on that crazy day in Anaheim! Please also remember that we will be sending out evaluation materials AFTER our great day. Remember that tomorrow we are all CALLED OUT and we answer CHALLENGE ACCEPTED!

Special Youth Day E-VINE (March 15, 2012)


Youth Day Theme Song Free Download

Cooper Ray and Jesse Manibusan have written a great theme song for our day – and it’s entitled “Called Out.” Spiritandsong.com has graciously provided a free download of the song. There is a QR Code on both the Youth Day home page (http://archive.recongress.org/YD) and on the Youth Ministry Facebook page. Please pass on that code to people in your group so they can download the song in advance. You can also access it by going to: http://www.spiritandsong.com/youth_day_2012. Please pass the word around to as many people as you can. We’d love there to be over 15,000 downloads of the song!

Rate the iPhone App and Giveaways Begin Soon

The iPhone App has been a huge hit – even some bishops have commented on how much fun it is. Please know that we continue to update the app to make it even better. We hope you will continue to return to it and rate it high so we promote our day even more. Please pass on the information to your young people, as well. Starting this weekend they will be able to win prizes by tweeting about Youth Day – and they don’t have to have an iPhone for this opportunity! Remember, we will also be giving away great prizes all during Youth Day. Please pass this information on to your young people and adult chaperones. All the information on how to participate in the contest is on the app and will be displayed and explained at Youth Day.

Live Streaming of Youth Day

Please remember that the Arena activities will be streamed live during our great day. You will be able to share the news with parents, young people that are unable to attend, and other interested persons across the globe. If you have young people that have a key role in the Arena – during the rally or liturgy – or you want to have friends see what you do on this day, then have them go to the archive.recongress.org/LIVE and follow the instructions on that day. A great way to share Youth Day with other people and be an evangelizer to others!

Youth Day T-Shirts and More

Please let your group know that the official Youth Day T-Shirt will be on sale during our day – in both the Arena Lobby and the Lobby outside of Hall B! There will also be other great merchandise available from Seraph7 – the official souvenir company for Youth Day. Also, in the Arena Lobby, participants will be able to visit the following groups: St. John’s Seminary (come meet our seminarians); The Leukemia Society and their Pennies for Patients program that is a wonderful opportunity for schools and parishes; Catholic Relief Services with information about the great social justice work they do across the world; and much more. Come by and visit these supporting groups!

Flow of the Day

In order to avoid miscommunication with your group and to avoid the annoyance of walking back and forth a lot around the Convention Center, it is important that you take a look at your Name Badges BEFORE you arrive in Anaheim. You have been assigned a specific TRACK and that means you need to go to a specific part of our day that morning. TRACK 1 will go directly to the Arena and remain until lunch time. Track 2 goes directly to the Convention Center and has the opportunity to choose between two opening sessions. They can go to Hall B and be enthused by the great music of Josh Blakesley or proceed to the Grand Ballrooms (third floor) to see Jacob and Matthew. After the opening sessions, Track 2 will be invited to go to their assigned workshops (listed on the name badges) and then to lunch. Starting at 11:15am, Track 2 participants can begin to line up for the Arena at the EAST DOORS (near the fountain) for entrance at 11:45am into the Arena for their second part of the day. Track 1 will move to lunch and then on to workshops and ending with the same rallies listed above in the Convention Center. PLEASE KNOW that volunteers helping with Youth Day will be stopping people without name badges or if people are in the wrong area for the color of their badge. We ask that you look for signage outside of the center that will guide you in the right direction and that you listen to the directions of Youth Day staff. This will make it a more enjoyable day for everyone!

Youth Ministry E-VINE (March 1, 2012)

Youth Day App and Twitter

For the first time ever Youth Day has an App for iPhones and iPads! We received approval from Apple earlier this week and it is now up and running! A big thank you goes out to Chris Gonzalez and Gilbert Valenzuela for all of their great work on this. PLEASE pass the word around to all of your young people and chaperones coming to the day. You can find the app by searching for Youth Day 2012 (also type in Los Angeles, if you want to pull it up quickly). It is a great addition to our day. Please tell young people that they will be able to win give away prizes and have their messages posted to the screens in the main arena. This is all explained on the app. Also, please note that you and your young people can follow us on Twitter! Check it out at @YouthDay2012! Join us for all the fun! You can find out more about Youth Day on the website at www.RECongress/YD.

Youth Day Name Badges

Today we will be calling everyone on the waiting list to let them know that we cannot accommodate them at Youth Day 2012. We did not have many extra name badges turned in this year. If your group is on the waiting list, then please know that we are very sorry that you cannot join us this year. If you do have extra badges, please still call or email our office. We will attempt to connect you with groups that are still looking for extras. Thank you very much for making Youth Day 2012 so popular!

Youth Day Bus Parking and Food Options

Please remember that ALL buses MUST park at the Toy Story lots at the end of Convention Way and all participants must walk from that lot to the activities at Youth Day. Your bus does not have to pay the fee if they are only dropping off young people in the lot, but make sure you let the attendants know that as you enter. Also, please remind your group that they will load their bus at the exact same spot in the afternoon. We would also like to remind you that you are not allowed to cater meals at Youth Day. PLEASE help us with this issue. We have made it easier for you to get food at the Convention Center this year, since half the group will be eating at different times. Young people are allowed to bring individual lunch bags, but catering a meal from a pizza place or other restaurant (or individual) is not allowed. Please know that the Convention Center reserves the right to ask you to leave if you are catering meals. Lastly, if you are bringing your own lunch we ask you not to use the tables reserved for those purchasing meals from the Convention Center. Thank you for your understanding and help with these issues.

Youth Ministry E-VINE (February 24, 2012)

Youth Day 2012

Youth Day 2012 is officially closed but we have many people looking for groups that have extra name badges. If you are not going to fill all of your spots please contact Mike at mnorman@la-archdiocese.org and we’ll connect a group that’s looking for name badges with you. This way, you won’t lose any money. Information packets with name badges and information have been mailed out this week. PLEASE open your packet as soon as it arrives to make sure everything is correct (if not, please call 213.637-7348 and leave a message). Your TRACK assignment will be listed and please follow the directions in the information concerning where you will do throughout the day.

Youth Ministry E-VINE (February 15, 2012)

Youth Day Registration is CLOSED

Registration for Youth Day 2012 was closed on Monday afternoon, February 13. This is great news for our day, but sad news for those people that have been placed on a waiting list. Information packets (your name badges are your tickets this year) will be sent out starting this week. If you anticipate having extra badges that can go to groups waiting to get in please contact Mike at mnorman@la-archdiocese.org. PLEASE open your packets when they arrive and review all the information pertaining to the day. Remember, your pastor and other priests MUST be registered to be part of the day.

Youth Ministry E-VINE (February 8, 2012)

Youth Day Registration

Online registration for Youth Day has closed and our great day should fill up in the next few days. If you have not registered for the day it might be too late. Mail in your form and your payment, but know that it might be sent back if the event is full. Also, please remember that all priests MUST be registered for the day – EVEN if they are only coming for liturgy. Please remind your pastors and other priests of this requirement. Nametags and Information Packets for Youth Day will be mailed out within the next two weeks – PLEASE remember to open your packet immediately and check the contents for accuracy (and remember, you will not receive tickets – nametags serve as tickets).

Youth Ministry E-VINE (February 2, 2012)

Youth Day Information

The last day for young people to register to be Emcees at Youth Day is Wednesday, February 8. The training day is on Saturday, February 18, but we must close the registrations prior to then so we can coordinate plans for the day. Please have any interested young person fill out the form and mail/email it in ASAP. You can download the form from the Youth Day web site. Also, please know that Youth Day is almost 70% full. We MUST cut the day off at exactly 14,200 people, so be aware that we will close this great day in the near future. We hope that you have already registered online or by mail. Thank you for all of your support for Youth Day 2012!

Youth Day T-Shirts

Official Youth Day T-shirts and sweatshirts can be pre-ordered from Seraph7 at a discounted price! Pricing information can be found on the Youth Day webpage. When pre-ordering, you can also customize the shirts for your group with the name of your parish or school (pricing varies based upon the quantity). T-shirts and sweatshirts will also be available for purchase on Youth Day; however, the supply of some items and sizes is limited. For pre-orders to be shipped to your address, the order must be received by February 26, 2012. To pick up your pre-order on Youth Day, the order must be received by March 12, 2012. Pre-orders that are not picked up by NOON on Youth Day will be released for public sale. If you arrive with your receipt later than that time, Seraph7 will give you a refund but can't guarantee that the shirts will still be available.

Youth Ministry E-VINE (January 25, 2012)

Youth Day and Congress Registration

If you haven't already registered for Youth Day (and Congress), we encourage you to do so soon! Fees increase after February 4, so next week is your last opportunity to register at the lower rate. Additionally, once Youth Day is full, registration will be closed. Save some money and don’t miss out — register now! You can register for Youth Day online at archive.recongress.org/YD. Information and online registration for the Religious Education Congress is available off the home page at archive.recongress.org.

Youth Ministry E-VINE (January 19, 2012)

Emcees and Adult Volunteers for Youth Day

Youth who would like to help introduce speakers during the day are invited to sign up and come to Emcee Training Day. The deadline to turn paperwork in for Emcee training day is on February 8. Forms are available on the Youth Day page at archive.recongress.org/YD. Remember that Emcees must be registered for Youth Day with their parish or school. Also, adults who are not chaperoning groups of youth for Youth Day are invited to serve as Adult Volunteers! Those interested must be over 21 and must have fulfilled their diocesan requirements for Youth Protection. More information can be found on the Youth Day page.

Youth Day T-Shirts

Official Youth Day T-shirts and sweatshirts can be pre-ordered from Seraph7 at a discounted price! Pricing information can be found on the Youth Day webpage at archive.recongress.org/YD. When pre-ordering, you can also customize the shirts for your group with the name of your parish or school (pricing varies based upon the quantity). T-shirts and sweatshirts will also be available for purchase on Youth Day; however, the supply of some items and sizes is limited. For pre-orders to be shipped to your address, the order must be received by February 26, 2012. To pick up your pre-order on Youth Day, the order must be received by March 12, 2012. Pre-orders that are not picked up by NOON on Youth Day will be released for public sale. If you arrive with your receipt later than that time, Seraph7 will give you a refund but can't guarantee that the shirts will still be available.

Youth Ministry E-VINE (January 5, 2012)

Youth Day Emcee/Choir/Adult Volunteers

The deadline for young people who are interested in joining the Youth Day Choir is approaching on January 11th. Young People are also invited to help introduce speakers during the day, please sign up and come to Emcee Training Day. Remember that Emcees and Choir members must be registered for youth day with their parish or school. Adults who are not chaperoning groups of youth for Youth Day are invited to serve as Adult Volunteers! Adult volunteers must be over 21 and must have fulfilled their diocesan requirements for Youth Protection.

Youth Ministry E-VINE (December 21, 2011)

Youth Day T-Shirts

Official Youth Day T-shirts and sweatshirts can be pre-ordered from Seraph7 at a discounted price. When pre-ordering, you can also customize the shirts for your group with the name of your parish or school for as little as $2.50 per shirt! Pricing information can be found on the Youth Day webpage. All pre-orders (including payment) must be received by February 26, 2012. Orders will be shipped to the home or business address of the customer. T-shirts and sweatshirts will also be available for purchase on Youth Day; however, the supply of some items and sizes is limited.

Youth Ministry E-VINE (December 14, 2011)

Opportunities to Volunteer at Youth Day

Adults who are not chaperoning groups of youth for Youth Day are invited to serve as Adult Volunteers! Those interested must be over 21 and must have fulfilled their diocesan requirements for Youth Protection. There are also opportunities for young people to get involved with Youth Day. Those who would like to help introduce speakers during the day are invited to sign up and come to Emcee Training Day. Young people are also invited to help serve in the Music Ministry for the Liturgies by joining the Youth Day Choir. Remember that Emcees and Choir members must be registered for youth day with their parish or school.

Congress 2012 – Accept the Challenge

ACCEPT THE CHALLENGE ... BE A VOICE INFUSING LIFE! Here is a chance to offer others the opportunity to hear God's voice in their own lives by inviting them to the Religious Education Congress. The “Accept the Challenge” contest involves getting the word out to people that have never been to Congress. RECongress not only teaches the Catholic faith but helps to advance personal growth. Invite others to join in this great work and bring the vision of RECongress alive. This referral contest is an opportunity for you to commit to sharing in this vision. Join countless others in reaching out to God's people. In the places we walk, dine, shop, pray... Begin to share your experience of RECongress and see how God uses your voice to infuse LIFE in another! Find out more about the "Accept the Challenge" contest at www.RECongress.net/acceptchallenge

Youth Ministry E-VINE (December 1, 2011)

Youth Day Registration

Registration for Youth Day and Congress 2012 is underway. For more information about both of these events, including how to register online, go to archive.recongress.org. If for some reason you have trouble registering online please email the Youth Day help desk at yd@recongress.org. This will be the quickest way for you to receive assistance with your registration.

Getting Involved with Youth Day

We want to remind you that there are ways for both young people and adults to get involved with Youth Day. We are looking for young people to serve as Emcees to introduce speakers for the day, and singers and instrumentalists for the Liturgy Choir. Emcees and Choir members must be registered for Youth Day with their parish or school. We also invite adults who are not chaperoning groups of youth to serve as Youth Day Volunteers. Those interested must be over 21 and must have fulfilled their diocesan requirements for Youth Protection. Further details and registration information for all these opportunities is available on the Youth Day web site.

Youth Ministry E-VINE (November 9, 2011)

Youth Day 2012 Emcees & Adult Volunteers

Many exciting preparations are already underway for Youth Day 2012! Remember that youth can apply to be an MC by attending Emcee training day on Saturday, February 18, 2012. The registration form is available on the Youth Day page. Also, adults who are not already chaperoning a group may volunteer to help with Youth Day. An information flyer for adult volunteers is also available on the Youth Day page.

ooking Buses for Youth Day

As you are making plans for your group’s participation in Youth Day 2012, remember that when you contract a bus company, it is important to ensure that they are properly licensed and insured. You can check the status of a bus company’s license and insurance on the Passenger Carriers section of the California Public Utilities Commission website at http://www.cpuc.ca.gov/PUC/transportation/passengers/.

Youth Ministry E-VINE (November 2, 2011)

Youth Day 2012 Registration

The Registration Guidebooks for the 2012 Religious Education Congress are now available (check with your parish for copies). This includes the registration form for Youth Day, but don’t forget that you can register online for both events, as well. Check out archive.recongress.org for more information. If for some reason you have trouble registering online for Youth Day (the site prevented someone from registering and told them it was full), please email the Youth Day help desk at yd@recongress.org. This will be the quickest way for you to receive assistance with your registration. We already have about 100 registrations! Thanks very much for all of your great comments about the new structure for Youth Day.

Youth Day 2012 Trading Items

Many groups have been asking about starting the tradition of creating “Trading Items” for Youth Day. This would be based on a similar trend that happens at the National Catholic Youth Conference, where different dioceses bring little items that represent their city or area of the country to trade with other people. We are hoping that parishes and schools will think of fun small items that represent them to bring to Youth Day and trade with others. It’s a fun way to enhance the interaction between groups. We’ll be encouraging this as we get closer to Youth Day, but we thought we drop the idea now, so your group can begin thinking about what they might bring!

Youth Ministry E-VINE (October 27, 2011)

PLUS 1 Video Contest

Just a reminder that the deadline for entering the Archdiocesan video contest called “Plus 1” is next week (November 1). Groups and individuals are invited to submit videos that celebrate the new translation of the Roman Missal and how the one hour of Mass each Sunday impacts the rest of our week. You can find all the information for the contest at www.la-archdiocese.org/plus1. Make sure you get your submission in before November 1. Remember the winning video will be shown at Youth Day 2012! Check it out today.

Youth Day 2012 Opportunities for Youth and Adults

Please remember that there are great ways for the young people in your program to be involved with Youth Day 2012. We invite all high school students to become Emcees for our day and introduce speakers before workshops. We also invite young people to become part of the Archdiocesan choir for our liturgy. People that are talented singers or musicians are invited to come be part of the group that leads the music at Mass. Also, if you are an adult (or you know someone else) that is NOT chaperoning a group for Youth Day, but would like to volunteer for the great event, we have a place for you! Our adult volunteer team helps with crowd control, information sharing, and much more during the day. We’re looking for youth-friendly people that can make the day more enjoyable for all. To download forms for all of these great opportunities, please continue to check out our website at http://www.la-archdiocese.org/org/ore/youth.

Youth Ministry E-VINE (October 12, 2011)

Religious Education Congress Guidebook Now Online

The Religious Education Congress Registration Guidebook will be out later this month, but you can review it now ONLINE (and download the pages). This includes the new information and NEW process for registering for Youth Day. Check it out at: archive.recongress.org/2012/guidebook.htm and be on the watch for the actual book coming soon. PLEASE review the new schedule for Youth Day.

Youth Ministry E-VINE (October 5, 2011)

Religious Education Congress Contest

There is a new and exciting contest being offered in conjunction with Congress 2012. The “Accept the Challenge” contest involves getting the word out to people that have never been to Congress (those people in the pew that don’t know it exists) and a chance for you to win exciting prizes. Starting October 24, 2011, a new website will open for the challenge. You will need to register at that website and then get new people that have never registered for Congress before, to NAME you when they register online for the event. You just go out and get at least two people (but more is great) to register for the weekend. It’s that easy. Then, after they have registered, you automatically get entered into a drawing for gifts. The details and site for you to register will go live on Monday, October 24. Check it out at www.recongress.net/acceptchallenge. It’s that easy to win!

Youth Ministry E-VINE (September 29, 2011)

Plus One Video Contest

There is only one more month to submit videos for the PLUS ONE Video Contest being co-sponsored by Youth Ministry, Catholic Schools, and the Office for Worship. This is a great opportunity for your young people to show off their technology and filming skills. It’s also a great way to have your video shown at Youth Day 2012 in Anaheim! The contest is an opportunity for young people to express how parts of the Mass impact their lives. There’s a wide open field of creativity for young people to express how the Plus one hour of weekly liturgy impacts the rest of the week. You can learn all the details for the contest and find out how an individual or a group can submit by going to: www.la-archdiocese.org/plus1. Check it out today and get your campus ministry, confirmation, or youth ministry young people inspired to create a great video!

Youth Ministry E-VINE (September 22, 2011)

Blog for Mike Patin – Youth Day Featured Speaker

Mike Patin, the featured speaker for Youth Day 2012, has a blog for people in ministry. We encourage you to take a look when you get a chance. It might be a boost for your personal outreach and a great way for you to support those on your team. Check it out at www.mikepatin.com and get refreshed!

Youth Ministry E-VINE (September 14, 2011)

Youth Day 2012

Information about the 2012 Youth Day theme, “Called Out – Challenge Accepted,” can be found at the Youth Day website. You can also learn more information about the change in the schedule, see which speakers are on tap for our great day, and get lots of information about the next three days of the Religious Education Congress (which follows Youth Day). Check it out online at archive.recongress.org/YD.

Youth Ministry E-VINE (August 31, 2011)

Youth Day 2012

As we continue to move closer to Youth Day 2012 we will be updating you on important facts! Just a reminder that we have changed the format of Youth Day, so when you go to register online (starting in mid-October) or when you get your Registration Guidebook, please be aware that things will have changed! Also, the theme for Youth Day 2012 is Called Out: Challenge Accepted. This theme was developed by the Youth Day Coordinating Team after looking over the readings of the day (Thursday of the 4th Week of Lent: Exodus 32: 7-14 and John 5:31-47). We have also finalized our roster of speakers and you can see those once the registration materials are out. Don’t forget to check out the official Youth Day website for more great information at archive.recongress.org/YD/.

Youth Ministry E-VINE (August 17, 2011)

New Format for Youth Day 2012

Over the past few years the greatest concern expressed by coordinators attending our annual Youth Day in Anaheim is that often participants are unable to get into the Arena for events or workshops – even if they hold tickets for that room. We have tried very hard to figure out a way to make it possible for every attendee to experience the community and energy of the Arena. We believe we have finally solved this issue. Starting with Youth Day 2012 we will be running two separate tracks that allow everyone to spend some time in the Arena. We are getting the word out in advance, but know that the Registration Guidebook and the online registration process will make it clear how to sign up for the day. There will be two opportunities to see the exact same “flow” in the Arena – a rally, workshop, and liturgy. We will repeat that flow twice, so everyone gets the chance to see the same thing. That means there will be one workshop that everyone sees and you still get to choose a second workshop. Also, everyone will experience an Arena Mass. Don’t worry too much about the details now, we’ll have all of this outlined in the registration material, but we did want to inform you in advance so you can begin to think about registration. The Guidebooks and online registration should be ready by late October. Expect more information soon.

Youth Ministry E-VINE (June 15, 2011)

Speaker/Musician Suggestions for Youth Day and Congress 2012

We are presently choosing speakers/musicians for Youth Day 2012 and the tracks for Congress that are about ministry with young people. If you have suggestions of nationally recognized speakers/musicians for us to consider for our great event in 2012 please email them to Mike Norman at mnorman@la-archdiocese.org by Monday, June 20. Please know that we will do our best to consider all suggestions but remember that space is limited! Thanks for the help.

Youth Ministry E-VINE (March 2, 2011)

Youth Day 2011

There are many groups LOOKING FOR TICKETS for Youth Day 2011. If you have extra tickets please email Mike Norman or call (213) 637-7674 and we might be able to help you sell your extra tickets. We have a large waiting list of people that would really like to attend. Please remind your participants that we will be taking up a collection at all three liturgies to help support the Catholic Youth Foundation USA and scholarship local leadership programs here in our own Archdiocese. Finally, please remember that you cannot cater meals at Youth Day. This is a liability issue for the Convention Center. It is fine for young people to bring sack lunches to the day, but please remember that bringing meals from restaurants off site or creating a catering area for your own group is prohibited. Thanks for helping us with this issue.

Youth Ministry E-VINE (March 2, 2011)

Youth Day 2011/Live Streaming

As of Monday, February 28, Youth Day was officially closed. We are now over 15,000 registrations. Thank you very much for your support of this great day. If you were unable to get registered before it closed you can get on the waiting list by emailing Mike Norman at mnorman@la-archdiocese.org. Please let us know how many tickets you are looking for and contact information. If a group has extra tickets we will notify you so you can connect with them. Also, Youth Day will be streamed live on the web this year!! Please make note of this and check it out at archive.recongress.org/LIVE for more details. You can pass this information on to friends and family to show them what you do on the fun Thursday in March!

Congress 2011 Highlight

Just a heads up about the Office of Religious Education Booth at Congress 2011! We will be giving away an IPad, IPod and Nano! These are the first, second, and third prizes for a drawing we will be running in our booth (#430). All you have to do is drop by and register to receive information from our office (EVEN if you already receive the information). Just come by the booth in the middle of the exhibit hall. Don’t just come for the raffle, please drop by to see us and hang out in our fun and relaxing area! You can also learn about all the great stuff our team has to offer. Also, when you get your official Program Book for Congress, check out page 67 for times that staff members will be present in the booth. This can help you to come see certain people (or avoid certain people, if you like ;). See you at Congress!

Youth Ministry E-VINE (February 25, 2011)

Youth Day Information

Just a few reminders as we near our great Youth Day 2011! All bus parking will be held at the Toy Story Lots at the end of Convention Way across Harbor. The only buses that will be allowed to come up Convention Way are those that have young people/adults that need special assistance (and only those youth and one chaperone will be allowed to exit there). Remember to tell your bus drivers to return to the lot by 1:45pm if they are not parking for the day. You will meet your bus in the same place where you were dropped off. PLEASE REMEMBER – there are no saving seats at Youth Day. It may be necessary for your group to be split – and keep one chaperone for every 10 youth. Remember, also, that if the Convention Center sees you “catering” your lunch – bringing boxes from a restaurant or setting up a big tent for serving meals – they will request you to leave the premises. This is a liability issue for the Convention Center. You may have young people bring individual lunches. Thanks for adhering to this guideline. Please remember that Justin Fatica of Hard as Nails Ministry will be our keynote in the Arena and Joe Melendrez will be the keynote in Hall B. Justin has a new book out for young people called “Win it All” and you can find information about that at: www.hanm.org.

Youth Ministry E-VINE (February 9, 2011)

Youth Day Update

Youth Day 2011 is just over a month away and we wanted to remind you of a few things. Registrations are still being accepted for the day, but it will fill up before the end of this month. You can learn more about registration at archive.recongress.org/YD/ . Please note that all bus parking will take place at the Toy Story lots at the end of Convention Center Way (like last year). All participants will walk to the Convention Center from that spot. More information will be sent along with your Youth Day tickets. Please remember that there is no catering of food for Youth Day on Convention Center property. It is fine for participants to bring individual lunches, but the coordination of food being dropped off by restaurants/caterers or the setting up of parish/school catering areas is prohibited. Thank you for your attention to this matter. If your group would like to order Youth Day T-shirts in advance please visit www.Seraph7.com ASAP!


2. Youth Day Information

3. Confirmation Rite Training

4. Youth Ministry Resource Day

5. Rocking Romans Program

2. Just a few reminders as we near our great Youth Day 2011! All bus parking will be held at the Toy Story Lots at the end of Convention Way across Harbor. The only busses that will be allowed to come up Convention Way are those that have young people/adults that need special assistance (and only those youth and one chaperone will be allowed to exit there). Remember to tell your bus drivers to return to the lot by 1:45pm if they are not parking for the day. You will meet your bus in the same place where you were dropped off. PLEASE REMEMBER – there are no saving seats at Youth Day. It may be necessary for your group to be split – so remember that you have brought one chaperone for every 10 youth. Remember, also, that if the Convention Center sees you “catering” your lunch – bringing boxes from a restaurant or setting up a big tent for serving meals they will request you to leave the premises. This is a liability issue for the center. You can have young people bring individual lunches. Thanks for adhering to this guideline. Please remember that Justin Fatica of Hard as Nails Ministry will be our keynote in the Arena and Joe Melendrez will be the keynote in Hall B. Justin has a new book out for young people called “Win it All” and you can find information about that at: www.hanm.org.


Youth Ministry E-VINE (February 3, 2011)

Youth Day T-Shirts

Please note that if your group plans to have Seraph7, the Youth Day T-shirt company, customize shirts for you then Friday, February 4, is the deadline for placing that order. The order must be at least 10 shirts and know that the cost of the shirts is cheaper than on Youth Day. If you are just wanting to place a pre-order for NON-customized shirts that will be shipped to you in advance then that must be done (with payment) before February 18. Pre-orders after February 18 must be picked up on Youth Day at the Seraph7 booth in the main lobby. All pre-orders must be done before March 7. Please check out www.seraph7.com for more details and an example of the shirt!

Youth Ministry E-VINE (January 12, 2011)

Youth Day Opportunities

A reminder that the deadline for youth to volunteer as MCs or Musicians for the Arena Choir/Band is fast approaching. Young people MUST be registered to attend Youth Day to participate. Please check out the registration forms off the Youth Day page at archive.recongress.org/YD/and pass these on to interested young people.

Youth Ministry E-VINE (January 6, 2011)

Online Information for Youth Day and Congress 2011

A reminder that there are many opportunities for young people to be involved in Youth Day. We have positions as Emcees, Choir Members, and Musicians. The website for Youth Day and Congress is now filled with all the information for our great day - MARCH 17 - and the rest of the weekend. Online registration can be found at archive.recongress.org/register.htm

Youth Day Emcee Training: Each year we look for energetic and talented young people that are attending Youth Day with their parish or school to be part of our great day by joining the team of MCs. These young people introduce our speakers and some of them actually become the main emcees in the Arena and Hall B for our large group gatherings. There is a required training that must be attended in order to be an emcee. The Emcee Training Day will be on Saturday, February 19, at 9am at Holy Family Parish in South Pasadena. In order to register for that day a young person needs o only fill out the registration form and mail it in! Remember, all MCs must be registered to attend Youth Day!

Youth Day Arena Liturgy Choir and Band: Youth Day is looking for young people that like to sing or play instruments to be part of the Arena Choir and Band! Youth Day is Thursday, March 17, and rehearsals for participating will begin on Saturday, January 22, and will be held at St. Monica Parish in Santa Monica. Please pass on this information to the young people in your parish or school. Check out the registration form on the Youth Day Page for more information or call Katie Zeigler at (213) 637-7616.

Adult Volunteers Needed for Youth Day 2011: If you are an adult -- over 21 years of age -- and are NOT a chaperone for any parish or school group for Youth Day you are eligible to be one of our great supporters of Youth Day! You can come and experience the fun of Youth Day by helping us to shepherd over 15,000 high school students and their chaperones at the Anaheim Convention Center! To volunteer for Youth Day 2011 as an adult volunteer please check out the registration form here.

Youth Ministry E-VINE (November 10, 2010)

Youth Day Opportunities and Online Registration

Youth Day 2011 will be here before you know it! We want to continue to remind you of important ways young people can be involved with that great day. We are looking for Emcees, Singers, Musicians and other interested youth to be part of the activities in Anaheim. You can download registration forms and get much more information online at archive.recongress.org/YD. We are looking for singers and musicians to help with the Arena Liturgy and the Grand Ballroom Liturgy (sponsored by the Santa Barbara Region). We are also looking for MCs willing to introduce our speakers that day. PLEASE ALSO NOTE that we would love to have adults volunteer for our day, as well. Those interested must be over 21 and are NOT planning to chaperone a parish or school group. Volunteers must have fulfilled their diocesan requirements for Youth Protection. Check out the registration form on our website for more information.

Youth Ministry E-VINE (November 3, 2010)

Opportunities at Youth Day 2011

Remember that there are great ways for young people in your ministry to be involved with Youth Day 2011. We are looking for emcees (people that introduce the speakers), singers and musicians (for both the Arena and the Grand Ballroom liturgies, sponsored by the Santa Barbara Region), and we even have a place for adults (that are not chaperones) to volunteer. For more information about these great opportunities or to download a registration form for youth or adults please check out the Youth Day page, along with information (including online registration), at archive.recongress.org/YD.

Youth Ministry E-VINE (October 27, 2010)

Youth Day 2011 Opportunities

Youth Day will be here before you know it – remember, it’s March 17, 2011! There are some important opportunities for young people and for adults (who are not scheduled to be chaperones) to be involved in our day. We are looking for young people to be part of the Arena Choir and the Grand Ballroom Choir (sponsored by the Santa Barbara Region). In order to be part of the Arena Choir please check out the flyer. To be part of the choir for the Santa Barbara Region please connect with Daryl Hitt at dhitt@holycross-moorpark.org. Young people can also be MCs for our day and introduce speakers and much more. To register to be an MC please have your young people fill out the flyer. We also have a place for adults to volunteer at Youth Day – but they can only be part of this crew if they are NOT chaperoning a group. Adults can fill out the form to volunteer: PLEASE NOTE that registration for Youth Day and the Religious Education Congress is now available online at archive.recongress.org/register.htm and that the Registration Guidebooks will be mailed out beginning next week

Youth Ministry E-VINE (March 25, 2010)

Thank you for Youth Day 2010 and Evaluations

Thank you to everyone that supported Youth Day 2010! I’m Just Sayin’ it was a great day. Thank you for making the effort to bring over 15,000 young people and adults to Anaheim for this event. It would NOT be possible without you! Please make sure you fill out the EVALUATIONS and mail them back to us! We do listen to your suggestions and try hard to incorporate them into our day! It looks like the support for our collection has matched last year's (and the year before). We hope to have final details on that in the next E-VINE. Thanks for supporting scholarship programs for young people. Just a heads up – Youth Day 2011 will be on Thursday, March 17 and the Religious Education Congress will be March 18-20! Mark your calendars now!

Youth Ministry E-VINE (March 17, 2010)

Youth Day 2010/Religious Education Congress

Youth Day 2010 is HERE! Just a few reminders for our day and the rest of the Religious Education Congress. We will be recycling old cell phones at Youth Day and Congress to raise money for relief to earthquake victims. Please be generous. Just a reminder that we are taking a collection at all the Youth Day Masses. This money will help young people have scholarships to leadership programs both locally and nationally. Please tell your friends that cannot come to Congress that all the Arena events of Friday AND the Sunday afternoon Closing Liturgy will be streamed live at our website. Tell them to check it out at archive.recongress.org/LIVE! PLEASE remember there is no saving of seats at Youth Day.

SPECIAL Thank you to Youth Day Coordinating Team

The Youth Ministry Team and the staff of the Office of Religious Education would like to thank all of the NUMEROUS adult and youth volunteers that have made Youth Day possible this year. We’d especially like to thank the members of the Youth Day Coordinating Team for all of their hard work. Please be generous and thank all of those hard workers tomorrow at Youth Day!

Office of Religious Education Booth at Congress

If you are staying for all of the Religious Education Congress please drop by the NEW and IMPROVED Office of Religious Education Booth. Margaret Sardo and a team of other workers have turned this booth into a wonderful oasis in the middle of the Exhibit Area. Also, you’ll learn a lot about upcoming events of our office. Check out the back of the Congress Program Book for times that the Youth Ministry Team will be in the booth and then make plans to come visit us!

Youth Ministry E-VINE (March 11, 2010)

Youth Day/Congress Information

YOUTH DAY: Please know that we emailed a CHANGE in the bus parking information to all CONTACT PEOPLE that registered for Youth Day 2010. If you are bringing a bus to Youth Day and did not receive that email please know that you will receive a hard copy in the mail, but I’ve also attached the information to this E-VINE. Everyone should please note that ALL BUSES MUST PARK in the Buzz Lightyear Parking Lot across Harbor Blvd. from the Clarion Hotel. We will have traffic control officers that morning to help you into that lot. REMEMBER that parking is $20 per bus. Please contact your bus company with this information. Please remember that you can download the theme song for Youth Day for free at our website: archive.recongress.org/YD.

CONGRESS: We emailed everyone that registered for the Mike Patin day-long retreat at the Religious Education Congress to be held on Friday, March 19. If you did not receive that email (and are registered for the day) please contact Mike Norman as soon as possible. I also wanted to let everyone know that the orphanage in Cambodia that I have volunteered with for the past two years will have a booth at Congress. You can drop by and see why I have gone to volunteer – mainly because of the great youth! This booth will also be selling quilts made by women living with HIV/AIDS in Cambodia. Please stop by to check out the New Hope for Cambodian Children booth! Check your program book for the location. Tell them Mike Norman sent you!

SPECIAL Youth Ministry E-VINE (March 3, 2010)

FREE Download of the Youth Day 2010 Theme Song

Courtesy of World Library Publications, you can now download the Youth Day 2010 Theme Song from the Youth Day website. Just visit http://archive.recongress.org/YD to download the song. Just look for the picture of John Angotti – the great artist that wrote the song and will be performing it at Youth Day. We say a very special thanks to World Library Publications (and Lisa Bagladi) for making this free download possible.

Youth Ministry E-VINE (March 3, 2010)

Youth Day Information

There are some important items to note as we move into the final days before Youth Day 2010:

Live Streaming for Religious Education Congress

We are very excited to announce that there will be live streaming on the web of the Religious Education Congress Arena activities from Friday, March 19 – including the Opening Event, workshops, and concerts. We will also be live streaming the Sunday closing liturgy from the afternoon. You can learn more about this great addition to our event by checking out the Congress website at archive.recongress.org!LIVE. Make sure you help us spread the word to people about this great thing!

Youth Ministry GRAPEVINE (March 2010)

Youth Day 2010—I’m Just Sayin’

Over 15,000 people have registered for the annual Youth Day to be held in Anaheim on March 18! The theme of our great day is taken from the readings of the day and it is “I’m Just Sayin’…” This day is a wonderful opportunity for us to celebrate the young church of Los Angeles and beyond. It is an evangelizing day full of music, prayer, catechesis, and much more. Here are some helpful hints to help make your day more enjoyable:

  1. PLEASE remember that busses will only be able to drop off and pick up young people off of Convention Way (no busses will be allowed at the back of the Convention Center off of West St.). We ask you to follow the directions of the company hired to direct traffic – Transportation Services. They will be connecting with each bus at the front entrance off of Convention Way.
  2. PLEASE make sure you distribute name badges to young people before you arrive at the Convention Center. This will help with unloading.
  3. THERE is no saving of seats in any space at the Convention Center – especially the Arena. Please follow this guideline.
  4. Please let your young people know that we will be taking a collection up at the liturgies and that money will go to help youth attend leadership programs both locally and nationally.
  5. We are also collecting OLD CELL PHONES to raise money for Haiti. Please ask your groups to bring any old cell phones that can be donated to the company at Youth Day and at the same time we raise money for those affected by the recent earthquake.
  6. Please remember that we will be selling official Youth Day T-shirts. Please help us to spread the word.
  7. We have word that the California Highway Patrol will be checking the licenses of buses! Make sure your bus is in good standing with the California Public Utilities Commission. See it online at www.cpuc.ca.gov!

Live Streaming for Religious Education Congress

We are very excited to announce that there will be live streaming on the web of the Religious Education Congress Arena activities from Friday, March 19 – including the Opening Event, workshops, and concerts. We will also be live streaming the Sunday closing liturgy from the afternoon. You can learn more about this great addition to our event by checking out the Congress website at archive.recongress.org! Make sure you help us spread the word to people about this great thing!

Youth Ministry E-VINE (February 24, 2010)

Youth Day is Closed

Great news: The response to Youth Day has been amazing. Bad news: We have reached capacity and the day is closed. Medium level news: We have started a waiting list and usually groups have extra tickets that they are willing to sell. If you have not registered for Youth Day yet please go ahead and send in your information but please know that you will be on the waiting list. We will inform you when we have openings. Please know that the online registration is no longer available. Thanks for supporting our great day! We have over 15,000 people attending!

Youth Day Bus Pick Up/Drop Off

Just a reminder about important Youth Day information concerning bus drop off and pick up at the convention center. PLEASE check out the information enclosed with your tickets (and make sure you check you tickets ASAP when they arrive – we started mailing them out this week). The ONLY place that busses will be able to drop young people off for Youth Day will be in FRONT of the convention center off of Convention Center Way (just off of Harbor). This is also where busses will come to pick people up. We have hired Transportation Services to handle the flow of all busses. When you arrive and drop off young people you will be given information from this company about where you bus should park for the day and how they will come back for pick up. Do not leave the bus drop off area without getting this information. More specific guidelines will be emailed to all contact people prior to Youth Day.

Youth Ministry E-VINE (February 17, 2010)

Youth Day 2010

Tickets for Youth Day will be mailed out this week. Please know that we do not mail them out all at once. They go out in the order that the registrations were received. (We begin with number one and then move on.) Please realize that it might not be until next week before you receive your tickets. Also, Youth Day is not closed, yet, but looks to be very soon. If you are planning to register for the day or add more people to your group please do it soon. If you are using a BUS to come to Youth Day, please make sure your charter company is in compliance with the California Public Utilities Commission (this group monitors to make sure your bus has the correct license and has the proper insurance). You can go online and look up your bus company’s name to see if it is approved at: https://delaps1.cpuc.ca.gov/pls/public_cpuc/f?p=203:35:3351748757668781

T-Shirts for Youth Day

February 22 is the LAST DAY for pre-orders for Youth Day T-Shirts. You can get a customized T-shirt with the Youth Day logo (and your favorite color) directly from the company we use for the official shirts. Check out the attached order form or go to www.Seraph7.com. “I’m Just Sayin’…” you might want to order soon.

Youth Ministry E-VINE (February 11, 2010)

Youth Ministry Retreat at Religious Education Congress is CLOSED

Thank you very much for the overwhelming response to the Youth Ministry Retreat planned for the Friday of our annual Religious Education Congress. We are very excited about having Mike Patin return to inspire us with his words of wisdom and humor. It’s great that we get to report that the retreat is completely full and we have started a waiting list. We’re very sorry if you didn’t get registered in time to be part of this event, but please know it will probably happen again in the future! If you are registered for the day please know you will receive an email from us in early March giving you details of the day. Thanks, again, for supporting this wonderful event.

Youth Ministry E-VINE (February 4, 2010)

Youth Day and Congress Information

Just some reminders about Youth Day and Congress 2010! Please remember that the last day for someone to sign up to be an MC for Youth Day is Friday, February 5. We have had an overwhelming response so far and we are excited to use young people in this important position at our day. PLEASE NOTE that Youth Day is not full and we are still taking reservations. The Youth Minister’s Retreat at Congress on March 19th with Mike Patin will be full by the end of the week. We will begin a waiting list and let you know immediately if you are part of that group. Don’t forget that your group can PRE-ORDER Youth Day T-Shirts, customize them, and choose your own color. Please check out the Youth Day page (archive.recongress.org/YD) concerning T-Shirt ordering! ORDER YOUR YOUTH DAY T-SHIRTS TODAY!

Youth Ministry E-VINE (January 20, 2010)

Mike Patin Day Retreat at Religious Education Congress

There are a few remaining spots for the Adults in Ministry with Young People Retreat happening at the Religious Education Congress on Friday, March 19. The incredible Mike Patin will be leading our day and it promises to be uplifting and restful (especially after Youth Day!). Come spend a day with fellow adults in ministry as we laugh, pray, and play together! It promises to be powerful. Check out the registration form for more information. Register ASAP!

Youth Day Opportunities for Youth

Please remember that there are two great ways that young people can be involved in Youth Day 2010! The can be singers or musicians in the Arena Choir or they can be Emcees and introduce speakers for the day. These great opportunities are about to be closed to people, so get those registration forms in ASAP. Check out our Youth Day page for more information at: http://archive.recongress.org/YD

Youth Ministry E-VINE (January 4, 2010)

Youth Day 2010

Just a reminder that we are presently taking registrations for YOUTH DAY 2010! You can even register ONLINE! We also want to remind you of the two opportunities for young people to be involved as EMCEES or as part of the Arena Choir and Musicians. For more information about how to register young people to be part of youth day please visit our website at archive.recongress.org/YD. We also want to remind you that Mike Patin will be sponsoring a daylong retreat at the Religious Education Congress this year (all day Friday). Registration is limited! Please check http://www.archdiocese.la/learning/ore/youth/year.html for the registration form!

Youth Ministry GRAPEVINE (December 2009)

I’m Just Sayin’… Youth Day 2010

Believe it or not, Youth Day will be here before you know it! The registration guidebook is out, you can download the form from the website, and we’ve already begun to receive registrations! We hope you are planning to join us for Youth Day 2010! Our theme for Youth Day is I’m Just Sayin’… and it reflects the readings of our day. Check out Exodus 32:7-14 and John 5:31-47. These have helped us as we plan this great day.

We also want to remind you that there are many ways for young people to be involved in Youth Day and a way for NON-chaperoning adults to be involved, as well. Youth Day Emcees are the young people that introduce speakers, lead us in prayer at our opening sessions and guide us in our closing rallies. The Emcee training day will be on Saturday, February 13, from 9am-12noon at Holy Family Parish in South Pasadena. Youth planning to be an emcee MUST attend this day. You can download a registration form from our website and pass it on to any young person that is interested in being a speaking presence at Youth Day.

Our Arena Liturgy is looking for Choir Members and Musicians that would like to assist in making our Mass with Cardinal Mahony the best youth friendly liturgy around. Ed Archer of St. Monica Parish and High School guides these groups in preparing the music for our liturgy. Rehearsals for the Arena Choir are held at St. Monica in Santa Monica and begin on January 16! Check out the flyer on our website to be part of this important group.

Adults that are NOT chaperoning a group at Youth Day, but want to participate can volunteer to be part of our team that leads the day. We are always looking for youth friendly adults that can come help lead the crowds, take tickets, maintain order and much more. If you know of adults that would like to volunteer please have them call Erin Avila at (559) 259-8232. We need you to spread the word!

Youth Ministry E-VINE (November 4, 2009)

Youth Day Transportation and the CPUC

PLEASE remember that as you book your transportation for YOUTH DAY 2010 it is very important that you check to make sure your carrier is licensed through the California Public Utilities Commission. This is very easy to do. Just look up your carrier at CPUC’s website and make sure you click on the link for Passenger Carriers. This site will tell you whether the carrier is allowed to be operating now or not. It is good to check back annually to make sure your carrier is still in good standing.

Youth Ministry Retreat at Congress 2010

We are planning our second Youth Ministry Day-Retreat at the 2010 Religious Education Congress on Friday, March 19 (download flyer here

Youth Ministry GRAPEVINE (November 2009)

Mike Patin Retreat at RE Congress 2010

We are excited to announce that Mike Patin will return to offer a day retreat for Youth Ministry Coordinators and their adult team members on the Friday of the Religious Education Congress. This will take place at the Doubletree Suites Hotel at 2085 S. Harbor Blvd. in Anaheim on Friday, March 19, from 10 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. The cost for the day is $25 per person and this will include lunch! The theme for the day is “Between a ‘Rock’ and a Hard Place: My Soul.” Mike describes the day this way, “People. Needs. Meetings. Deadlines. Call. Texts. Family and friends . . . Oh yeah, and my friendship with God. This day will be a chance to slow down for a few hours and allow our souls to catch up with our bodies.” Registration for this day is separate from the RE Congress registration guidebook. Please check out our website at www.archdiocese.la/learning/ore for a registration form or contact Mike Norman at mnorman@la-archdiocese.org or (213) 637-7674. Come join us to recover from Youth Day, too!

Youth Day Opportunities for Young People

Just a reminder that there are two great ways for young people to be involved in Youth Day 2010. One way is to be part of the Arena Choir and musicians for the liturgy with Cardinal Mahony. Rehearsals will begin on Saturday, January 16, at St. Monica parish at 725 California Avenue in Santa Monica, CA 90403. This is also the day that people will be able to audition for solos. Young people can also be an Youth Day MC and be part of the team that introduces speakers and guides us through our day at Opening Sessions and Closing Rallies. The MC Training Day will take place at Holy Family Parish in South Pasadena on Saturday, February 13, 2010. Young people need to fill out registration forms to be part of either opportunity. You can download a form from archive.recongress.org/YD or contact Diana Salinas for one at dmsalinas@la-archdiocese.org or (213) 637-7303. This is a great way for young people to use their talents to enhance our great day. We also have great opportunities for adult volunteers. Contact us soon for that, too!

Youth Day Registration ONLINE!

That’s right, you are reading correctly. We are making it possible for you to register for Youth Day online. All you need to do is visit the Youth Day Page on the RECongress website at archive.recongress.org/YD. You’ll need to pay by credit card. We’ve been doing this for Congress for a while now, but this is the first year for Youth Day. The RECongress Registration Guidebooks should be mailed out mid-November, but you can download all of the materials for YOUTH DAY and Congress right now! Please start sharing our theme I’m Just Sayin’… with your young people to help get them prepared for our great day in 2010!

Youth Ministry E-VINE (October 29, 2009)

Youth Day Opportunities

Please pass on to your young people that they can be personally involved in Youth Day 2010. Our theme for the day is I’m Just Sayin’… and I’m just saying that we always need young people that are willing to be MCs for our speakers or that are excited about singing in the ARENA CHOIR or playing an instrument for the Arena Liturgy. It’s as easy as coming to training days and rehearsals. Please see the flyers for Youth Day MCs (PDF: 1pg, 212k) and Youth Day Arena Liturgy Choir (PDF: 1pg, 81k) for more information AND PLEASE post somewhere that your young people can see them. We’d love to have as many young people involved as possible. We know one of the main successes of Youth Day is that we work hard to make it a day where youth see themselves on stage!

Youth Ministry E-VINE (October 21, 2009)

Youth Day and Congress ONLINE Registration

GREAT NEWS! Starting on Monday, October 26, you will be able to register for YOUTH DAY 2010 and the Religious Education Congress online. The guidebooks for our great event will not be mailed until the first week of November, but you’ll be able to check everything out online and even REGISTER your group for Youth Day. Check out the Registration page more information. We hope this new way of registering helps you with the process.


Youth Ministry E-VINE (October 7, 2009)

Youth Day Emcees

Youth Day 2010 is looking for young people that are interested in being Emcees for our great day. Emcees are responsible for introducing our speaker and some become the over all emcees that lead us through our Opening Sessions and our Closing Rallies. Any young person interested in being an Emcee for Youth Day must attend a half-day of training on Saturday, February 13, at Holy Family Parish in South Pasadena. Please check out the Youth Day MC registration form for more information.

Youth Ministry GRAPEVINE (October 2009)

I’M JUST SAYIN’… Youth Day 2010 Theme

So at first glance the theme for Youth Day 2010 can seem a little strange, but we promise that once you’ve reviewed the readings of the day it will make complete sense. I’m Just Sayin’… speaks loudly of Moses boldly pleading with God in the first reading and Jesus calmly suggesting to people that they might want to follow his example in the Gospel. Our readings for Youth Day are Exodus 32:7-14 and John 5:31-47. We hope that you will begin to review these readings with your young people (and chaperones) to help prepare them for our great day. Youth Day gathers over 15,000 young people and chaperones at the Anaheim Convention Center to celebrate our great God and our larger Church community. It is a day that is both invigorating and exhausting. Registration Guidebooks for Youth Day and for Congress will be out by the end of October. Please be on the lookout so you can get your registration form in as soon as possible. We hope to see you in March 2010!

Youth Ministry E-VINE (March 18, 2009)

Youth Day Information

Thank you to everyone that helped make YOUTH DAY 2009 so successful – all those that planned the day, all those that brought young people, and the team from our office. Please make sure that you meet with your young people and fill out an evaluation form. We’d like to receive those forms before March 31. We also wanted to thank you for your incredible generosity with our collection this year. We raised over $11,000 that will be used to assist our Archdiocesan youth leadership programs and the Catholic Youth Foundation USA. It is a great way for us to support the future of young ministers in our Church!

Youth Ministry GRAPEVINE (February 24, 2009)

Download the Youth Day Theme Song for FREE!

World Library Publications and the incredible Jacob and Matthew have made it possible for you to download a copy of the theme song from Youth Day 2009. “Stand Up and Live!” is the energetic moving song created by Jacob Israel and Matthew Leon for our special day. We say a big thank you to them for all that they did to make this song so meaningful. We also say a big thank you to World Library Publications, and specifically Lisa Bagladi, for arranging the opportunity of getting the song. We encourage you to check out Jacob and Matthew’s CD “Universal” and all the other incredible music that WLP has to offer. We really hope that the theme song will continue to inspire people every day. We also see it as a great way to let the memory of Youth Day live on for a long time. If you see Jacob or Matthew please make sure you say a BIG THANK YOU for the great theme song. And make sure you download a copy for yourself and your group today. Stand Up and Live L.A.!

• Visit the Youth Day web page archive.recongress.org/YD or www.wlp.jspaluch.com

Youth Day and Congress Dates for 2010!

Please mark your calendars now! Youth Day will be on March 18 and Congress will be March 1921! We look forward to
seeing you at Congress 2010!

Youth Ministry E-VINE (February 18, 2009)


Bus Drop Off and Pick Up

Just a quick reminder that this year you have the opportunity to have your bus drop you off two different places at Youth Day. The map that was sent with your tickets shows how you can be dropped off at the back of the Convention Center (off of West Street), but you can also have your driver take Convention Way (the road between the Marriott Hotel and the Hilton Hotel) and drop your group off in front of the Center. This will avoid all of the equipment moving around in back of the Center. The most important thing to remember is that your bus will pick you up at the same place it drops you off. The Convention Center has supplied two maps that show you how the buses will be directed to parking after dropping people off on Youth Day. Please know that there will be Convention Center staff directing traffic that day and supplying drivers with maps and instructions. CLICK TO SEE MAPS

CRS Peace Banner

Catholic Relief Services (CRS) and the Los Angeles Archdiocese Office of Justice and Peace invite you and our young church in the West to start this Lenten season in solidarity with the suffering Christ found all over the Holy Land. Please forward this onto your Youth Ministers and contacts and join in the effort to create a giant L.A. YOUTH DAY banner of peace for youth in refugee camps in the Holy Land. Think of it as a big graffiti wall for peace!

Ways you can help create this banner on Youth Day:

  1. Please visit the CRS table located in the Arena Lobby through lunchtime, to write a prayer with your youth! These will be attached to the banner and will be brought in for the Closing Ceremony.
  2. We will need volunteer youth to go out to the waiting lines before the doors open and during lunch to collect prayers as well. Please contact me if you want your youth group or school to help with this.
  3. We also need Sharpies and permanent markers to use just for the day. Let us know how many you have via email and bring them to our table in the Arena Lobby. Use a masking tape label with a the name of parish/school on each, to get them returned after.
  4. Create your prayers ahead of time and drop them by the table or mail in. See below for simple instructions. 15 minutes for peace and solidarity!


If you are not attending Youth Day or want to do these ahead of time at your parish or school during the next week, this will take 15 minutes to simply invite the young people you serve to follow the instructions below:

  • Cut out 2” x 6” pieces of white (muslin, simple) cloth. (You might consider using Tyvek, a synthetic material that can be obtained free from any construction builders as they typically have huge pieces left over from siding. This is cloth-like paper like that is also used for USPS large overnight/priority mail envelopes. It is weather proof and almost indestructible. You can cut up old envelopes of this material too!) We can not use paper as this needs to be as fire retardant as possible and especially hold up over time and weather.
  • Use permanent markers to decorate the cloth and write a message or prayer of peace! Choose the side that doesn't smudge.
  • Write a simple peace/solidarity prayer that could be given to any young person in the Holy Land. Write one line, three words, whatever. Because these will be distributed all over, we ask that the messages remain neutral and avoid using the words “Palestinian” or “Israeli.” Sample messages are:
    • We are with you praying for peace!
    • God bless you with peace in your hearts!
    • Peace is possible; we are praying with you.
    • We are with you in spirit and pray for peace.
  • At the bottom of the message, write your first name, parish or school, city, state, USA.
  • Hole punch the top, string your parishes together with string or strong ribbon so they hang.
  • Mail them in a padded envelope to the address below or bring them to Youth Day and find CRS staff/volunteers at the entrance to the arena first thing as you arrive. They will put on a banner for the closing ceremony. You are part of a great movement of the Spirit of peace. Thank you!

Our goal is to send 2,500 prayer messages attached on this banner. Spread the word among your colleagues and communities; invite young people to do the same. Anyone can join! If you want to become part a collective youth message of peace to youth in the Holy Land, please send your prayer cloths so that they arrive by February 24, 2009 to: Mary Oldham, CRS Volunteer, Office of Justice and Peace, Archdiocese of Los Angeles, 3424 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90010

2009 Youth Day Theme Song/2009 Congress Theme Song

Just a reminder that you can download the Youth Day Theme Song “Stand Up and Live!” by Jacob and Matthew from the Youth Day site archive.recongress.org/YD and you can now download the Congress Theme Song “Unfolding Love” by Josh Blakesley at www.spiritandsong.com. Check out both of these great songs!

My Catholic Voice Youth Ministry Session at Congress

“Teens, Text and Twitter: New Media for Youth Ministry” is the title of a gathering that will be happening at the 2009 Religious Education Congress specifically for Youth Ministry Coordinators. The Church today is encountering a fundamental shift in the way people communicate the Gospel message. This revolution in communications, sometimes referred to as “new media” or “Web 2.0” is similar in impact to the invention of the printing press. As the Web has become a new media publishing platform and a primary mechanism for how youth engage in community, youth leaders are challenged to explore, connect and share our church experience in new ways, and understand the dynamics of this new communication landscape. Fred Fosnacht, CEO of MyCatholicVoice, will highlight the best thinking, practices, strategies, and resources in new media and social networking and allow time for participants to share their own tactics. This session will happen on Friday, February 27, from 11:45am until 12:45pm in Convention Center Room 205AB (on the second floor). Please bring your lunch and join us! Please RSVP, since the room is limited in size, with Fred at congressyouthministers@mycatholicvoice.com.

Reception for NACYML Members at Congress

Those people that are members of the National Association for Catholic Youth Ministry Leaders (NACYML) should have received an invitation to a special reception at the upcoming Religious Education Congress. If you are a member of this important association, and all those that work with youth are encouraged to join this professional organization, and you did not receive an invitation email please contact Mike Norman ASAP for details. We look forward to having you join us for this event. For information on NACYML and registration guidelines please visit www.nacyml.org.

We’ll see you at YOUTH DAY 2009!

Youth Ministry E-VINE (February 11, 2009)

Youth Day Information

Please NOTE that there has been an additional place added for BUS DROP OFF for Youth Day. In the past it has been requested that all buses use the West Street entrance, which is in the back of the Convention Center. This year, due to high traffic of forklifts and other machinery in the back of the center as one show loads in and one loads out, the Convention Center is encouraging groups to use CONVENTION WAY to drop people off. This is the road that is between the Marriott Hotel and the Hilton Hotel that does a big curve right in front of the big windowed area of the Center. So, please tell your bus driver that your group CAN be dropped off in front of the Convention Center doors – to lessen the number of buses in the back. PLEASE MAKE SURE to tell your group that they will be picked up in the SAME PLACE that they were dropped off. This will be the instruction given to your bus driver. If you are driving a car, this information does not pertain to you. Please check out the map of the Center that was sent with your tickets. Also, please know that there are people looking for Youth Day tickets. If you have any extra tickets PLEASE contact Mike Norman at mnorman@la-archdiocese.org or 213-637-7674 as soon as possible.

The theme song for Youth Day 2009, "Stand Up and Live!" by the great band, Jacob and Matthew, can be downloaded for free from the Youth Day website. Follow the link to get your copy of “Step Up and Live!” at archive.recongress.org/YD. See you at Youth Day!

Youth Ministry E-VINE (February 4, 2009)

Youth Day Information

Please know that Youth Day 2009 is now closed for registrations. We do have a waiting list and can gladly add groups to that sheet in case we get groups with extra tickets (if you have tickets that you aren’t using please let us know). A heads up that the dates for Youth Day and Congress 2010 have been announced – Youth Day will be on March 18, 2010 and Congress will be March 19-21. Please note this on your calendars. If you are still interested in volunteering for Youth Day (or know of an adult that would like to), please connect with Erin Avila at emavila@sbcglobal.net or (559) 259-8232.

Youth Ministry E-VINE (February 3, 2009)

Can You Step It Up? Youth Day

“Step Up to Life” is the theme for our upcoming Youth Day! This is a great theme as we begin to help youth prepare for our big event. It helps to remind us that we all can constantly search for ways to Step Up to Life in many parts of our lives. Remember, it might be good to use the readings of the day with your youth as everyone prepares for our day. Knowledge of the readings in advance will help all of us enter into the experience more fully. The First Reading is from Deuteronomy 30:15-20 and the Gospel is from Luke 9:22-25. Also, we hope to have the theme song available for a FREE download within the next week. I’ll keep you posted via EVINES and other emails. If you are new to Youth Day I wanted to give you some advice (even if you aren’t new, this advice might help you to have a better day). First off, please know that everyone doesn’t fit in the Arena. Also, many times the Arena fills up EVEN before everyone with tickets for that workshop get in. I apologize for that in advance, but know that all of the other workshops will be just as good! PLEASE note that we do NOT have HALL B this year for our second Opening Rally, Liturgy, and Closing Rally. Instead we will be in HALL E— which is all the way down at the end of the convention center, downstairs. This will be a great room because it will have the wonderful music of Josh Blakesley, the talents of Mark Hart in the Keynote, Jesse Manibusan’s workshops, and Righteous B for the closing! How great is that! If you stay in Hall E for most of the day you will have a wonderful experience. Please remember that the workshop is repeated, though. Don’t forget that the third liturgy will be held in the Grand Ballroom on the third floor of the Convention Center. This liturgy will have Jacob and Matthew as its musicians! They wrote the theme song for our day! Remember that there are many volunteers around all day to help you find rooms and know what sessions are full. Please listen to them and they’ll let you know where to go. Thanks!

New Media for Youth Ministry Lunch at Congress

MyCatholicVoice and the Youth Ministry Team will be sponsoring a bring your own lunch gathering on Friday, February 27, at Congress. This session will reflect on how the church today is encountering a fundamental shift in the way people communicate the Gospel message. Youth leaders are challenged to explore, connect, and share our church experience in new ways and to understand the dynamics of this new communication landscape. To be part of this experience please RSVP to congressyouthministers@ mycatholicvoice.com and bring your lunch to the room that will be announced in future emails. Contact Mike Norman for more information.

Youth Ministry E-VINE (January 7, 2009)

Youth Day Registrations/Opportunities

    Just a reminder that Youth Day will probably fill up soon. There is no way for our office to gauge when it will be closed, because we cannot predict the registrations that will come in the mail each day. A helpful hint: Send in your registration form as soon as possible! The deadline for young people to register to be an MC or part of the Youth Day Arena Choir is Friday, January 9. We cannot take registration forms after that date. You can download forms off the Youth Day page (archive.recongress.org/YD) or you may contact Diana Salinas at (213) 637-7303. Also, there will not be a Youth Day Moving Crew this year. Special thanks to everyone that has given a lot to that team in year’s past. This year the group is being folded into the larger volunteer group run by Erin Avila (email her at emaivila@sbcglobal.net to volunteer).

Youth Ministry Grapevine (December 2008)

Youth Day 2009 Opportunities

Just a reminder that the deadline for young people to register to be an EMCEE at Youth Day or to be a musician/choir member for the ARENA LITURGY at Youth Day 2009 is January 9th (it comes quickly after the holidays). Please print out the forms and share with your young people (download at archive.recongress.org/YD). We also want to remind you that Youth Day usually fills up PRIOR to the cut off date for early registration. It is best for you to register your young people as soon as possible. We’ll try to alert you as soon as our day is full.

Youth Ministry E-VINE (December 2008/January 2009)

Step Up to Life — Youth Day '09

Plans for Youth Day 2009 are falling into place and the Youth Day Coordinating Team is VERY excited about our event. Here are some important facts to remember about Youth Day:

REGISTRATION is in full swing and please remember that our day usually fills up prior to the deadline for early registration. There is no way to gauge when Youth Day will be full – it happens when we run out of room. We strongly suggest you register before the holidays.

Companions on the Journey Awards – This year’s awardees have been announced and we are very excited to announce that the 2009 Diocesan Adult awards will be given to Dennis Santos (Santa Barbara Region), Vikki Shepp (Girl Scouts of Orange County), Marciano Avilla (Restorative Justice Office), Sr. Kathy Bryant (formerly of the Vocations Office), Msgr. Lloyd Torgerson (St. Monica), and Jeanie Essa (Bell Jeff High School). Please share your congratulations with these great people!

Emcee Training – Just a reminder that the training day for young people to be an emcee at Youth Day is Saturday, January 17 at Holy Family Parish in South Pasadena. The emcee form has been emailed out – if you need one please contact Mike Norman at mnorman@la-archdiocese.org. The day will last from 9 am until 12 noon. Please make sure you let your young people know.

Arena Choir Musicians – Both singers and those that play instruments! We are looking for young people to be part of the great choir for our Arena Liturgy! Please invite your young people to the first practice at St. Monica Parish, Santa Monica, on Saturday, January 17, at 9:30am. Those youth interested in having a solo need to bring a rehearsed piece to audition with. Contact Mike Norman for more details.

Volunteers needed: We are looking for groups to help with a liturgy – call Mike (213) 6377674 to volunteer for the day!

Youth Ministry Grapevine (November 2008)

“STEP UP TO LIFE!” - Youth Day 2009

“Step Up to Life” is the theme for Youth Day 2009! The Youth Day Coordinating Team met and reviewed the readings for our great day (Deuteronomy 30:15-20, Luke 9:22-25) to come up with this great theme. It will guide our planning as we develop our day – everything from Keynotes, T-Shirt Designs, Rallies and much more. The Registration Guidebooks for Congress and Youth Day have been mailed out – so you should receive one soon (or check with your parish DRE). Remember that Youth Day usually fills up PRIOR to the deadline for registration (Feb. 1, 2009). Please also remember that you can order T-Shirts in advance AND have them customized for your parish. Check out www.Seraph7.com for more details. Please note that custom orders must be paid for by January 28, 2009.

There are a few great ways for young people to become directly involved in Youth Day 2009. The MC Training Day is scheduled for Saturday, January 17, at Holy Family Parish in South Pasadena from 9 a.m. to noon. This is the day where young people are trained to introduce speakers for Youth Day and also where we choose those main emcees to lead the day in the Arena and our main Hall. For registration forms or more information please call Diana at (213) 637-7303 or pick one up at the Regional Youth Ministry Gatherings this November and December.

Youth that love to sing or play an instrument are encouraged to be part of the Youth Day Musicians for the Arena Liturgy. This year the choir and band will again be led by Mr. Ed Archer of St. Monica Parish. The first rehearsal (and where those wanting solos should come prepared to audition) will be held at St. Monica Parish (725 California Ave., Santa Monica 90403) on Saturday, January 17. Subsequent rehearsals will be held here as well. For a registration form please call Diana at (213) 637-7303.

Encourage youth to be part of our day!

Youth Ministry E-VINE (October 27, 2008)

Youth Day/Congress Registration Guidebooks

The Registration Guidebook for the 2009 Religious Education Congress (including Youth Day) has started to be mailed out. Please note that if you registered for either event last year, and have not moved, you will automatically receive a Registration Guidebook in the mail. Check with your parish Director of Religious Education before ordering a Guidebook (bundles will be handed out to DREs in the coming weeks) or go online to get the information and download a registration form. Check out: http://archive.recongress.org/YD

The theme for Youth Day 2009 is “STEP UP TO LIFE!”

Youth Ministry E-VINE (February 13, 2008)

Unlicensed Buses at Youth Day

Here (2-7-08UnlicensedBusses.pdf) is the latest list from the Public Utilities Commission of Charter Bus Companies that ARE NOT in compliance with the PUC. Please refrain from using any of these companies to transport young people to any event (especially Youth Day). If stopped by the police the bus could be asked to not transport your group anywhere – like home from Anaheim! Please take a look at the list and contact the Public Utilities Commission if your bus company is listed.

Youth Ministry E-VINE (February 6, 2008)

Proper Manners at Youth Day 2008

The Youth Ministry Team would like to take this moment out to remind you that groups CANNOT save seats in any of the venues at Youth Day. This causes a lot of problems in trying to fill up the different rooms – especially the Arena. We will be watching closely to make sure ministry groups adhere to this policy. In the past some groups have even put signs on seats or used tape to portion off sections. We want to inform you that we will begin to take the names of groups that do this and not allow them to register for future Youth Days. If you encounter a group that is saving seats on Youth Day please contact the nearest Convention Center employee or a Congress staff person (people with walkie-talkies) and they will help you. Please be considerate of other groups and help to make our day as positive and transforming as possible. Thank you, in advance, for your help with this matter.

Youth Ministry E-VINE (January 18, 2008)

Unlicensed Bus Companies
www.cpuc.ca.gov/PUC/Transportation/passengerss for valid charter bus companies and updates on enforcement action. If you are presently using one of the companies named on the list for Youth Day (or other events) you are risking the chance that police will stop the bus and refuse it to move any more. If you have questions please contact the Public Utilities Commission through the website. If you are using one of these companies you might want to let them know you received this list – it might cause them to straighten out the conflict.

Adults for Youth Day Moving Crew

We are still looking for adults who can join us on Youth Day for the Adult Moving Crew. This group of people helps groups find their way around the convention center, keeps an eye out for “lost young people,” energizes slow moving groups, and other fun activities for our day. It would not be the same Youth Day without this team. If you, or an adult you know, is interested in coming to Youth Day – and will not be a chaperone with a parish/school group – you can download the Moving Crew sign-up form from archive.recongress.org/YD . We need you to help us make Youth Day a huge success! Thanks for volunteering.

This Youth Ministry E-VINE is an email reminder/notice of important information in the field of Youth Ministry for the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. To be added or deleted from this list please contact Mike Norman at mnorman@la-archdiocese.org.

Michael Norman
Associate Director
Office of Religious Education
Archdiocese of Los Angeles
(213) 637-7674

Youth Ministry homepage: archdiocese.la/learning/ore/youth
Calendar of events: archdiocese.la/calendar